This newsletter changes weekly so be sure to keep coming back for information on current health topics that can help you maintain and regain health. You can read a year's worth of past messages!
Keep informed--Keep Healthy.
Dr. Mary
Herbal eGram #869 Psychobiotics
Good Morning
Over 10 years ago scientists were looking at how the microbiome affected behavior and mood. Dinan’s study in Science Direct explains how the gut/brain connection influences behavior, mood and even weight. “So far, psychobiotics have been most extensively studied in a liaison psychiatric setting in patients with irritable bowel syndrome, where positive benefits have been reported for a number of organisms including Bifidobacterium infantis.”
The thing stressed the most is the in-effectiveness of many of the probiotics tested. The shelf life of Bifidobacterium is quite fragile and between the time it leaves the manufacturer and the time it is purchased much of its viability has been lost. Since Nature’s Sunshine keeps the product frozen until shipped and recommends refrigerating it upon arrival, this makes our product much healthier. The other part of that quality control is many more probiotics are in the capsule than on the label to insure you are getting what you want even if some of them die off.
Because most of the testing is done on those compromised with gut dysbiosis (microbial imbalances), falls right into the discussion of this month: Gut Health. Most of their studies revolved around animals that can be examined and sacrificed. They examined mice and monitored how their social behavior changed upon influence of certain probiotics.
They noticed that anxiety and depression levels changed depending on the type of microbiome in their gut. How does this happen? Through mainly the vagus nerve. This nerve flows from the gut to the brain and is a huge informational pathway for both. The spinal cord, immune system and other systems influence our microbiome but the gut is the main pathway.
Our genes are outnumbered by our microbiome 10 to 1. This is incredible when you think about how much we’ve been told that our genetics are running our potential for disease. To me this is an incredible dose of hope. We can control whether we get diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. We can positively affect the moods and health of our brain. We can control if we get Alzheimer’s disease or dementia by eating the right food and making sure our microbes are happy. You can change your diet and supplements and impact your emotional health!
Science moves slowly. Most of the time it is funding. Sometimes the funding comes from a pharmaceutical industry looking for the next hot pill. We don’t need the pharmaceutical industry to create a drug that will surely come with toxicity and risk. We have the availability of healthy probiotics with a quality unsurpassed by many companies. Why chance going to a health food store to purchase a product when you don’t know how long its been sitting on the shelf, and how long it took to get there; and if the manufacturer even tested to see if it had the billions of good bacteria it claims to have? You can have it delivered to your door—if you only buy direct from NSP.
In many of the studies done, both Bifidobacterium and Acidophilus Rhamnosis were cited as beneficial for supporting the gut and protecting against anxiety and depression. An article in: J Neurogastroenterol Motil v.22(4); 2016 Oct PMC5056568 discussed the effects of Probiotics on the Central Nervous System and how they can positively influence neurotransmitters that affect mood like GABA; dopamine and serotonin. This article was posted in 2016.
So if we can make sure we are getting a broad spectrum probiotic we can positively influence our physical health and our emotional health. Behaviors such as anger, antisocial behavior and a consistent and repetitive pattern of self-recrimination can all be dictated by what is happening in our gut. Science hasn’t proven it yet, but since the answer is non-addictive, non-toxic and positively healthful—why not begin adding probiotics to your daily regimen.
If you already are taking probiotics and are still seeing concerns like irritable bowel; emotional high’s and low’s; and anxiety—try taking a different one or adding more to what you are taking. Most of the literature suggests taking several capsules of a broad spectrum probiotic several times throughout the day until you notice changes. You can then back off until you are taking a couple per day and still seeing positive benefit.
I have always recommended Enzymes and Probiotics for a basis for good health. Most people do not take them often enough to see the benefit. It is also recommended to adhere to the other precepts for good health: proper diet; sleep; exercise; water and looking for the good in things.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #868 It isn’t about luck!
Good Morning
People often think that if you’ve been healthy—you’ve been lucky! Being healthy is like a job; you must think about it and work on it. It doesn’t just happen. You can be blessed with good genes, but now we know that’s only 10% of the factors involved in whether we are healthy or not. Having a healthy daily regimen is utmost to having good health. Eating right; drinking enough good water; staying away from sugar and white flour (maybe even gluten); getting enough rest and doing meditation; exercising and having a positive mental attitude with loving relationships all are important in health.
Two of the supplements I feel extremely important that I won’t go a day without are: Digestive enzymes and probiotics. There is so much evidence that supporting the body with these can prevent many conditions that people deal with on a daily basis. These are not found in a good enough supply in the food we eat. Maybe you eat lots of raw vegetables and are the exception. The average person does not have enough enzymes to break down the food they eat and that food can cause problems in the gut.
Undigested food particles are an irritant to the gut lining. Because there hasn’t been enough exposure to pancreatic enzymes these food particles are the wrong pH to be passing through the gut. These particles can become triggers for leaky gut response and allergies. They increase our bodies inflammatory levels and when left for long periods of time can trigger auto immune response.
Chewing the food you eat with saliva is the first stage of digestion. Many people eat in a rush and don’t pay attention to chewing. The next step is not to drink with your food. You should chew the food long enough to create an almost liquid mixture that doesn’t require you taking in liquid to swallow. Water without ice and perhaps some lemon is the best liquid to drink during a meal. Some evidence shows that a small amount of wine may also contribute to digestion. But soda pop and other drinks are not conducive to good digestion. (Chewing important to good health)
I like to take my Food Enzymes just after I’ve eaten a few bites. Some experts say you should take them before the meal. Most agree you should not take them after a meal unless they are Pepsin/Mint or a papaya blend. Food Enzymes have betaine hydrochloride in them from beets and this creates the proper environment for digestion. I also like to take Proactazyme, which is a plant based enzyme that can help people digest fats, carbohydrates and proteins but is a little more gentle than Food Enzymes. If a person has acid reflex or a hiatus hernia they may have trouble taking Food Enzymes and may have to work into it.
A good test to determine if the discomfort you’re feeling is an ulcer or a hiatus hernia is: Take a fourth of a cup of apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach. If you have no burning sensation than you probably do not have an ulcer. I’ve spoken at length in other emails about the hiatus hernia contributing to poor digestion. See: Herbal eGram #852 Is this a Heart Attack? Often people think they are having a heart attack when it is the diaphragm not working properly due to the Hiatus Hernia. Having good digestion is paramount to good health.
The other supplement that is getting studied in great length is probiotics. Our guts have been compromised by the overuse of antibiotics both for illnesses and in our food. The overuse of bleach (even breathing it can kill off our good bacteria). And having a typical American diet that doesn’t help our body culture friendly microbes contributes to a deficit in healthy bacteria.
People often say: “I eat yogurt”. Here’s a message by a PhD and he states that taking two or three capsules compares to a truckload of yogurt—plus you are eating tons of sugar you don’t need. https://www.google.com/amp/s/articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/03/13/amp/nourishing-gut-bacteria.aspx You can eat the yogurt but mix a capsule of Probiotic Eleven into it and intensify the good bacteria.
The evidence is pouring in that you should be supplementing with healthy bacteria. Having a variety of them in a capsule and having billions of them to support good health makes good sense. It is an easy thing to do! If you can’t swallow capsules, you can open them up (we do this for children all the time). You will lose some of the viability but you won’t kill them all off. So, Probiotic Eleven is an excellent choice for supporting good gut health.
So, let’s get healthy and stop hoping you’ll have good luck. Having all the money you need isn’t as important as being healthy. There are millionaires that would trade their money for health. I will agree that having good health is a blessing but it isn’t passive. You must be diligent and you must spend some time working on it.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #867 Zonulin
Good Morning
You may have heard about leaky gut but, have you heard about zonulin? This is the hormone responsible for triggering the gaps in the gut lining to open. The intestines are lined in a “cheesecloth-type”, one cell thick layer that protects the gut from invaders. When zonulin is present the gut opens and allows allergens; parasites; infection and all manner of microbes in to mix with the blood stream.
Years ago when I was going through my Naturopathic studies (more than 20 years ago) there was discussion on Leaky gut. This term was not recognized by medical doctors, in fact, they absolutely laughed at the notion that something might trigger the gut lining to expose the body to microbes. It is now accepted readily and they call it gut permeability. They now recognized that zonulin is triggered by certain proteins.
Gliadin in wheat is one such protein. Glutenin and gliadin are the two components that create the gluten structure to make bread rise. Here’s a video that describes the purpose of gluten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDEcvSc2UKA Many of us have a difficult time with gluten because of how it triggers zonulin. We don’t know if that response is life long but what we do know is, you’re a lot better off if you don’t chance it.
When zonulin triggers the gap to open it is like opening the flood gates. All manner of microbes and undigested food particles are now into the blood stream where they aren’t supposed to be. This means total confusion for the immune system. It now is treating food as an allergen because it is not in the form it is supposed to be when it comes through in its digested form. The nutrients from that food are not yet available because it hasn’t gone through the proper digestive processes.
The scientific explanation is lengthy but now that scientists can understand the link between leaky gut and disease, we are quantified! In the meantime 20 years of disease and sickness have gone on. Thousands upon thousands of people have suffered needlessly because scientists could not grasp why or even if the gut was being compromised and how it affected health.
Now of course, they want to fix it with drugs. NO! Drugs are not the answer. Stop eating the irritant, repair the damage and heal. It is that simple. But it is not easy. Simple does not mean easy! If you love bread, it isn’t easy to give it up. If you’re Italian, you have grown up eating pasta—how can that be bad for you? Well, if you want to be convinced that it is you can take a blood test. https://draxe.com/leaky-gut-test/
Unfortunately gluten is not the only problem. The wheat seed and all seeds have an enzyme inhibitor that is an irritant to digestion. This occurs with potatoes as well. So, some people have an intolerance to seeds, grains, and even dairy. It is best to figure out what you have reactions to and fast from it for a while. Some foods you may be able to go back to or learn a better way of using them. Legumes should be soaked and then the protective layer is sloughed off with the rinse water.
The key is proper digestion. Making sure you take enzymes with meals and between meals to help your body breakdown particles into usable nutrients. Enzymes take the load off the pancreas and other organs that produce the enzymes that help us break down food. I recommend Food Enzymes with meals and Proactazyme in between meals.
Babies are being born with gut permeability and I feel this is due to the mother not taking enough enzymes (or any at all) during her pregnancy. There is no reason to put babies on Prilosec! There are some wonderful digestives that can help babies. In fact, this weekend I spoke with a Nature’s Sunshine manager whose son was born with Cystic Fibrosis. In cystic fibrosis, mucus clogs the pancreas, and digestive enzymes are not able to get to the small intestine for absorption. In particular fats and proteins. Therefore malnourishment occurs.
She fed her baby herbs and tonics to encourage good digestion and break up mucus. Proteolytic enzymes known as proteases are deficient in children with CF. She said she is now a grandma to four beautiful children and by the time her son was a teen, he was not longer diagnosed as having Cystic Fibrosis. This is the miracle of herbs and natural medicine. Drugs can’t do this. Drugs can only interrupt symptoms.
I’m passionate about helping people with natural remedies and the above story is just one testimony out of hundreds I’ve heard. Thousands of people are helped with learning about how the body needs balance. Maybe there is someone you know who could use natural supplements to help them get back into balance and feeling great again. Share these newsletters with them. Spread Hope!
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #866 Is It My Brain or My Gut?
Good Morning
Recent research shows a definite connection between our brain and our gastrointestinal system. When we think something, it affects our gut and when we eat something it affects our brain. The communication that is constantly flowing between these two can make, or break your health.
The microbiome is the ecosystem in your gut. Having a good balance of good yeast, bacteria and other microbes help make up the proper communication to tell our brain to think clear and energetic positive thoughts. They work together to promote good health. When we are thinking negative thoughts it harms the gut bacteria and when the gut bacteria is out of balance, it affects the way we think. It is symbiotic. They cycle constantly.
You might ask: where do we begin? With some people it is easier to work on their food intake and with others it is easier to start with getting rid of negative and harmful thinking. The thing to do is get started! Essential oils can help us get the vibrational energy going so that we want to be healthier. Flower essences can help get rid of old baggage that may be weighing us down.
Recently, I watched a video by the author of the book “Hope for Cancer”. He also is the administrator of two cancer treatment centers in Mexico. His name is Dr. Antonio Jimenez. His all natural approach to treating cancer includes proper diet and also proper thinking. He believes that at the center of healing is God. His clinics success rate is phenomenal! Click on the link and watch some of the testimonial videos.
This is the link to the video interview I watched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzeqezZmYRk Dr. Jimenez spoke about the same things I’ve been speaking about in my Health to Home classes. It is all about balance. You need to stop putting in the bad (thoughts and food); feed the body good (thoughts and food) and get rid of the toxic (thoughts and food). He talks about healthy balance in gut bacteria as well as providing a healing environment in your home with love and respect for those around you.
What you think, eat, absorb, and your ability to eliminate toxins, impact your emotional well-being as well as your physical health. These clinics are proving it with their success rate and how willing a person is to adopt this way of eating and thinking. His clinics are a last resort for some. It is incredible the suffering people have gone through and the failures they have had to overcome. The fact that it has the word hope in its title is a true representation of what they offer.
Healing the body, mind and spirit are what makes up true balance in health. One cannot be thinking ugly negative thoughts and expect a healing experience. One cannot live in fear and expect to feel vibrant again. So, where do you start? Begin feeding your body with garden foods that are non-toxic and organically grown as your base. Get rid of the toxins by correct elimination and detoxification methods. Balance the microbiome.
In my Health to Home classes, I discuss all of these and some methods that may appeal to you. I have created some Youtube videos about detoxification and gut health is the topic for the month of March. You can get more information: http://bornforhealth.com/drmaryshealthtohome.html It is my desire to help people toward healthier paths. I think of these classes as coaching sessions and I generally like to reference the research that is being done in the natural health field.
When your gut is upset, you often can’t eat. This is a clear indication of the communication that is going on between your brain and your gut. Fasting is a great way to let the body deal with what is going on. Being overwhelmed by either food or thoughts can contribute to cell damage. Being overwhelmed contributes to inflammation and this can cause cells to burnout and then tissue and glands burn out. It is also a contributing factor to allergies and auto immune disease.
Protecting the gut linings with non-inflammatory food and thoughts will go a long way in the healing process. Start with bone broths (many recipes online) and add some healing vegetables like organic carrots, celery, onions and garlic. You can even add some ginger. This broth is very healing because it is so easily digestible. You need to start with grass fed and organically raised animal bones if you want to make a good healing broth. You can also drink a fermented non-dairy drink call Kombucha (recipes online). It is very easy to make once you get a SCOBY (starter). You can also buy it, but I think it is so easy to make it yourself and much less expensive.
These friendly yeast and bacteria can help balance the microbiome and it’s another good place to start to correct a bad diet that includes soda pop or beer. It has the same fizzy taste. You can flavor it after it has fermented. I like adding Thai Go to it as an extra energy boost.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #865 Forgiveness
Good Morning
When someone holds a grudge it is much like taking poison and expecting the other person to die. The other person most likely has not given another thought to what you are stewing about; they simply have moved on. The offense usually cycles in our mind and we think how it could have been different, or what we could/should have said. In the meantime all this negative thinking is impacting our bodies in a very unhealthful way.
Now, we certainly don’t want to deny it happened. We want to recognize how we feel about the situation. Maybe even think about past situations where we were hurt in a similar way. We want to examine our part in the situation. Could we have responded differently—could we have done something that would have created a different outcome? We need to accept our part in the way things happened.
Acceptance is acknowledgement of a feeling. It doesn’t mean you accept behavior that is unkind or unjust. It only means you recognize the act and how it made you feel. Once you acknowledge the existence of your feelings—you can then go on and listen to what your body is feeling. Where do you feel it? How deep is the feeling? If you were to grade it from 1-10 and 10 is the worse it could feel; where does it score?
Now that you recognize the feeling—do you want to continue to feel this way? How would it feel if you could stop this hurt? Recognize how that would feel and grade it. Since we know that the way to move on is through forgiveness, then the next step is to examine this word. Forgiveness is a feeling that uplifts the heart and gives peace to the mind. We often have a misconception of this word as being the same as “that’s okay”. It is definitely not okay!
But, because you don’t want to hurt anymore, you are willing to forgive and feel uplifted. You want to be able to take deep healing breaths so that your heart can open again to happiness and let joy flow through. There is an emotional healing technique called tapping, or EFT. This process takes about 15 minutes from start to finish and if you are having trouble with forgiveness; give it a try: https://youtu.be/IWu3rSEddZI
Self-forgiveness is a process that many of us are challenged with because it cycles in our mind as negative self-talk. We are the biggest bully to ourselves. We are all human and make mistakes. Some of them are pretty awful. We are angry, frustrated and want to take it out on someone. We even want to hurt ourselves so we create behavior that matches our deprecating thoughts. We don’t love ourselves and we make it so it is difficult for others to love us also. And the cycle just goes on. Somehow something must stop the cycle. The recognition that there is a cycle is the first step.
Once you see what you are doing, the next step is to see how it is affecting you. Generally you can feel that it isn’t a good thing. You don’t like it. If you see the intensity in which it is affecting your life and you know you don’t like it, the next step is to change it. This is the process we call forgiveness. This negative thinking has eroded your brain. Your brain (every brain) has both an assessment and creative cycle. After you have assessed what is going on you can then create how you want to think about that thought. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDZWTvP4Psk
If you can at this point name 5 things you are grateful for, it can allow dopamine to flood through your brain and then you can look at yourself with empathy and love. When you think thoughts of love, forgiveness and kindness you can change your brain. What helps our brain also is very important for heart health. What you choose to think makes a huge difference and it all is depends on you. Make efforts to change negative thinking into positive thinking. It is all perspective! Only one perspective can make you healthy and one can make you sick.
Along with healthy thinking we need to feed our brains with healthy food; good supplements like Omega oils; water, fresh air and perhaps use some essential oils that uplift us. Choose one that smells good to you and see what it does for your body. I also love the flower essences that NSP has. Look them up and see what resonates with you. Be Respons-able; Release It; Distress Remedy; Open Heart; Be Courageous; Find Strength and Keep Cool.
Flower essences have no smell; they are taken internally (15 minutes away from food), extremely helpful for children or adults and they help move energy.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #864 Homocysteine
Good Morning
Considered by most Functional medical doctors to be a better indicator of cardiovascular event than cholesterol; Homocysteine levels when high affect inflammatory markers. Not too long ago I did a class on Methylation and why it is important for you to support.
Methylation is the process that changes things to help the body perform functions. For example: if your hand is clenched, you can’t text or type. A methyl group comes along and changes the way your hand is shaped and opens it up by relaxing the tension. You can now type or text! Without the ability to methylate, your body will remain clenched and the functions performed by a relaxed hand cannot happen.
This process takes nutrients to make happen. When the body has high levels of homocysteine it is often due to poor methylation. Folic Acid, B6 and B12 are needed to avoid homocysteine. We have a product called Cardio Assurance that has these vitamins plus K2 to support good methylation and reduce homocysteine.
However, there are 30% of the population who cannot break down folic acid. These people have the MTHFR gene. (Can be determined with genetic testing). This particular gene can create a multitude of problems and this is just one of them. I did a whole class on this subject last year. It is available by audio—just email me. If you have this genetic expression you might show low thyroid, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, chronic fatigue, digestive disturbances including bowel issues, etc. A comprehensive list can be found: https://www.parsleyhealth.com/blog/mthfr-mutation/
So, the big thing to take away here is if you are part of the population that can’t convert folic acid, you need to be taking folate (which is the type of folic acid found in green leafy vegetables). This methylated version can bind with receptors to create the functions necessary for health; especially cardiovascular health. Cardiovascular health is now including the brain because what affects the heart also affects the brain.
Because of their physiological effects, certain medications can leach B vitamins from your body or interfere with their normal absorption and utilization. Powerful diuretics that flush excess water from your body can take water-soluble B vitamins along with it. Antibiotics and birth control pills also can deplete B-vitamin stores, while all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, can leach folic acid from your body, according to Dr. Edward Pazuchowski, founder of the St. John Center for Wellness and Family Medicine in Roseville, Michigan. Prednisone and other corticosteroids also deplete folic acid, and the heart drug digoxin impedes absorptions of vitamin B-1. Ulcer medications can interfere with proper absorption of folic acid and vitamin B-12.
We also know that many foods rob our body of B vitamins and other nutrients necessary for proper methylation such as sugar, alcohol and white flour products. So, it makes sense to take a B vitamin supplement. The one I suggest for people to take is Nutri Calm. This supplement is power packed with herbs to assist the nervous system (the biggest user of B vitamins). https://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com/?sn=1617 now with methyl folate in the 60 count size.
Dr. Steven Masley is a functional medical doctor who is teaching other medical doctors about the need for supplementation and nutrient needs from food. He actually includes recipes in his books that support better brain and heart health. His recommendation of clean proteins, high amounts of healthy fat and lots of colorful veggies regimen has helped thousands reduce their risk for cardiovascular events. He ties the brain and blood sugar into this risk reduction because they are all assisted by better eating.
Consistent high levels of homocysteine can contribute to heart attack, stroke and poor functioning brain health. We can eat better by choosing every meal to eat foods that are proactive to our health. Taking Omega 3 essential fatty acids to support better heart and brain health and replenish water soluble B vitamins with a food based multi. Reduce stress by eliminating those things you don’t have control over and learn some relaxation techniques. Exercise, rest and water intake are all important lifestyle choices.
Our genes do not determine our health for the most part. Our lifestyle choices determine our health. Choose wisely.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #863 Beets are heart healthy
Good Morning
Are you a beet eater? I love beets. I haven’t always but I developed a taste for them and have been studying the health benefits of these lovely red jewels. They are particularly helpful for the cardiovascular system. The reason for this is their high level of nitrate which is necessary for supporting nitric oxide production.
It is believed that Nitric Oxide is the missing link in many cardiovascular events. This miracle molecule triggers the blood vessel to open and allow more blood to flow through. Vascular congestion is present with Deep Vein Thrombosis. You can have congestion in many areas of the body. It occurs when blood isn’t flowing properly. The blood vessels should contract and relax like switches along a train route.
If the switch doesn’t allow the train to continue on its route, blood supply cannot deliver nutrients to all the areas along the route it can’t get to. Keeping the blood flowing and opening up the blood vessels is triggered by the nitric oxide system. As we age we lose the ability to supply this system. It makes sense to supply the body with the nutrients necessary to keep the nitric oxide system working well.
Nitric Oxide triggers the endothelium. This is a one cell layer thick lining inside the blood vessel that sometimes get congested with bad fats. These bad fats are oxidized cholesterol. Have you ever smelled rancid butter or nuts? That’s what it means when cholesterol is oxidized. This bad fat can cause all kinds of trouble. Since we are talking cardiovascular in this newsletter, let us discuss how this rancid fat can disrupt the cardiovascular system.
When you heat fat to a high temperature you change the way the body perceives it and it no longer is healthy. That is why fried foods are bad (along with the fact the fat that is being heated is rancid to begin with). So, for example: we know olive oil is good for us as long as it is cold. When olive oil is heated it becomes toxic. Studies show that the “smoke point” for olive oil is around 200. So, do not bake with it as most things are baked at temperatures of 325 or more.
Better choices for high temperatures is Ghee. Ghee’s smoke point is 485! Palm and peanut are high but Ghee is the best. I buy my Ghee butter from Thrive Market. I only buy organic and from Organic Valley. If you’d like to delve into this more: https://jonbarron.org/diet-and-nutrition/healthiest-cooking-oil-chart-smoke-points. But, suffice it to say we do not want rancid cholesterol plugging up our arteries.
Cardiox LDL is a product that helps remove oxidized cholesterol from the arteries. Cholesterol does not form in the veins. It takes oxygen to oxidize. It is loaded with polyphenols that gobble up free radicals that congest arteries. Polyphenols contain many health benefits such as antioxidants that work synergistically with other antioxidants to make them more potent and last longer. Studies have confirmed that a higher intake of polyphenols lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Being heart healthy includes a lot of colorful veggies and fruits (not juice) and lean meat. Fiber from apples and flax meal are wonderful to add to smoothies. Fiber attracts fat and so make sure you are getting a good supply of fiber and water daily. It is best to take a fiber product away from your Omega supplements. You don’t want the fiber attracting the good fats. So, you can take a fiber drink and then in an hour take your good fats like Omega, vitamins: A, D and E.
When you support a good cardiovascular system, you also support good brain health. Often times that foggy brain is congestion. Using an essential oil like Tei Fu and open up sinuses and clear the brain. Peppermint works well also. Just put a few drops on the palm of one hand and then briskly rub together. Close your eyes and bring the palms of your hands up and cover your nose and mouth. Take several deep breaths of the essential oil. Take your hands away and breathe twice of the normal air and then repeat. By the third time your sinuses should be clear. Make sure you wash your hands of the oil with soap as you do not want the oil in your eyes. They will tear up as a response. They may sting if you get any in them.
Hawthorne is a wonderful herb that has many studies to back up its benefits for a healthy heart. It is considered a tonic that strengthens and tones the heart and is a particular benefit for angina. It actually can help the heart normalize rhythm and work efficiently with less oxygen. It has been found to be beneficial in balancing blood pressure whether too high or too low. It is high in rutin which is necessary for strengthening blood cells. Bursting blood cells are often due to a lack of rutin. I used to get nose bleeds in the winter but don’t anymore due to increasing my rutin levels.
Studies show that taking hawthorne daily has lessened the incidences of racing heart; breathlessness; and energy. If you don’t want to take any pills, it does come in liquid form and you can just drop it into your mouth (some suggest this might even help if one is having a heart attack). Taking herbal supplements is far safer than taking drugs as all drugs have side effects. Talk with your functional medicine doctor about the benefits of Hawthorne. And be sure to add beets to your diet.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #862 Love is…
Good Morning
If you’ve been to weddings where they quote from Corinthians: “Love is patient, love is kind…” You’ve probably thought, Awww! But the fact is we don’t live in love. We think love is sex because that’s what its portrayed as in movies, TV, songs etc. Love is patient! The first of the answers to the question what is love?
Being patient in a world of demands is difficult. We want it now! Instant gratification is what is the goal of many. Recently I cooked pulled pork in my Instant Pot and my daughter in law in Boston was cooking the same meal in her slow cooker. Mine took an hour and hers took 8 hours. It’s the world we live in to try and accomplish as much as we can in as little time as possible. When we talk about love being patient, what do you think about? Getting to know people takes time. Everyone doesn’t learn at the same pace and that is true even with children. Being patient is hard.
Love is kind. Last month in my Health to Home series, I talked about being kind to yourself. So many of us are not kind to ourselves. We say hurtful things in our head that diminish our worth. We are not patient, or kind with ourselves. Before we can be those things to others, we must first practice on ourselves. When you find yourself saying hurtful or mean things, pause. Just push that pause button and say, “wait, am I really such and such?” Most of what we say in our heads is not true!
Love does not envy or boast! Do you catch yourself wishing you had someone else’s body, position, spouse etc.? Is the grass greener on the other side? Do we have to puff up our chest and blow our own horn? These feelings only bring us discontent. Again! Hit that pause button. When we think of envy, think instead of being grateful. Being happy for what we have brings more joy and peace than envy or boast. Having love is the best feeling of all. Fall in love with yourself. Be the person you admire. God is love. You can generate feelings of love just as well as feelings of discontent but we need to learn how.
Most experts will tell you that when someone is in love, the endorphins released can help us deal with pain. The only control you have is that which you think. So if you are not satisfied, change your way of thinking about your situation. The difference between a loser and a winner is their thoughts. It really has very little to do with their circumstances. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have goals and strive for better. I am saying that you should be joyful where you are and strive to be even more joyful in the future.
The way to advancement isn’t about stepping on others; for love does not self-seek, dishonor others, or keep records of wrong doing to “get back at them”. Love certainly isn’t about being a bully. Love is understanding and caring. Love does not delight in evil. Therefore, it doesn’t spread gossip or put other people down. This never makes you feel good. Being righteous is not always wanting to be right. It is about doing what is right when nobody is looking.
Stress is the biggest killer! Living in love is not stressful. It is about letting go of all the above and smiling more, being kinder, being thoughtful, being fun to be with. Finding the good in your circumstance and being grateful for it. It is being quiet and peaceful and getting in touch with your inner child. It’s taking long and deep breaths, moving your stomach in and out as you do so. It’s about listening to nature—the rain, the wind in the trees, the birds singing; finding delight in snowfall or just being mindful.
This whole month I am focusing on heart health in my Health to Home series. I hope you can join me. If you can’t Facebook Live then watch the recorded videos. I will be posting them on my new page: http://bornforhealth.com/drmaryshealthtohome.html I just posted about toxic emotions and this egram ties in with that so well.
Rejoice in the truth, nurture trust, protect and support those around you and find out how you can best support and protect your health. Have hope instead of discouragement by listening to those who care about your best interest and not those who have not been enlightened. For we can only view things through our own perspective—be one of light and love. Persevere for good. Post these sentiments where you can read them daily. Rise each morning with love in your heart for there will be no room for darkness.
The heart is more than a muscle. It beats to the rhythm of your thoughts. Make those thoughts supportive to yourself, and to others. The nourishing kind of love is what we should be practicing and teaching. This kind of love will help keep chronic disease, cancer and heart attacks from happening—say the experts. Dr Mercola says that most of the medical interventions of today are useless—cholesterol is not the problem; stents are just a band-aid etc.
Women should pay attention to his:http://womensheartsolutionsummit.com/event. Spend one hour every week learning about healthful things. It will help you keep hopeful knowing that you have control over much of your health. Think yourself to health by supporting your body with good nutrition, good thoughts and good structure.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #861 SAMe
Good Morning
The objective for natural healing professionals is to help the body get back into balance. The medications in use for conditions will often create imbalances in the body. When a condition is diagnosed, the doctor will often choose a medication that has worked successfully for that condition. This method is proven in a petri dish philosophy. People are very complex. We eat foods (or not) that can affect our nutritional needs and we think thoughts that often depend on those nutrients.
In other words, negative thinking depresses the activity of immune system cells. Emotional stress depletes levels of micronutrients in the body and produces toxic chemicals. This results in the body simultaneously entering states of nutrient deficiency and chemical toxicity. Since medical doctors are not trained to consider negative thinking, medications are prescribed without this factor.
Placebo affect is thinking something is going to work and nocebo is a detrimental effect on health produced by psychological or psychosomatic factors such as negative expectations of treatment or prognosis. So, what you think does matter! I have heard people say, “my child is sick and now it will run through the whole family”. So, this type of thinking can easily create the suppression of the immune system and bingo! You are all sick.
I’m of the belief that, since I don’t want to be sick, my immune system is strong enough to handle being around sick people. I simply go home and take more immune supporting supplements; drink more water and get more rest. You can’t decide to go out in 8 degree temperatures in your tee shirt and believe you have a strong enough immune system to handle that challenge. You should be sensible along with actually supporting your statement of wanting to stay healthy.
When a Naturopath is recommending a product like SAMe they need to take into consideration what drugs that person is using. Food can interfere with the way drugs work. So, the best thing to do is not take them at the same time, unless directed to do so. One should not take SAMe with antidepressants or if a person has been diagnosed as bipolar.
SAMe plays a significant role in the production of important brain compounds including neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. These neurotransmitters can assist with raising the stimulating effects and lifting depression. At the same time if someone is dealing with anxiety they need calming, not stimulating. If your depression is constant in degrees, SAMe will lift it. If you flip from anxiety to depression (as people with bipolar do) your degree of anxiety may increase.
If this is the case, working with a qualified Naturopath will help you select complimentary herbs such as passion flower or valerian to even out the effects. The need for B vitamins (whether anxiety or depression) is important to the nervous system and should be the first choice. Stress will gobble up B vitamins. So, if you are dealing with a lot of stress, find out how you can either stop the stress or change the way you are thinking about the situation.
SAMe is naturally found throughout the body and it helps with symptoms such as depression and osteoarthritis. The reason it does such seemingly unrelated symptoms is the fact that it is a form of sulfur. Sulfur minerals seem to be helpful when arthritis is concerned. MSM is another form of sulfur that has been helpful for painful joints. It strengthens connective tissue and has been found to relieve the inflammation involved in joint pain.
SAMe should not be taken with aspirin-like medicine, as together they can raise homocysteine in the body. SAMe has some research showing it to be as effective as Ibuprofen, Indomethacin and Piroxicam without the side effects of gastric distress and stomach upset the drugs tend to produce. Also, research has shown no toxicity to liver, kidney or other organ damage when used as directed. There have been studies showing SAMe to be protective to gastric mucosa which if damaged can lead to leaky gut and a whole host of cascading problems including bleeding ulcers.
On the whole, if someone is dealing with chronic painful joints, they might try SAMe and see how it helps. It isn’t instant, so be patient. Giving it a three month trial is a good idea. Some people see results from lessening pain within a week and others take months. I think it depends on what foods you are eating and what thoughts you are thinking. Allowing your natural healing potential to flow is important when taking any supplement. It also follows that doing sensible eating and exercise as well as getting the proper amount of sleep to assist in healing, are of utmost importance. The body wants to heal—you just need to give it a chance.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #860 VOC’s
Good Morning
Recently, I recommended Cindy Klement’s book: “Your Body’s Environmental Chemical Burden”. In order to understand where the toxins are in the environment and how we can avoid getting them into the body, you need a reference guide. This book is clearly one of the best current compilations of researched facts on toxins.
Here is what Cindy has to say about Volatile Organic Compounds: “These ten most common VOC’s are regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency…through which most of the population is regularly exposed through a wide array of sources.” And further: “Studies report that people spend 80-93% of their lives indoors” where most of these toxins exist.
Cigarette smoke, incense, candles, cleaning supplies, air fresheners, furniture, flooring, building and renovation materials are just some of the ways we are exposed to toxins without ever leaving our home! VOC’s are chemicals widely used in household products such as detergents, solvents, cleaning products, waxes, paints and varnishes. Even things such as printers and copiers emit these noxious chemicals. If you love the smell of your lotion or perfume, you may be breathing in fragrances which is a handy way of saying toxins.
“I read labels”, you say! But, interestingly enough none of your labels will list toxic VOC’s. But, then you go further and check on the internet: Material Safety Data Sheet to see if your product contains toxic ingredients, the company is not required to give that information out They are protected under the privacy of non-disclosure of recipe laws. Therefore, we are not privy to information regarding the products we use unless we have a guide from someone who has meticulously investigated products and what is in them.
Why should you be concerned? VOC’s are connected to numerous disorders in the body; some even connect with DNA and hormones. Short term: headaches, dizziness, memory impairment, irritation of respiratory system and visual disorders. We all know you shouldn’t mix ammonia and chlorine as they create a volatile gas that immediately can shut down our ability to breath. But, even individually these products are unsafe and can promote ill health.
Long-term exposure can result in nervous system damage. This can show up as emotional concerns from depression and anxiety or sleep disturbances. In later stages can create neuropsychiatric symptoms and even suicide. Cardiac concerns have been linked to these chemicals and shown up as arterial hypertension, blood pressure concerns and even more: adipose tissue (fat stores toxins).
What about the mixture of these VOC’s? Benzene is found in forest fires and the smoke settles in the water. When you mix chlorine (as most water supplies do) with benzene it becomes chlorobenzene-- chlorobenzene produced narcosis, restlessness, tremors, and muscle spasms in tested animals. This is in our drinking water unless you purify it at the tap. Most Reverse Osmosis units will remove these. So your insomnia might be due to your drinking water from the tap (or using it in your cooking); drinking water in restaurants.
Furthermore, paints, glue, varnish, paint thinners, adhesives, air fresheners, moth balls, nail polish, furniture wax, art supplies and hair dyes all contain some benzene. Generally, after painting, we clean our brushes with water that goes down the drain to further contaminate water. There is no new water. It is all recycled. The FDA did a five year study to analyze how much benzene is found in our food. It is part of the processing at high temperatures or by irradiation and aroma enhancers. Currently there are no legal limits for benzene found in food or beverages. It is absorbed in our body 100% when ingested and 50% when inhaled (get rid of those air wicks!).
I hope that you now see a need to vigorously remove fragrances, perfumes and other fake smells from you household and begin making your own safe products from organic essential oils that clean, protect and invigorate you. Lemon furniture polish can be easily made with warming some bees wax in a double boiler and when it is melted add a few drops of lemon essential oil along with a bit of almond oil. These oils will soothe your furniture during the dry months of winter and you only need a small amount to make your furniture look good as new.
Lemon essential oil is so beneficial and costs so little. It is antiseptic and has the ability to clear toxins from a room as you clean with it. I love adding it to white vinegar and water to clean glassware. It can be added to your dishwasher to intensify the cleaning and bacteria killing. Inhaling it can relieve dry coughs and putting a drop on it on your upper lip can stop nose bleeds. Staph and Strep infections have no chance when you use a gargle with Silver and a drop or two of lemon essential oil. You can even add a little aloe get to that for more soothing benefit.
Watch my video’s: Dr Mary’s Health to Home for more tips on detoxing.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #859 NAFLD
Good Morning
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease affects 1 out of 4 Americans (including children). Yes, children are affected by this because of poor diet. Too much sugar and too little veggies. Trans fats are a big part of their diet with chicken nuggets, hot dogs, hamburgers and pizza being their norm. Also the ongoing obsession with games and inactivity contribute to obesity and poor circulation. Nutritional smoothies can be a good way of getting good nutrition into children. Having healthy snacks available such as carrot sticks, apple slices and nut logs (celery loaded with almond butter) will help them choose nutrition over empty calories.
Most at risk are insulin resistant or diabetics and those who are overweight and do not exercise. The winter months are tough because many people don’t want to go out into the cold weather. Find ways to get up and move your body once an hour. Check into healthy eating with Paleo, Ketosis diets, and nutritional smoothie based diets like InForm. https://www.naturessunshine.com/us/members/c1/inform-weight-management1/why-inform/ these have been scientifically tested to help people become more insulin sensitive, get blood pressure back into normal range and much more.
When the liver becomes inflamed due to toxins such as fructose found in fruit juices and soda pop (and most energy drinks), it is called hepatitis. Itis simply means inflammation in Latin. Hepa means liver—therefore you have inflammation of the liver. When the condition is long standing it turns to osis. At the latest stage it is called cirrhosis.
Most of the time this is reversable. The liver is a very dynamic organ and even if you give it half a chance it can reverse disease. Doing a liver cleanse once a year can help but also be kind to your liver and stop poisoning it with sugar, alcohol, bad fats etc. We just finished the Holidays and doing a cleanse with Milk Thistle as its base is a good start while your correct some dietary habits that may be contributing to disease. I like the Milk Thistle combination because it has herbs that support the health of the liver.
Last week I spoke of N-Acetyl cysteine and this is in this product. Dandelion is also in Milk Thistle combination. This herb has a long history of supporting the health of the liver with many studies backing up it scientific ability to help with bile flow. It is considered a liver tonic and many people will open the capsule (it is also a single herb) and drink it as a tea. You could crush the tablets of Milk Thistle combination and make a tea out of it. Pouring a small amount of boiling water over the tablet can help facilitate breaking it up and then add the rest to make the tea. Nice to have on a cold winter day. You can add a small amount of honey for sweetness.
Changing your diet is difficult but if you want to achieve good health, it has been proven to eat lots of good veggies and less starchy carbohydrates along with healthy fats and proteins. We order our grass fed and wild caught meats and fish from Butcher Box. Right now they are offering 2 pounds of Wild Caught Salmon Free for joining. There is no membership fee and you can choose what you want in your box from Organic chicken, Beef, and Pork. You can choose monthly, every other month or even quarterly. It really works out to be the most economical way of getting the best animal protein and the tastiest. They even have You Tube videos on how to cook them.
Making bone broths is excellent and you want to make sure you have organic chicken or meat that has no pesticide residue if you are trying to detox the liver. Proper bone broths will gel when refrigerated. This gel is the cartilage that has emulsified and that can help create healthy cells which create healthy tissues, and then healthy organs.
Winter is a great time to make soups. You can make a big batch and put them in the refrigerator for a quick meal. I recommend canning jars and not plastic. Freezing the broth in ice cube trays makes it easy to add a couple of cubes to any stir fry or other dish that calls for broth. With crock pots and Instant Pots available, making broth or soup is a whole lot easier!
Keep health in mind and sickness will not be a concern.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #858 NAC
Good Morning
N-Acetyl Cysteine is a pre curser to glutathione and the best way to support detoxification in the liver. Why should you detoxify? Accumulated toxins in the body contribute to disease. We get these toxins from alcohol, sugar, the air we breathe, the food we eat etc.
We just got over the Holidays and you probably have put away (or, are going to put away) your Holiday decorations. Just as we get the Holiday stuff packed away, we also need to clean out the mess created by having them around. Vacuuming up needles and dusting places that are now revealed etc. We also need to do this with our bodies.
Chronic inflammation is contributed to be our body’s inability to detoxify. January is the perfect time of the year to concentrate on getting rid of the junk we’ve accumulated over the Holidays. Janus (the Greek god) has two heads. One is looking in the past and the other toward the future. We must learn from the past and ask ourselves what do we want in our future?
Many people go on diets and make goals for the new year. Looking at your food choices as a diet never works to maintain true weight loss. Each meal is a choice. Everything you put in your mouth will either contribute to health or deter it. We also don’t want to be obsessive about our food choices. My husband and I believe that you should do 80 percent good and then your body can handle 20 percent bad. But, most of us are doing the opposite and we certainly did over the Holidays.
So, lets not put more junk in and choose wisely 80% of the time. And when we want to eat that cake or ice cream, give yourself permission to enjoy it to the best of your ability. Do it without guilt and savor every bite. When it no longer tastes as great as that first bite, give yourself permission to not eat the rest. Portion control is half the battle! We don’t listen to the signals our brain is giving us. Sit quietly and listen—get in touch with your food.
Detoxification may begin with simply drinking more and better water. We drink Reverse Osmosis water at home that we treat at the tap. We process the water through a Nature’s Spring R/O unit that I wish Nature’s Sunshine still carried because I love it. My family has been drinking R/O water for over 35 years. If I were to choose now there may be other options but I love the taste of my water and that is a big inducer to drinking adequate amounts to cleanse the body. The general formula for water intake is half your body weight in ounces of water daily. So, if you weigh 150 pounds you need to drink 75 ounces of water daily—this does not include beverages. This is pure water with the exception of adding lemon or chlorophyll. Some herbal teas can be included as well.
What does the liver need to detoxify? Well, first of all, it needs you to stop putting in the junk! You know what that means. Concentrate on the good stuff: organic veggies and fruit; grass fed animal products; raw nuts and seeds (fresh) and other healthy fats like avocados and coconut. If they don’t fall into those categories than don’t eat it or save it for your 20% bad.
The body also needs proper rest. During the Holidays you may have skipped on good rest but now you need to make sure you are getting enough. Here to help with this is Mental Health America. Using an essential oil like Lavender in a diffuser at night may help. I also love to mix Breathe Deep essential oil and aloe to apply to my chest for better breathing during the night. Keep your bedroom as a sanctuary for sleep and rest. Do not have a computer or TV going while you are trying to rest. The flashing light from them will interfere with your ability to make melatonin for deep sleep.
Decreased glutathione levels are indicated in conditions such as: HIV infection, heart disease, cancer, brain confusion, chronic bronchitis and even the flu! Chronic inflammation is the underlying contributor to pain and disease. To help increase glutathione levels you can take Milk Thistle combination which has N-Acetyl Cysteine in it or additional NAC. These are some of my favorite ways to help the body get rid of the toxins. If you are aiming to get rid of some fat—you need to make sure you are also getting rid of toxins because they hide in fat. Sometimes you get to a standstill with a program and the reason may be that you need help with detoxification.
Choose to have 2019 your healthiest year yet.
Yours, For The Health Of It,
Dr. Mary
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices and you need to be sponsored use account 9256 or: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This message is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.