This newsletter changes weekly so be sure to keep coming back for information on current health topics that can help you maintain and regain health. You can read a year's worth of past messages!
Keep informed--Keep Healthy.
Dr. Mary
Herbal eGram #895 Turmeric/Curcumin
Good Morning,
Curcumin longa is probably one of the most studied herbs in the scientific community. The intense research and excitement evaluating the effects on inflammation is amazing scientists around the globe. Turmeric is a spice used in curry. In a recent report in the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found that cognitive function was much higher in those people who ate curry, and had much less risk of memory decline.
The results of the study are not surprising given the association of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia with inflammation and the fact that curcumin is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. The effects of this herb tend to build as one continues to take it. The relationship of turmeric/curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) goes even further when one considers that the hallmark of Alzheimer’s is amyloid plaque.
New research published in the Journal of Neuroscience Research has shown that curcumin actually inhibits the formation of amyloid proteins. So promising were these findings that the author of the study concluded that curcumin “could be a key molecule for the development of therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease.”
Further studies from other scientists are suggesting that plaque is not the problem as much as it is a symptom. It is an attempt to protect the brain from inflammatory cytokines. These cytokines can be due to emotional stress effecting the hypothalamus, a region of the forebrain below the thalamus which coordinates both the autonomic nervous system and the activity of the pituitary, controlling body temperature, thirst, hunger, and other homeostatic systems, and involved in sleep and emotional activity.
Of course, those of us in the Herbal industry have known that this herb has been abundantly successful in treating many inflammatory conditions and the Chinese have been using it for thousands of years. Curcumin is just one of the supplements my husband and I take on a daily basis to deal with inflammation. We also feed our brains healthy Omega 3 EPA/DHA. Some research has shown that taking curcumin with fats help it get to the brain and heart more effectively. There is also evidence that the product should include Black Pepper extract (as NSP has in theirs).
Super Omega 3 has been my choice for many years. A vegetarian source of Omega 3 is Super Algae. We’ve found that enzymes taken with supplements help the body break down the supplements more effectively and get it into the blood to go where it is needed for repair and regeneration.
The really big scientific evidence is in how it can cross the blood brain barrier decreasing inflammation in the brain. There are many bad things that cross this barrier to destroy our brains: glyphosate, GMO corn syrup, nitrobenzenes, lead, aspartame, and aluminum to name a few. So, having something that can counter these toxins is going to be brain protective.
Eating a healthy diet that does not include processed foods is a huge step in helping your brain be better. Dr. Daniel Amen says: “You can have a better brain, even if you’ve been bad to it”. Dr. Amen spoke to us at a Nature’s Sunshine Convention a few years back about nutrition for the brain and his favorites back then were Omega 3, Krill oil, Vitamin D3 and Huperzine (in our Brain Protex formula).
The Month of October I’m devoting to talking about Brain Health. Most people have been hood-winked into believing that we should all jump on the bandwagon of “Breast Cancer Awareness” in the month of October. Perhaps you should look at “The Dark Side of Breast Cancer Awareness” published by Dr. Joseph Mercola. He states:
“Breast Cancer Awareness Month is fraught with conflicts of interest, and instead of increasing awareness about the preventable causes of breast cancer, it feeds the cancer industry’s need to raise money for drug research, and to promote its primary means of “prevention”: early detection via x-ray mammography”.
I propose you jump on my bandwagon and start spreading the news that you can build a better brain! Since there are no ribbons for brain health, I’m open for suggestions. In fact, to my knowledge none of the ribbons are associated with health, only disease.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
This newsletter is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe for any health conditions see an appropriate person who understands nutrition and imbalances.
Herbal eGram #894 Stinkin’ Thinkin’
Good Morning,
Have you ever obsessed over a situation and how it should have gone; or, how it could have been different if only you had said, such and such? We all have done this at one time or another. The trick is to catch ourselves and say, “what’s done is done and cannot be redone”. The only thing this type of thinking does is lead to anxiety. Anxiety can be a habit. Habits can be broken.
The first thing you want to do is recognize that you are doing it. Habits are routine and we are often doing them without our conscious brain being involved. We do a lot of things without even thinking about them. When we drive the same route each day we make our turns; stop at lights and stop signs; put our signals on when turning and some of us blow our horn when scared or annoyed by another driver who interrupts our routine. We actually should be thanking them for bringing us back into the present.
Driving takes all of our conscious thought and we should be fully present when we are driving. That is why texting is so dangerous. It only takes a second to get into an accident. Life is often the same way. We should be paying attention and be in the present but often our mind wanders off into the past or future.
Projecting how things are going to go and how you’re going to respond can be just as problematic as fuming over past events. You do want to make plans but if you find yourself spending too much time over what might happen, you are losing out on what is happening right now. Sometimes right now requires a conscious decision and if you are occupied in future events, that decision becomes stressful and compounds.
It is normal to wish things might have gone better or to plan what you are going to say but when these thoughts cycle around in your head and interrupt what is happening now, it’s called Stinkin’ Thinkin’ and it is best to find some tools to help you get rid of it. One of course is to catch yourself not in the present and use your hearing, sight, touch, smell etc. to bring you back to now.
If you are driving—look at the landscape; the vehicles around you and be aware of the road you’re on; your gas gauge etc. If we depend on GPS to get us where we are going, look for landmarks. Turn up the music. Be mindful. Many accidents happen because people are just now paying attention. Same thing goes if you are riding a bike and walking. It is too easy to get involved in our thoughts. Being fully conscious is a way to awaken the brain.
Awakening the brain is the way to avoid memory loss and dementia. When we become used to doing something habitually we are not firing neurons that require cognition. These neurons must be exercised just as our muscles do. Curiosity is a great tool to discover new things. If you are checking out the landscape find something to be curious about. Check out the trees—do you know their names? How about buildings—do you know what they do there, or what food they serve? How many gas stations do you pass along the way? It might be a good thing to know sometime.
Of course you don’t want to become so involved in being curious that you aren’t paying attention to where you are going. One of the main concerns of people who have beginning Alzheimer’s is that they don’t know where they are. Perhaps they haven’t paid attention to where they are for so many years that those neurons became lazy and couldn’t fire anymore. Keep stimulating the thought process.
Negative thinking drives anxiety and then depression. When you are in these two states of stress overload it is difficult to get out of them. One of the things I have found to be very helpful is using flower essences. These are energy medicines that help move stuck energy in our body. The main one is Distress Remedy because that often helps get stuck energy out of our head and into our core.
When we get in touch with the core we can identify why we feel bad. We can rationalize what is making us feel bad and if it is our thoughts we can say: “I have the ability to think different thoughts”. What thoughts make you happy? Sometimes you might have to have a list of these ahead of time because when you are anxious or depressed, you can’t think of a single thing.
Perhaps thinking of a pet or a baby helps you be happy. I’m sure you even have a picture of them on your phone. Go to your pictures and find it and dwell on what it is about this picture that makes you happy. Perhaps it is your garden, your hobby, your friend etc. Perhaps there is a statement that motivates you. Make sure it is on a “Happy” list and go to it on your phone. Contemplate it until you feel your mood change. Perhaps it is a song. Listen to it and sing along with it.
So, in review: First identify that you are in a cycling thought event. Secondly, take action: flower essence remedy and then the app on your phone that can bring you to a happy place. The more you do this the easier it becomes. If you can’t go to your phone create a stimulating place on your hands that take you to your happy place.
Using your thumb and forefinger gently pinch the fatty web between the other thumb and forefinger. This also happens to be the acupuncture point for pain and headaches. Take several deep breaths and you just might find yourself back in the present.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
This newsletter is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe for any health conditions see an appropriate person who understands nutrition and imbalances.
Herbal eGram #893 Forced Vaccines
Good Morning,
This email is not about the right and wrong of this issue. I truly feel that we should have the right to put in our body what we feel will be the best for it. If someone else chooses to drink and smoke and ignore what it takes to create a healthy body, that is their choice. Nobody should be forcing me to smoke and drink and nobody should be forcing me to penetrate my body with harmful chemicals. But that is my philosophy and not the reality.
The reality is that there are times when you have to have a vaccine for work, school or because you’re in the armed services. I feel that in these cases the emotional trauma presented in fighting against what you have to do, and what you believe is the right thing to do, can cause illness and imbalances on their own. When there is no option to avoid left we have to view the situation differently. We need to think of supporting our body the best way possible.
We all know that the real hero is the immune system. If a vaccine is to work at all it needs a well-functioning immune system. So, if you can, work on getting your immune system primed to do the best job possible. Make sure you are taking more than your average amount of vitamin C; Elderberry; Echinacea and or Olive Leaf supplement. Make sure that you are not fighting an infection for at least a week before the vaccination.
On the day of the vaccine create an affirmation such as: “My body is strong and it will be minimally adversely affected by the chemicals in this vaccine and it will use the vaccine to support health in my body.” If the vaccine is for a pet—do the same thing while thinking of the pet—or child in which the vaccine has to be given. Intention and prayer can be a powerful tool.
If you are going on vacation and must have a vaccine for the country you are going to visit or there are times when you just feel there is no other option, perhaps this e-news will have value. These are some steps you can take to help your body be more efficient in using the vaccine and then detoxing to get rid of the harmful chemicals as soon as you can.
Making sure you are drinking water for your body weight formula: half the body weight in ounces of pure water daily. Keep your colon healthy and make sure you are doing lots of good fiber rich food. Keep away from sugar for a week before the vaccine. Possibly do a colon cleanse for a week to 10 days prior to getting vaccinated. Take Milk Thistle as a liver protective for a week to 10 days prior to getting the vaccine.
As soon as you can after the vaccine do a liver cleanse that includes: burdock, dandelion, Birch, angelica and blessed thistle (or continue also taking your Milk Thistle). Drink two glasses of lemon water every day for a week. Make sure you are getting adequate sleep. Do a Heavy Metal detox (can be done with Liver Cleanse) to remove any mercury or aluminum that binds the vaccine.
Eat cilantro or spirulina daily to help in detoxifying from the chemicals in the shot. Alpha Lipoic Acid has been shown to protect the cells of the body from heavy metal toxicity. These can be found in Heavy Metal Detox.
Many reactions like fever, cold symptoms and constipation can be avoided by taking the proper precautions. Unfortunately, some people are more sensitive than others when it comes to having toxins put into their body.
The three supplements I feel should be lifetime additions to a daily diet is: Digestive Enzymes—because we simply do not have enough for proper utilization of nutrients and to break down toxins. A daily dose of healthy bacteria in the form of probiotics, preferably one that also includes prebiotics. And fiber to keep the colon running smoothly. If your diet doesn’t include enough healthy fiber for you to have 2-3 eliminations daily, then a fiber supplement is needed.
My husband and I take a plethora of supplements for a variety of health reasons. We take anti-inflammatory supplements to handle inflammation. We take supports for our bodily functions and systems. Plus we take the 3 primary daily supplements for optional digestive and eliminative function. We take antioxidants because we live in a very toxic world. We do practice what we preach. Neither of us take any prescription drugs.
Each person should have the right to run their own lives in a lawful manner without being forced to take harmful drugs. We should be able to live in an environment free of harmful chemicals and radiation. When this is not possible, we need to take the necessary steps to protect our bodies with the healthiest living possible. We also should have all the facts so we can make a good decision. The government and industry should not collude to mis-inform for the sake of profit a,bove protection.
I find it criminal when we can’t depend on our government, media and medical doctors to give us the facts so we can make health decisions with all the information available. I also find it criminal that these forces use their power in a way that causes extreme harm on the very people they are to serve. So, along with doing what I can to keep me healthy, I will share information that is scientifically factual whenever I can. I will also fight for my freedom of speech and for my pursuit of health and happiness.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
This newsletter is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe for any health conditions see an appropriate person who understands nutrition and imbalances.
Herbal eGram #892 Heavy Metal attraction
Good Morning,
Aluminum is not a heavy metal like mercury, lead and cadmium are, but it is still very toxic. Have you ever noticed white streaks in the sky when it was clear blue just and hour ago? Some people call these sightings chemtrails and others contrails. You’ll see people who have written books to debunk the existence of these and others who claim that it is true. Planes are emitting clouds of particles of silicon and aluminum and people are getting sick!
When TV host Rachel Reenstra had trouble overcoming a persistent cough, accompanied by aches, pains, and fever, she visited a doctor. After chest x-rays revealed a type of bronchitis, she was given antibiotics, which only seemed to make her feel worse. Her doctor finally told her he too had seen many cases of this mysterious lung condition. Read more here: Chemtrail lung
We know that when you put tin foil on an antennae, you can get better reception from radio waves. Those of you old enough to remember playing with “rabbit” ears to get said reception know my reference. We also understand the heat conductivity of aluminum. Putting foil over something helps it cook faster and keep it moist—my thought on that is please line the foil with parchment paper so the foil doesn’t flake onto the food. You can still get that Bar B Que flavor if you first line the foil.
When you use wireless internet or Wifi, you attract those waves right into your body if you have aluminum or heavy metals. Doing an ionic foot bath can help remove heavy metals and so can some herbs. Garlic, Turmeric, Ginger, gingko biloba and Milk Thistle are just a few herbs that can help detoxify heavy metals from our body. Taking several of these during the day is very helpful. Most herbalists recognize the need for something for these metals to attract to so it is helpful to have a mucilant herb like psyllium that can help carry the heavy metals out of the body in the stool.
Metals, or minerals, are very important for function in the body but they can often go out of balance if the inert type is used. My husband used to teach nutrition classes and he would bring in a box of cereal to show poor value in the iron used to fortify the cereals. You can mash up the cereals and then take a magnet and the iron filings will be pulled out by the magnet. This is not the type of iron our body can utilize. We need the mineral iron form found in food sources such as spinach.
Too much iron can often mean too little magnesium. Dr Mercola: “For example, magnesium plays a role in your body's detoxification processes and therefore is important for minimizing damage from environmental chemicals, heavy metals, and other toxins. Even glutathione, considered by many to be your body's most powerful antioxidant, requires magnesium in order to be produced.”
Dr. Carolyn Dean, author of the book “Magnesium Miracle”, has a blog where she lists 100 contributors to magnesium deficiency: https://drcarolyndean.com/2010/06/gauging-magnesium-deficiency-symptoms/ And you should print off the page and check how many things you do that rob your body of magnesium on a daily basis. You can get a serum blood test for $49 or you can simply take a magnesium product. There are three that I recommend.
Magnesium citrate and malate are dedicated to supporting strained muscles; Magnesium oxide will ease the bowels and help you sleep better and the final one is in Mind Max and it helps you think better under stress. Magnesium L-threonate is the one Dr Dean recommends most because it also helps other body functions that require magnesium. Since 80% of Americans are lacking in this element, it would be great to take some on a daily basis.
Last week I did an email on the dangers of 5G and you can get more information on that: https://www.radiationhealthrisks.com/5g-cell-towers-dangerous/ But the statement I keep hearing is that because it is non-ionizing radiation it only affects the skin and eyes. Please do not be lulled by the minimization of effects from people who will gain greatly by this speedier Wifi. For better health it is recommended to go back to using a cable whenever you can instead of Wifi. Cancer of the skin due to radiation waves is serious and so is macular degeneration.
The main thing I want to make you aware of is that the more heavy metals present in your body the bigger the attraction to these harmful waves. Do a heavy metal cleanse at least 4 times a year. The one that I recommend is UltraBiome DTX because it has been shown in clinical trials at the Hughes Research Center to help protect the microbiome while eliminating toxins from the body. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bTuLXBg49c
Shut your wifi off at night from the modem. It is a scientific fact that these waves will disrupt sleep patterns. Keep your phone out of your bedroom and try to eliminate any other blue tooth or wifi device from where you sleep. Children’s rooms that have monitors can be problematic and playing electronic games before sleep can interfere with melatonin levels that help us get a good deep sleep. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/articles/how-blue-light-affects-kids-sleep
Diffuse relaxing essential oils at night. Many of these pure authentic oils will also clean the air of toxins. Choose one your children like and helps them sleep better. Sleep is the all time healer. Your body needs sleep time to repair and most children do not get the required sleep necessary for their brains to function well. Our brains all need sleep to help it function and be sharp.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
This newsletter is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe for any health conditions see an appropriate person who understands nutrition and imbalances.
Herbal eGram #891 5G—The Next Goliath
Good Morning,
If you remember David and Goliath you might see the resemblance in the people of this country and Industry. The Tobacco industry lead the charge with telling us cigarette smoking was good for our nervous system—and we believed them. They spent huge amounts of advertising dollars to create ads showing medical doctors smoking and that their choice was Camel cigarettes. They created billboards like “The Marlboro Man”. They even appealed to our children by making cartoon characters of a camel. They were slick but finally, after decades of deception, the Surgeon General was forced to put a label of toxicity on each pack.
The chemical industry said: “Better Living through Chemistry”. And we believed them. We bought into Monsanto spreading its toxic glyphosate onto our fields, poisoning our water and air. We believed they we telling the truth when they said it was safe. They claimed, “we can feed the world”. They threw away the mountains of scientific evidence saying how it could cause cancer and DNA damage by attacking our gut. Now look at all the gut compromised illnesses we are dealing with!
Now the Technology industry is telling us that 5G is safe and good for all of us? Do you believe them? Do you even know what 5G is? I don’t want to scare you, but make you aware that we have to create some protection for our children and ourselves. There is a mountain of evidence that wireless internet is dangerous. We have allowed them to “pull the wool” over our eyes. We see babies and children holding and playing with these devices and we aren’t even aware of the danger. IT’S NOT BEING TOLD!
If you do nothing more than open your eyes and ask questions—that’s a start. We have the responsibility to protect our children and the tools are available but people first need to know there is danger. Our government is not going to tell you about these dangers because they are heavily invested in wireless getting more and more enabled.
I am creating a page on my website dedicated to learning about 5G. What it is—why we should be concerned and what we can do to protect ourselves. The three basic areas of concern is #1 Health Risks; #2 Surveillance; #3 imminent domain (which means that they can come onto our property and install a small cell radiation emitting device and we can’t object). Here is a start: https://wearetheevidence.org/dafna-blogs/
You may be thinking that I’m overreacting. You might consider my a kook. But, what I really am is a concerned grandmother that sees the scientific evidence that the health of this nation is about to plummet and wireless is pushing us over the cliff. All I ask is that you please open your heart to this mounting concern. Don’t bury your head in the sand and then in five years wish you had listened. If you want to smoke and you know the facts that it is harmful—its your choice. If you want to vaccinate and take drugs—its your choice. 5G is not a choice! It is being pushed through in spite of the volumes of evidence of harm because special interest groups and big business want it to happen.
Come, be a David and fight the Goliath of 5G with me. Spread the information about the dangers and how you can protect your loved ones.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
This newsletter is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe for any health conditions see an appropriate person who understands nutrition and imbalances.
Herbal eGram #890 Take a Breath!
Good Morning,
Do you often hold your breath? Most people have an automatic response to fear by holding their breath. Usually, breath holding occurs under stress or threat. It can also occur when we are anticipating something or wanting something to happen: this is the origin of the phrase, "Don't hold your breath!" when expected things may not come true.
What we really need to do is breathe deeply. Taking a deep breath has the effect of activating the parasympathetic nervous system, replacing effortful with relaxed breathing, reducing pain, anxiety and depression, and enhancing re-engagement in everyday and occupational activities according to Psychology Today.
Hopefully the air you breathe is beneficial. Using essential oils help. I love diffusing essential oils and using them in the products I have for cleaning and cosmetic purposes. Removing dangerous elements in the air we breathe is an important tool for supporting better health. Most essential oils are antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal.
Deep breathing brings in a good amount of fresh oxygen which can assist our thinking and calm us. When we breathe in essential oils we can support better mood, thinking, energy and many other areas we associate with health. Being able to control our environment is empowering. Feeling sick and knowing steps to support our body in getting well can have an amazing affect. Whereas, if we feel we have no control over our health and the circumstances that lead it ill health is a path to depression.
Make sure you are aware of your choices before you act. There are often more solutions to a concern but you may have to search for it. Some of the search places I go to are: Mercola.com and GreenMedInfo.com. These are a start in finding healthy solutions to concerns. Health searches on Google often are written by pharmaceutical industries and those people who will prosper from drugs and chemical answers. PubMed is written by those who have interests in the pharmaceutical industry and are totally biased toward drugs.
Recently I watched a series on SIBO and one of the contributing factors was food poisoning. A person had an exposure to food poisoning and it created micro perforation of the lining of the intestines which was never repaired. This intestinal damage is very sensitive to stress including chemical and food stress. So, the food sensitivity escalation may be due to a food poisoning situation and this may be due to the poor health of the good bacteria in the gut.
Repairing this situation is a tricky thing, but some of the answers are standard: probiotics, digestive enzymes and using activated charcoal to sop up any toxins that may be contributing to damage. Using the probiotics and enzymes should be done daily and there is no downside to taking them forever. However, Activated charcoal should be used on a temporary basis like a cleanse.
Taking the Activated Charcoal for one month four times a year is effective in mopping up toxins that can create the environment friendly to cancer. It would be especially helpful to use when on vacation. Charcoal adsorbs, which means it is like a magnet attracting toxins on its way to elimination. Charcoal is well-known for help with diarrhea, intestinal gas, nausea and vomiting. In fact, in one study it showed the relief of intestinal gas up to 75%.
Charcoal has been shown to be more effective for drug overdoses or poisonings than Ipecac. It reduces the absorption of toxins into the blood stream and it happens quickly. Charcoal has been found to attain its maximum effectiveness of adsorption within approximately one minute!
It would be wise to have Charcoal on hand and in your emergency first aid kit.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
This newsletter is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe for any health conditions see an appropriate person who understands nutrition and imbalances.
Herbal eGram #889 Mercy and Forgiveness
Good Morning,
Are your thoughts about fear, resentment, anger, frustration envy, revenge or other negative thinking? This thinking contributes greatly to heart disease and cancer. Being Merciful to ourselves for things we have done (or haven’t done) in the past, is one of the paths taken by many in healing their disease.
Maybe you recognize that you are steeped in these feelings and can’t seem to move on in your thinking. You have stuff to do but these thoughts consume your mind and you are stuck. This adds to the frustration because you know you aren’t accomplishing the tasks you need to get done. This additional stress may send you into a frenzy and panic attack. You get angry at yourself because you can’t control your thinking.
First step is to take a deep breath (or two or three). See yourself as a child you love dealing with a difficult situation. Get into it. Picture tears; picture hugs etc. Then face that negative thought. Is it true? Dr. Daniel Amen says that 90% of what we think isn’t true. It may be our observation of the truth but isn’t factually true.
The second thing he suggests after asking if it is true is to ask ourselves if what we are thinking is making us happy. In most cases that answer will be no! Then he suggests that we MAKE ourselves think something else. My suggestion is to give yourself a virtual hug and say: “that’s okay—you are learning to think better thoughts”.
Think of something positive. Maybe switch to some upbeat music. Stand up and do a little dance. Take another deep breath and perhaps take an emotional remedy. There are many to choose from https://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com/?sn=8778. Distress Remedy helps you center yourself and takes energy out of the head and into the center of your body where you can breathe some better thoughts in. Release It helps to let it go. Usually these are followed by Be Courageous or Find Strength. Read about these and choose what you feel. This will help you move from negative thinking to positive thinking.
It is a well known fact that negative thinking resonates at a lower frequency and these low frequencies lower immune and increase nervous system stimulation in the form of stress. The nervous system is triggered to release stimulating hormones from the adrenal gland that actually shut off our ability to reason. That is why it is so difficult to reason away these thoughts.
Moving energy is the best way to get out of the vortex of negative thinking. I have found that by taking a remedy or diffusing essential oils (especially of the citrus kind) can be very helpful in changing the habit of thinking negative thoughts to positive thoughts. I have also found that giving your worries up to a Higher Power very successful. These thoughts are burdening you and keeping you stuck. Let them go!
First comes compassion then Mercy then on to forgiveness. We all make mistakes. Some are really bad ones. We can choose to learn by these and move on. If you are stewing about something that you didn’t do, take a small step into how you can accomplish one little part of it. This action step will give you confidence to stop avoiding and realize that maybe it isn’t such a big deal after all. Our thoughts often make mountains out of molehills. The Law of Motion applies. If you are sitting still—you are more apt to remain still.
Get up stretch; take a deep breath and start moving! If cleaning the garage has been a paralyzing thought—remove one object. Spend 5 minutes on the task and then move on to something else. Motivation equals movement. The next time you think about the garage you will remember that you did accomplish something and think, “Okay, what else can I do in five minutes?” Move toward the garage—do not spend more than 15 minutes or you will undo this positive effort. The job is too big to finish in a day and this can become discouraging.
Here is some more info on how to create better habits: https://stephenguise.com/small-steps-ultimate-guide/ The key to success in thinking better thoughts is to first understand that you are thinking negative and that it leads to disease. It’s like thinking: The poison you take may kill someone else. Let it go. Forgive yourself and others because negative thinking is doing you harm and causing great stress. The first step is to recognize these thoughts as toxic to your well-being. The second is to take steps to go from compassion to mercy and on to forgiveness.
The object is to find Peace and Joy. This is where health exists. Stuff happens to all of us. We can either deal with it or let it stew. Negative thinking is a choice. Maybe it is a habit right now—choose to change.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
This newsletter is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe for any health conditions see an appropriate person who understands nutrition and imbalances.
Herbal eGram #888 Astragalus
Good Morning,
Being able to adapt to a large range of temperatures; altitude and other stressors is the gift of this beautiful Chinese herb. The Chinese have been using this herb for thousands of years to support strength and flexibility.
When my husband and I were in China we went to a huge market where herbs were sold in bulk. It was very interesting. One of the things I found particularly interesting were that many of the very young children were chewing on what I could only describe as tongue depressors. So, I asked our guide, “What are they chewing on?” He replied that they were strips of astragalus root and that they helped calm and nourish the children during teething.
Astragalus is what is known as an adaptogenic herb. This class of herb nourishes and supports the functions of the body. So, it is good for all the systems like, respiratory, immune, circulatory, nervous and skeletal. In Western natural medicine it is known as a tonic herb. Herbs in these categories increase the body’s non-specific resistance to prolonged stress and the negative affects that come with stress. There are many kinds of stress that include, Thermal stress (the change in temperature). This often means that the thyroid has to work harder to create homeostasis in body temperature. Stress from exercising some particular muscle group when doing yard work is helped by this herb. Also, the mental stress of having to figure out taxes or prepare for a test plays a negative affect on the body’s ability to bounce back.
Taking tonic or adaptogenic herbs are an important part of staying healthy. Here are some more: Ginseng, Eleuthero, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Suma and Schizandra. Alfalfa is a beneficial tonic herb that is full of minerals ready for the body to use. It even has enzymes that can help digest and break down the nutrients for better availability. This herb can block the absorption of cholesterol and some research shows that it may prevent atherosclerotic plaque that contributes to memory loss. If one has Lupus it may aggravate the symptoms so you might want to avoid high doses.
Kelp has been known to support thyroid health due to its rich content of iodine. Suma is known as “Brazilian ginseng” and has been used in South America to improve performance when feeling fatigued. It also provides anti-inflammatory constituents. These adaptogenic herbs and more can be found in the combination: Adaptomax.
Astragalus has been shown to have positive results for circulatory conditions like high blood pressure and has numerous therapeutic applications for balancing blood sugar; improving circulation; and strengthening digestive functions. Astragalus appears to be most affective when using as a long term tonic herb. It seems that the positive health benefits build as the healing takes place. It has a very mild taste and for children can be added to smoothies or applesauce.
What do you do on a regular basis that helps your body deal with unexpected stress? Do you take Distress Remedy or B vitamins? If you are like the rest of Americans, stress is a part of daily life. Driving can be stressful; raising a family is stressful; owning a home can be stressful—you get my meaning. Taking something on a daily basis so that the body has tools at the ready, is much more important that chasing after the symptoms. Or, waiting until you have symptoms and striking out with anger or frustration because you aren’t handling stress well.
When the body perceives stress it increases stimulating hormones that increase inflammation in the body. It makes anything that is injured that much more painful. Hormones like cortisol disrupt the microbiota (friendly bacteria in the gut). Stress also depresses the body’s immune responses such as making natural killer cells that fight cancer on an everyday basis.
Taking an adaptogenic herb (or a recipe of combined herbs) can be instrumental in having great health and stamina. Many Chinese athletes have done their personal best when they’ve included adaptogens in their diet. So, prepare for life like an athlete.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
This newsletter is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe for any health conditions see an appropriate person who understands nutrition and imbalances.
Herbal eGram #887 Purple Cone Flower
Good Morning,
There are some tremendous benefits in Purple Cone Flower or, Echinacea. The decorative plant we see in bloom right now is beautiful and a great food for pollinators. Bees, birds and butterflies are attracted to the nectar in Echinacea. Have you ever touched the center? It is really pokey—much like a thistle head. The root of this herb can be very beneficial for the immune system.
The most common root is Echinacea purpurea which has been demonstrated in German research and published in Planta Medica to be antiviral. It increased viral resistance 80% in mouse cells which had been treated with the herb 4-6 hours before exposure. Additionally, the treated cells remained resistant for roughly 24 hours! Another study, involving 180 individuals with flu-like symptoms of feverish upper respiratory infections, concluded that those receiving 900mg of E. Purpurea root daily experienced significant improvement of cold symptoms over both the placebo and the group receiving a daily dose of only 450mg.
900mg is equivalent to 2 doses of Ultimate Echinacea on a daily basis. Some people will take it 3 times the first day of symptoms and then on the second day decrease to 2 doses that day. In general, you want to continue taking it at least for 5 days. I usually won’t recommend staying on this remedy through the flu season. I feel that eating a diet of fresh fruit and lots of vegetables is a better way to stay healthy but, this should be kept on hand to deal with cold symptoms ASAP.
On a general, every day protection plan for someone who isn’t a good eater, I recommend that Silver Shield be taken daily; dose dependent on weight and age. The use of the gel to keep the hands sanitized can be done every 4 hours. The gel does not disrupt the natural good bacteria on the hands as most sanitizing gels do. I also recommend Elderberry (chewable for children and those who don’t swallow pills well and Elderberry D3Fence for adults).
Elderberry is a food source that is intense in nutrients to support good immune health on a daily basis. Echinacea is an immune stimulant that should be used at the first sign of a cold or flu. When you get flu or cold symptoms your body has had the virus for some time and has not been able to knock it out with what you are presently doing, whether it is with diet or supplementation.
Echinacea has some very good history in its effectiveness. My family has been using it for over 30 years and if you pay attention to the first signs of a cold with fever, low energy, headache or stomach distress—then take some; we have found it to be super successful.
Research has confirmed echinacea’s ability to increase the immune system’s production of interferon—the substance which combats viral infections in the body; as well as its ability to increase production of T-lymphocytes (T-cells) and other white blood cell responders to viral and bacterial infection in the body. So, unlike antibiotics that only kill bacteria (and even the good bacteria), echinacea is non-specific in that it kills foreign invaders by mounting the immune defense.
The immune defense means that macrophages help keep the lymphatic system operating well enough to gobble up dead and damaged tissue. Drinking lots of water (with lemon is great) will help this process along. The lymphatic system filters out foreign particles such as bacteria and other toxins in the lymph nodes (a process called phagocytosis). Water and movement help the lymph circulate—so massage is good and so is deep breathing.
Use essential oils in a diffuser to kill any airborne germs and to assist the immune system in healing. Essential Shield is a great “sick-room” essential oil.
Doing a regular cleanse of 10 days out of the month to help support immune cleansing is a good way to stay healthy during the flu season. Pick the first 10 days of the month (or start anytime); Do a dose of echinacea twice a day for 10 days and then pause for the rest of the month by using your food as antioxidants and/or Elderberry.
Why wait until you’re sick to help your immune system? Support it now with doing healthy things like getting enough sleep, exercise, good food and water; taking supplements to add health to your regimen and use essential oils to keep microbes from your environment. Some people do a teaspoon of Silver shield on a daily basis to keep healthy because their jobs are stressful and stress depresses immune capabilities.
Echinacea contains polysaccharides which resemble bacteria and viral infections causing the immune system, to regard them as foreign invaders (tricks it into working harder). The immune system then builds up its defenses against echinacea, increasing the body’s production of white blood cells. So, if you’ve been told you have a low white blood cell count, this may be helpful to do. This action is a “wake-up” call for the immune to be on alert for foreign microbes that could cause harm.
If you are taking Digestive enzymes with betaine hydrochloride, your body is able to gobble up invaders before they even enter the blood stream. However, if you are taking an antacid product, you are more susceptible to germs that spread cold and flu. It is better to take enzymes (which is at the causal factor of indigestion—not over acid!).
Keep well during this season with natural solutions.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
This newsletter is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe for any health conditions see an appropriate person who understands nutrition and imbalances.
Herbal eGram #886 Mullein
Good Morning,
Last week I visited my brother in Oscoda and enjoyed touring his “park” and gardens. He has some magnificent mullein plants in various areas of his garden. They are tall and beautiful plants that have many benefits. The leaves, flowers and roots of the mullein plant are used medicinally for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, diarrhea, asthma, coughs and other lung-related ailments.
Mullein root extract is reputed to support bladder and prostate health. It has a tightening and toning effect that helps when the bladder has become lax and leaks; or the prostate becomes enlarged. These are signs that these organs need to be toned. Its easy to make a tincture. You must clean the root thoroughly and chop it into small pieces. Put those pieces in a jar (fill to half) and cover the jar of herbs with alcohol (about an inch above herbs) (vodka is a good choice). The alcohol helps to extract the constituents from the fibrous root. This jar is placed in a cool place and shook twice a day for a month.
The blossoms have been made into an effective ear oil for centuries. Pick the blossoms and put in a jar half full (it’s easier to work with them if they have some moisture removed so let them sit for a day or two). Fill the jar with olive oil (I like to stir it with a wooden peg or the end of a wooden spoon) to make sure all of the blooms are covered with oil. (I like to heat a couple of garlic cloves in some olive oil—strain and use this after it has cooled to cover the mullein flowers). The jar should be shook twice a day for two weeks. Then strain and put into dropper bottles. You can add lavender oil to soothe the ear if there is pain. This can be placed behind the ear on the bone (nightly). You can drop it into the ear but be sure to warm the oil by placing the bottle under your arm for about five minutes. Cold oil inserted in ear can cause pain.
The leaves are very beneficial for respiratory concerns that involve a dry cough. You can dry the leaves by cutting them off of the center part that holds the leaves together. You can use first year or second year leaves although some people say the second year leaves have more benefit.
The first year the plant grows a huge rosette of soft fuzzy leaves and then the second year it sends up this spectacular plume that flowers with lovely yellow blooms.
Most plants flower starting at the bottom and then as those die others form and bloom until it reaches the tip. But mullein is sporadic as it blooms at various intervals along the tip of the plume. It is fun to pick the flowers and then in a few days you can come back and pick more.
You can make a tea out of mullein leaves either fresh or dry. You might want to add a little lemon and honey to it or dry some peppermint with the leaves for better flavor. Mullein has a history of supporting the respiratory system and helping with those conditions that result in asthma, dry cough, bronchitis and cold as it helps to moisturize tissue. It is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.
Other uses for mullein plant are: The dried leaves have been used to smudge and cleanse the air (the myth is it gets rid of evil spirits). The science of it is that the leaves being burned neutralize positive charges and release negative ions, and have antiseptic as well as bacteria-killing properties. So, you don’t really lean over it and breathe in the smoke. You can waft around the bound leaves or put it in a dish and carry the dish throughout the home.
The spent stalk makes a great torch when the tip is soaked in some kind of oil or fat. Free tiki torches to help light up the yard. Make sure you keep watch so that it doesn’t blaze anything other that the torch. The leaves can be used as toilet paper if you are in the woods and are in need of such a thing. They’ve also been used to relieve hemorrhoids and diaper rash.
Mullein has a powerful effect when used as a flower essence. Just looking at the plant you can see that it stands tall and proud. It isn’t picky where it grows and does well in many challenges. It loves the heat and yet it can be very cooling. These signatures lend it to be a great essence to take when one is overheated either with anger or through hormones. It also helps you to regain integrity and sense of inner strength. Maybe someone has misled you and compromised your ideals, mullein essence can help you regain that strength of character that will help you make good choices. (This is particularly helpful for addicts).
Mullein essence is part of the recipe in Be-Response-Able. This remedy: May assist the body with promoting self-honesty; May help encourage self-responsibility and may help with self-defeating behavior. Seeing the way things actually are instead of the way you’ve let yourself believe they are is the first step in creating better choices in life. Perhaps you are in an abusive relationship and you want out but you keep justifying the bad behavior—this remedy may help you.
I often use this remedy with clients and then follow it with Be Courageous. Often you are afraid to end a relationship. This flower essence recipe help people get the courage to face fears with confidence and conviction. You probably can see why I think the two remedies go hand in hand. Take the Be Response-Able first and then in a few minutes follow it with Be Courageous. This can be done no less than 3 times a day but it can be done every half hour if you are in a stressful situation that needs a cool head.
Hope you’ve found this helpful and may want to pass on to others for hope.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
This newsletter is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe for any health conditions see an appropriate person who understands nutrition and imbalances.
Herbal eGram #885 Hibiscus
Good Morning,
Do you have a Hibiscus plant? They remind me of Hawaii but recently I’ve found another reason to love them. I posted a video showing how to make hibiscus tea with the spent blooms and shared the tea with my siblings during a visit this weekend. It was fun and very refreshing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U45NkYv7hyI I hope you enjoy making this simple and fun tea. You can add Ginger for a bit of a zip.
Hibiscus is very beneficial. According to Healthline: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/hibiscus-tea-benefits#section2 There are many ways that drinking this wonderful beverage can support better health. It can be drunk cold or hot. One of the benefits included support for the liver to better digest fats. This supported better cholesterol numbers and a reduction of fat accumulation in the liver.
There are two varieties, the ones I just mentioned above and Hibiscus Sabdariffa. The color has anthocyanins in them and these powerful antioxidants are beneficial in supporting better blood pressure, bladder, circulation, and weight loss. The roles of anthocyanin pigments as medicinal agents have been well-accepted dogma in folk medicine throughout the world, and, in fact, these pigments are linked to an amazingly broad-based range of health benefits. For example, anthocyanins from Hibiscus have historically been used in remedies for liver disfunction and hypertension” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1082894/
So, if you have a hibiscus plant and would like to try the tea I encourage you to do so. The flowers only last a day so I prefer to wait until they’ve closed up on themselves. Then I pick the spent bloom; tear it in three’s to dry or use fresh. It takes three flowers for one cup of tea and a bit of fresh lemon or lime juice. You can add it to ginger tea, black tea if you don’t have lemon, or drink it straight. A cup of this in the afternoon may just perk up that slump that comes and you’re looking for a candy of some sort to give you energy. This is a much better solution.
If you have extra spent blooms and want to make jelly so you can benefit during the winter months from this wonderful plant, here is a video showing you how to do that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-i-TqgWEAo I’m looking forward to making some. By the way, I bring my plant in to winter as it doesn’t winter outside in Michigan. Often it goes through a dormant stage and may lose all its leaves but come January it starts up again and I have blooms sometimes in early spring before I can put it outside again. I like to put it outside because the bees love pollinating these.
I first learned the benefits of hibiscus when years ago I took Psyllium Hulls combination form Nature’s Sunshine. I always had bowel issues and it wasn’t until I started using this product that I finally knew what it was like to be a regular gal! Whenever something disrupts my elimination, I take this for a few weeks and once again (along with my probiotics) my colon health is back on track. https://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com/?sn=1376
Taking a supplement like this is not habit forming. What it does is train the colon to start working again. It also doesn’t stimulate the colon to work a lot. It helps the colon feel full and then you have a great elimination getting rid of stored toxins and helping you to stay healthy. You might give it a try if you are having less than two movements a day.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
This newsletter is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe for any health conditions see an appropriate person who understands nutrition and imbalances.
Herbal eGram #884 Blinded by Greed
Good Morning,
We base our decisions about health on the knowledge presented. Most of that knowledge comes from our doctors. They get their knowledge from medical school and their peer reviewed journals. Many doctors learn by actually practicing. Most of the learning process is done by doing rather than reading about it. I’m sure you can name many ways you’ve learned something that isn’t quite how it was represented in books.
We check out Google and PubMed for what to do about certain concerns. But what if those sources are really only one source: The Pharmaceutical Industry? What if the Medical Science we think is true is really made up fake science to drive industry? I can think of a hundred different times we’ve been told there was scientific evidence of something when in fact it was made up to promote products.
It seems horrible to think that this could be true but we have been misled in so many ways before. We’ve been told that margarine is good for us; canola oil is healthy; butter is bad; cream is bad—low fat is good. We now know all of that was untrue. Butter (grass fed) is really healthy for us to consume. Low fat often means high sugar if you look on labels. Sugar free promotes the use of chemical sugar substitutes which are contributing to obesity and heart disease.
Where do we go for factual and scientific based information on health? The places I go are Mercola.com; GreenMedInfo.com; TheTruthAboutCancer.com; DrAxe.com; westonaprice.org; and recently: CureAMD.com These sites do not have a connection to the pharmaceutical industry. There are more I’m sure but these are a few that you can trust to give you factual information on the up to date data in scientific circles that isn’t being censored by the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr. Chris Knobbe is an ophthalmologist who has written a book about macular degeneration and how our diet plays a huge roll in this becoming epidemic in Western society and that it is not “age-related” but more diet related. He states that before 1925 there were no more than about 50 cases of MD in all the world’s literature. By 1940 it was slightly more common and by 1975 over 8% of Americans had it by the age of 52 (approximately 4.5 million people!) This is not a gene thing, this is clearly diet and environment.
In ancestral times there was no polyunsaturated or trans fats. There was no white flour or white sugar (and it was a treat –not had every day). They did not have commercially canned or frozen meals. People cooked it themselves from scratch. The oil used was lard or butter. People grew much of their own food and preserved it. When they preserved it they used fermentation or cold storage.
Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of legal blindness and perhaps we are bringing it on ourselves through wrong information about diet. Most chronic conditions in our modern day is not due to gene expression but our diet and environment. This is factual science! We’ve been sold a terrible bill of goods to line the pockets of “for-profit” companies that portray themselves as those interested in helping us be healthy.
We must take off the blinders and start looking at data that actually supports better health based on true science and not the fake science we are getting inundated with in the media today. Junk science that says vaccines are effective and necessary. If you look at the facts of the toxins they contain and that they need a healthy immune system to work—why not just boost the immune system in the first place?
How can we base our health decisions on what we think is true when it isn’t? I feel there will be a tipping point within the next 10 years and we will slap our foreheads saying: “what were we thinking?”! Is what you’re doing really working? Are you as healthy as you could be by following your doctor’s suggestions and recommendations? Are you taking lots of medication and still feeling lousy? Would you be willing to eliminate one or two food items from your diet to see if it improved your health and energy? It is something to consider.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #883 St John’s Wort
Good Morning,
One of the most prescribed remedies for depression in the United Kingdom is St. John’s Wort. It is non-addictive and relatively safe for adults to take. In the United States it is growing in popularity despite the pharmaceutical’s industry to discredit it through most media sources. Just check Google and you will see the warnings and scare mongering about this herb that has been used for over 2000 years.
Wort in old English means plant. This lovely yellow flowered plant grows wild and I’m lucky enough to have had some birds plant some near me. I love watching it come up between June 24th and July 15th. June 24th is the Feast of St. John the Baptist and that is where it derives its name. It is also called by its Latin name: Hypericum. Greek physicians of the first century found it to be beneficial against depression and revered for its anti-inflammatory actions.
We have a serious problem with opioids in this country! And yet, the pharmaceutical industry claims this herb to be of concern. There is caution when using this herb because it is so effective in harnessing the sun’s forces, you become sensitive to the sun. Fair skinned people can burn more easily when taking this so it is not recommended that you spend hours in the sun. (this is a safe thing for most people: not to spend hours in the sun due to the sun’s rays can burn and harm skin when basking for any length of time.) We know that the skin’s exposure to sunlight is important for good health but when we are constantly burning our skin through long exposure it harms the skin cells.
If St John’s wort, when taken as recommended it is as powerful as Paxil and Xanax for relieving depression but they cannot be taken at the same time. When the anti-depressants are taken together they can increase the activity of the drug. I have worked with people who down-stepped from Paxil (with their doctor’s permission) with 5HTP Power (a natural precursor to serotonin) as it is not wise to take the drugs with St. John’s wort.
However, it you are not on medication and want to try St. John’s wort make sure you purchase it from a reputable source like Nature’s Sunshine. They have both regular and timed release and the timed release may be the best if you are trying it out to lift your mood and relieve depression. It’s other uses has been to alleviate heart palpitations, increase energy when you just don’t feel like doing anything; anxiety and flip to malaise. It is especially effective to take in the winter month’s when sun exposure is at a minimum.
People who deal with compulsive thoughts or racing thoughts have seen relief by taking St John’s wort daily. A study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10982200 concluded that significant changes occurred within one week and continued to increase throughout the trial. At the endpoint, five of the 12 patients were rated “much” or “very much improved” on the clinician-rated CGI, six were “minimally improved,” and one had “no change.” The most common side effects reported were diarrhea and restless sleep. Because improvement began at one week, and grew over time, researchers believe that St. John’s wort can be a helpful tool in treating OCD, and more placebo-controlled studies should take place in the future.
The fact that diarrhea occurred tells us that probiotics should have been added to the trial, but when trials are done you have to use a singular influence or it throws off the study. The gut and brain are very much connected and probiotics should be considered whenever one is working with mental or emotional issues. In many cases just using a probiotic with prebiotics included can help improve mood and stabilize repetitive thoughts.
Dr. Axe has some more information on this: https://draxe.com/st-johns-wort-uses/ and NSP’s Concentrated timed release formula suggests taking one dose twice daily: https://www.naturessunshine.com/us/Printable/GetProductDetailsPdf?productID=653
I have found that the NSP brand has been tested for quality and is a wonderful nervous system support. St. John’s wort is a great nerve healer and that is where it differs from synthetic medications. When the nerves are healed, the need for the anti-depressant lessens.
It is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women or for children or for children under two. For support with mood and dealing with trauma in these incidences one should look into Distress Remedy as a support.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
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Herbal eGram #882 Clematis
Good Morning,
We have a couple of varieties of this beautiful plant growing around our property. The most prevalent is the deep purple one called Jackman or Clematis Jackmanii. I posted a picture of it on my Facebook account recently. It is in magnificent bloom right now. A mass of deep purple blooms that rise up from a bed of Hostas along the fence next to it and then spreads across the top rail like arms spread out waiting for a hug.
The Clematis used in emotional healing is nicknamed “Old Man’s Beard” because it is white and has many “hair like” projections. There are many clusters of flowers rather than one spectacular bloom on a stalk. The look of the flower and where it grows are considered when choosing how it can help with emotions. The single stalk represents their strong imagination.
The burst of blooms on the one stalk pertain to many distractions that they put in front of present day needs. To avoid what needs to be done, they create diversions with unpractical and unrealistic plans and actions. This is like the teenager who knows homework needs to be done but instead will play games and then be too tired to do the homework.
The flower essence of clematis is used in the remedy called Distress Remedy as one of 7 essences. The distraction mentioned above is one of the first steps to depression. When someone does not have energy to enjoy life and engage in the beauty around them, they need help. Flower essences are easy to take and can dramatically shift one’s energy to be more healthful.
The physical conditions clematis can support is temper tantrums (which are diversionary tactics), dizziness, fainting and vertigo. When a person has suffered a shock and can’t quite get in touch with the event even though decisions need to be made, this remedy can be very helpful. It helps the body focus energy in the core and create a grounding effect. It can also help the traumatized person understand that there are people around they can depend on.
Traumatic events can range in intensity from a mild scare to losing a loved one. The ability for the body to bounce back after trauma will often depend on how much stress a person has been going through and the diet, lifestyle etc. Being able to recover quickly without residual damage is the goal.
We will often bury hurtful experiences but we know now that that simply doesn’t work well. These memories will come up with unusual emotional behavior or disease. Someone may be more susceptible to taking drugs, have suicidal thoughts, drink too much alcohol or engage in destructive behavior like driving too fast. They may not even connect the activity to the trauma. Taking a remedy that helps promote clarity will often expose the behavior as self-destructive to the individual and they can realize this isn’t what they want.
After a traumatic event there is often a feeling of disinterest—no energy to pursue those things that were once of great interest. The Adrenals have had to respond quickly for flight or fight and sometimes they are stuck on. Finding time to relax and take deep breaths after a scare is important for healing. I also feel that taking Distress Remedy is a simple and effective way of helping get back to center and de-stressing.
Clematis flower essence promotes clarity, concentration, and the ability to be fully awake and aware of your choices with emotional stability and balance. It enables one to release their fear and learn to trust. It promotes faith and peace and restores one’s confidence in their ability to cope with all adversity.
It is a perfect blend for the other essences in the formula: Impatiens, Red Clover, Cherry Plum, rock rose, Star of Bethlehem and Arnica. Arnica flower essence is used for suffering of emotional or physical from trauma. It is helpful for accidents, or have been a victim in abuse of some sort; injury of most any kind. It promotes healing from shock and is very soothing.
This remedy can also help release trapped emotions that are a result of childhood trauma. It even has been used in the water of rescued animals to help them realize they are safe and cared for by people who love them. It was used by some natural health people working in the after effects of Katrina when many animals and humans were separated. It helped to calm the desire to panic due to the separation the floods caused.
Because Distress Remedy is glycerin based it can be used on animals, children, diabetics and recovering alcoholics. How can you use this remedy?
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.