This newsletter changes weekly so be sure to keep coming back for information on current health topics that can help you maintain and regain health. You can read a year's worth of past messages!
Keep informed--Keep Healthy.
Dr. Mary
Herbal eGram #785 Daisy-like
Good Morning!
Each year I plant Chamomile in my herb garden. I love it's dainty little flowers and it's fern-like leaves. It's ready to pick when the petals fall back and the center becomes cone-like. Some of us first learned about this herb through the story of Peter Rabbit and how Mr. McGregor caught him eating lettuce in his garden and frightened him so very much. He hopped home and his mother settled him down with a cup of chamomile tea.
Some people who are allergic to ragweed cannot handle this herb. For everyone else it is a wonderful herb as well as essential oil. It is calming and antimicrobial. "Ancient Roman soldiers were said to rely on Roman chamomile oil to give them the courage and mental clarity they need in the battlefield. Today, this calming essential oil is still known to provide a wealth of benefits to people."
Drinking Chamomile tea is lovely and calming. If you wanted to also add the essential oil to the tea, you would want to put one drop of the oil into a teaspoon of honey; mix well and then add it to the tea. Oil and water do not mix so the honey will help the oil disperse into the tea. I caution the ingesting of essential oils as I have seen people who have burned their mouth or esophagus by putting essential oils directly into their mouth or in water without the carrier of honey or another emulsifier.
Roman Chamomile is a great oil to diffuse into the home of a sick person as it can help boost the immune system; kill harmful microbes and help people relax. It can help calm or treat acne, rashes, eczema, wounds, dermatitis and dry and itchy skin. I like to put a tablespoon of Silver gel in a small glass jar and add 10 drops of Roman Chamomile a teaspoon of melted Golden Salve and a drop or two of Lemon Essential oil. Then mix together with a "popsicle stick" until smooth and creamy. This is a great acne gel and skin rejuvenator. Use it sparingly after you wash your face at night before bed. You don't need a lot for it to work well. The Silver keeps any bacteria from growing in the mixture and the Golden Salve has Golden Seal in it which is quite astringent along with the Lemon Oil.
In no time you will see even deep acne eruptions heal leaving no scar! A one ounce jar will last at least a month and because you purchase the ingredients in bulk you can make many more jars of it to share with friends as gifts. A good size jar are the very small glass jars you get with jelly or honey in them at nice restaurants. When these are served to me I usually scoop them up (3-4) and take them home for just this kind of purpose. I often don't eat the jelly. I love the jars though! I make all kinds of salves and ointments in them for emergency health care and for gifts. I like to use a small plastic applicator than can be washed after each use. The wood popsicle stick is okay but often wood has crevices where germs can build up if not washed well.
Another way to use Roman Chamomile is in a diffuser. There are many to choose from. Nature's Sunshine has several: Plug In Diffuser Ball comes with 10 pads and you can easily slip out a pad to put a different oil on it. These are great to use in a sick room to help diffuse essential oils while a person sleeps. There is no noise and the scent can diffuse for several hours killing off harmful microbes while a person sleeps and creating a calm, relaxed sleep. Remember Roman Chamomile works well to help reduce fever as well. Another way to use it when there is a fever is to wet a wash cloth with warm (not hot) water; wring it out and put a few drops of Roman Chamomile on it. Flatten it to the size of the forehead and let it rest on the sick person's forehead for about 1/2 hour. It generally will draw out the toxins and the fever along with it.
If you have leg cramps from overworked muscles a good method to help calm them down is using the wet towel mentioned above or you could mix a few drops of Roman Chamomile with a carrier oil and rub into the muscle that seems to be cramping. This can also be helpful for Arthritis. It can relieve circulatory system disorders by stimulating your circulation and helping remove toxins like uric acid from the blood. Make up a small squeeze bottle of the following and keep in your gym bag so you can rub it on right after a workout and save yourself hours of pain.
Muscle Cramp Remover: In a two ounce squeeze bottle put one ounce of Silver Gel; 15 drops of Roman Chamomile; 1 dropper of Release It Flower Essence and fill to shoulder of bottle with Carrier Oil. You won't need a lot as this spreads thinly and easily without being greasy. You also won't have that medicinal smell that other balms have. You can add Lavender to this as it is a tissue healer (5 drops). The addition of Release It helps when emotions sometimes find their way to the muscles and make them ache for longer than they should.
For many people this time of the year when there is much dampness and the trees are blooming, allergies can be a real concern. Diffusing the essential oil of Roman Chamomile can be very helpful in getting the Immune System activated to reduce the allergic response. One of my favorite room Diffusers is one that disburses cold steam into the air along with the essential oil. The Authentic Ultrasonic Diffuser is my favorite for enhancing mood and scent while cleaning the house of harmful microbes and bad smells. You can set the lights to rotate through a variety of lovely colors, or you can stop it at the one you like best. You can also have no light. You can set the steam disbursement for 30, 60 or 180 minutes and then it will go off. You can use it as a night light. I love it in my kitchen!
There is also a Professional grade diffuser that disburses oil directly from the bottle. This can be used as the Ultrasonic one but also can be used therapeutically. One way is to get up close to the disbursing of oil, close your eyes and take several deep breaths of the oil. It will permeate the skin and get absorbed that way. It will go deep into the lungs and be absorbed through the lungs and while you are smelling it small droplets will get carried throughout the body via the mucus membranes. Depending on the oil you use this can support many systems of the body in balancing and strengthening.
I hope you have found several ways of using Roman Chamomile and other essential oils for better health in this article. I also hope that you choose wisely what you are exposing your body to as there are many oils out there that say they are therapeutic grade or pure but are mixed with carriers or have toxic ingredients. Use only the best Authentic oils that are tested and give you the Sure Source Guarantee.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
Traditional Naturopathic Doctor
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 204150.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
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If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #784 Out with the Old...
Good Morning!
And in with the New! Today's focus is on cleansing but before I get into which cleanse is right for you, I'd like to explain my absence. In case you missed getting your eGrams and were wondering...A few weeks ago I was working on both my laptop and my iPad when my iPad collapsed onto my water glass and it spilled onto my computer. I thought I had acted quickly enough but it soon became apparent that I hadn't. So, I have had to do some reconstructing and getting used to a new computer and I believe I've got things pretty well back to normal.
Going through stressful times can take a toll but if you know what to do to help you remain calm and are doing healthy things daily, the toll is not so great. Taking daily supplements like a Multi Vitamin and Mineral supplement and an Omega 3 along with a good antioxidant can help your body be more flexible in times of stress. My preference is Super Trio for most of my clients and also it is important to include enzymes with each meal. If there is congestion, it is recommended to take plant enzymes in between meals to help break up thickened mucus.
I appreciate the people who worked hard to help me get back online and doing what I love to do which is sharing my knowledge of health. Having support people who know what they are doing and who can guide your through pitfalls will also reduce the stress impact. Having faith that it is all going to be okay can make a huge difference in whether your stress factor goes amuk. If you can count on someone who knows what they are doing in natural health it can reduce the worry factor as well! It is especially good if you have some references you can go to. Certainly the internet can help with this but I always like to make sure I get several of the same answers before I take action.
Knowing what your body needs as far as cleansing is very important. There is no cleanse that is right for everyone. We each have individual needs and this is why NSP has created many choices when it comes to getting rid of toxins. If doing a basic everyday cleanse that helps you with getting rid of toxins and keeps your body removing bad fats and spent cells then I suggest using Purify. This is a powder mix that you put in water and then drink. Supports cellular integrity and function of intestinal lining; Aids in gut metabolism and microbiome balance; Balances gut pH to support balance of beneficial bacteria; Activates detoxification signaling; Supports elimination of heavy metals; Supports the digestive system; Provides sustained energy and prolonged nutrient absorption; Supports glucose response; Increases satiety, providing a second meal effect; Balances gut bacteria through elimination; and Supports cardiovascular health.
So, Purify would be a great daily cleanse for anyone who is dealing with gut issues or metabolic imbalances. It is important not to inhale powders so be careful when opening the powder sack and while pouring it into your mixing bottle. Drinking lots of water helps the body detoxify better so make sure you are drinking half your body weight in ounces of water. I feel that this powder mix would be appropriate for small children having a difficult time eliminating as it increases their fiber intake and is flavored with natural flavors and sweetened with Stevia. It also has a delicious flavor. Children 2-8 should begin by taking out only 1/4 teaspoon of powder, mix with water and follow that with a glass of water. If that is tolerated well then it can be increased in 1/4 teaspoon increments until full dosage is met if needed. This product can also be added to a smoothie to vary the flavor.
The next gentle cleanse that works on the whole body is Daily Detox. This cleanse is in capsules and can be taken that way or you can open the capsules and crush the two tablets and mix with applesauce. Ingredients: Vitamin A, Berberine from Indian Barberry root, N-Acetyl Cysteine (glutathione precursor), Vitamin C, Milk Thistle seed extract, Dandelion root, Bacillus coagulans (shelf-stable probiotic), Inositol, Choline bitartrate, Turmeric rhizome and prebiotic fiber (food for probiotics). So, it too can support healthy gut as well as detoxify the liver and support it. This is more for the active adult who wants to do a basic liver and whole body cleanse. It is designed to be taken daily and comes in a month's supply. Each dose is packed in a celephane pouch and works well for travel.
CleanStart is a more aggressive cleanse and it comes in two strengths. The Mild version is one that can be easily taken by those who have irritated bowels. It is not as much a stimulant to the peristalsis as it is a scrubber. Sometimes irritation is due to the fact that toxins and matter get stuck in the crevices of the colon. This is the perfect cleanse to do for a short period of time and many herbalists agree that it is best done in the spring and fall. It is done for 14 days. Make sure you have good water intake during this time and try to reduce bad fats and sugar while doing this cleanse. You will be surprised at the energy you feel!
Regular Clean Start comes in two different flavors; Wild Berry and Apple Cinnamon. This cleanse is designed to support peristalsis and the removal of toxins. When one is sluggish there is a need to help "train" the colon to move. So it helps to exercise the muscles of the colon while making it feel full via the swelling of psyllium. It too is for only 14 days. Generally, after doing the cleanse for this amount of time one can then go to a daily cleanse like Purify to continue the removing of toxins out on a daily basis. All of the Clean Start Cleanses have a fiber packet that you mix with water and a cello pack that contains herbs. They are generally taken together.
Tiao He Cleanse is a Chinese cleanse that focuses on the Liver but is also a whole body detoxifier. The Liver is the main detoxifying organ and when one deals with bouts of depression and anxiety it can mean that the liver is overwhelmed and a good cleanse is in order. The herbs in this formula do a great job of helping the liver move toxins and stuck energy out of the body. One would want to follow up this 15 day cleanse with Milk Thistle Combination which further supports the liver and continues the detoxification.
Some specialty cleanses are: Para Cleanse which supports the body in the removal of parasites and Candida Clear which helps to detoxify from yeast and fungus. Dieters Cleanse is another really great cleanse that focuses on Detoxification. This 14-day program promotes elimination and supports the liver and digestive system as you work toward your weight management goals. Often people will follow up this cleanse by doing a few months of Master Gland Formula which is an all around basic support for the glandular system.
Hope this has helped you find which cleanse you want to do this spring. If you have further questions, contact me.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
Traditional Naturopathic Doctor
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 204150.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #783 Bone Loss
Good Morning!
After age 30, bone resorption slowly begins to exceed new bone formation. This leads to bone loss. When one is growing, bone cells will multiply and as bone cells age they will get absorbed and eliminated. Bones act as a storehouse for minerals. If a diet is low in minerals the bones won’t be strong and healthy. Minerals are generally found in vegetables and fruits. Calcium is just one of the minerals stored in the bones. But, it is very important for calming inflammation.
During a person's lifetime, the body constantly breaks down old bone (through a process called resorption) and builds up new bone. Depending on exercise and diet we can continue to create more bone. Bones make up our skeletons and provide structure and support for our bodies. They can actually shape us. Having good posture helps bone keep in alignment. Ligaments and muscles hold those bones in place and movement will create circulation to the bones with their blood supply. I personally believe that having regular chiropractic care will help maintain better bone health.
Some medications will actually contribute to bone loss: Corticosteroids used for respiratory conditions or inflammation and Anti-diabetic drugs. Choose wisely whenever you can how you are going to manage pain and blood sugar balance. I personally do not use medication unless there seems no other alternative. I use anti-inflammatory herbs on a daily basis such as Curcumin, Berberine and many antioxidants. I also use massage techniques to increase blood flow to painful areas. I rarely bruise because I use these techniques and essential oils. These techniques are not difficult to learn and the use of essential oils can be found in a myriad of ways (we have a class coming up in March in Ann Arbor). Most essential oils are anti-inflammatory but there are some that have more of these properties than others. I love peppermint and wintergreen for reducing inflammation quickly.
For many women menopause will increase bone loss. One of the reasons is that vitamin D levels are very low and another is the way our body uses estrogen. The adrenal glands make DHEA and from that other hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. When one is stressed the adrenals get worn out and cannot make a sufficient supply of needed hormones. Keeping stress levels down; using calming essential oils; eating foods rich in phytoestrogens and learning some meditation techniques can all add to better health and taking the stress load off of the adrenals.
How else can one increase bone growth and slow the progression of bone loss? Vitamin D3 has some very good studies showing in creating the right environment in the gut to absorb calcium. Taking calcium is not enough! One must determine which calcium to take and whether it will get metabolized properly. The best calcium is food sources such as that found in dark green vegetables. Milk is very congestive and not a good source of calcium. In addition, it also has the wrong kind of vitamin D. Raw milk has enzymes in it and therefore may be a good choice for some.
If calcium is not broken down properly in the digestive process it can actually contribute to other health challenges. Vitamin D supplementation has hardly any side effects. One only needs a small amount of D included in a Calcium supplement for absorption. The problem occurs when D doesn’t get where it needs to go to protect and be used by the body. Take your D3 supplement in the morning and take your calcium supplement in the evening and this should solve that problem. Choosing a high quality vitamin D3 is also very important. I like the NSP Vitamin D3 supplement as I’ve seen numbers improve within a few weeks of taking just two tablets in the morning.
Anti-diabetic medication can lead to bone loss and depending on how severe the diabetes is you might ask your doctor about taking a supplement such as Berberine. This herb is showing great promise in maintaining healthy regulation of glucose metabolism. Berberine IR encourages a healthy intestinal environment for proper absorption of Calcium as well as protecting the body against bacterial toxins that interfere with normal glucose metabolism. Most medications don’t address this aspect.
Be sure to check out the side effects of the medication you are taking and see if bone loss is one of them. Then, talk with your doctor about alternatives. If he/she doesn’t know of any, check with a Naturopathic Doctor or Herbalist and see if they can give you some suggestions. You might be surprised as to the action of herbs, effectiveness and safety of natural supplements. Drugs always have side effects! Doctors consider the risk/benefit ratio but you may determine the risk isn’t worth it.
Other countries do a lot more testing and studying natural remedies. China found that Berberine had very good anti-diabetic effects in a number of clinical trials. A study was printed in The International Journal of Endocrinology (2015-905749) by Pang, B. “Application of berberine on treating type 2 diabetes mellitus”. Given its (berberine) high safety profile, lack of toxicity, and clinical efficacy in improving glucose metabolism, berberine is recognized as a promising candidate for the management of type 2 diabetes and glucose-related metabolic disorders.
Research indicates that berberine regulates blood sugar balance and glucose metabolism through a number of mechanisms, including increasing insulin sensitivity, promoting insulin secretion, facilitating glucose uptake into cells by elevating the function of insulin receptors and reducing the intestinal absorption of glucose. Berberine has also shown to activate AMPK (an energy-sensing enzyme that plays a key role in healthy glucose metabolism.) This is the same thing that drugs like Metformin are known to do. Substantial research indicates that AMPK activation is disrupted or inhibited in patients with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. I would rather take a supplement than a drug if the actions were shown to be the same but the supplement shows no risk.
I believe there are natural alternatives to many of the drugs people now take. I also believe that one has to eat a proper diet, drink healthy amounts of water, get proper rest and exercise and deal with stress in effective ways. Getting several hugs throughout the day can de-stress many situations. Just knowing someone cares and is in your “corner” sometimes can make a big difference on letting stress go.
Keep your bones strong. Take advantage of some of the suggestions made in this e-news and pass it along.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
Traditional Naturopathic Doctor
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 204150.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #782 Bereavement Effect
Good Morning!
Loss of a loved one or losing something you hold dear can have an adverse effect on the heart. Just after Christmas Carrie Fisher died and then the very next day her mother, Debbie Reynolds died. I’m sure you’ve heard of other incidences where this has occurred and it was explained that they died of a “broken heart”. Broken heart syndrome (formally known as stress cardiomyopathy or takotsubo cardiomyopathy) is a real medical condition, triggered by acute, major stress or shock — such as the death of a loved one.
Adrenaline increases your blood pressure and heart rate, and it's been suggested it may lead to narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to your heart, or even bind directly to heart cells allowing large amounts of calcium to enter and render the cells temporarily unable to function properly. Nutritionally you can make sure your Magnesium levels are high enough to counter the calcium response. Taking deep breaths helps to infuse the blood with more oxygen and also helps with relaxing arterial flow and interrupting the fight/flight response.
Using Distress Remedy to calm the stress and using the essential oil of Lavender can reduce the impact of stress. Distress Remedy is taken orally and you want to fill the dropper and drop directly under the tongue. When something is taken under the tongue there are messages sent directly to the brain. This is one of the ways Digitalis works. The flower essences in Distress Remedy help the body regain composure and connect with balancing the core area.
Lavender oil links with the nervous system via the limbic system. The whole premise of Aromatherapy is breathing in the oils and that energy is picked up by the mucus that lines all of the membranes in our body. By putting some on the chest area and then breathing in the calming scent can accomplish two methods of reducing stress and decrease the output of stimulating hormones.
“Florida researchers have found that lavender oil benefits include reducing anxiety and lowering pulse rates in nursing students taking stressful tests. And in hospital settings, lavender aromatherapy has been demonstrated to decrease pre-surgery distress and to be more relaxing than massage or merely resting.” (According to a news report from Dr. Whitaker)
Many times when men retire or, shortly afterwards, they will have a heart attack. Protecting the cardio system with herbs such as Hawthorne, capsicum and parsley can be very proactive. I like the product Cardio Assurance and also CoQ10 has shown some very cardio-protective qualities. I take both of these daily. My mother died of a heart attack and I want to do everything I can to protect my cardio system.
