15831 Twelve Mile Rd.
Southfield MI 48076
for appt. (248) 559-6763
to email: Mary@bornforhealth.com
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Dr. Mary Born has been active in the natural health arena for more than 35 years. Her interest in helping people understand the importance of good nutrition was first expressed by teaching classes in whole grain bread baking and food dehydration.
She has studied herbal medicines, muscle testing techniques, body systems, iridology, emotional healing, techniques in body work, aromatherapy, water treatment, and air quality. She has been certified in Nutritional Counseling by Trinity College. Dr. Mary is certified in Iridology by many different masters including Dr. Bernard Jensen. She currently holds certification in Alternatives to Prescription Drugs, Aromatherapy, Flower Essence Therapy (a technique used in helping with emotional healing) and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Mary is a Certified Natural Health Professional, Master of Holistic Healing, as well as a practicing Naturopathic doctor.
As a Naturopathic doctor her studies included: Understanding Chinese Meridians and herbal remedies: Western Herbal therapies and their applications; Chemistry, Aromatherapy; The Body/Mind Connection; Herbal Energetics and History; Traditional Herbal Medicine and History; Homeopathy; Energy Medicine, Studies in psychoneuroimmunology; Flower Essence Remedies and Use; Orthomolecular Nutrition; Nutritional Health and Physiology; Children's Health and the Basic Cause of Disease.
Dr. Mary believes in the philosophy of being a teacher/learner and that learning must be a life long process. We are all teachers and learners until we no longer live.
She has been an instructor for the Tree of Light Institute for over 18 years and is a member of the American Herbalist Guild, The American Association of Nutritional Consultants and a Professional member of Flower Essence Society as well as a Registerd Naturopathic doctor.
In addition to seeing clients on a professional level, Dr. Mary teaches adult and community education classes, has facilitated a 9 month course on Holistic Healing that includes Herbology, Muscle Response Testing, Constitutional Iridology and Emotional Healing work along with understanding body systems. She has instructed at two local Myomassolgy Institutes where she taught Herbal Remedies and Iridology. Dr. Mary has taught college level courses for nurses continuing education and other interested adults at Henry Ford Community College—Center for Life Long Learning. These classes include understanding Digestion; Women’s Issues, Circulation, Digestion, Brain Health and Aromatherapy.
Dr. Mary authors a monthly newsletter and writes a free weekly health message she calls Herbal eGram to educate people about herbs and health. To receive this weekly eGram, email her at: Mary@BornForHealth.com and say: Please subscribe me to your eGram. Dr. Born lives with her husband, Dr. Bruce Born, has a son Dr. Bryan Born and daughter in law, Dr. Carol Born who all work in the same clinic in Southfield. She also has a son Michael Born who is an architect and a daughter in law, Emily Born who live in Boston. Dr. Mary has two granddaughters, Jessica (13 1/2) and Sarah (10) and a grandson, Zachary (3). She feels lucky to live close to her two granddaughters and assists her daughter in law, Carol, in home schooling. Being a “Teacher/Learner” is a big part of Mary’s philosophy.
Dr. Mary Born is an avid gardener at her home in Waterford where during any given growing season she plants around 100 flats of flowers and vegetables. She believes in growing food naturally and organically and encourages others to do the same. Dr. Born has a wide variety of subjects she speaks on during her health lectures and Webinars. To see a schedule of classes click on the tab, Calendar on this site. If you would like to have Dr. Mary speak to your group, contact her by email, Mary@BornForHealth.com or by phone, 248-623-2288.
On a personal note: Dr. Mary is married to Dr. Bruce Born, Chiropractic Physician. They enjoy the opportunities of being associated with Nature's Sunshine and by going on trips throughout the year learning and having fun together. Some trips in the past have been to China, The Mediterranean, Alaska, the Caribbean, Europe and Mexico. Learning and having fun together is something the entire Born family likes to do: Dr. Bryan Born (son); Dr. Carol Born (married to Dr. Bryan) --their children, Jessica 13 and Sarah 10. They also enjoy going to Boston to visit: Michael Born (son) of Born Illustration (BornIllustration.com), Emily Born (married to Michael)--their children, Zachary 4 and Katie (born July 2010). The Born family enjoy good health and practice their "natural" ideas.
One of my favorite quotes:
"We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we've established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile." — Earl Nightingale: Was a motivational speaker and author
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Have a question? Ask the Herb Specialist: mary@bornforhealth.com
Health NewsFlash!
Do you want to join the hundreds of others receiving weekly newsflashes? Herbal eGrams are sent to you each week giving you timely tips on how to stay healthy. You can stop them at any time. These free news tips can help you enjoy health by using natural and common sense ideas.
All you have to do is send an email to: Mary@bornforhealth.com and say "subscribe me to the free Herbal eGram"! Some of the newsletters have taught people how to stop a mosquito bite from itching instantly! Garden tips on getting rid of pesky bugs such as Japanese beetle with a simple natural household liquid soap. Don't miss another issue. Email me now for this free weekly newsgram!
Purpose of this site:
To help people learn more about the use of herbs. Herbal remedies have helped people for centuries, even before the written word. The ancients would pass along information about the healing herbs to the next generation. They didn't need "double blind" studies to determine their worth--they knew the herbs, and they knew how they worked.
Herbs will work for you too. There are only a couple of things you need to know:
Be sure of the quality!
What testing procedures are done to assure you're getting what you pay for? Check out "Quality" above.
Be sure of purity!
Especially root herbs have been known to have some contaminants. Nature's Sunshine allows none! If you are paying cheap prices, you may be getting fillers, synthetics, and dirt in the bargain.
What they say on the label is in the bottle--you can count on it! When looking for therapeutic quality--get Nature's Sunshine.
Good Health is not just being lucky!
Herbal remedies have been used successfully even on animals, and they certainly don't care about the "how". All herbs are not created equal. Nature's Sunshine was the first company to encapsulate herbs. (If you have ever tasted some herbal teas you will understand the importance of encapsulating). Nature's Sunshine has the most extensive in-house testing facilities of any of the herbal companies. They care about the quality because their 30 years of excellent reputation was based on quality as a cornerstone. Sort of like, "if you care enough to send the very best". Well, those people who care, use Nature's Sunshine.
If you want the best quality at the lowest price join the membership club and save at least 35%!
So, I care about the people I help, and therefore, I recommend the best program and offer the best prices with the best quality. How can I help you?