This newsletter changes weekly so be sure to keep coming back for information on current health topics that can help you maintain and regain health. You can read a year's worth of past messages!
Keep informed--Keep Healthy.
Dr. Mary
Herbal eGram #814 BAH!
Good Morning!
Have you come to the conclusion that there are some really bad drivers on the road? Are you tired of the weather, people, rushing, stress etc.? Most people who see the word BAH think that what follows is Humbug! I would like you to shift your thinking. Go ahead and shout out BAH but think of it as Be Amazingly Healthy (or Happy)! When someone cuts you off, or forgets to use their signal and you have to slam on your brakes, think BAH! It really rolls off the tongue well and nobody will think that what you are really doing is wishing that person well.
Our words are powerful and the more passion with which those words are said, the more powerful they are. Florence Scovel Shinn coined the phrase: "The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy." She teaches that "The Boomerang Principle" is all about what you put out comes back to you so be diligent about your thoughts and words. This principle has been applied elsewhere as in, "Mingle with Successful people and you too will be successful". "Like attracts Like". I'm sure you can think of other examples.
We often go through life without giving much thought to what we say and do. Driving is pretty much done without much thought. We do the same routine and habitually drive the same way unless someone brings it to our attention that it may not be the best way to drive. In New York the cabbies know the lights so well they take off just before the light turns green. In Michigan we cut off the turning lane when turning left. Often someone is far in front of the approach and if we are in the habit of making this shortened turn, we can cut them off or clip them. When I learned to drive, it was a rule to leave a car's length between vehicles for every 10 MPH you drive. If you do that in heavy traffic, you will find yourself constantly having people curve in front of you because they think there is too much space between cars.
People have different views on what is safe and there are definite techniques when driving in snow or on icy roads. Know that not everyone has learned that, if you hit an icy patch you do not have control! If you make too sharp a turn, you may end up in a snow bank. And it takes considerably more time to stop when the roads are slippery--even if you have a truck! When bad weather happens, one needs more time to get to their destination so you need to plan ahead, and not just do things by habit. It goes without saying, that one should not text and drive; but the main thing one should know is that you are in a potentially dangerous machine that if you don't pay attention to, can lead to life changing events. Please be safe out there.
We have no clue what others are going through. Even if we know them and their circumstances, it is still difficult to live in another's mind and understand what they are feeling. On greeting cards we wish people peace, joy, health, and happiness; why not live it? Be Amazingly Happy. Take a breath and shift your thinking. You have much to be grateful for. It is really easy to get caught up in the Bah Humbug and spout all sorts of negativity. "Be the change you want to see in the world', says Mahatma Ghandi
Catch yourself by shouting BAH and then remember what it stands for: Be Amazingly Happy. If you need some help use some essential oils. The vibrations from essential oils can be uplifting and move negative feelings. The essential oil that epitomizes feelings of joy, is Prosper/Success blend. This spicy, citrusy blend has the ability to uplift and energize. Spritz it, wear it, diffuse it and blend it in hand creams, or in baths. It is so lovely. Give it as a gift and help someone else be uplifted. We don't know what others are going through but we can be empathetic and understanding. We can be cheerful and share our smiles and hugs.
God Bless You during this season of Joy.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #813 Uncertainty
Good Morning!
Health can be described by quantum physics in the Uncertainty principle where quantum physics explains how objects can be measured by both position and wave length. Emotions cannot be physically measured because they are feelings and yet they can play a huge part of how healthy we are. When we are depressed our energy is low. We simply don't feel like doing anything! We are not motivated and during this time of the year many people are depressed. Maybe we've lost someone dear to us or maybe it is a financial concern but it can be quite annoying to see others enjoying themselves when we feel so low.
Some people will block their depression with medications that numbs feelings as well as pain. For the short term this can help people get through but it is no way to actually live one's life. Our nation is struggling with addictions. People are numbing their feelings. This won't make you happy. One doesn't "get over" sad situations; you only must get "through" them. Let the hurt out and grieve. Allow yourself a time limit. Have a "pity party" but make sure there is a set time. After you've grieved do something that changes your emotional position. Take an invigorating shower using a gel with your favorite essential oil such as Inspire or Prosper blend. Watch a comedy. Laughter can be very good medicine. Help someone who is need. Volunteer at a homeless shelter and get in touch with what you do have to be grateful for.
When our immune system identifies a certain particle and determines that it is an "enemy" it mounts a defense. If the emotional energy of the body is low (traditional naturopaths call this the "vital force") then the ability of the immune system to defend is weakened. Raising the vital force, or Chi can help the immune system be more effective. One of the ways you can do this is by taking deep breaths. These breaths should be from the belly (it's one of the reasons laughter is so good for you). If you are having difficulty breathing use something like Fenugreek and Thyme and some essential oils like Breath Deep.
This essential oil blend has oils that have been shown to enhance the respiratory system in combating infection as well as relieve sinus and bronchial congestion. Some of the oils in it help relax the bronchioles to enhance breathing. It can also promote feelings of well being and help reduce anxiety and stress. Add about 8-10 drops in a tub (I like to mix the oils in Nature's Sunshine Concentrate for a "bubble bath" experience and a better disbursement of the oils). You can also add a few drops to an Aroma Ball to disburse in a sickroom.
Raising the vital force of the body can be done through vibrations. Essential oils have vibrational properties and so does human contact in the form of a hug. My husband and I love to hug. I think that it is one of the reasons we are so healthy for being in our mid 70's. Most of our friends in our age group are taking multiple medications. Although we take no medications, we do take a lot of supplements and try to do what is healthy. Addiction among our age group is growing to epidemic proportions. Pain killers are too freely recommended and then refilled too readily.
Herbs are very effective against inflammation and often address the cause of that inflammation. We firmly believe in Chiropractic care and supporting health through good nutrition. Right now in my refrigerator there are 3 different types of homemade bone broth. Bone broth is well known for its ability to support cartilage, tendons and bone health. Winter is the ideal time for hearty soups. Many of our peers eat cereal because it is easy. Processed grains are not good nutrition. Food has vibrations and can support health or deter it depending on how beneficial it is. Learn what can raise the vital force so you can have good energy.
Being passionately involved in a purpose can transcend into higher vibrations. Some may call this connecting the Mind and Body but it is more than just the mind. Emotions are felt throughout the body. Learn to get in touch with what makes you feel good. Being around certain people can either make you feel bad or delight you. Limit your visits with people who bring you down or just don't be around them if possible. I have found that the essential oil of Bergamot helps to deter negative energy. There are wonderful essential oil necklaces you can buy and place a few drops of this oil on it when you must be around negative people. Sniff it every once in awhile to boost your energy.
Herbs have both particle and vibratory benefits. When a company (like NSP) measures the quality of an herb it goes through Chromatographic testing which creates an imprint of vibrations that must match a standard "fingerprint" designated to that particular herb. Most companies do not do this testing on every batch--Sunshine does, along with hundreds of other testing to make sure you are getting the best. Check out this page on quality control: https://www.naturessunshine.com/us/company/c1/product-quality/
Using quality ingredients doesn't mean the "most expensive". My husband's grandmother had a great saying: "The cheapest is the dearest in the end". What that means is sometimes when you go cheap you don't get the desired effect and so you've wasted your money. Recently I bought some ice cube trays at the dollar store because I like to freeze my bone broth and use it in recipes to boost the health benefit of the food. On the first use the tray cracked when I tried to pop out the broth cubes. Are you taking some cheap brand of supplements thinking you are getting the benefits listed on the label? Consumer Reports did an article on supplements sold in places like GNC and other big box companies who do not do their own testing but rely on the manufacturer to test.
How do you think they can sell at lower prices? Another saying I like is, "If it's too good to be true--it is". Investigate and be sure you are getting what you pay for. I did. Before I settled on NSP I checked out many supplement companies. Most did not even have a quality control section! I've been taking and recommending Nature's Sunshine for almost 40 years and I couldn't be more pleased. I know I can get results that are dependable. Don't cut corners when it comes to your health and those you love.
Have the Healthiest of Seasons without doubt!
Hope you found this helpful.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #812 It Broke My Heart!
Good Morning!
How often have you heard someone say that? When I hear it I cringe. Our words are powerful. Saying statements such as, "It Broke my Heart", or "It Kills me"! can impress us more than you might think possible. The more often we repeat these negative suggestions, the more they become habit and the harder it is to uproot them from our mind. Can you catch yourself saying something negative about yourself in your self-talk? Many people call themselves "stupid" or "Clumsy". Each time we say a negative statement, it takes 3 positive statements to undo the negative.
We are hard-wired to defend ourselves and watch out for what might be trouble. It's part of being in survival mode. When we are faced with a disaster or hurtful event, our body will automatically head for survival mode. We immediately go on the defensive. For the short term, this is necessary. But, once the threat is over we need to reverse the damage done by being in this state of distress. Taking Distress Remedy often helps to shift to a position of "Everything is going to be okay". Recognizing that what has happened is in the past and to get into a position of, "What next?" is an important shift.
If we think that what will come next is more bad stuff...guess what? That's exactly what will come our way. Tell a child, "Don't spill your milk!" and guess what the brain hears...spill your milk! The brain doesn't differentiate negative from positive only the statement or intention. Tell a child, "be careful with your milk" and guess what will happen...carefulness. If you've done negative self talk all your life it is difficult to change it. The first step is to catch yourself in what you say. Sometimes having a partner who can make you aware of your words, but doesn't make you feel bad about them, is very helpful. Don't pick someone who you don't take criticism well from because it won't work to your benefit. Pick someone who can smile and be there for you as you make the transition.
One suggestion made by experts is to say "you" instead of "I". Most people would not talk about others the way they refer to themselves especially if that person was a small child. Look in the mirror and say something positive like, "I love you!" When you say it, find that inner child and speak to it--not the adult looking back at you. It may seem silly at first but after a week you can really get into it and add some emotions. Another suggestion in stopping negative self-talk is to make the voice inside your head squeaky or silly sounding--Mickey Mouse; Porky Pig or some other character that makes you laugh.
How important is it? Saying negative things about ourselves can impact blood pressure, hormone balance, your immune system and even longevity. According to the University of Minnesota "Taking Charge of your Well-Being", Negative attitudes and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can create chronic stress, which upsets the body's hormone balance, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness, and damages the immune system. Chronic stress can actually decrease our lifespan. Science has shown that the negative thoughts we think can shorten telomeres (the end cap of our DNA strands) which affects our longevity and aging process.
Take some deep breaths and reverse the negative into a positive statement. Instead of "I can't do this"; Take a breath and then say, "I can do this"! "I'm smart and getting smarter every day". Teach children these techniques. What we usually do is argue with them and tell them the opposite of what they are saying and that doesn't teach them to believe in themselves--only dig in their heels. We can ask why do they feel that way. Maybe they've heard it from someone else. Teach children the importance of thinking positive. There is a great book by Dr. Daniel Amen: Captain Snout and the Super Power Questions. It's cute and can help children (as well as adults) understand the importance of what they say to themselves. It would make a great present!
Pink Grapefruit is one of my favorite essential oil scents. I like many of the flavors of essential oils but I think my love affair with Pink Grapefruit is the longest standing one. At $18 member price this little bottle can help so many situations: It supports better lymphatic flow; acts as a digestive (just whiffing it!); It is antiseptic, bactericidal and astringent. Make a delightful spritzer with it: In a glass spray bottle add to the shoulder purified water and then 10-15 drops of Pink grapefruit (if you want to have better emulsifying--add 1 teaspoon of Nature's Fresh Enzyme Spray and lessen the amount of water you put in the bottle). This spray is good to use around any negative energy and most people love the smell. You can add a few drops of peppermint as a "wake me up" but don't overpower the Pink Grapefruit.
Another way to add Pink Grapefruit is through a lotion. Since it is antiseptic and bactericidal, it is a great smelling way to support healthy skin and keep away those nasty disease contributing germs while keeping the pH of the skin healthy. Put an ounce of NSP's unscented Hand and Body Lotion into a clean glass container with a lid (a well washed jelly jar works great) then add 15 drops of Pink Grapefruit and stir. This mixture will help keep your hands nice and soft during the winter months while it lifts your mood as well as keeps your immune system healthy. Put a pretty label on it and offer it as gifts to friends and neighbors.
Hope you found this helpful.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #811 Praise
Good Morning!
Most of us enjoy being appreciated whether it is for a job well done or a good deed. When someone doesn't thank us for a gift, it makes us feel that our efforts are wasted. Sometimes that gift took just a few minutes of thought and some money but it took time, and time is a precious commodity not to be wasted. Being taken for granted can make us feel resentful and it discourages us from doing other good deeds. If however, we look at giving as something we do because it makes us feel good, the expected "Thank You" isn't really needed. "Do good to feel good", is a great philosophy to live one's life by. Once you get into the swing of it, you will find yourself feeling better and better about who you are.
That's not to say there is an excuse for being rude. When one is struggling to put one foot in front of the other an offer of kindness can be beyond the ability of a person to respond. Often a person doesn't feel worthy of praise or kindness. Perhaps they've done something that is against their character and feel guilty; or have been made to feel guilty, even though no guilt should be applied. Children are often yelled at because the parent is out of sorts, not because their deed warranted discipline. There's an old saying about, "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar". To tell the truth, I'm not sure why anyone would want flies but, everyone does seem to get the meaning.
Applause is the praise we elicit when we enjoy a good performance. The heartier the clapping, the more one knows their performance was enjoyed. Have you ever been to a performance that moved you to the point of standing and clapping to encourage the performer and tell them you enjoyed greatly what they presented? I know each time my granddaughter is in a performance I just beam with pride and I take part in the hand-clapping with delight. I often will hug my grandchildren and tell them how proud of them I am and how very much I love them. This energy is encouraging and it lets them know they are valued.
An embrace is experienced when two (or more) people hug with positive energy. A hug can generate a feeling of well being. When we are embraced it is a sharing of love and a feeling that somebody cares about us. Some people just act like they're hugging but a real hug transfers energy and this can be powerful. This energy can help someone, even without words spoken. That person can feel they are understood and somebody actually cares. Can you remember being hugged as a child when you were hurt? The more one has of memories like that, the more your brain can remember the calm and love generated. Even if you didn't have the most caring childhood you can still appreciate a good hug.
Do you have an animal at home that, as soon as you walk in the door, is right there to greet you? That energy of love generally makes you want to reach out and pet the animal in appreciation. It is a bond that forms and keeps on forming. It is a human need to be appreciated and to be loved. Don't be too busy to "be in the moment" to enjoy that feeling of appreciation and love. Often times we are on to the next thought when we haven't totally accepted the present. Make yourself pause and enjoy the feeling. It is what helps us cope with the stress of what's next.
Sometimes something as small as a smile can let someone know they are worthy of praise. Years ago my husband and I read the book: Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. It was interesting to us to read about people going through operations to correct a nose, or some other feature they felt kept them from being "good looking". After the operation they would feel the same--not worthy of praise or love. Even though they could be classified as beautiful, they still felt the stigma of having a crooked nose, or ears that stuck out, or some other physical feature they deemed ugly. Dr. Maltz figured out that these feeling were from within and not the outward appearance and this is what needs to be changed. The book has been updated but I feel it was a great learning tool.
Some people have to work at a smile. In my husband's case, the muscles that form a smile actually had to be worked. His father had the same facial feature and we now lovingly refer to it as the "Borngeeser grin". I always felt my father in law was displeased or angry at me until I found out that his mouth could not smile unless he forced it to. So, in order to change his facial expression, my husband would make himself smile at 3 people each day. At first he felt foolish! But, then he realized that most people would smile back--something that never happened before. People were actually smiling at him. In a short while it became a habit and it really helped him feel better about himself and life in general.
Creating a positive attitude isn't easy for some people. Perhaps you can start with smiling first. Then you can go on to doing a good deed and expecting nothing in return. Just do it because it feels good. Offer a hug to someone who looks like they're having a hard day. Be sure to ask, if you don't know the person well because you could be offending "their personal space". Most people will agree to your expression of concern by hugging or handshaking--or even a fist bump. More healing energy transfers when it is a hug!
Praise is also encouragement to continue doing what is right. It is what we do to support good deeds starting with telling a child they are performing a deed admirably. I can remember encouraging our sons when they would fall and get back up in the process of learning how to walk. Or saying, "very good" if they pronounced a word properly. We all need encouragement from time to time. Being human requires us to have a sense of community. During disasters this "sense of community" is often what keeps people going during the worst of times.
Who can you come across today that might have need for a little praise and encouragement? Often we do our jobs to the best of our ability and yet it goes unnoticed because that is what is expected. But still, wouldn't it be nice to get the preverbal "pat on the back" from someone we are trying to impress. This is the Season of Good Cheer. Be that person who seeks to praise others, not the one seeking for praise. You may just be the person that makes a difference in someone's life. Spread Prosperity! Nature's Sunshine has a beautiful blend of essential oils called: Prosper Success blend. It has some lovely citrus and spices in it like: Orange, Cinnamon, clove and cedar (wonderful smells of the season) along with Lavender which is calming and Patchouli which can alleviate emotional states of apathy, depression and indifference. Other essential oils in this blend include: myrrh and frankincense--both oils given to the Magi because they were held in such high value. Prosper Success blend has a wonderful uplifting smell that can move your spirits and engender feelings of happiness, success, good will and delight. Just what is needed during this time of the year.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #810 Erase that bruise!
Good Morning!
Do you know why a bruise forms? It forms due to stagnation. Your first impulse when you bang yourself (other than shouting out a few choice cuss words), is to rub. If you spend about five- eight minutes rubbing the wounded area, a bruise will not form. The problem is: nobody wants to wait that long to rub for what seems like forever. We are too busy. But here's the thing: spend 5-8 minutes now, or deal with a bruise for at least a week while it goes through its course of colors and tenderness. It doesn't make much sense when put that way, does it? Test it yourself the next time you bump yourself. Rub, Rub, Rub for at least five minutes. When you finish you know you've done enough rubbing if there is no more heat or pain at the injured site.
If you spray the area with an enzyme spray you can eliminate the congestion even faster. Nature's Fresh Enzyme Spray has plant enzymes that break down proteins. Originally, this formula was presented to eliminate odors and stains. I've used it to remove ink stains and blood stains as well as a red wine stain from a light colored carpet. Since this product was launched inventive herbalists across the country have found that it is amazing at reducing inflammatory responses. In order to understand this, one has to know what is involved when we have an inflammatory response and how the immune system reacts. https://www.britannica.com/science/inflammation
Inflammation is a healthy response to an acute event that causes tissue damage. The proteins emitted are to assist with a variety of healing protocols. The biggest problem occurs when this response is inhibited by congestion. By rubbing the affected area you can allow more of the healing to take place and assist the body in the removal of damaged tissue. The only time one would not want to rub an affected area is if you are bitten or the skin mounts a rash due to contact with a plant such as poison ivy. Unfortunately the automatic response is to scratch but this will spread the rash and drive it deeper. Washing the area with something like Tecnu will make you more comfortable and then taking a natural antihistamine like HistaBlock (two every half hour) will greatly reduce the response and make you feel a whole lot more comfortable.
For a bee sting or snake bite (you may need medical attention immediately depending on the type of bite) but while you are on your way to the hospital, you could be taking the antihistamine and cold compressing the area to calm the blood flow to the area. You could use an astringent herb like plantain which grows profusely in wooded areas and considered a weed in most lawns. As long as it hasn't been sprayed with toxins you could pick a leaf and chew it a bit to break down the cells allowing for the juice of the plant to come through. This juice will calm the swelling and if you use something like activated charcoal with it, may even draw out the stinger.
If you bruise because you have fragile capillaries, you may want to take more Citrus bioflavonoid instead of regular vitamin C that is made from Ascorbic Acid. Most time release and high dose vitamin C supplements are made with just ascorbic acid but, a more complex version would be the Vitamin C found in Oranges, grapefruits and rose hips. Vitamin C is an important anti-stress antioxidant and is a vital nutrient needed for proper adrenal function. Most animals store vitamin C in their adrenals but humans do not. So it is an essential nutrient, which means it must be obtained from the food or supplements we take in. Under stress vitamin C is depleted and this contributes to a higher risk of heart disease.
Rutin and rose hips help to strengthen the capillaries so when they are stressed the blood doesn't just pass through the thin walls of these arteries. If you have frequent nose bleeds this is an indication of a deficiency in these forms of vitamin C. Sniffing lemon oil often will halt a nose bleed but it is better to address why these capillaries are weak and a lack of Bioflavonoids may be the reason.
Taking blood thinning medication has been shown to contribute to perforation of the small capillaries in an effort to prevent clotting. You should mention this to your doctor but also start by taking two Citrus Bioflavonoids per day and see if there is improvement in strengthening the capillaries. This does not affect your medication. If your blood is too thin it can contribute to other problems so taking this type of medication should be closely monitored and usually is not suggested as a life-time medication.
Some of the other advantages to taking Citrus Bioflavonoids according to a study published in the British medical journal, Lancet, Vitamin C intake increases lifespan by reducing the chances of dying from cardiovascular disease. It has been found to be important for the building up of bone density and the building up of cartilage. It is anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-relieving)! Some other symptoms associated with a need for more of this antioxidant are: night leg cramps; weakness in the extremities; and in Europe is used as a treatment for venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids.
Since the adrenals need this vitamin, a lack of it contributes to allergic reactions and how sensitive one is to certain allergens. The mechanism Hesperidin (one of the components of Citrus Bioflavonoids) works on is blocking the release of histamine. Histamine is one of the proteins that the immune system releases as a response to an allergic threat. Mast cells release it and makes our nose itch and run causing sneezing and coughing. A little bit is needed to flush out toxins but often the response goes into overdrive and we need to calm it. The overdrive occurs when there isn't an opposing element as that provided by a balanced level of vitamin C intake in the form of Hesperidins.
So, instead of taking an over the counter antihistamine, what you may really need is a daily intake of Citrus Bioflavonoids to support the adrenals; deal with stress; support healthy veins and capillaries as well as overall health. It is much better to prevent a situation than to have to respond to it. But, it is also good to have supplements on hand in case the condition arises because the definition of an acute condition is that it happens suddenly and without warning. Being prepared for a cold with nutrition is better than taking a cold medication that causes the symptoms to go deeper and making the cold last longer. Cold symptoms include a histamine reaction as the body is trying to flush out toxins.
Hope you found this helpful.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #809 What do you do?
Good Morning!
What do you do if you have the symptoms of a cold or flu? What remedy do you take when you have a fever or sore throat? Do you take cough medicine that may be full of sugar or chemicals like red or blue dye? Many medications have side effects in fact most do. The last thing you want is to trade one complaint for another. If you are like most people, you think that because something is sold "over the counter" it is safe. Not so! Many times it is sold over the counter because the patent has run out and in order for the manufacturer to continue selling it, prescriptions are no longer needed and it can be sold without a doctor prescribing it.
Cough medications containing codeine are particularly worrisome as teens have become addicted to it. According to WebMD: "Cough-and-cold products have not been shown to be safe or effective in children younger than 6 years." When your body needs to expel toxins, an expectorant is used. Natural expectorants such as inhaling eucalyptus oil in a vaporizer is considered safe and quite effective. People have used Vicks for years but we have since found out that vaporizing petroleum products can harmfully disrupt the endocrine system. Whereas just a few drops added to the water in a vaporizer can help decongest and help expel phlegm.
Eucalyptus oil is an effective bactericidal and fungicidal essential oil that has been shown to help relieve dry, nervous coughs. It has the ability to loosen thickened phlegm and help the body produce thin mucus to support the respiratory system in protecting the sensitive lining of sinus tissue, throat and esophagus as well as bronchioles and lungs. This can also be helpful as a rub when diluted with silver gel: one teaspoon of Silver Gel and 1-2 drops of Eucalyptus oil can be rubbed on the chest and a flannel placed on top of the chest followed by a hot water bottle can be very soothing. This application can be done on older children but on younger children it is better just to use the water diluted vaporizer method. Eucalyptus is one of the smells associated with Vicks but I doubt they use the organic version in their Vapo-rub. Here's a natural version of that old time recipe: https://wellnessmama.com/3527/natural-vapor-rub/
How much money do you spend and how much time do you have to take off work due to sickness? Over the years I have been so grateful for the knowledge I've obtained through taking classes on natural healing. Some of the techniques and remedies I've learned have saved me and my family undue suffering from taking a few minutes of time to make a remedy, or have on hand supplies that have helped my (and their) body heal. I urge you to have on hand some supplies because you cannot predict when you will need a cold or fever remedy.
Fevers are a way for the body to burn out toxins. If you or your children have slow elimination times, you may have more fevers than someone whose eliminative system is functioning well. Making sure you drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily is a good start in keeping your colon hydrated. Also, you need to make sure you have enough fiber for the toxins to attach to and get eliminated. Fiber is found in fruits and vegetables (not meat and starches like pasta). Having 6-8 servings (half cups) of vegetables per day is better than fruit because most fruit are high in sugar.
Have you ever accidentally burned yourself? One time I was in a hotel and curling my hair with a new curling iron. The holding tip of the iron was half the size of the one I had been using for years so when I went to grab the end to rolling my hair onto the curling iron I grabbed some of the iron and burned my finger and thumb! After shouting a few choice words I immediately went to my travel emergency kit where I always carry Lavender essential oil. I sprinkled the oil on my burned skin and began to use the "light fast stroke" method I remember Steven Horne teaching a few years before. This stroking method helps to move the damaged tissue out of the area by increasing circulation and allowing the blood to carry immune support and nutrition to the cells where it is directed. It is a very easy technique to learn but the mistake most people make is to stop too soon. 5 minutes can seem like an hour when you are trying to get ready for an important meeting or have something else to attend to but it is well worth those few extra minutes! After doing this treatment for several minutes the pain went away but I resisted stopping until the full five minutes were up. I then finished my hair and before I got dressed, repeated the oil and rubbing.
My tendency would have been to stick my hand in an ice bucket, but I didn't have any handy and by the time I did go and get ice, the tissue damage in my finger would have been twice what it was. Immediate attention is necessary when burns are involved so the more ready you are, the quicker the healing time. After the second treatment, it was an hour before I felt the burn again and I was in class so I just repeated the fast light stroking method and at lunch time I went up and applied the Lavender oil and did the stroking method again for about 5 minutes. I never blistered nor had any swelling or redness and the pain was minimal! I am ever so grateful for Steven Horne teaching me this method of facilitating the healing process.
Do you know when it is appropriate to seek medical care and when something can be attended to at home with faster healing? Emergency First Aid care is something we are taught. What most people are taught they learn from advertisements. Who is benefitting from you getting this knowledge? The people selling the products. I'm not saying that all manufacturers are bad but unfortunately the biggest manufacturers are those making drugs. I am against using synthetics as much as possible and drugs are synthetic.
White willow bark was shown to us by the First Americans. Indians knew how to relieve pain with making a tea out of white willow bark and passed this information on to the settlers. Drug companies (Bayer) took the components of white willow and synthesized it but you can't synthesize the whole. You can only imitate parts of it. The main spikes of the signature in this herb was then copied and they added some binders and fillers and bingo! Aspirin was invented. Now we know that taking aspirin consistently will perforate the delicate lining of the intestines contributing to leaky gut. It really upsets me when I hear that people take an aspirin a day to prevent heart attack when there has never been a published study that proves that theory. It is all due to a rumor Bayer started.
How many people have aspirin in their medicine chest verses how many people have a product with white willow bark? I, for one, do have an analgesic called IF Relief that has helped me reduce inflammation and support healing. I also have an extensive knowledge of essential oils and other herbs that has been instrumental in keeping me healthy. Most of these can be taken daily without causing side effects but everybody is different so you need to see what works for you.
There are countless times when I've handled an emergency and because I knew what to do, healing was able to lessen the damage to tissue by more than half. You can do this also! Find some natural healing classes in your area. Wintertime is the perfect time to take a class. Some of the places I think are online courses are: http://modernherbalmedicine.com/lms/ ; https://naturesinstitute.com/courses/ and of course, Nature's Sunshine has a wonderful webinar base to learn from https://www.naturessunshine.com/us/members/c1/webinars/
You can also ask your friendly herbalist or Traditional Naturopathic Doctor!
Hope you found this helpful.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #808 Fasciculation
Good Morning!
It makes my skin crawl! Fasciculation is a brief, spontaneous contraction affecting a small number of muscle fibers, often causing a flicker of movement under the skin. It can be a symptom of disease of the motor neurons but most often it is a sign of magnesium deficiency. If you've ever had this condition it is pretty creepy. Some people think it may be parasites and it might be but I think making sure you have adequate magnesium is a first line of investigation.
Unfortunately, unlike sodium or potassium, there is no easily available commercial lab test that will give you a truly accurate reading of your magnesium status. The reason for this is because the vast majority of the magnesium in your body is found in bones and soft tissues. Only 1 percent of it shows up in your blood. That said, some specialty labs do provide an RBC magnesium test that can give you a reasonable estimate. Perhaps the best way to ascertain your status is to carefully evaluate and track your symptoms.
Since there is very little problem with overdose, taking extra magnesium and keeping track of how your symptoms respond is probably a good idea. There are many magnesium supplements and types of magnesium. Some magnesium is better for muscles and some better for bowel relaxation. Some magnesium works in the brain like: Magnesium L-threonate. This relatively new compound has shown in studies to significantly raise magnesium levels in the brain while increasing learning capacities in mice. Memory and retention were positively affected in studies done both in Beijing and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The excitement this may pose for those afflicted with Alzheimer's disease and dementia is very promising. When brain magnesium level is raised, anxiety levels diminish.
Muscle twitching (restless leg), Magnesium deficiency may be a contributing factor to restless leg and twitching muscles states a study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine. Early signs of magnesium deficiency include "Charlie horses" (the muscle spasm that occurs when you stretch your legs), headaches/migraines, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, fatigue or weakness. These are all warning signs indicating you probably need to boost your magnesium intake. When you consider the heart is a muscle, you can probably more clearly understand how arrhythmia (an imbalance between calcium and magnesium--relaxing and contracting) can be affected when magnesium levels are low.
Anxiety and depression: In 1968, Wacker and Parisi reported that magnesium deficiency could cause depression, behavioral disturbances, headaches, muscle cramps, seizures, ataxia, psychosis, and irritability - all reversible with magnesium repletion. When you consider how many people are put on antibiotics and antacids, which have been shown to deplete the body of magnesium, you can also understand how one can become very deficient in this extremely important and vital mineral.
How important is magnesium? Well, other than what was previously stated, here is a list of things magnesium is responsible for, according to Dr. Joe Mercola:
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body. Researchers have detected more than 3,750 magnesium-binding sites on human proteins giving an indication of its wide-ranging health effects. More than 300 different enzymes also rely on magnesium for proper function.
A common estimate is that 50 to 80 percent of Americans are deficient in magnesium, and the health consequences are significant. Magnesium plays an important role in your body's biochemical processes, many of which are crucial for proper metabolic function. This includes but is not limited to:
Creation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of your body
Relaxation of blood vessels
Muscle and nerve function, including the action of your heart muscle
Proper formation of bones and teeth
Regulation of blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, which is important for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. For example, magnesium is essential for insulin release by pancreatic β-cells, and acts as a messenger for insulin action
Magnesium-deficiency symptoms include acid reflux, anxiety, constipation, and kidney stones. Additional information related to signs and symptoms that could indicate a magnesium problem can be found on the Nutritional Magnesium Association’s website at: www.nutritionalmagnesium.org.
Since there are no disadvantages to taking Magnesium (except for loose stools), it might be a good thing to add to your daily health regimen. Now begs the question, which one? Here are a couple of tips I use when choosing: if you have only one bowel movement per day or less: use Magnesium Oxide. If your muscles are particularly achy or spasm easily: Magnesium citrate and malate are good choices. If stress is a factor: Magnesium L-threonate would benefit and doesn't seem to affect bowel elimination.
Hope you found this helpful.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #808 Astroturfing.
Good Morning!
If you are a football fan you know about the fake grass known as astroturf. Artificial turf has become popular for both professional fields and those fields on which children play sports. Scraping skin on toxic material and having it imbedded into wounds is a potential health hazard but it isn't what this eGram is about. I want to discuss a process that is equally toxic because it effects the way everyone of us makes decisions.
Ninety percent of news media are controlled by six corporations. As a result, the vast majority of what you read, see and hear is part of a carefully orchestrated narrative created and controlled by special interest groups. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and blogs are made up to sway public opinion. Search places like Wikipedia and Google are paid for by these special interest groups to slant the way we get information.
Many of my clients look to places like Wikipedia and WebMD for information regarding their symptoms. If you hear about a new drug and how wonderful it is and you think, "this may be just what will help me"; you follow the instructions in the ad to "check with your doctor" and make an appointment. This saying was coined by the pharmaceutical industry just so it could advertise to you their merchandise. They made a pact with the medical doctors that if they put that clause in then that removed their responsibility. What they are doing, in fact, is making a blatant recommendation that this particular drug is going to "fix" your problems whether it is "insomnia", "depression", "erectile dysfunction" or a whole myriad of ailments.
So on your doctor visit you tell Him/Her that this drug is what you need and the doctor has just come back from a seminar (presented by the manufacturer) and agrees. So, you get the prescription and maybe it does "fix the problem" but you notice other things going wrong. You may not even associate the new symptoms with the medication. So, off to Dr. Google you go and if you search the medication you might see it listed as an occasional side effect which happens rarely.
Who do you rely on for accurate information? That is the real problem. I think the first thing people have to understand about symptoms is that they are messages from the body and they are to be listened to. Many of us don't pay attention to these signals. We don't have time for them! But, if you understand what is normal and what isn't, you can then understand how the body is out of balance. Most people don't even understand what a CBC test is telling them. This month's topic was helping people to understand how to balance the body when a blood test reveals an imbalance.
What do those blood tests tell you?
Find some reliable sources and check them out. Don't rely on Facebook, Twitter or blogs that might be telling the truth or may be just spreading rumors. Watch this YouTube video from Ted Talks: https://youtu.be/-bYAQ-ZZtEU As independent investigative journalist, Sharyl Attkisson discusses Astroturfing. Sharyl wrote “Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington” — an exposé on what really goes on behind the media curtain.
I find Dr. Mercola a credible source of information. He has experts that discuss scientifically sound factual information and yet easy for the average person to follow. Here is his article on Astroturfing:
I also like the information I get from Nature's Sunshine and the free webinars they provide. I have learned so much over the years from credible experts that have no agenda except for helping people discover the truth about health. The unfortunate thing is the government has passed laws that prohibit natural health industries to relate conditions to supplements. Drug companies can; but natural health companies cannot. It's okay because true natural healing seeks the cause and doesn't work on the symptom.
The pharmaceutical industry pays doctors to document and speak glowingly about their products. They put these "experts" in front of you thinking that you will see them as credible sources. Case in point: The class-action lawsuit against Monsanto's glyphosate and it causing Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Dr. Farmer, a supposed expert says that Round-up is perfectly safe. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/roundup-weed-killer-lawsuit-monsanto-glyphosate-cancer-claims/ CBS focuses on sugar coating the facts that people are getting cancer from using this product and suffering for years because they thought it was safe!
I urge you to take stock of what you base your lifestyle on. Question the answers you receive and dig into the facts as much as you can. Stay away from chemicals as there is always a risk along with what they consider the benefit--and determine if that benefit is for you or them. Get involved when it concerns your health and the health of those you love. Learn some natural health answers and keep reading information like this newsletter to stay on top of the latest health news (not sickness news).
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #807 Fascinating!
Good Morning!
Do you question what your doctor tells you? Some doctors are calling search engines, Dr. Google! You can do research on any given subject but you should also know where is the information coming from and make sure your sources are factual. I usually try to get information from three different sources that have been backed by evidence.
Many of my clients will already have looked up their symptoms on the internet and viewed several websites about their condition. I've had people come to me that have seen a medical doctor but don't believe what he/she is saying because it doesn't make sense. I think people are becoming very educated about their body and how it works. I also feel that many people understand that medicine addresses symptoms and does not work on the cause.
Doctors are very educated in illnesses and can diagnose conditions with accuracy, but if you are looking to improve your health, your doctor may not have the answers you are looking for. Time restraints, an inadequate questionnaire and perhaps even a language barrier can make your visit feel like a waste of time. In checking out information regarding average visit times verses waiting times, a person waits much longer than the time actually spent with the doctor. One often waits to get in to see the doctor and then waits once they are there for their appointment and then waits again in a room for the doctor to come in and then waits for the doctors opinion on what the symptoms are showing. They often have to wait for blood tests to come back or may even have to wait for yet another doctor to see them.
In checking out what could make your visit more beneficial there were suggestions for you to make a list of questions as well as having a timeline of when symptoms occurred, what you were doing and if you've ever had them before and even what was done when you did. The doctor will want to know the severity of the symptoms and if they've changed at all since making the appointment and actually getting in to see him/her. Having a basic understanding of where body parts are is helpful as well. I've had clients in who didn't know where there stomach was located (often they point to their bowel). Do you know where your kidneys are; how about your lungs? Do you know what the diaphragm is and what it does? These are basic things I teach in my classes so that people have an understanding of how their body works and the relationship each part has to other parts.
The ten most popular reasons one seeks medical help is (and the dates of those classes):
1. Skin disorders, including cysts, acne and dermatitis. (April 2016) 2. Joint disorders, including osteoarthritis. (October 2010) 3. Back problems. (coming (Nov 2017) 4. Cholesterol problems. (February 2013) 5. Upper respiratory conditions. (March 2014) 6. Anxiety, bipolar disorder and depression. (October 2016) 7. Chronic neurologic disorders. (August 2017) 8. High blood pressure. (June 2011) 9. Headaches and migraines. (July 2011) 10. Diabetes. (May 2015)
In each one of these classes we discussed what systems of the body were involved and how nutrition and lifestyle impact these systems and how they become imbalanced. Symptoms are signals from your body saying there is something wrong and you need to pay attention. They are not there to be covered up by pain killers and numbing drugs.
You can be more proactive in your health even when accidents happen. Knowing a few things on what to do about bleeding, bruising, burns, colds and flu etc. can mean the difference between lost work and getting through something in less than half the time. I've used the knowledge I obtained in countless ways to improve my healing and those of my loved ones. It doesn't take a doctorate. It takes common sense and having some tools, supplements etc. on hand and the knowledge on what to do with them. Attend some classes and help yourself be healthier.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #806 Joints
Good Morning!
Hip pain; achy joints; weak knees may be the result of extreme use such as in sports but they also come with aging. What can be done to prevent and care for these joints? Besides overuse, these joints need specific nutrition to keep them healthy. Alfalfa is known as the king of herbs because it is packed with important minerals. It has an extensive tap root and can pick up minerals deep within the earth. It assists in digestion as well as assimilation of these important minerals and is found in the formula Joint Support.
Bromelain is derived from pineapple and is a great protein digestive aid. When proteins go undigested through the blood stream they create inflammation and will generally increase swelling in the joints. Using a product daily that includes enzymes has been found to be beneficial in ridding the body of these inflammatory markers. Science shows us that bromelain can reduce the stickiness that forms on platelets. When there is a great deal of stickiness blood clots will form. So, the health benefits of taking this recipe goes way beyond supporting healthy joints.
Lecithin is also known as phosphatidylcholine which is the primary molecule responsible for building fluids in the joints and keeping those fluids juicy so you don't end up with "bone on bone" conditions. Lecithin not only repairs membranes but replaces damaged cells--good news for those of us who have damaged joint membranes. It protects against free radical damage that contributes to inflammation and is well known for brain health benefits. I take two of these capsules every evening so that during the night my body can be repairing joint membranes while I'm at sleep and the bones are not working to help me walk, kneel and even sit.
Taking care of your body on a daily basis will pay off in feeling stronger, more capable as well as slow the aging process. Many of my clients in their late 40's have pain that is generally associated with someone in their late 60's. Poor food and supplementation can result in fluids drying up causing "bone on bone" and weak porous bones contributing to fragility. Bone density isn't just about calcium! Drinking milk provides the body with the wrong kind of vitamin D and does not support healthy bones. Many medical doctors will tell you to drink milk for calcium and vitamin D and we all know that Medical Doctors do not get a good education when it comes to knowing about nutrition.
It is extremely important for bone density that you get D3 and raise your vitamin D levels in the body to between 80-100nl mg. It is also important to take K2. This can be found in Krill Oil along with Omega 3 you will get the protection of antioxidants. This is a great supplement to not only support better bone health but to fight inflammation as well. Krill is so abundant that masses of them can be seen via satellite. They are not contaminated with heavy metals like some of the larger cold water fish but provides a wonderful source of Omega 3 essential fatty acids.
You can strengthen joints and live pain free if you know what to do and how to care for your body. You can also speed healing. Get to know how you can live pain free by taking some classes. One of the many reasons I love Nature's Sunshine is because they love to help us understand our body and how we can support better health with scientifically proven recipes. I also love the quality that they insist on.
Many essential oil companies use extenders and believe it is okay to have up to 10 percent non-beneficial ingredients in their oils. Many depend on their suppliers to do the testing but not NSP! Our oils are tested and proven where they are grown, distilled and then again when they are received at the facility for distribution. These tests are extensive and guaranteed to provide us with the purest oils that will grant us the performance that we have come to depend on when supporting the health of our body. Don't settle for less when you are seeking to improve your health, or the health of those you care about. I have used Nature's Sunshine with confidence for almost 40 years and have had the pleasure of helping thousands of people increase their vitality and strength as well as reduce and eliminate pain.
Whatever your concern, there is hope and good nutrition to back that hope up. The cells of the body are constantly shifting. Some cells are dying and some are being born. Why not improve the health of the cells and then create healthy tissues so that the body can be healthier instead of sicker? It is a simple process of nourish, eliminate toxins and repeat. Everything in your body that has a blood supply can be nourished and the toxins can be eliminated. Supporting healthy blood was the topic of a recent class: https://www.dropbox.com/event_details/58585384/1448539286/622157719/0
Helping to circulate the blood with exercise and making sure you are drinking half your body weight in ounces of water daily is very important to supporting good health as well as having a positive attitude. Listen to some beneficial music and take classes that give you hope that achieving a healthier life is possible, this will go a long way in giving you what you need to be the best you can be.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #805 Disappointment
Good Morning!
We've all had disappointments. Some are life altering like death, divorce, accidents etc. Some disappointments are easy to get over, some not so. You can be disappointed in a meal or even someone's behavior and maybe even yourself at times. But, when you experience gut wrenching disappointment, it's a totally different matter.
There is no way to prepare for these disappointments because they just happen. Some people will tell you they occur because we need to learn from them. There have been times when I'd look to the sky and shout, "whatever I'm supposed to learn from this--I'm done!" Some disappointments are easier if we have someone to share them with. When we are disappointed with ourselves for behavior that was induced from addictive impulses, there are groups we can join to see how others have dealt with the disappointment successfully. Sometimes sharing our disappointment with God helps. Sometimes sharing it with those we've hurt helps.
Emotional turmoil occurs even in utero. We absorb nutrition from our mothers and we also absorb emotions. Often I find that the emotion one is dealing with is related to a time when they were still developing in the womb. It's not the mom's fault! Pregnancy is sometimes quite emotional. When we can it is great to experience joy and peace but we live in a real world and have to deal with constantly being disappointed. We need to learn how to respond to disappointment in a way that causes the least amount of damage.
Strong emotional reactions often are impacted by cell memory. Cells have energy. They also produce energy in the mitochondria. They need water (just like your car needs water). They also need good conductivity which involves your pH. If you want to investigate this further see Dr. Mercola's article on Body Voltage.
Our emotions are held in cells all over our body and may even block energy to those areas causing disease. In 1997 Candace Pert, Ph.D. wrote a book, Molecules of Emotion which began the work of Mind-Body science in earnest. The science actually began in the 70's but most of the doctors still thought that "if you can't see it or touch it, it doesn't exist". But, some scientists were working on the idea that the body had "receptors" and hormones attached to these receptors to turn on functions. The first receptor idea was about insulin and to this day, natural healing doctors understand this better than some medical doctors that you need to have good nutrition in order for these receptors to work properly.
People are uncomfortable around someone who has had a great loss. The energy of that person may have an effect on our own emotions and maybe even touch something we don't want to deal with. Most of us think we just have to "get over it"! But what we really need to do is get through it. Processing these blocked emotions can be done in a variety of ways. Moving stuck energy can be done quite effectively with flower essence therapy. God gave us the plants to help us heal. The flower essences are prepared in a way that they capture the energy of the plant. The 7 flower essences that are prepared for Nature's Sunshine cover a whole host of emotional blockages. They can be used as often as every 10 minutes and can also be blended with essential oils. Although these remedies are taken internally, when combined with essential oils they can be disbursed in the air for a lovely calming and uplifting effect.
Pick one that works for you and move through your disappointments: Distress Remedy is the first one everyone should pick because it helps one to center and calm the spirit. It has been used for trauma and is safe for babies and even pets. It restores emotional stability. It helps one deal with anger, sorrow, guilt, worry, hopelessness and many other emotions that can incapacitate us. One of the seven remedies in this formula is Arnica and this helps one deal with the pain of emotions.
Another remedy I've recommended is Be Courageous. The 7 remedies combined in this formula help one to face our fears! I've seen people move through some amazing situations by using this blend. It helps one to conquer adversity while creating a calm and self-assured presence. Clarity of mind is needed in many situations and this remedy is amazing at helping one think through a process and create the right words needed to express one's feelings and desires.
When one has been "broken-hearted" by either death, divorce or abandonment the reaction is to harden one's heart. If we do so, we prevent love from entering in. Nobody wants to get hurt, but to exist without feeling is to just exist and not truly live. Having heart pain can lead to heart attacks and other cardio related diseases. Breathing into the pain while taking "Open Heart" remedy is a lovely experience. Learning to give and receive love again is incredible. It is a process, but this remedy has helped so many to recover from some very painful experiences. I love to mix a dropperful of this remedy into a 2 ounce spray bottle filled with purified water and 3 drops of Rose essential oil. This smell can help raise vibrational levels that include healing the heart of painful experiences.
Another remedy that supports self confidence is Find Strength. This remedy is for when you have the tendency to be a martyr. The personality of the amiable person is one that they don't want to make waves so they just swallow the hurt. One can only do that for a time and then the body explodes with behavior that often wounds those we care about. It is better to be brave and express our feelings in a calm and thoughtful way. Find Strength gives one the courage to discuss hurt feelings in a beneficial manner. Anger is not a bad emotion. It is when we stifle it and then explode that bad things can happen.
A remedy that can be used to diffuse negative emotions is: Release It. Sometimes we need to think through a conversation before actually having it. Using the formula, Release It helps us to let go of the pent up anger by taking deep breaths and taking a dropperful of the Release It under the tongue while letting go of the hurt and anger. You can accompany it with words that feel right like, "I release this emotion that is only hurting me." Sometimes it helps to jump up and down, run around the block, wave our arms and make verbal sounds of release like shouting. Often people are consumed with feelings of unjust. The world is not just. Our justice system is more about punishment than it is about justice. Let it Go! Give it to God. Don't search for justice. Do the best you can and let the rest of the world do what it will because in the long run, you have no control over it. You only have control over how you respond.
Sometimes you don't know how to respond appropriately to situations. Be Response-Able actually helps us to respond with behavior that we enjoy about ourselves. This remedy helps us overcome addictions and behaviors that are self destructive. If our general response to pain is to run from it or involve ourselves in behavior that is not healthy, Be Response-Able helps us to see how this negative behavior is actually to our detriment. Studies have shown that by taking appropriate flower essences one can feel happier, more productive and more confident about life and their circumstances.
It does take time to heal. But, while healing you can do things that assist the body to remove blockages that are interfering with that healing process. Maybe you feel yourself being irritated by small things such as noises or someone's gestures; Keep Cool remedy helps to calm the negativity and help regain control with perspective. Acceptance, forgiveness and compassion are virtues that when employed yield such a sense of peace in us. Learning how to use these emotions is a process and while we are making efforts we can use the essence of Keep Cool to assist us in vibrationally getting in touch with these feelings. I've had women in menopause use this in a sprayer bottle (one dropperful to 2 ounces of purified water) and add 5 drops of the essential oil blend of "Changes". It can really diffuse those hot flashes!
Put some of these ideas to use. Let me know how they have helped.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #804 Without consequence!
Good Morning!
Sixty years ago a "wonder drug" was being touted. "A rat could feast on it without dying", said the manufacturers. It was formulated by a German drug company and sold over the counter because it was so safe. It was sent to American pharmacists with as much disregard as aspirin. It could cure morning sickness, insomnia and a whole host of ailments. Pregnant women were advised to take it for their nausea.
Unfortunately, for thousands of babies born during that time; who bore the consequences of being part of that "human study," it was marked as something out of a horror movie. Midwives and doctors delivering armless, legless and blind babies with deformities unheard of before Thalidomide, were shocked and had to comfort the parents who had the responsibility of caring for these children without any compensation from the drug manufacturer.
Most of the cases were settled out of court with a small stipend awarded. Medical bills for these children were extreme. Some were born with no roof to their mouth or a deformed palate so eating was a challenge. More of the story: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/23/booming/the-death-and-afterlife-of-thalidomide.html
Did we learn from this? President Kennedy required the FDA to create laws so strict that most drug manufacturers could not get drug approval without spending many years in research and millions of dollars. So, the drug companies started to focus on vaccines. In order to manufacturer the vaccines and not have to go through the strict requirements now set by the FDA they demanded that they be able to produce vaccines without having to worry about the consequences they may have to suffer if someone has a reaction. I think all the president's good intentions went down the drain because the pharmaceutical industry found ways around these strict requirements.
It is a well-known fact that the same people who head the drug manufacturers and the FDA have a "revolving door". So, they trade Operating Officers and line each others' pockets. If you think back at how many drugs are taken off the market within five years of approval, you have to wonder who is in charge of the "hen house"? Are we the "test market"? I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to be the guinea pig for some drug that down the road will lead me to chronic disease.
Vaccines need a healthy immune system to work. Why not just boost the immune system in the first place and forget about vaccines? Are we really healthier since vaccines became common place? Giving young children flu shots appeared to have no impact on flu-related doctor visits or hospitalizations during two recent flu seasons, according to a study published in the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine. So, it did not decrease visits to the doctor. School age children would be much better off understanding the importance of good hygiene: washing hands, using facial tissues to blow their nose (learning how to blow their nose!) and not spitting on others when talking. We are too antiseptic. Using just plain soap and water is better for the health of our skin.
Taking a spoonful of Silver Shield daily and some Elderberry Immune for encouraging a healthy immune system would be a huge step in supporting one's health. I personally take Elderberry D3Fense on a daily basis along with a spoonful of Silver each morning to support my immune system. I would never take a flu shot and I cringe when I see all the signs promoting them to people who think they should do it because its advertised everywhere. Don't be a lemming. Just because someone is ready fall of a cliff, you don't have to! (this myth was disproven--but you get my point) We need to learn to think for ourselves and listen to common sense. God did not provide us with such an inept body that it needed such chemical intervention to work.
Today pregnant women are being vaccinated and I wonder what the ramifications of these drugs will be; what will we "learn" from this experiment? When a can of soda pop bears the label of caution to pregnant women, what are they thinking when they encourage women to get vaccinated with toxic material? Ingredients may include: Thimerosal, which is known to be very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin, (still included in multi-dose flu vaccine despite a legitimate public outcry about the known dangers of mercury!); Formaldehyde or Formalin; Chicken kidney cells, aka Chicken DNA (and sometimes human fetal tissue); Monosodium glutamate; Octoxinol-9 (Triton X-100), also used in spermicidal applications! And/or Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80).
It generally takes nine months from conception to birth and it is a process where the baby is developing in stages. Each stage requires nutrition. Give the baby, and you, the best you can. You both deserve peace and joy; find it in every day. Rest! Healthy exercise and good mental health. Take some yoga classes and learn to breath properly. There is a lot you can do to help yourself and baby be healthier but (in my opinion) getting vaccinated is not one of them. With every drug there are consequences. They may not be known at the time but do you really want to learn what they are when there are so many other safe alternatives? Please share this with others.
Let's keep each other safe.
Hope you found this helpful,
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.