Yes, synthetic vitamins can be more harmful than not taking vitamins at all! The most recent meta-analysis took synthetic vitamin studies and compared them proving that vitamins etc. from synthetic sources are harmful. This is yet another reason to use Nature’s Sunshine all natural supplements when choosing aids to support better health! For more information on your selection see:
Dr Robert Verkerk, scientific director of the Alliance for Natural Health, which is fighting to keep high-dose vitamins on the healthshop shelves, has found a range of faults with the Cochrane review.
- The ‘new’ study isn’t new at all. It was first published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in February last year. The only difference is that the ‘new’ Cochrane review includes one less study. So the anti-nutritional lobby has had strong press coverage twice from the same data.
- Despite its claims to be an independent review, the Cochrane study excluded 405 studies into vitamins because there were no deaths, and another 69 because they weren’t ‘randomised’ trials. As it is, the review looked only at studies that involved sick people, taking very high-dose synthetic vitamins, and which had participants dying. This does not replicate average use, and does not give the researchers the authority to claim that supplements shouldn’t be taken by healthy people.
- The studies look only at synthetic vitamins, and did not include those that are sourced from plants, such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, and sulforaphanes, which are included in leading-edge supplements, usually produced by small independent companies.
- The review flies in the face of many other studies that have established that high-dose vitamins are effective in reducing the risk of lethal diseases, such as cancer and heart disease.
(Source: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2008, 2: No. CD007176; Alliance for Natural Health)
| TELL CONGRESS WE WANT COUNTRY OF ORIGIN LABELS ON OUR FOOD Concerns over long distance food transportation (food miles) and global warming, compounded by recent food poisoning scandals, linked to contaminated pet, poultry, and pig food ingredients from China, have taken away many Americans' appetites for cheap imported foods. Shocked at media reports that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is inspecting approximately one-percent of all imported food, health-minded consumers are demanding that Congress implement mandatory Country of Origin Labels (COOL) labels on food. Federal farm policy theoretically requires Country of Origin Labeling for food. Reacting to polls indicating that 80% of American consumers want to know where their food is coming from, Congress incorporated COOL into the 2002 Farm Bill. COOL was supposed to go into effect in September 2004. Unfortunately, corporate agribusiness, Wal-Mart, and the supermarket chains bribed an ethically-impaired Congress with millions of dollars to block implementation of COOL labels. As a result, Americans are buying billions of dollars of imported foods without knowing it. In order to promote health and sustainability, and to save North American family farms, we need to restore our right to know where our food is coming from. Tell Congress we want Country of Origin Labels for both conventional and organic food, and we want it now:
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