This newsletter changes weekly so be sure to keep coming back for information on current health topics that can help you maintain and regain health. You can read a year's worth of past messages!
Keep informed--Keep Healthy.
Dr. Mary
Herbal eGram #803 Don't Panic!
Good Morning!
We've all encountered accidents. Who hasn't had a cut finger or burned themselves at one time or another? Stuff happens! Did you panic and not know what to do? Maybe you ran the wound over cold water because you heard this was a good idea. Maybe you applied compression because you heard this was good to stop the wound from bleeding. Maybe you just jumped up and down and swore. Whatever you did you may have wished you knew more about how you could stop the pain.
Do you know some basic First Aid that would make you feel more in control when that stuff happens? I've taken many first aid courses including the ones given by the American Red Cross. The times you will need to give mouth to mouth resuscitation compared to helping with a bleeding wound don't even come close. You are much more likely to encounter bug bites; scrapes; smashed fingers; sunburn and the myriad of other conditions that we come across. Family and friends have accidents. Most of us don't intentionally hurt ourselves. What do you do in an emergency situation while you're waiting for EMS to respond? Do you know some basic first aid? Maybe what you know is out of date and maybe what you learned is not available to you. Do you have a kit that you can go to that has some things in it beyond band aids?
All the media has been talking about how dangerous Tylenol is and how it is leading to liver damage. It really isn't appropriate for many age groups and people on certain medications. What if you knew of some amazing pain relieving techniques that could take the pain away from an injury in just a short time without medication? What if along with that technique you also had some essential oils and herbal remedies that facilitating healing?
A few years back I was in a hotel and curling my hair with a brand new curling iron. This particular iron had a shorter tip than the one I had been used to and when I grabbed the tip to curl my hair I actually grabbed part of the curling iron rod and burned my finger and thumb. Because I knew a few basic first aid techniques and had some Lavender oil on hand (always in my travel kit) I was able to stop the pain within 15 minutes! I then went on to my class and occasionally repeated the treatment I had done immediately after the burn as soon as I felt the pain return and ended up never having a blister. The next day there was no pain at all! There wasn't even any redness. I know that if I hadn't acted immediately and treated my wounds I would have been in pain for at least a week from the burn. What I did will be taught in this class on Herbal First Aid coming to Ann Arbor on November 18th.
Some conditions are seasonal and some are not. You don't usually get sunburn in the winter and in the summer you don't encounter as many colds and flu. Yes, we will even get some basic understanding on how to minimize the effects of viruses. We will learn how to support our immune system and what we can do for coughing; vomiting and diarrhea. There are so many things you can help your body get over quickly if you only knew what to do. There are many savings to knowing some home first aid tricks. Much of the over the counter medications are not only costly but harmful. Just because you don't need a prescription doesn't mean it is safe.
If you know a few things like: how do I stop bleeding? What can I do to calm someone? Do I elevate or lay flat? What about poison remedies? Emergencies happen and you don't want them. Nobody wanted the devastating storms that occurred during the fall season. The tents and emergency areas were packed with people seeking help. Even if you knew how to make a bandage to support an injured arm or how to apply a splint until someone with more expertise could see them, what a blessing you'd be to have around!
Naturally you want to call EMS or get someone to a doctor. But, we've all experienced waiting to be seen in an emergency room and how frustrating that can be. Having some idea of some simple things you can be doing in the meantime can mean the difference between healing within a few hours versus days or weeks. I have countless stories of when I applied my knowledge to help myself, family and neighbors after an injury was sustained. I love helping people and I love being able to share knowledge. Please consider joining me at the Herbal First Aid class coming on November 18th to the Ann Arbor area. There will be 17 classes across the country so if you aren't in the Ann Arbor area (the only class in Michigan) please call Nature's Sunshine and see where one is near you.
Don't panic. Get educated and be prepared.
Hope you found this helpful,
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #802 Because I Need It!
Good Morning!
Sometimes we think we need certain things to make us happy. The song says, "All You Need is Love!" But, what you really need is rarely considered. Most people don't think about health until they don't have it. Supplying your body with the nutrients necessary to maintain it and function at high levels of energy takes a good supply of nutrients along with good digestion. It is a rare person who comes into my office and considers their condition a result of bad choices especially in the food they eat. When you are young you think yourself invincible but as we get older we realize that the choices we make when we are young can have major consequences later on.For most people, digestion is a real concern. If you are on GERD Medication, deal with bloating, can't eat certain foods etc. You have a compromised digestive system and therefore you may not be able to get the most from the food you eat even when that food is organic and non-processed. More and more fast food restaurants are popping up. People eat in their cars and over the sink because they don't want to think about what they are eating and how it will affect their energy and their body's ability to maintain and stay healthy.
In this land of plenty we don't think about malnutrition. But, when people eat without thinking, they often become over fed and undernourished. Think about what you put in your mouth in terms of how it is going to feed your body and not the temporary satisfaction of it tasting good. Good nutrition can taste great, but not if you are used to eating candy and sweets all day. It takes time to appreciate the sweetness of fresh green beans. This time of the year we are loving the fresh tomatoes grown in the garden and how they simply don't compare to what you get from the store in January. The better the taste of the fruit or vegetable the more nutrient dense it is.
Processed food is difficult for the body to digest and most of the nutrients in it are synthetic. Naturally occurring nutrients are absorbed from the ground food is growing in. If that ground is rich in minerals than the food that grows from it will be full of good nutrition as well. That good nutrition can be offset if there are pesticides or chemical fertilizers applied to the food. We absorb all of what the food provides. If we eat processed, nutritionally depleted food our body will not be able to make healthy cells. And in time we harm our digestive processes. Processed food have no enzymes in them. Enzymes are only in live food. Therefore, I feel that most people need to supply the body with enzymes if they want to improve the ability for the body to break down nutrients into usable form for absorption.
Juicing is a good way to get nutrients from the food but then you lose out on the fiber necessary to keep the eliminative system working well. Also, one has to take into account the amount of sugar in most fruit and some vegetables and weigh out that availability so that you don't create an insulin response that can cause the body's blood sugar to rebound. Balancing juicing with good salads and easily digested proteins, like in a smoothie, is helpful.
Some people have difficulty taking pills and capsules and smoothies are a great way to get available nutrients in as the liquid is broken down more quickly than chewing a solid into a liquid. Children and older people do well with liquids.
One of the ways you can meet the challenges of getting the right amount of nutrients in is by putting the contents of a packet of Solstic Twenty-four into a bottle of purified water and drinking it with your lunch every day. This is a great idea for school age children. Having nutrients such as B vitamins in your system during times of stress minimizes the response of that stress on the body. Along with good nutrition, this supplement has pre-biotics in it. This is food for the support of a healthy gut. There is much research being done on the need for probiotics in the gut to maintain health in the body and in the mind. Feeding that gut bacteria is cutting edge research. Taking a pleasant tasting drink daily that supports better brain health would benefit many people. In fact, one might say, You Need It!
Hope you found this helpful,
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #801 Emergency
Good Morning!
Hot on the heels of the Texas disaster comes Florida. Most people who have families in those areas feel helpless. Prayer helps but wouldn't it be nice to know that those family members know some basic first aid and had some kits on hand so that they didn't have to depend on someone who may get to them in a few hours? They actually could do something in the meantime until EMT arrived!
I have taken many Herbal First Aid courses and have used this knowledge to help my family and friends during a health emergency or crisis. Taking control of a situation because you know what to do is empowering. You can set panic aside and think, "I learned about this! This is what I can do!" One example: I was in a hotel room curling my hair with a new curling iron and the tip was half as long as the tip on my old one. When I reached for the tip of the iron, I grabbed the hot part and burned myself! I always carry Lavender oil with me and Silver gel. I dabbed the Silver gel on and dropped several drops of Lavender on the burn. I then did a method of rubbing that moves the damaged tissue out of the area and brings in oxygenated blood to support healing. Most people rub, hold or whatever but they don't do it long enough to prevent damage. I rubbed for about six minutes. It seemed like forever but I remembered that you rub until you feel no more pain.
I finished my hair and before I put my make up on I repeated the Lavender, silver and rubbing for about 5 minutes because the pain was beginning to come back. The pain once again went away and I got dressed. Periodically during the conference I rubbed my hand for maybe a minute every half hour. When break time came, I went up to my room and did the Lavender, silver and rubbing again. Back down to the conference, I noticed that I didn't have to rub my hand until lunchtime. So, before lunch, back to my room and applied the treatment. That evening I had no sign of burn, no pain at all; it never blistered! And never left a mark. It took a little concentrated therapy but the results were so amazing.
This past weekend I learned an incredible amount of Herbal First aid and things that people can do in an emergency to help themselves and others during a disaster. Most people do not even have a First Aid Kit that is handy and that they know how to use. NSP has had for several years now a wonderful soft sided, easy to store and have on hand, kit that is filled with basic things you might need in an emergency. Everyone should have some things on hand that are safe, effective and easy to use. I actually have a larger version that I've packed with Disaster Supplies. But, a basic home kit is a great place to start. I also have a travel kit (as described above and I have a small supply of other supplements etc. that would help me to have a better vacation).
I've added several things to my basic kit: Lavender oil, Activated Charcoal, Slippery Elm and Distress Remedy are some of the helpers everyone should have on hand. I would love to teach a bi-monthly class showing people some things they can do to help themselves and their families and friends in an emergency. Would you be interested in that? What would it mean to you to help someone who had burned themselves like I described above? What about a smashed finger? Cut? Bites or stings? Stop a bruise before it begins? Or, even stop a cold in its tracks?
Some things are obviously serious enough for medical care or intervention. But, in the meantime while you are seeking that emergency care, or waiting for it, you could be saving someone's life with some basic knowledge. Soon, there will be an online class that will be offered by Nature's Institute and when it becomes available, I will share that with you. It will have videos and demonstrations on how to handle a variety of concerns. For those who live in Michigan, I am trying to get a class together in November that will help show some of the things I learned this past weekend. We need to have a minimum of 50 people in attendance. I don't know the specific date (trying for the beginning of the month) or location as we are still trying to schedule with the presenters.
In the meantime you can order your kit from Nature's Sunshine: Silver Rescue Kit: 4958 for only $56.00 member price. The zippered go-anywhere tote is loaded with Silver Shield products (6 fl. oz. Liquid, 1 oz. Rescue Gel and 1 oz. Purifying Cleansing Gel) plus an assortment of sterile bandages, gauze, wrap, tweezers, scissors and tape. Keep one in the car and give one to your favorite college student!
Why charcoal? If you accidentally get poisoned (food that has gone bad or ingested something you shouldn't have) the first thing your body wants to do is get rid of it. That means (in general) throw up. There are some cases that it is not advisable to throw up and you should not force it. Charcoal is still the go to method given in hospitals: http://www.poison.org/articles/2015-mar/activated-charcoal If you have it on hand and use it soon after you discover you have swallowed tainted food, you can avoid going to the hospital. If you do go to the hospital as a precaution, be sure to tell them you have been treating with Activated Charcoal so they know and won't administer more. Charcoal can be taken in the form of capsules or mixed with Coconut milk (for children who can't swallow capsules). It may make the tongue black and may exit the system with a darkened stool. This is not harmful in anyway.
Whenever I travel to Mexico or places where there is reported incidences of diarrhea, I take two charcoal capsules with each meal and to prevent constipation, Two capsules of Probiotic Eleven after breakfast and dinner. This has kept me from having problems in many situations. There is nothing worse than paying lots of money to go on vacation and spending that vacation time sick.
Slippery Elm is a good thing to have on hand as you can make a poultice with it. Blend the Silver gel with the Slippery Elm and Charcoal and draw out any poison topically...even spider bites. You can make a poultice with these and then put a band aid on over a sting and overnight the stinger will be pulled out. Slippery Elm is very good for calming an upset stomach. You could take the capsules with ginger or soothe the ache by taking Slippery Elm itself. Drinking water either hot (as a tea with lemon) or cold is important so you can stay hydrated. This is a great support for even very young children.
I hope you've learned some basic first aid by reading this email and that it encourages you to take some classes using herbs instead of over the counter medications. Just because something is sold without a prescription doesn't mean it is safe to take. All drugs have side effects! We are learning the disadvantages to taking NSAIDS every day. Most herbal remedies work as fast and in some cases faster than drugs. Learn how to use these important tools given to us from God and Nature.
Hope you found this helpful,
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #800 Lupin
Good Morning!
Many of my clients are on some kind of restricted diet for a variety of health concerns. Some are eating vegan while others are doing Ketogenic or Paleo. Choosing to eat a certain way for health reasons takes considerable thought and research. Obviously, one would eat that way because it helped to clear up some symptoms. Having guidance in your choice is helpful and it is also helpful if those in your household support your convictions. Following a plan is paramount to success. I also feel that supplementation is a big part of that success. I have found that most people need to have some enzyme supplementation and probiotics to support digestive health.
Eating gluten free has become very popular as people find that when they stay away from flour products and those things that contain wheat, they feel better. This has become less of a challenge as many companies and restaurants are providing more choices for gluten free diets. The main thing I caution is that when eating gluten free it is best to keep processed food at a minimum. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits and grass fed animal products. Processed food can have a long list of ingredients where a manufacturer can slip in unknown ingredients that can compromise your health.
Some people have even more serious life-threatening allergies such as peanut intolerance. The symptoms can cause their throat to swell and make it difficult to impossible to breath. Many people with this kind of serious allergic response will carry an epipenephrine injector that can counter the inflammatory effects produced by the immune system when it detects compromise. In some cases even breathing in the scent of peanut can cause a reaction. There are theories as to how this new allergy came about but needless to say it is a huge concern. There are even "peanut free zones" set up in schools.
For those people who are gluten free there is an ingredient that can create a huge problem if peanut is also an allergy and it is called, Lupin. One needs to investigate the food they eat. We simply cannot rely on manufacturers to create healthy food because manufacturers are in the business of making a profit. If they don't; they go out of business. Lupin is a really sneaky ingredient as it can be a protein, a fiber or flour. It's made from a soy-like legume that in some people who have peanut allergies, can have life-threatening responses.
Another new ingredient is Quorn. This ingredient is plant based and made to look and taste like beef but it is being presented as natural and vegan. Your "hamburger" may have this in it. It has the ability to even "bleed" like real meat. It is already in a lot of fast food because it is quite cheap. The manufacturer states that they are creating Milk-like; chicken-like and other such foods so that vegetarians can have their "meat" and still be vegans. The problem, as I see it, is still the fact that processed foods are not healthy and that eating whole foods such as fruits and vegetables are a better plan along with grass fed animal products.
For about a month now I have been having an allergic response to something. I have extremely itchy hands and feet. It started in my hands and then went to my feet. I have been using a product called HistaBlock that has made it at least bearable. It contains a powerful blend of nutrients that naturally enhance immune function and inhibits the release of histamine and other inflammatory compounds that initiate the response of: sneezing, itching and swelling. At some points I was taking two capsules every half hour. Ice also helped relieve the urge to scratch. Scratching did not improve the itch, in fact, it made it worse.
When you increase blood supply to the area you are bringing more of the histamines to the site. If you ice it, you reduce the blood supply to the area. When I used HistaBlock it helped the symptoms and made the reaction tolerable. I knew though that I had to eliminate whatever was the cause of the reaction and since I couldn't pinpoint the origin, I sent a saliva swab to a friend who has equipment that analyzes DNA vibrational frequency. It came back with a whole slew of things including: venom, bacteria, viruses, yeast, parasites and chemicals. I was totally shocked because I don't use chemicals!
So, I am in the process of taking the homeopathic remedy that she created to combat the frequency and I am doing a Lymphatic cleanse to support the removal of toxins. But, my mainstay in all of this is still HistaBlock. The Stinging Nettle, Quercetin and Bromelain in this combination support my immune system in calming the allergic response. I think this is a product that everyone should have on hand because you never know when you might encounter allergies. I have never had allergies but something overloaded my immune system.
The other thing I am grateful for is being exposed to understanding how my body works. I would never use an anti-histamine product that has multiple side effects. But, that doesn't mean it isn't right for others. If having a device that might save your life on hand means that you have some peace of mind, by all means--get it. For me, HistaBlock is my sidekick. It is in my emergency kit and in my medicine chest and for now, next to wherever I am sitting.
Hope you found this helpful,
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #799 Tea for Me!
Good Morning!
It's described in the Australian Medical Journal as the "finest antiseptic known to man". Tea Tree essential oil has been shown to have incredible effectiveness against the three major infectious groups: Bacteria, Fungi and Viruses. So it doesn't matter whether you feel it may be bacterial or viral...you have the answer! Mixing Tea Tree with Silver gel is a great idea as Silver can drive the Tea Tree through the red blood cells and go to where it is needed. In aromatherapy, we know that smelling an essential oil delivers it immediately into the body through the limbic system so when you incorporate the Silver gel you get both the limbic and circulatory system working against the infection.
These infections can never become immune to Tea Tree oils effects as most antibiotics that are man-made. The most virulent of diseases come from antibiotic resistance disease such as MRSA and SARS. That cannot happen when you use Authentic Tea Tree oil. Make sure you are getting the best. I make sure I'm using the best because I use Nature's Sunshine's essential oils. These are never cut with cheap ingredients or chemicals that can cause harm. NSP offers the Sure Source Guarantee which means it is guaranteed pure from the grower to manufacturer and right to you.
According to Australian scientists, tea tree appears to damage the cell membranes of bacteria and can destroy bacteria in both growth and at rest stages. There are over 327 scientific studies that show how effective Tea Tree oil is in combating bacterial infections. Many people have used it to kill fungus as in fungal toes. Use an emery board and slightly abrade the top of the nail. Massage the Tea Tree oil straight (diluting not necessary) into the cuticle, nail bed and nail. Sometime infections are due to contaminated shoes. Take a cotton ball and drop several drops of tea tree onto the cotton ball and insert one in the toe of each shoe when not wearing them.
I love tea tree in the garden. Take a cup of Epsom salt and mix in 15-20 drops of Tea Tree oil; add 3-4 drops of dishwashing detergent add to 1 gallon sprayer filled with water. Spray roses and all fruit and vegetable plants. It will fertilize and deter many bugs that can destroy plants. The magnesium in Epsom salt supports healthy green growth. Since Tea Tree is antimicrobial it can keep away a variety of concerns such as mildew, aphids, moths etc. The nice thing is that you can eat the fruit right after spraying...just rinse in cold water.
Some people love it in their shampoo. Tea Tree makes a great addition to natural shampoo for deterring dandruff as it can kill fungus. Most people like the smell but if you don't simply add some lemon essential oil. This will make it doubly effective and improve the scent. If you want, you can add Rosemary, which is also healthy for hair. Adding essential oils to shampoo can help lift your mood and stimulate healthy hair growth at the same time. In general, you add 5 drops to every ounce of natural non-scented shampoo.
For acne: make a paste of 5 drops tea tree to 2 teaspoons of raw honey. Take a dab of this mixture and put on the infected area. Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes and then rinse well. Dry skin by blotting and not rubbing. I like to use Silver gel as a toner under makeup. It helps to kill any bacteria that is not beneficial while keeping the good bacteria fighting infection. NSP has a wonderful non-scented lotion that can be used for face, hands and body. So if your skin is too dry you can apply the lotion after using the Silver gel. It is not greasy and leaves your skin smooth and soft.
If you are troubled with conditions that cause skin to become raw and itchy, try a skin soother of 1 tablespoon of Coconut oil mixed with 10 drops Tea Tree and 5 drops Lavender essential oil. You don't need a lot and it feels wonderful when applied. After time the skin begins to respond with less irritation. However, one must check out diet when having skin issues. It may be a clue that you are allergic to gluten, sugar or dairy. Doing an elimination diet such as modified Paleo or GAPS may prove helpful for the long run.
Diffusing tea tree can kill mold spores and keep these offensive microbes from causing health problems. Using tea tree in the laundry can also kill off mold before it can take hold. Mold loves dampness and the laundry room can often become quite damp especially in humid weather. Putting some Tea Tree in about 10 drops to 2 ounces of vinegar and 2 ounces of pure water with a dash of detergent and add to a spray bottle makes a great cleanser for table tops; windows and mirrors and anyplace where mold or bacteria want to hide. Spray your washing machine drum and dryer with this spray to ward off harmful microbes.
If your wood deck gets slippery with mold, here is a solution for you: To a bucket of warm water add 20 drops of Tea Tree and 1 teaspoon of NSP Concentrate (a great cleansing agent). Take a long handled scrub brush and dip it into the solution. Scrub a section and let it sit for about 15 minutes then spray away the scum. Your deck will look like new again!
Tell me your ideas for cleaning with Tea Tree oil!
Hope you found this helpful,
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #798 No transmission
Good Morning!
It is frustrating when we want to make a phone call and there are "no bars" on our cell phone (no coverage in that area). It could also mean that the SIM card is defective or just needs to "reboot" (take it out and put it back in). Memories can be like a cell phone.