If you are experiencing symptoms of heart attack the first thing is to seek medical attention. Learn what is causing your symptoms. If there is no link to heart attack you might consider a Hiatal Hernia which can also cause symptoms of heart palpitations and shortness of breath. Seeking Chiropractic help is a good way to make sure there is good nerve flow to the heart area. Having a poor posture where the neck hangs forward and the shoulders slump can interrupt the flow of energy and blood to the heart area. Sitting up straight while on the computer and making sure you are taking deep breaths occasionally can go a long way in helping circulation.
The heart doesn’t use the oxygen that flows through it so it needs to create its own supply. I think that CoQ10 helps with this. Also, drinking liquid chlorophyll helps not only to detoxify the blood, but also helps to oxygenate the blood. NSP has a wonderful source of chlorophyll from alfalfa and I have found it beneficial in many ways besides cardio vascular health.
Extreme shock or stress may also trigger a hemorrhagic stroke by causing a dramatic rise or change in blood pressure. So, it isn’t only the heart but the fact that there is a connection between what we think and feel and what happens in our body. Taking some deep breaths helps to get more oxygen into both the brain and the heart where it is much needed. Taking those breaths and including some wonderful essential oils is also beneficial. For my class last Saturday I prepared a heart healing lotion. The recipe is: one ounce of aloe or unscented lotion and add 5 drops of Pink Grapefruit and 1 drop of Rose Bulgaria essential oil. Shake well. If the base is too thick you can add a few drops of Silver Shield and this will help keep the remedy safe from harmful microbes.
Pink Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C just like the fruit. Make sure you purchase purely organic grade of essential oils and buy from a company that tests the purity of the oils you use. The benefits of the oil will only be as good as the purity of that oil. Besides being such a lovely scent it is anti-microbial and antiseptic. Pink Grapefruit helps to move stuck energy and when used with Rose it can help carry that remedy to the heart and reduce inflammation.
Another product I like to take is Brain Protex to support brain health. It has Huperzine A in it and studies show this to be a memory enhancer. Being unable to recall thoughts can be very frustrating as one ages. I also do brain games to support better activity in the brain. Ginkgo is a great antioxidant which protects against free radical damage. Creating better blood flow to the brain is very important. Ginkgo has the ability to enhance blood flow to the extremities and the head is an extremity.
Another remedy I have used is Open Heart. This remedy helps when someone has been hurt and has “hardened” their heart. Protecting the heart is not about blocking emotions. Love sometimes hurts. Often there are lessons we need to learn and we should pay attention to where we place our trust. Understand that other people have issues as well. Having good communication is very important and so is having a sense of humor. Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously.
Trying to “own” something that doesn’t belong to us is often a lesson we need to learn. Everything has a time. People die; things don’t last and we need to learn to let go. Learn to appreciate what you have now. Be grateful for what you have in your life. Take responsibility for your happiness and don’t depend on others to make you happy. Yes, it is important to have love around you but that should not be your only source of happiness. And yes, it is important to mourn when someone close to you is no longer there. Learn to grieve and take deep breaths. Get help if you can’t seem to move on after a healthy grieving period.
There are a variety of ways to support heart health. Find some that make sense to you and begin being proactive in cardiovascular support. Don’t wait until you have an event before acting on protecting your health. If you need assistance with what to choose, email me.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
Traditional Naturopathic Doctor
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 204150.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #781 EDCs are Everywhere!
Good Morning!
You might ask what are EDCs? Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals that have been linked to such conditions as endometriosis, compromised immune system, early puberty, obesity, heart health, abnormal growth development, neurological and learning disabilities as well as low sperm count and motility; abnormalities in sex organs and even cancer. These chemicals block and mimic estrogen and other hormones while they interfere with the natural endocrine processes.
Exposure to EDCs can happen anywhere. They are in the air we breathe and the water we drink. They’re in the food we eat. We can absorb them through our skin and by transfer from the mother to the fetus (across the placenta) or mother to infant via breast feeding if a woman has EDCs in her body. One of the biggest areas you can control… your own home!
EDCs are found in Children’s products (Lead, Phthalates, Cadmium and soft plastics) and flame retardant clothing. Food Storage materials in the way of BPA, Phthalates and Phenols exude these chemicals and transfer them to the food we eat. Electronic and building materials transfer them from touch and are absorbed into our skin. Pesticides and weed killer are in the food and those we spray contain: DDT, chlorpyritos, Atrazine, 2 4-D and Glyphosate (Roundup). EDCs are found in clothing: Perfluorochemicals. Always wash clothes before wearing them to remove some of these chemicals that are used to maintain color and for storage.
Anytime you heat plastic you help disburse these chemicals into the food you are heating. Any microwavable food will be wrapped in plastic or heated in plastic. Transfer food to a pot and heat that way. Use glass whenever possible to store food and never use aluminum foil. Canned food has a protective coating on it that separates the metal from the food. Unfortunately that coating has EDCs in the material. Never heat in a can and use frozen or fresh food whenever possible. Unless you buy meat from a butcher the meat is sealed in plastic for purchase.
The worst area though is one you can control...Your home! Fabreeze and air fresheners are loaded with harmful chemicals. Use essential oils instead. Be careful of your essential oil choice as these too have phthalates in them. I use NSP oils as they are guaranteed organic from the grower to you. When you are using something to enhance health you want to make sure it is doing that and not disrupting your endocrine system. Make your own cleaning products easily with mild soap and essential oils. Many bathroom soaps have harmful chemicals in them that upset the pH of the skin and worse.
A simple all-purpose cleaning solution: Take a spray bottle that holds about 10 ounces of water; pour 1 tablespoon of Sunshine concentrate into it and 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil and fill with water. Some of the oils I like to use: Orange, Lemon, Pink Grapefruit; Lavender, Peppermint and Pine. You can use them individually or combine them to create a unique cleaning mixture. All of these oils are antimicrobial so they can not only smell good while you’re cleaning, but they can reduce the germs that contribute to disease. For greasy or stained surfaces I will add 1 tablespoon Nature's Fresh Enzyme spray. This spray can be used as a stand-alone product directly sprayed onto stains to clean them up. (https://www.naturessunshine.com/us/product/sunshine-concentrate-cleaner-32-fl-oz/1551/)
Be proactive in keeping your home safe from chemicals and harming your good health. Nature’s Sunshine’s essential oils are guaranteed organic and pure from the grower to you. Many oil companies rely on a broker to make sure they are getting what they pay for but not NSP! They go to the grower and test for pesticide residue and check out how the plants are grown. They make sure that the plant is picked at the correct time and that the correct part of the plant is used. Then NSP goes to where the processing is done. Some oils are best steam distilled and yet others need a different type of process. These processes must leave no residue in our oils. Lastly, the finished oil is tested at the NSP facility to make sure that along the way nothing has happened to the purity of the oils you will buy. No Other Manufacturer does this type of testing!
Some companies will say they have therapeutic grade essential oils…there is no such thing! No governing board qualifies an essential oil as therapeutic. It is a selling point only. All pure oils have therapeutic value. Be sure to find out if your E/O company has phthalates in them (some do). NSP does not accept any oils with phthalates in them.
Candles are another source that when burned can release harmful chemicals into the air we breathe. Most candles are made of paraffin wax, which creates highly toxic benzene and toluene when burned (both are known carcinogens). In fact, the toxins released from paraffin candles are the same as those found in diesel fuel fumes. Occasional use of candles is not the concern. It is when you light a candle, use air fresheners that are plugged in and heat your food in a microwave. The combination of daily use, create a chemical load that the liver has difficulty detoxifying. It is when you spray that air freshener in a non-ventilated room and breathe it in as the ads show.
Alternatives: use a plug in diffuser with your favorite essential oil. These are inexpensive and each bottle of oil delivers more than 100 uses! Plug in diffusers are about $15. https://www.naturessunshine.com/us/general/search/?q=Plug+in+diffuser+ball and they come with 10 pads to switch out and put different scents on them. The pads are reusable. This is a non-toxic (as long as you are using pure oils) way of making your rooms smell wonderful. In the kitchen you could put a drop of lemon and a drop of Cinnamon leaf—wonderful! Try also a drop of Orange and a drop of Clove. Develop your own scents. Come to a class on essential oils (there is one on March 25th in Ann Arbor call 800-223-8225 to register).
Keep your home safe from chemicals and dangerous products that can harm your health. If you have questions, please contact me. Eat locally: http://www.localharvest.org/farmers-markets/ when that isn’t possible buy organic and prepare your food in safe non-toxic cookware. I can generally make a wholesome meal within 45 minutes. It just takes a little prep time. I will often make a bone broth soup on Sunday and use the broth in several meals. Chicken soup with celery takes about 15-20 minutes tops! Having healthy food available takes a bit of planning but the end result is more energy and better health.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
Traditional Naturopathic Doctor
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 204150.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #780 Noni (Morinda citrifolia)
Good Morning!
Years ago Tahitian Noni was very popular and for good reason. In a very short time one could feel energy flowing through their system. Unfortunately, the company got into some trouble because of making health claims. The fact that natural health providers and companies cannot “cure” anything and we can’t even say that it contributes to a cure is a whole other eGram! The facts remain: when a product creates certain chemical events in the body to occur, one cannot deny these events. Someday those claims will be made legal and watch the health of the Nation improve!
In making the product Nature’s Noni, Nature’s Sunshine did one better! Noni Juice is delicious tasting (something the other product left to be desired). I have seen some remarkable healing take place in those who drank it. It has an extensive history of use in Polynesia, New Zealand, Malaysia, India and the Caribbean. Historically it is used to improve digestion and has a cleansing effect that can remove toxic organisms from the body. So it isn’t an “energy drink” but nourishes the body in a way that is remarkable.
Most “energy drinks” are actually just caffeine that stimulates the body and when you do this to an already stressed body, this spells: T R O U B L E! Noni has been used to help with the effects of stress by feeding the nervous system. It has antibacterial properties and can help the immune system fight infection, which can add to the stress of the body. Stress and low immune response seem to go hand in hand. When one is stressed they tend to get sick quicker.
Urinary weakness is another area I’ve seen some amazing changes occur. I’ve seen where people have been diagnosed with a kidney weakness and after taking Noni juice for even just a week there was major improvement. The kidneys are important in balancing blood pressure so this too has been helped by drinking Noni. It is antiviral and many low grade infections reside in the urinary tract contributing to bladder infections and frequent urination.
Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that can have painful episodes. Cleaning out toxins that contribute to inflammation is important to anyone who suffers with painful joints. Noni contains Rutin which is well-known for its ability to strengthen capillary fragility. In strengthening cell walls, Noni can support many other areas of the body that include a blood supply.,.I think you get the picture! The blood supplies nutrients to every part of the body and when you can support the delivery system, there isn’t any part of the body that couldn’t be helped by Rutin.
While helping with the above it is additionally known to support respiratory health. While it’s been shown to support immune health, respiratory health is paramount to providing the body with oxygen and eliminating air borne toxins. The small vessels that are in the bronchioles and do the exchanging of oxygen into the blood supply are dependent on flexibility. Dr. Weil states: “It is known to help reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure and maintain the strength and flexibility of capillaries, the smallest and most delicate of the body’s blood vessels.” So, anytime you have vascular Insufficiency, you could use more rutin.
This is an ideal juice to be drinking during the winter months! You could combine the juice with taking Noni capsules and give your body a regenerative cocktail that you would be sure to notice. It benefits the skin (have you ever seen a Polynesian with bad skin?), and supports a healthy immune response. Keep colds and flu at bay by adding Nature’s Noni to your health regimen. It is a true tonic that can support the entire body in better health.
In other studies it has been shown to activate the immune response by stimulating the release of important immune factors (i.e. tumor necrosis factor [TNF], interferon and interleukin). These inhibit the growth of tumors. (This should not be the only thing used when fighting cancer.) But, it sure would be a benefit to the body in many ways. It has been shown to increase blood leukocytes—cells that combat infection (in young mice).
The best proof is when one adds a safe product like this to their diet and sees the results for themselves. Everyone is different in response and what is going on in their body. Not everyone will see exactly the same effect but we can be certain that it will enhance immunity and help with circulation and during the winter months this is very important.
Some other interesting facts is that Noni has been used as an insecticide! Yep, even those pesky lice. It has been shown to be very effective when added to shampoo. The main benefits have been seen from using the leaf (this is found in the capsules only). Take 3 capsules of Nature’s Noni and open them into a glass or ceramic mug. Pour boiling water over the powder and let steep for about a half hour. When cooled mix half and half with non-toxic shampoo. Wash hair with this as usual. If treating scalp for lice: mix the brewed infusion with half and half Silver gel and apply to the scalp by using a “nit comb” and parting the hair. A lice comb is a good diagnostic device, too. Studies have found that a lice comb is the best tool for finding live lice. They are available at most drug stores. If you want to use an OTC chemical lice preparation please be advised of the side effects.
The above infusion can also be sprayed on plants to protect them from insects and providing strength to the immune system of the plant. The capsules can be taken internally by children as well as adults to “de-worm” the body. It is a common anti-parasitical in tropical countries due to its octanoic acidic properties. This chemical composition compares with Caprylic Acid and has many of the same benefits. I wonder if any studies have been done on animal de-worming? Someone in the reading audience may want to investigate this and get back with me. I’m sure there are many pet owners that would rather use something natural than the strong chemicals now used on animals.
Whatever intrigued you when reading this eGram, I hope it was a bit interesting and that you learned how powerful herbal remedies can be and how multi-faceted their uses. I would love to hear from you.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
Traditional Naturopathic Doctor
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 204150.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #779 Stepping on toes
Good Morning!
I know I’m going to step on some toes with this eGram so I’ll apologize right off for any hurt feelings this may cause but I hope that you set the feelings aside and listen to the evidence. We have been sold a bill of goods by the cancer industry. Why would I call it an industry? Because it is just that! Doctors, Hospitals, Pharmaceutical Industries and Agencies have all concocted a story that Cancer is a Death Sentence and unless you do what they tell you to, you will die. Scare tactics, poisons, and many other protocols are in place, not to make you healthy, but to sell goods.
For the last week or so I’ve been watching the series: The Truth About Cancer! This documentary exposes the Facts behind the Cancer Industry. You will see real doctors helping people rid their body of tumors and abnormal cell growth with natural methods explain how you can prevent cancer from taking over your body. Using the natural methods of putting good nutrition into the body and how important it is to have a healthy attitude about life are paramount to enjoying health. The use of Essential oils can impact not only better health but better attitudes.
Before I go into some of the benefits of essential oils brought out in this video I want to address some of the organizations that we are told are here to Fight Cancer. For years now I’ve refused to wear pink during the month of October. It is my little boycott not to buy into the American Cancer Society’s push for pink. When you watch the videos exposing the Truth About Cancer, you will see how these agencies are paid by the Pharmaceutical Industry to promote drugs that do not heal but poison the body’s defense system. They promote mammograms which have been shown to actually increase your risk of cancer. When was the last time you heard about the use of essential oils as part of your cancer prevention? Here is information about Susan G Komen and pink ribbon debunking.
There are many cancer foundations because people are sympathetic to those going through the ravages of recommended treatment protocols. Check this website out before you donate: https://www.charitywatch.org/charitywatch-articles/cancer-charities-need-dose-of-organizational-chemotherapy/8 Most foundations are receiving funds from the pharmaceutical industry and those that promote mammography. In order to receive these funds they have to agree to promote drugs and mammograms. Very little funding actually goes into research and the funding targeted to research is spent on what new drug will destroy cancer. We don’t need drugs! There are plenty of ways to destroy cancer cells naturally.
Don’t be misled by the media and propaganda perpetrated by a “for profit” industry that employs actors to look like doctors and falsifying studies. Get the facts so you can make an informed decision—not one based on fear tactics. You do not have to destroy the body in order to destroy cancer cells. That’s like throwing out the baby with the bath water! Health does not look like a victim of a Nazi concentration camp. What part of that makes sense? Health is energy and vibrancy not exhaustion, nausea and loss of hair.
Essential oils are covered in Episode three of the Truth About Cancer and the amazing benefits that can be derived from these miracle drops. One 13 year old girl was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. Hear what she did with Frankincense essential oil and how she has no sign of cancer in her brain now. Hear about the relationship of the gifts of the Magi: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. These anti-microbial health promoting essential oils are a gift to all of us.
Did you know that a woman is more likely to die of complications due to skin cancer than breast cancer? (per: CharityWatch.org) Frankincense and Orange oil are protective of skin cells. Both of these precious oils help tone the skin, reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate skin cells. Recipe for skin toner: Mix in a one ounce jar; 2 tablespoons of Silver Rescue gel; 10 drops of Frankincense and 10 drops of Orange Organic essential oils. Dab onto clean skin at bedtime. While you sleep your skin will be regenerating.
None of us like to be made fools of! At some point we have to question what we are being told and look around to see if there may be other solutions. I have many clients who come to me asking for help. I love to research about health but many of my clients have done more research regarding their specific conditions than I could ever do because it is so important to them. Make sure to check out the source of the research. A lot of so called research is simply an ad promoting drugs. The FDA does not research drugs, they take the word of the company that the research has been done ethically. That is why most drugs are recalled after they have harmed or killed thousands of people! The research was falsified or not done on real people.
Natural approaches are always done on real people. They don’t always work because there are so many components that should be addressed and some people aren’t “all-in”. We live in a society that promotes sugar, bad attitudes and negative thinking and bad behavior. You must change the environment if you are to be successful in changing your life and getting on a path of wellness. You need to dump the toxic behavior and put healthy behavior your priority. Mingle with healthy and productive people that are joyful to be with. Read, watch, and listen to only that which promotes health. Check out the series of The Truth About Cancer and focus on health. Get rid of the fear.
Find Strength is a wonderful energy medicine that helps you stay strong in the belief of doing the right thing. You are powerful and can have the health you seek. You are awesome and vitality flows through you. With every breath you take you are getting stronger and healthier! As you take a dropper of this remedy reconfirm your desire to be healthy. Create an environment that excludes sickness. Learn to love yourself and accept that you are human and that we all make mistakes. New beginnings bring you energy; Find Strength will help you have confidence that you truly can be healthy.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
Traditional Naturopathic Doctor
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 204150.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #778 Introduction
Good Morning!
According to the Cambridge Dictionary the word Introduction has 3 general meanings. We use it when we meet someone or a group, or being presented to, or by someone. It also is used when something is being announced for the first time. Another use is at the beginning of a fictional book to set the scene for what the book is portraying. When you download a book onto a Kindle for some reason they jump right to chapter one and do not give you the Introduction. I still like reading a real book rather than digital. I do read a lot of information digitally but curling up with a good book is still one of my pleasurable pastimes.
The introduction of health has not been addressed properly in this country. Our introduction on the matter is more about ill-health. We hear about this drug helping that disease all the time. Most ads are to initiate profit for a company. There is no profit in a person being healthy. Most of the advertising you hear or see is done by pharmaceutical companies. It has been said that they control the media in this country.
The focus should be about what it takes to be healthy. You might see some references to eating a healthy diet but in general we hear more about diseases than what it takes to be healthy. This topic should be brought up as part of the school curriculum. Most schools now have “No Peanut Sections” because of allergies. The PBJ is part of the past, sadly. Children have gluten intolerance, asthma, ADD or AHDD, Autism and a slew of other conditions never heard of when I went to grade school over 50 years ago. There are many theories about why this is fact. Certainly we have more toxins in the environment.
Within the first few hours of birth a baby is generally given shots, exposed to loud noises and a sanitized environment if born in a regular hospital setting. If born at home the environment can be more controlled and geared to what is best for the baby and mom health-wise rather than to “avoid illness”. Avoiding illness is not being healthy. Supporting the body with what it needs is about being healthy. This means drinking adequate water, getting enough sleep, eating a proper diet, exercise and breathing. It means having a positive attitude and looking for joy in your daily experiences. It means loving those around you, even when you disagree with them.
Birth is the introduction to the world you will be living in until you die. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel loved, calmed, nourished, gentleness etc. upon birth? In a perfect world this is what is desired. Not all births can happen that way. There are extenuating circumstances that cause trauma at birth. Delivery itself can be traumatic. Using the flower essence of Distress Remedy can help trauma be brief. Applying the remedy to the bottoms of the feet of the newly born infant and having the parents take Distress Remedy can help move negative energy and allow for acceptance of love and bonding.
Diffusing the essential oil of Lavender can be very calming. We all have stressful times and we can move on from them quicker if we introduce energetic medicine in the form of flower essences or authentic and pure essential oils. Please do not use cheap oils that may have harmful toxins mixed in with them. Not all manufacturing companies demand the level of purity Nature’s Sunshine does. When Nature’s Sunshine puts their label on an essential oil bottle it means that it has passed 3 levels of testing.
This is the Sure Source Guarantee: Certified Organic from the grower, Distilled according to the highest of purity practices allowing for the right level of constituents that match with the research and finally Nature’s Sunshine testing for product purity and efficacy. Many oils are certified organic but only Sunshine has this 3 way guarantee. When you want the best results you should look to the company that is going to provide the best quality. I believe this to be Nature’s Sunshine.
Essential oils aren’t just for smelling good but also for energy medicine. Health has a vibratory level in the body. The Law of Vibration means that all our cells are in tune and each cell is vibrating at the level that provides for optimum health. Vibratory medicine is fairly new. Instruments that measure these vibrations aren’t as sophisticated as they need to be yet but I feel that this is future medicine. Energy has a huge roll to play in health. Whenever you can help increase energy (not stimulate it falsely with drugs) you increase health and the body will naturally eliminate disease.
In order to live one must have an environment conducive to the needs of the host. So if disease is to thrive, it needs the right environment. If health is to thrive, it too needs the right environment. Vibrations contribute to either poor health or optimum health. We do know that there have been experiments on plants when we play certain types of music and how the plant responds to it. Here is an interesting website if you want more information: https://dengarden.com/gardening/the-effect-of-music-on-plant-growth
Introduce the possibility of health by using essential oils and flower essences. Upgrading the vibrational experience of your body is very easy. You can roll-on or spray the diluted oils mixed with Flower Essences. Here is one recipe to get rid of cycling negative thinking: in a 2 oz. spray bottle add purified water to just below the shoulder of the bottle; add one dropper full of Find Strength and 6-7 drops of Renew (Releasing Blend) essential oil. Shake well and spray. I like to spray just in front of me and walk or breathe into the mist. Most people feel results instantly. Let me know how it works for you.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
Traditional Naturopathic Doctor
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 204150.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #777 Panacea
Good Morning!
Everyone wants a “Magic Potion” that will cure whatever instantly! We don’t like being in pain. We have things to do and people to see—we’re just too busy to deal with this. Forget the fact that usually it is due to our diet and lifestyle that we are in pain. It is human nature to desire perfect health without doing anything to achieve it. Like most things that matter, work is involved. The more you do to help achieve better health the faster you will obtain it. That means: exercise, rest, diet, attitude etc.
If we want to help it along, taking Berberine on a daily basis will be a huge step in the right direction.
Berberine comes pretty close to a realistic “Cure-All”. According to “Pub-Med”, Researchers have conducted over 2,800 studies on berberine, and nearly half of them have just been published in the past 5 years. Their studies suggest berberine is not only helpful for infection, it may help: Insulin resistance and diabetes; Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and gut issues; Lower cholesterol and triglycerides; help prevent and treat cancer; reduce the risk of heart disease; reduce weight and balance blood pressure. Does anything else remain?
Most conditions involve inflammation. Just helping reduce inflammation can mean less pain and discomfort. It is understood that you must discover why your body is presenting inflammation and work toward eliminating it. It may be a food that is causing the gut to inflame. It may be worry. It may be a relationship concern. What are you doing that is contributing to the inflammation going on? How can you take steps to either eliminate or decrease it? Seeing a Naturopathic Doctor or nutritionist may be helpful.
Adding Berberine to your supplement regimen may not improve your health instantly, but along with a healthy diet and lifestyle this herbal remedy is as close to a Panacea as we can get. It has no side effects. All drugs have some side effects (read the label or check out the insert).
What is Berberine? It is a yellow-colored alkaloid found in herbs traditionally used for fighting infections. It can be found in tree turmeric, Oregon Grape, Coptis, Barberry, Golden Thread and Golden Seal. Both tree turmeric and golden seal are seriously overharvested and in danger of becoming extinct. Nature’s Sunshine is always respectful of the environment and therefore uses Indian Barberry root as their source of Berberine. Because harvesting the root means that the plant cannot grow again, one must make sure that when the plant is harvested enough of the roots remain to keep plentiful supplies of the herb available.
Ayurvedic medicine is ancient. Indian Barberry has been used for centuries as an anti-inflammatory, infection fighting herb. Ayurvedic doctors use it to cleanse the liver and decongest the mucus membranes. It is a bitter and therefore aids in digestion. It is used it to treat a wide range of infections of the ears, eyes, mouth, and throat, staph and strep bacteria, each of which can commonly cause bacterial pinkeye. In fact Murine© eye drops contain berberine as the active ingredient.
It is powerful and Berberine IR is for adults only. Children and pregnant women can use the milder whole herbs like Oregon Grape and Turmeric. Berberine is meant to be used long-term. Even though results may be seen early on, it is recommended for tissue healing to be used for a minimum of 3-6 months depending on the condition. Diabetes and heart conditions tend to be considered spongy, and therefore, the alkaloids in Berberine work toward toning the tissue. When the conditions are dry, such as in Arthritis and some auto immune conditions, it is wise to use an Omega oil supplement along with the Berberine.
When you purchase supplements you trust that the manufacturer has tested to make sure you are getting what you are paying for. More than 75% of supplements sold do not test but trust their supplier to do the testing for them. It is costly to run your own tests. NSP runs over 260 tests on our supplements to make sure they contain only what is on the label. They never accept ingredients that contain GMO, pesticides, dirt, heavy metals or other toxic ingredients. They will refuse any substitutes (accepted by other companies all the time); herbs picked at the wrong time or parts of the product that do not deliver what is expected. I’ve trusted NSP to my health for 40 years.
I love the fact that we have scientists and doctors on staff that know pharmacology as well as plant medicine. Natural products are effective and safe. Herbal remedies are concentrated foods. Herbs are sometimes spices like capsicum (pepper) and garlic. Constituents of the herbs are considered phytochemicals. Capsaicin is a constituent of capsicum and makes it hot. Allicin is a constituent of garlic (makes it smelly). Whole herbs have balancing effects but constituents often need other herbs to balance the effects. Whole herbs can be slower acting. Constituents are isolated substances that often create a faster effect and are safer than drugs.
Phytochemicals help with the functions of the body and some doctors have coined the phrase “Functional Medicine”. This may mean that they use phytochemicals but it may also mean that they use chemical medicine to work with the functions of the body. Naturopathic doctors do not used drugs. I’m happy to see that medical doctors are being trained in natural therapies. The problem still exists with the American Medical Association which demands that all doctors use only the “Gold Standard of Treatment”. This treatment is taught to them in medical school and it includes mostly drugs and surgery. Medical Schools are supported financially by the drug industry.
It is a shame that health information is mostly provided by “for profit” companies. Actors are paid to look like doctors giving you “honest” information about how a drug is going to help you. The best thing you can do is check out whatever you are thinking about putting in your body. There is plenty of information on the internet. Find different channels of information and make sure they aren’t all quoting the same source. I really try to research information I give you but even so, you need to make sure it feels right for you.
My goal is to raise the “health bar” in my little corner of this universe. I’m doing this one person at a time (or more when they come to classes). I generally have to review what I’m doing for myself and I love learning about how natural supplementation can assist with health. Thank you for letting me share this information with you.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
Traditional Naturopathic Doctor
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 204150.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #776 Redemption
Good Morning!
Back in the 50’s many people saved Green Stamps. Locally we also had Gold Bond trading stamps. When one would make a purchase you would get a stamp for every dollar spent. Those stamps would be placed in a special booklet and then you could bring them to a “Redemption Center” and cash them in for small appliances like a toaster, an iron or coffeepot; much like how you can get points toward products or travel when using a credit card.
Redemption is also associated with being saved, but I would like to share with you how it can affect your outlook for 2017. The Miriam-Webster Dictionary states: the act of making something better or more acceptable. In general, that is what most people do this time of year is reflect on last year and how can we make this one better.
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” Ralph Waldo Emerson.
What goals have you set for this year? Do they include laughter, respect, love, appreciation, Health or purpose? Maybe there should be a checkmark on each of those and how you intend to accomplish those goals. Success isn’t just quantified in dollars. Being happy is a success in itself. It doesn’t just come to you…it takes working toward.
You could start each day with an affirmation like: This is a great day and I have many blessings to be grateful for. I’m going to choose to be happy today. Whatever you say will have an impact on how your day goes. Most people start their day with a negative thought or thoughts and then complain how lousy their day was. Our thoughts matter! Start your day with an essential oil spray. There are so many to choose from. A simple spritz of Pink Grapefruit can help you feel uplifted. You can also use the Prosper Blend. Another I like to use during this time of the year is “Renew, Releasing Blend”. This blend helps you dump the old and promote the new.
Inspire Blend includes juicy citrus and mint. Spritz in the morning and then put in your purse or briefcase to use throughout the day. Keep yourself motivated to have a great day.
Making a spritzer is easy. A basic spray: spray bottle (2oz); purified water and 5-10 drops of your Essential Oil choice. Shake and spray. Oil and water doesn’t mix well so you need to shake a couple of times to mix them before spraying. You can close your eyes and mist yourself while taking a deep breath. Other ways is to purchase a diffuser. Some can attach to computers with a USB. Usually you put water and your essential oil in it and you can choose to run it for 30, 60 or 90 minutes. Some have lights in them to improve mood.
A Nebulizing Diffuser is used to spread the scent throughout a room. This unit uses the oil straight from the bottle and spritzes the scent in small bursts. This is often used professionally to encourage a healthy mood. There are many uplifting scents that encourage health. I feel every nursing home should have several of these to help patients not only feel better but actually improve health.
Essential oils are extremely beneficial and have little if any side effects. Learn more about their uses be asking a professional to share their knowledge of these amazing scents. Be careful of purchasing cheaper oils as often they are not pure. Nature’s Sunshine has the Sure Source Guarantee. Essential oils are most effective when in their authentic, natural state. When Nature's Sunshine began offering essential oils more than 15 years ago, we discovered many competitive oils on the market had been altered, standardized and enhanced for flavor, fragrance and economic advantage. Nature’s Sunshine raised the bar. We guarantee that our oils are100% Authentic.
Happy 2017!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 204150.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments