I'm so excited to share with you a few changes happening in my business! I'll continue to do massage and health coaching, now I'm able to add Life Coaching since completing a life coaching certification class :-). How can I help you manifest your perfect life/health/business?
Do you want a free 30 minute coaching session?
Reach out to me & we'll schedule it!
Have a fabulous day!!!
Kathy Peltier
Holistic Health & Life Coach and Myomassologist
Helping you manifest your Feel Good life :-)
Total Health Food Store in Wyandotte is an amazing and fun place to visit. Stop in and see what's happening!
Half inch sliver gets removed with the help of Black Ointment!
| Most people just talk about their testimonials--Barb brought in a half inch sliver her mom removed from her finger. Last night we were all amazed at the story Barb told about how her mom's finger was swollen, red and very sore but nobody could see the problem. They put Silver gel and Lavender and everything they could think of to help with the "injury". Finally, Barb thought of using Black ointment to draw out the infection. Later her mom saw a tip of a sliver and realized the Black ointment was drawing it out of the skin. She was able to get a pair of tweezers on it and by the time she pulled it out she realized that it was a half inch long!
What kind of testimonial can you bring? Who can you help with natural healing methods? Think how good Barb feels that she was instrumental in her mom getting rid of something that could have festered and created a terrible problem! Come share with us on Tuesday nights!