Sometimes we can retrace our thoughts and get to the forgotten memory through various methods either by thinking back or physically tracing our steps. That happened just the other day during the class I presented on Brain Health. We were talking about how important Omega oil is for the brain and specifically Omega 3 of which the main source is fish oil. There is, however a weed that has a good amount of this oil that springs up about this time of the year. I couldn't remember right away the name of it and neither could my friend, Kathy even though we are very familiar with it and its benefits. Later on during the class Kathy remembered that it was Purslane.
Purslane is somewhat crunchy and has a slight lemony taste. Some people liken it to watercress or spinach, and it can substitute for spinach in many recipes. Young, raw leaves and stems are tender and are good in salads and sandwiches. They can also be lightly steamed or stir-fried. Purslane’s high level of pectin (known to lower cholesterol) thickens soups and stews.
Purslane contains more omega 3 fatty acids than any other plant source in the solar system, and an extraordinary amount for a plant, some 8.5 mg for every gram of weight. It has vitamin A, B, C and E — six times more E than spinach — beta carotene — seven times more of that than carrots — magnesium, calcium, potassium, folate, lithium — keep you sane — iron and is 2.5% protein. So, check it out and pick a juicy leaf and munch away!
Where was I? Oh yeah--transmissions. Occasionally if we just think of something else the memory will pop into our head. This happens when you are trying to remember a name of something. It seems the more you concentrate the harder it is to remember. Stress can have a great deal to do with our ability to think clearly. Your body’s stress response is perfect in the short-term, but damaging if it goes on for weeks or years. Raised levels of cortisol for prolonged periods can damp down your immune system and decrease the number of brain cells so impairing your memory. It can also affect your blood pressure and the fats in your blood making it more likely you will have a heart attack or stroke.
So, often taking a deep calming breath can help reduce the onslaught of cortisol and if that breath contains some essential oils like lavender, that memory may just pop right up. Lavender is very calming and has some incredible healing benefits. Unfortunately, there is a lot of fake "lavender" out there. Just recently I saw an ad from Walmart selling lavender oil for $4.95 a bottle. You will not get the benefits from a fake oil that you will get from an authentic true essential oil. It may smell nice to you, but it isn't delivering the phenols that are responsible for triggering relaxation in the brain and many of the other benefits aromatherapy delivers.
Other things can interfere with sharp thinking such as an overabundance of yeast. One of the many symptoms of yeast overgrowth is foggy thinking. Many medications can fog the brain as well. You should check the label of medications or go on line to see if your medications may be contributing to an inability to think clearly. Some medications caution people that they shouldn't drive and most say the patient should not drink when taking medications.
Alcohol can impair judgment which is part of the pre-frontal cortex of the brain's responsibility. If one continues to make poor decisions, this area of the brain may need some help. Omega 3 fatty acids help all parts of the brain but medications and recreational drugs can kill brain cells just like alcohol. Even sugar can affect the brain and kill off brain cells. We now know that brain cells can be regenerated and we can create new cells by giving our body the food it needs. I personally take as part of my daily routine: Super Omega 3 (and sometimes switch off with Krill oil); Brain-Protex and I drink an antioxidant drink (Thai Go). I want to keep my brain sharp.
Negative thinking and programming will also adversely affect the brain. Jolting the head as in an accident or in the game of soccer when one does head shots will also damage brain cells. Taking care of your head and wearing head gear is helpful but the brain is not attached to the skull. It is a custard-like substance that flows freely and attached at the brain stem. It is protected by the skull but can still be damaged when the skull is hit.
Your brain is a terrible thing to lose. Make sure you are taking steps to protect it and do what you can to reduce the amount of stress you deal with. Watching your intake of harmful substances such as smoking, drinking and drugs can go a long way in protecting your ability to think clearly and make good decisions. Exercising your brain with crossword puzzles, learning to play the piano or a new language can help challenge the brain. Keep learning and change your routines so that you are not just existing but actually living.
Hope you found this helpful,
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments
Herbal eGram #797 Liberty
Good Morning!
"The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views." Brave men fight for our right to Freedom and Liberty from Tyrants. Each day people fight for their right to live life the way they choose and yet in our country the Pharmaceutical Industry has a choke hold on our media, our doctors and our freedom to choose health over disease. Many great discoveries have been made in helping people with modern medicine but I feel that too often natural remedies have been suppressed as viable solutions because the Pharmaceutical Industry has the power to squash the facts.
America is the most medicated nation on earth, with some 70 percent of Americans taking prescription drugs—yet we have worse health outcomes than other industrialized countries. Part of the problem may be the drugs themselves. As Slate’s devastating expose on the fraud in clinical drug trials shows us: We don’t know much about the drugs we prescribe.
Transparency about complications a drug may cause is kept to a minimum. Full disclosure about what side effects may likely occur are not clearly defined and many times not reported to the prescribing doctor. When a drug causes a condition, the doctor too frequently then recommends a countering drug that may have its own set of side effects. What most people don't understand is: drugs don't cure, they suppress or control symptoms.
We are told to (by law) go to your doctor. If someone (other than a medical doctor) attempts to address your health concerns they are "practicing medicine without a license". So, if any Herbalist, Naturopathic Doctor, or Nutritionist treats a condition they are liable and can be prosecuted. There is no Liberty to choose a health care practitioner to treat conditions unless that practitioner is licensed and even then their license doesn't allow them to practice medicine unless they are a medical doctor.
I tell every one of my new clients that I do not diagnose nor prescribe. I do not treat disease. I work with the body to correct imbalances.
Medical doctors have to make a diagnosis because once that diagnosis is made they have set protocols to follow. These guidelines are set up by the AMA and must be strictly followed. For example: you are diagnosed with High Blood Pressure. Your doctor is allowed to recommend certain medications to treat the High Blood Pressure and may give some nutritional advice (that may or may not be accurate). They are not allowed to recommend any nutritional supplements or even for you to drink water as these are not included in the guidelines set up for this diagnosis.
Although I think High Blood Pressure is an interesting diagnosis I want to look at what is going on with my client. How much water they drink; how often they eliminate; what is their stress level like; how much quality sleep do they get; do they exercise; what is their nutritional intake like etc. These factors can help me get to the underlying cause of a person's body responding with high blood pressure. Rise in blood pressure is often a normal response of the body due to stress. This is why the person may have an increase in BP reading when they visit the doctor.
How many times have you received a prescription for something and chose not to either get it filled or not take it? It is always wise to check the internet for information about the medication you are going to take as it may cause some side effects you should be aware of. It may also interfere with other medications you are taking. I love to check out several sources. Make sure you aren't checking the drug company's website because they are going to downplay the side effects. We are told to "read the insert" but vaccines don't come with an insert and sometimes forced upon us.
Compulsory vaccines are a tyranny of sorts. To put something into someone's body by force is not part of Liberty. We are threatened by "not getting into school"; being fired; and the worse is how our service people are forced into getting multiple vaccines and then getting shipped off into extremely stressful situations. Our body's are not petri dishes. We have a complex environment and nobody can determine how our body is going to respond to information injected into it. To have no choice over complying with vaccines is against liberty, as far as I'm concerned.
For the sake of the "greater good" is voiced but, who chooses what that means? These calculations are often done by the vaccine manufacturer. Often the projections they make are the worst case scenario. Our first line of defense is individual control over good health practices and sanitary conditions. Many of the diseases that ran rampant were due to poor sanitation and bad nutrition.
Does the government know more about you and your body's individual health needs than you do? I think not! I know when I'm catching a cold and I also know what I need to do to help my body get healthy. Fluids such as water and herbal teas; rest; supplementation etc. are historically what the body needs. Generally we have ignored these and our body is responding and letting us know it's time to get back to basics and pay attention to good lifestyle practices.
Do vaccines even work? What propaganda is spread in the name of facts? Get informed and keep an open mind. Follow who is spreading the "facts". When there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that is not being presented in regular media, I wonder why? Who owns that media? If you have someone who is giving you billions in ads are you actually going to write something negative about them? Look at who is doing all the advertising.
I've belonged to a group of Naturopathic Doctors who are constantly looking out for our right to choose health and keep laws from impinging on those rights. I don't ever want to practice medicine because that limits my choices to prescription drugs; surgery etc. I think finding out the message the body is trying to tell us through symptoms is a much better way to address the cause and eliminate the problem. Nature's Sunshine actually has a "Natural Health Freedom fund" and I've contributed to that financially for over 30 years. I'm also the acting Michigan Representative for them. NSP gave California's acting rep. $5000.00 to help pass some legislation to support health freedom in that state.
Thank you NSP for your dedication to Health Freedom. We are supported by the National Health Freedom organization. Please check out their website for information regarding laws in your state and how you can get involved. Liberty is a right, not a choice! We have the right to choose Health!
Hope you found this helpful,
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments