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Herbal eGram #506 And the answer is----- Good Morning! Do you watch game shows—Jeopardy, Millionaire, Jackpot etc.? Even the reruns are wildly successful. People love to have questions posed and then try to guess the answer. I love to guess at these –more times I’m not right but it is still fun. People even have board games such as “20 questions” etc. Health is not a game show. Many times we are given clues as to the answer such as, feeling tired, but can’t sleep well. At first off this could be adrenal exhaustion. When the adrenals go into overdrive they won’t let you sleep at night because they are constantly on alert. Because you don’t re-charge your adrenal glands you are exhausted during the day. Stress has a huge impact on this but so does diet. If you have headaches frequently and high blood pressure it may be an adrenal problem as well but it also may be a simple fact that you aren’t drinking enough water. If someone comes to me with those symptoms and wants me to give them an answer, I feel as if I’m on Jeopardy. Those clues are not enough. Filling out an informational data form that asks about food, water intake and elimination helps a consultant to flesh out the clues and come up with a viable answer(s). I have one on line that people can download and fill out before seeing me. They can also fill one out prior to their visit and we provide it at my office. Medical doctors rely on blood tests and other evaluations. Although I find those interesting, they aren’t necessarily what I need to help a person create balance. For example, many conditions are inflammatory, or are based on too much inflammation going on in the body. There is no drug that helps the body reduce inflammation. Drugs control symptoms—they do not create balance. In fact, they really create imbalance. Most drugs block the normal processes of the body and that creates an imbalance. Medications that supposedly help with digestive concerns such as acid indigestion actually create worse digestion. Proteins and many minerals need the acid produced in the digestive process to break down food into usable nutrients. When one takes an acid inhibitor one actually stops the body from breaking down food into nutrients and the body becomes nutrient deficient. Malnutrition is the basis for many chronic or age related conditions. Malnutrition is simply a lack of available nutrients. Sort of like building a house with sticks instead of bricks. This is one of the reasons Americans have more colds and flu than any other country. We live highly stressful lives and don’t get good nutrition. If we do pay attention to good nutrition—we block it with medications. This is part of the answer to getting healthy because, more often than not, it isn’t about having one answer but complex answers and suggestions that help a person attain health. It is a path in which one travels to continually become healthy. It is not the commonly perceived idea that you take one pill and your problems go away. As Neil Diamond sings in “Surviving the Life: Life ain't easy, but it ain't that bad.” Sometimes we have to change our focus to find the solutions. (More lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/n/neil+diamond/#share) Focusing on health and not on disease is another thing I coach my clients about. If we focus on disease—we will simply get more of it. When you focus on health it is a positive perspective and you start looking at all the aspects of health and that includes attitude. You simply cannot be healthy if you focus on disease. Each time I take my supplements, I know I am doing something positive to help my body create balance, get good nutrition and strength. Each supplement has a history of how it works in the body: cooling or warming; tightening or loosening; drying or wetting. Many of the recipes by companies other than NSP make no sense. You don’t put vitamins with a colon cleanse or all of your vitamins go out of the body without being used. Colon cleanses should be done away from food intake and vitamins should be taken with food for best absorption. Working with someone who knows how supplements work in the body will help you get the best results. Making sure that person has all the information they need to create a health plan will determine the success of the plan. Also, one plan is not forever. Most plans are updated and tweaked at least quarterly. As you progress, your health plan needs to be adjusted. Seeing a professional consultant quarterly will help you reach your health goals and enjoy better health along the way. Would you like some answers to your health questions --fill out the Lifestyle analysis available at: http://www.naturessunshine.com/us/products/healthanalyzer/ , or if you want to fill out my data form prior to a consultation: http://www.bornforhealth.com/clientinfoaboutme/home.html Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #505 Cooped Up! Good Morning! Gearing up for school may involve more than getting together school supplies. If you’re off to college or cooped up in an office, this email may offer help for you to use those “sick days” for fun instead of feeling miserable. What’s in that lunch box? Nature’s Sunshine’s new Hero line of supplements are easy to pack in lunch boxes to make sure your children get the nutrients they need to think, learn and behave in school. Many studies show that good fats help children learn better and calm irritation. DHA is a fat needed by the brain to support thought and attitude. Also, you can add Focus Attention powder to water and make a healthy drink at lunch time—add a little Love and Peas (protein) and help your child think better. Watch the webinar on the 29th for more ideas. The popular medical advice about staying healthy is to continuously use sanitation gels that strip the skin of its normal defense along with any microbes that might be harmful. The ads want you to pack and use wipes with harsh chemicals. Most of these wipes contain chemicals that are harmful when ingested. Most children put their hands in their mouths and are eating the very gels that are killing off microbes. Some microbes are necessary for good health. Friendly bacteria are necessary for uptake of B vitamins that assist the nervous system in being healthy. Putting Silver gel on your hands after washing them is the best defense against bad microbes. It can keep your hands free of germs for up to 4 hours according to Dr. Gordon Pederson, the inventor of this nano type silver. It also won’t strip the skin of the acid mantle that helps protect from foreign invasion that makes us sick. Assisting the skin in its efforts to keep harmful microbes from entering our body can better be served by washing ones hands with plain soap and water—not antibacterial scrubs or wipes say the scientific studies. And then follow it with Silver gel. You can spray a paper towel with Silver Shield, tuck it into a plastic zip bag and this is a much better way to “clean your hands” when water is not available. I can remember my mom hanging white laundry outside for the sun to bleach out stains and to sanitize our clothes. Does chlorine occur naturally? Chlorine is a halogen and when breathed in can cause damage to lung tissue. It also interferes with the uptake of iodine by the Thyroid. These should never be used on or by children whose growing organ systems can be severely damaged causing allergies, asthma and hormonal imbalances. “All the Halogens are potentially harmful substances and chlorine in particular is highly toxic. It is dangerous to ingest halogens or breathe in any halogen gas or vapour.” http://www.docbrown.info/page03/The_Halogens.htm#harmful What are some natural “green” alternatives to bleach? Most essential oils are antimicrobial and work very effectively in killing germs, bacteria, fungus etc. Remember colds and flu are caused by a virus—not bacteria. So, using products like Silver gel or wipes with Silver Shield and an antiviral like Lemon and Tea Tree are far more effective and can be beneficial to health. Watch for our launching of the new Nature’s Fresh line of household cleaning products coming in October. What happens when we do not get “fresh air”? Sunshine and fresh air are important for health and especially important for children. Feeling cooped up in a classroom all day or in an office can make us feel aggressive and stressed out. Going outside for even a few minutes to breathe some fresh air filled with good oxygen will cleanse the mind and body and invigorate us. Getting up and stretching, walking and deep breathing are healthful and cost nothing. Whatever happened to recess? It is a sad fact when schools are being built with no playground so the students do not get fresh air and exercise during the day. http://www.sundaypaper.com/More/Archives/tabid/98/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/435/Schools-without-playgrounds.aspx In a world where childhood Diabetes is on the rise—we need to watch what is going into lunch boxes and be vigilant at what messages we are giving our children. Good food, fresh air and exercise is not an option—it’s an obligation. For yourself and those who will come after you. Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #504 Dot to Dot
Good Morning!
Did you ever play Connect the Dots? If it was an alphabet picture and you skipped from C to F, the picture looked a little weird and maybe you couldn’t identify what it was supposed to be. On the other hand, if you connected all the dots as they should, the picture would be clear and you’d be able to tell what it was. Sometimes halfway or three-quarters of the way through you might figure out what the picture was and sometimes you’d have to be almost done before it was clear.
The brain is very similar to a dot to dot picture. If our brain fires too fast and the processes aren’t complete, we are confused or we misinterpret the thought. Neurotransmitters are responsible for the electrical signals among neurons (individual nerve cells in the brain). Forty to fifty percent of all brain synapses contain GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid). It is referred to as the “anti-anxiety” amino acid and is formed from glutamic acid for healthy brain function and balanced chemistry.
Sometimes due to anxiety the firing of neurons pass too quickly between receptors and the information is incomplete. Researchers believe that GABA influences brain function by slowing down or inhibiting the activity of neurons associated with acute anxiety or manic behavior. The cortex of the brain is responsible for decision making. If a person is anxious, the decision making process becomes a paralyzing and fearful situation. One can’t even make the most basic decisions.
How can a person reduce anxiety levels? One way of course is to learn to say NO! more often. If our “plate” is full and we try to add more to it, something is going to topple off. So, we need to learn what it is we want and not just do something because it is what someone else wants. Most of us have never learned to identify what it is that makes us happy and feel accomplished. We get into a rhythm of always doing for others until we feel “used”. We get frustrated because nobody is doing for us as we are doing for them. Who set that parameter in the first place? Do you only feel of value when you are doing for others? You need also to do things for yourself. The best situation is if these are balanced: doing for others equal to doing for self.
Another way of helping to reduce anxiety is to feed our brains what it needs. Hypoglycemia can create an imbalance in brain chemistry. So, eating six small meals throughout the day and balancing proteins, fats and carbohydrates is an effective way of reducing anxiety and stress. Since the brain has gone without food all night long it is important we feed it well upon rising. People who delay or skip breakfast can set up the anxiety yoyo. Also, if a person eats too many carbohydrates at breakfast he will be hungry for carbs all day long.
What if a person doesn’t want to take prescription drugs for minor anxiety? Is there an herbal or nutritional equivalent to anti-anxiety medications? Since GABA plays a huge roll in respect to anxiety, it makes sense that balancing this amino acid will go a long way in keeping anxiety levels under control and helping reduce stress responses.
Another area of the brain that acts on stimulation is called the locus coeruleus located in the brain stem. The norepinephrine from the locus coeruleus has an excitatory effect on most of the brain, mediating arousal and priming the brain’s neurons to be activated by stimuli. When over-stimulated the person will feel out of control and often paralyzed by fear. This response contributes to panic attacks, increased blood pressure, rapid breathing often accompanied by increased heart rate and/or excessive perspiration. One or any combination of these responses may be due to a deficiency of GABA.
So, how does one increase GABA levels? Glutamine produces the neurotransmitter GABA. So, taking a supplement with glutamine in it will help the body convert it into glutamic acid. Glutamine crosses the blood brain barrier; in fact, it is the only amino acid that can cross the blood brain barrier. For more on how this response can be assisted go to: http://hartonweb.com/nsp-herbs/bornforhealth.com/?sn=1823-6
The overwhelming use of anti-anxiety and depression pharmaceuticals has reached staggering proportions. These drugs are being prescribed to children and young adults even. Fortunately, for those who wish not to take these harmful and addictive medications, GABA supplements can be a great alternative. These supplements are especially effective when Passion Flower is included.
Passion Flower is an herb that is commonly used to help with relaxation as it has an ability to calm and reduce anxiety. It is particularly helpful for when a person deals with chatter. The chatter may be self recrimination, rehearsing scenes that have already taken place or conversations that go on and on often keep you from sleeping at night.
Nature’s Sunshine GABA Plus also contains the amino acid taurine. Taurine is a soothing, inhibitory neurotransmitter and plays a major role in stabilizing the heartbeat and electrical activity of the nerves. Taurine is also necessary for the proper functioning of the "sodium/potassium ATP-ase pump", which regulates the ion balance between the cells and the extra cellular fluid that surrounds them.
The combination of ingredients of GABA plus contains a final ingredient, spirulina, a very nutritious algae that feeds and nourishes the brain. Balancing neurotransmitters and feeding the brain instead of blocking signals (as medications do), just makes sense. If a person has a low gas indicator light on the dash, does it make sense to disconnect the signal? Or, would it make more sense to give the car the gas it is indicating it needs? Researchers have found that the combination of ingredients in GABA plus has helped calm and restore normal brain function as well as sharpen the brain and improve mood.
Create a good mood with some of the suggestions above and watch for the webinar on brain health coming soon in September.
Have a healthy week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
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If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #503 Just when you think… Good Morning,
Wow! Just when you think you’ve heard it all, the drug companies come up with a new way to peddle their wares. Kids taking cholesterol medications! Doesn’t that just beat it all?! Apparently Pfizer has had this in the works for a few years but since their cash cow Lipitor will soon be out of patent protection they want to convince us that our children need this new chewable medication to “prevent heart attacks”.
Drug treatment would generally be targeted for kids at least 8 years old who have too much LDL, the "bad" cholesterol, along with other risky conditions, including obesity and high blood pressure. If your cholesterol is too low you may end up not being able to manufacture hormones necessary for proper growth and yet they “claim it is safe”. First of all—there has been no long-term testing done on children; so how do they “know” it is safe? Since the brain needs cholesterol I find this prescription perfect for creating dumb kids! Not only the brain but for normal development of many hormonally related processes. The following is a cascade of how cholesterol converts to hormones: Cholesterol is the precursor to all steroid hormones, including: Glucocorticoids (blood sugar regulation); Mineralcorticoids (mineral balance and blood pressure regulation) and Sex Hormones (many functions). Cholesterol is the precursor to a hormone called Pregnenolone. Pregnenolone is converted to progesterone, a sex hormone, which in turn is converted into cortisol, which regulates inflammation and blood sugar, aldosterone, which regulates mineral balance and blood pressure, or testosterone, a type of sex hormone referred to as an androgen, which regulates libido, muscle mass, and plays other roles. In females, and to a lesser degree in males, testosterone is further modified, undergoing conversion to estradiol, a different type of sex hormone called an estrogen. My reference is: Harvey et al., Biochemistry: 3rd Edition, Baltimore: Lippincott, 2005, pp. 235-238. Since cortisol is a steroid hormone (manufactured in the adrenals from cholesterol) that helps us deal with stress and regulates blood pressure, I see this lowering of cholesterol as a scheme to then be able to prescribe: blood pressure drugs, anti-diabetic drugs, antipsychotic meds etc. I see our young people not being able to produce enough progesterone on their own to maintain pregnancy (when it comes time for that) and have to be on dangerous fertility drugs. The future is bright for the drug manufacturers—what happens when there aren’t enough people for them to keep selling to? It seems obvious to me that children would have a higher need for cholesterol beginning around pre-puberty and puberty as so many hormones have to be manufactured due to the normal growth process. So, that leads me to ask—Is cholesterol really “the bad guy”. Many doctors feel that there are other markers that would give a better picture of our heart health such as knowing Fibrinogen, Homocysteine, and CRP levels in the blood along with the ratio between HDL and Triglycerides. Since there aren’t any effective drugs to take to reduce these levels they are not as well known as cholesterol testing. Fibrinogen levels: Fibrinogen is a protein produced by the liver that aids in clotting, to prevent further blood loss. A high level of this coagulation factor allows more blood clotting to occur, including the clotting on ruptured plaque. A high fibrinogen level can also increase blood viscosity (thickness) , which also increases risk of heart attack. What might be prescribed is blood thinners. However, nutritionally you can take more Omega 3, garlic, ginkgo and/or Natto. These foods are all very effective in helping the blood to flow and maintain healthy levels of fibrin. Everyone knows medical blood thinners can cause brain hemorrhages, or do they? “Coumadin (generic name, warfarin) must be carefully monitored. If the dose is too high, a patient could experience excessive bruising and be at higher risk for brain hemorrhages.”
Homocysteine levels: Homocysteine is an amino acid which affects atherosclerosis and contributes to blood clot formation on ruptured plaque. These levels will usually balance when a person takes enough B vitamins such as: B6, B12 and Folic Acid. Since B vitamins help a person handle stress better and are water soluble it makes sense that we would need a constant supply of these to help us deal with inflammation. Cardio Assurance is a formula especially created to help with giving the body the tools it needs to protect the heart—includes B6, B12, Folic Acid, K2 (Natto is the highest form of this vitamin and especially beneficial for the heart), Hawthorn berries and Resveratrol.
CRP: C-reactive protein is a protein produced by the liver in response to injury or infection, and quickly disappears after injury, infection or inflammation. While raised levels of c-reactive protein may be associated with injury or inflammation in other parts of the body, it can predict inflammation in the arteries which can put a person at risk of heart attack. Developing this marker may be one of the best indicators to a heart event. Taking enzymes that help to break down proteins in between meals is a very effective way to bring down excessive CRP levels. Nattozimes and Protease are very effective proteolytic enzymes that are effective in the breaking down process of reactive proteins.
The food that causes the most inflammation in our body is sugar. Sugar causes a spike in insulin and that sets up a whole cascade of inflammatory responses. Wheat and dairy are also inflammatory foods. Cutting back on these foods and helping our body deal more effectively with stress are ways we can protect our heart and vascular system. Also, taking high amounts of antioxidants that calm inflammatory markers will go a long way toward better health. Have a morning “toast” of Thai Go and start your day right!
Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #502 The Queen of Fruits
Good Morning,
August is the time of the year when Michigan is bountiful in fruits. Blueberries, Raspberries, peaches, plums, melons and many other fruits make up a wonderful fruit salad. Blending these marvelous flavors together to create a delicious and nutritious taste treat is one of the things my two granddaughters and I love to do. It’s great fun sitting around a table slicing, pitting and cutting up these delicious fruits to make a salad and what’s even better is the synergistic effect of all the flavors tickling the taste buds. Blending flavors is delicious however, what is more important is the synergistic nutritional affect these foods can have on the ORAC value of combining foods. The health benefits are potentiated.
There is a fruit I saw in China that is sold on street corners and considered the “Queen of fruits” and it is called mangosteen. In China, this fruit is used medicinally for all kinds of conditions but it is also used in prevention of disease. Back in the 70’s we were talking about the ACE’s (vitamins A, C, E and selenium) and how they protected against inflammatory damage from free radicals. But now it’s xanthones
Xanthones are powerful antioxidants from mangosteen fruit and they are many times more powerful than the ACE’s! Xanthone studies indicate that they can be used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, skin disorders, balancing cholesterol levels, fighting allergies and infections, and sustaining energy. These are the ailments that most prescribed drugs are being used to treat with side effects as the given. Is it worth it? What about a different way?
Take gastrointestinal disorders for example. Look at all the medicines lined up just in over the counter products and some of which you used to have a prescription for—they do not address the cause. They only are symptomatic relief that often interfere with good digestion. Wouldn’t it be marvelous to take a tasty drink that would help address the cause of many conditions?
What happens when you combine mangosteen with other known high antioxidant fruits? Well, as Emeril says, “Let’s kick it up a notch”. When you combine the antioxidant effects of mangosteen with green tea extract, resveratrol, Acai berry and pomegranate, you have a drink that is so powerful nothing on the ORAC charts can compare!
How can taking a small amount of this drink protect against age related diseases, dreaded conditions such as heart disease and cancer or even atherosclerosis? Scientists are proving what the Chinese have known for centuries; xanthones are cell protectants! So far seven xanthones have been isolated: Alpha-mangostin. Beta-mangostin, Gamma-mangostin, Garcinone, Garcinone A, Garcinone C, Garcinone D, Mangostanol, Gartanin and each one shows how it contributes to better health and prevention against disease.
You could not possibly consume all of the fruits in a day what you can consume in just taking one ounce of this amazing juice. There is nothing in the market place like Thai Go. There may be mangosteen drinks and acai berry combined in things but there is nothing that has the powerful advantages Thai Go can offer you. The effect on cellular repair alone is boggling the mind of many scientists. Couple that with the fact it tastes great and you have something very exciting!
Be sure to take advantage of the sales going on during the month of August by either presenting a Thai Go party of your own, or joining the live party in Southfield on the 14th or via webinar the 18th or attend in Southgate live on Monday night the 16th. Anyone who attends one of these events can purchase Thai Go at an extremely discounted price! You can also watch a webinar and take advantage of sales available only this evening—August 9th.
Have a healthy week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #501 Sleep Deprived Good Morning, According to statistics, 71% of Americans have struggled with Sleep Deprivation at some point in their lives. For some it may be due to being awakened—perhaps by a baby or sick child several nights in a row; maybe it’s a puppy that has to go out frequently, or maybe it’s you having to get up to urinate; how does interrupted sleep effect our health? Many Americans do not get the sleep they need because their schedules do not allow adequate time for it and they do not know the negative effects lack of sleep can have on their health and functioning. Others are unable to get a good night’s rest due to sleep disorders, chronic pain, medications, hot flashes, stress or health conditions such as heart disease, depression, arthritis or heart disease. There is a common thought that if you take a cat nap during the day it will help you catch up on sleep lost. However, the best thing you can do is get enough exercise during the day and to eat small meals throughout the day. Eating small nutritious snacks during the day helps to keep Leptin and Ghrelin in balance which in turn affects the way our body puts out insulin. These 3 hormones can determine whether we are hungry, gain weight, and they also have an impact on the hormone melatonin which helps us sleep. Melatonin is produced naturally by the pineal gland when darkness is perceived. So, making sure your sleep area has no interfering light will help you create melatonin. Watching television before bed interferes with the development of melatonin as the direct light from the TV is picked up by the eyes perceiving daylight and confusing the pineal. Using sleep aids that cover the eyes to create darkness will help. So will not having a television in the bedroom. Even with closed eyelids, light can be perceived making it difficult for the pineal to create melatonin. Shut the lights off in your bedroom and see where light is coming from: alarm clocks or radios, phones, any LED device will emit enough light to disrupt the pineal gland. Low serotonin levels are associated with low melatonin levels. Serotonin is a hormone that helps us feel good and when not present in good amounts we can feel depressed. Many depressed people are on Serotonin Selective Reuptake Inhibitors. These drugs make it so the body reuses old serotonin. Why not help the body make more instead of using tired out hormones? How do SSRI’s compare to the natural 5-HTP supplement? A study done by a team of SWISS and German psychiatric researchers comparing the Tryptophan metabolite, 5-HTP, for example, with the SRRI, Fluvoxamine, found that depression was alleviated more predictably with the 5-HTP, and while side effects are commonly reported for Fluvoxamine, the Physician's Desk Reference does not list any for 5-HTP. The researchers went on to conclude that the Tryptophan metabolite actually treats a broader range of symptoms known as "Serotonin Deficiency Syndrome," which may manifest as depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, aggression, nervousness, obsessive-compulsive behavior, and migraines... many of the same symptoms that are being treated in humans and animals with SSRI's. Some foods contain the amino acid L-Tryptophan which converts to serotonin (which then converts to melatonin) but they are on the “no” list for many people. Soy and gluten products contain it. But, we also know that turkey, English Black Walnuts, almonds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and black-eyed peas contain L-tryptophan which is an essential amino acid—the body doesn’t produce it and you must get it through your food or in supplement form. The pineal seems to calcify as we age and makes it more difficult for older people to have a good deep sleep. Just as our food can help us take in healthy amino acids—how about the amino acids in Aspartame? Is there a relationship to Aspartame and insomnia? H. J. Roberts, in his book: Aspartame Disease, An Ignored Epidemic, states that “confusion and memory loss in scores of aspartame victims in their early 30’s and 40’s had led neurologists to diagnose ‘probable early Alzheimer’s Disease’ before they found out it was really due to Aspartame.” Aspartame easily crosses the blood brain barrier interfering with the pineal’s ability to produce proper hormones. The American Dietetic Association continues to recommend food sources that include aspartame for people desiring to lose weight and worse yet, for Diabetics. Some scientists state that aspartame effects can interrupt sleep and as a result a person can actually gain weight, adversely affect the nervous system and potentiate auto immune response. There is a relationship to MS and ALS and aspartame. In fact, there are 92 symptoms associated with Aspartame side effects! Yet, this neurotoxin is promoted by medical doctors and dieticians alike. Make sure you aren’t getting any of this sneaky ingredient in the foods you eat. Dentists will recommend using gum with NutraSweet (aspartame) to deter tooth decay—that’s a whole other eGram. Aspartame should never have been allowed on the market! Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Many of these reactions are very serious including seizures and death as disclosed in a February 1994 Department of Health and Human Services report.(1) A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include: Headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain. And here it is 2010 and this dangerous element is still being promoted. In the article, Brain Cell Damage from Amino Acid Isolates, Dr. James Brown and former FDA investigator, Arthur M. Evangelista, wrote: “Many key factors, including food additive excitotoxins and environmental poisons, play a role in nervous system degeneration. Collected evidence and accumulated non-industry funded research leaves no doubt that the powerful excitotoxin, aspartame and its breakdown products, have a central or predominant role in creating or exacerbating neurodegenerative or neurocarcinogenic diseases.” Aspartame suppresses serotonin, so a diet saturated with aspartame creates an environment for depression, sleep disorders, hyperactivity and severe mood swings. So, eliminate diet sodas from your diet and any other foods with aspartame. Use natural sweeteners or no sweeteners. Make sure your day includes some de-stressors and physical activity and perhaps take some 5-HTP or Melatonin (for shift workers). Get to bed at least by 10:30pm if possible and make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet. A good bed and pillow are important as well. For more Insomnia information make sure you sign up for my Webinar on August 18th. Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Herbal eGram #500 Koagulation
Good Morning,
You spell-checkers out there probably think I misspelled the word coagulation when in fact, it is the German spelling of the same word meaning: “the process of forming blood clots”. It is the word vitamin K was named after by the Danish scientist, Dr. Henrik Dam who discovered vitamin K in 1929. As with most vitamins there are several forms of this important vitamin and some are derived from vegetables.
Vitamin K plays a crucial role in many bodily functions. It may be a key vitamin to fight the signs of aging. It's a stronger antioxidant than vitamin E or coenzyme Q10; And now, scientists are even looking at vitamin K to be the future of promoting immune health and supporting memory. It is crucial in bone health as we age.
But wait, what if you’ve been warned to stay away from Vitamin K and foods that may contain it because you are on anti-coagulant drugs? This is a serious problem. The standard protocol for anyone who has had a stroke, thrombotic event or heart attack is to put them on anticoagulant medications. Warfarin (also known under the brand names Coumadin, Jantoven, Marevan, Lawarin, and Waran) is also known as a vitamin K antagonist.
Let’s first discuss why the blood clots. Without clotting factors we’d simply bleed to death. When we bump ourselves or fall we damage tissues and blood comes to heal the tissue by creating a mesh while it builds new tissue. Healthy circulation can make this happen rather quickly. The blood should carry antioxidants, co-factors, fibrin and many other elements to help build that tissue. Think of building a house when all you have is straw. You need binding agents (mortar), bricks (cells), nerve supply and many other components to make healthy tissue. It is amazing that we can re-grow tissue and that in itself could be a whole lesson.
Suffice it to say good circulation is optimum in promoting good tissue development. So, the body will naturally make a clot if we have enough vitamin K, serotonin, thrombin, fibrin and a few other factors. If the fibrin isn’t too sticky the clot forms and the body heals by forming tissue to replace that which was damaged. Then the body dismantles the clot, digests it and reformulates the elements to be used either again or in a different process.
If there isn’t good circulation the clot may continue to attract more clotting factors and further obstruct circulation. If this clot dislodges and floats to an area it may obstruct vascular passageways that feed the brain or heart causing a heart attack or stroke. So, I do understand how thrilled doctors must have been to receive the gift of being able to thin the blood and prevent these vascular events. But, I think it is a case of throwing out the baby with the bath water!
Upon giving a person a dose of Warfarin it is common protocol to increase the dose after 24 hours until INR of 2-3 is achieved. The first challenge is optimal dosing, with the goal of administering the lowest effective dose needed to maintain the target international normalized ratio (INR). The concern is that so many factors are involved when a human takes this medication. Humans eat a variety of foods—they aren’t petri dishes. We also have a huge discrepancy in gut bacteria that affects the vitamin K levels that interfere with the way Warfarin thins the blood. So, it may be a “life-saver” but, at what cost? Increased hip replacement, osteoporosis, glaucoma, hair loss—not to mention bleeding!
The issue here is, once the emergency is over shouldn’t there be a way to reduce the medication while correcting the process of creating too much clotting factor? Can we change our fibrin to be less sticky? First of all plaque is laid down due to injury and sugar is one of the main sources of inflammation and vascular injury according to Dr. Hugo Rodier in Sweet Death. So, that is also why Diabetes and Heart problems go hand in hand because they both have a causal factor in sugar consumption. The other factor is we need different oil.
For years we were told to eat margarine because it wouldn’t contribute to heart disease—WRONG! It is now known it is the wrong kind of fat and can very definitely be a contributing factor to heart disease. We need Omega 3 EPA to reduce inflammation and give the body good fats to make fibrin less sticky. This is a healthy way to thin the blood. A great source of Omega oil is Krill and NSP puts K2 with it to help the brain and heart by creating better blood.
What are the tests I can ask my doctor for to determine whether I’m K deficient? Increased circulating urOC levels in the blood are correlated with low vitamin K. Vitamin K supplementation of 1,000 mcg/day of phylloquinone (Vitamin K1) for two weeks (more than ten times the AI for vitamin K) resulted in a decrease of ucOC levels in postmenopausal women, as well as increases in several biochemical markers of bone formation. Circulating levels of undercarboxylated osteocalcin (ucOC) were found to be higher in postmenopausal women than premenopausal women and markedly higher in women over the age of 70. Now you couple that with women who are also on Warfarin and you have a recipe for hip and bone fracture at increasing statistics!
By the way, increased urOC testing is done to determine low levels of vitamin D too. Chances are if you’ve been tested and found to be D deficient you may also be K deficient. Taking Krill with K2 once or twice a day may improve your test results along with taking one or two vitamin D3 tablets. It also will improve your bone density as they are both important nutrients in fighting osteoporosis.
Is bruising a sign of K deficiency? What has my gut health got to do with vitamin K? Bruising is one of the signs of K deficiency and if you are taking blood thinners it is a major side effect. When you eat vegetables of the cruciferous family such as broccoli which is loaded with K1 your gut bacteria can convert it to K2 which is the usable and more bio-available form of vitamin K. If you do not have enough probiotics in the gut to create the conversion, K1 will circulate and it isn’t nearly as effective as K2 in binding calcium and helping to build bone.
People who take aspirin contribute to K deficiency as salicylates inhibit the K1 to K2 conversion—this may be one of the reasons aspirin has been noted to cause bleeding or perforated tissue. It is much better to take Omega oil! The mechanism by which vitamin K may promote mineralization of bone, while inhibiting mineralization (calcification) of vessels, is not entirely clear. But research is ongoing and soon we will know why it is important for us to include K in our diet and why it is equally important to have a good amount of probiotics available in the gut.
For more information on this amazing topic visit the Linus Pauling Institute website: http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/vitamins/vitaminK/. It is my recommendation that everyone supply themselves with probiotics daily! Stress can deplete our stores of these important bacteria as well as antibiotics, most surgical procedures and caffeine. So, if you want to be healthy and have good bones, you need to do more than just take the AMA recommended dose of Calcium! Without that calcium receiving the right conversion, you may be adding to your plaque problem. If you have specific questions be sure to consult a qualified health practitioner.
Have a healthy week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Good Morning,
The human body is often likened to a “war zone”. The fight against cancer; the defending immune system; the battle against aging are all designed to conquer, or neutralize damage. Chemo drugs are designed to “kill” cancer. Surgery eliminates the offensive tissue. Radiation burns to destroy. When you have a disease you have a strategic team that gives you “the battle plan”. Our health has been compared to the “Shoot out at the OK corral”. A lot of people were wounded, or lay dead--both good and bad.
What scene do you attach to health? Do you even consider it? Are you working toward it or just going along with wherever life takes you? Truly health conscious people make themselves think of consequences. This is the mature way of looking at things. We don’t just get cancer—we earn it. Our lifestyle; our attitude; the foods we eat—all impact our health. It certainly isn’t the case of “what you don’t know can’t hurt you”. What you don’t know can KILL you.
It is true that our diet should make up the bulk of nutrition to help our body heal and sustain it. The facts are: most of the food grown conventionally can’t deliver the goods! Eating organic food will be a better choice every time. But, it isn’t always possible for most people to get a variety of foods grown organically, digest them properly and absorb the nutrients needed for optimum health. So, most people supplement their diet by taking a multi vitamin and mineral tablet on a daily basis. Choosing a daily vitamin and mineral supplement should not involve which one is the cheapest. Many supplements are made with inferior ingredients. You want one that is based on whole foods and herbs to get the most from it. But, we now know that what is more important than a vitamin and mineral supplement is antioxidants. This too you want to make sure the company you choose has Good Manufacturing Practices, chooses only the best ingredients; does in home testing to make sure there is optimum quality with no harmful ingredients such as what we get from Nature’s Sunshine. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals. Some antioxidants are better than others and when you have a blend of different ones they can contribute to the benefit of each other in a synergistic manner to keep on working for your health. Free radicals destroy cells and cause mutant behavior in the body. When you saturate the body with antioxidants that give off electrons and those electrons disable the free radical you can avoid many conditions that are attributed to this type of damage. Some scientists have shown that diseases such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis and even early aging are due to free radical damage. When free radicals are left unchallenged by antioxidants they burn their way through cells and damage tissue. So, heart disease can be the result. The biggest contributing factor to eye disease is free radical damage done by the sun. 60-70% of Americans will have cataracts because they have rampant free radical damage that goes unchecked due to a diet lacking in antioxidants. “The reduced level of antioxidants in the eyes as we get older is believed to be a major factor in the decrease of sight.” You can check out the articles yourself. Children are also affected by this type of cellular damage. They too need antioxidants. They can drink Thai Go which has a blend of wonderful fruits that has been awarded the ORAC seal documenting Thai Go’s ability to absorb free radicals and render them harmless. There are over 57 peer reviewed articles written to establish the authenticity of how this product works! If your child is wearing glasses—they need antioxidants to stop the damage; even if they eat a good amount of vegetables and fruits. You can hear more about this in this Wednesday’s webinar on “Eye Health”. See information on how to join below. Another choice for children is the product, Sunshine Heroes Whole Food Antioxidants. The Heroes Trio pack is the best choice as it includes the whole food multi, the antioxidant and also Omega oil for optimum nutrition. These are not one a day supplements. Whole Food supplements are often best taken multiple times during the day. With antioxidants, you want to make sure they are available whenever free radicals form and also when damage to cells occurs. Children are always bumping, bruising, falling etc and their body needs a ready supply of antioxidants to help in the repair process. The same goes for adults. The difference in adults is most of our cellular injury comes from stress. Antioxidants can help reduce inflammation and inflammation is at the root cause of most disease. Any “itis” means inflammation—arthritis, sinusitis, bursitis etc. Inflammation is a major cause of heart disease. It is why the body lays down cholesterol to protect arterial damage. It would be better if we took antioxidants! My favorite is Thai Go—now even better with the addition of Acai berry and Pomegranate. It is a delicious way to start the day. I take the Super Trio pack at lunch which includes Super ORAC to help me have the energy I need for the day and to help my body fight aging. What are you doing to protect your cells? Are you neutralizing the bad effects of daily living? Normal metabolic processes create free radicals. How effective are you being in eliminating them? Take some antioxidants and see if you can feel the difference. I know I do with the ones I take. I feel confident that you will too if you take enough and use a quality company such as Nature’s Sunshine.
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Come visit with us on Tuesday nights. Live in Southfield directed by Kathy Peltier, Health Coach (call 248-559-6763 and let us know you are coming). Or, via webinar with Dr. Mary Born –We begin at 6:30 PM. Next one held –this Tuesday, July 20th.
Join us via Webinar: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/235735915
Healthy Eyes
Webinar on Eye Health and natural support for the eyes on Wednesday, July 21st –two times to choose from:
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM EDT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/903725554
Special events:
July 25th Ladies Day Event: The 6th Annual Ladies Day event will occur on this Sunday between 1pm and 6:30. Flyers available—email me. Tickets are available for purchase ($25.00) at my Southfield office. No tickets will be sold after July 20th, so make sure you get yours soon.
August 7th Lansing Community Center: This all day training session is for people who want to build a business helping people with health. Step by step strategies are discussed for new people as well as those already in a health related business. These strategies are the same used in large successful corporations and by difference makers across the globe. Call NSP 800-223-8225 to register $60.00
Live classes:
August 14th Saturday —Southfield: Dr. Mary Born will present information on “Getting a Good Night’s sleep”. Why do Americans have more sleep issues than any other country? Stress, Depression, anxiety, jet lag, dehydration, nutritional deficiencies and chronic pain will be discussed in this month’s herbal hour, Overcoming insomnia with Natural Remedies.
Come and share this class with a friend: Call 248-559-6763 to register. Class begins at 10:15am sharp--$5.00 fee collected at the door. Space is limited—call now.
August 16th Kathy Peltier – Health Coach will present a class on “Overcoming Insomnia and Natural Remedies” at the Total Health Food Store in Southgate: 734-246-1208 to register and more info. Class begins at 6pm.
Have a healthy week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
The Yolk’s on You
Good Morning,
I once heard an herbalist say: “Eating egg-white omelets is like eating chicken feathers”. There is so little nutrition in the egg white compared to the yoke. Eggs from Free Range healthy chickens will provide you with a wonderful source of Omega oil, unless you discard the yolk. It also will provide you with beneficial antioxidants—unless you discard the yolk.
The whole egg is a perfectly balanced food and although it does have cholesterol in it, it will not raise serum cholesterol and therefore is highly nutritious. There are some nutritionists who say it should be eaten raw as in Sally Fallon’s cookbook recipe for ice cream and raw egg smoothies. However, the FDA advises strongly against eating raw eggs. So, who is right? Most eggs are washed thoroughly before putting them in cartons for sale. However, if you purchase direct from a farmer, you may do well in washing them in a light sudsy bath, rinsing and drying them before putting them into a clean container. When eggs are cracked to open they may pick up any bacteria that may be on the shell of the egg. The idea the FDA has is that if you cook the egg that will kill any bacteria picked up by the egg from the broken shell. Pasteurization of an egg is achieved by putting it through several hot baths with the final bath being of a wax to protect the shell from future contamination. Obviously if regular pasteurization methods were used the egg would not be raw. Some other methods are microwaving the egg to kill off salmonella. True naturalists shudder at these procedures and yet this is what the FDA insists on to protect against bacterial infection. Why hasn’t the question been posed –why are we so susceptible to these germs now and weren’t so in years past? Children have gathered eggs on farms and farmers have eaten these eggs for centuries without going through a pasteurization process—why is it deemed necessary now? Perhaps because we have such a compromised immune system with a totally deficient digestive system! If we had the proper amount of HCL acid in our stomach it would zap those bacteria as they entered the stomach. This powerful acid protects us from many harmful bacteria—what we may ingest with foods is fried by this strong acid. HCL also helps keep the three pounds of bacteria found in the colon from moving up into the small intestine. If this happens, “bad” bacteria and yeast can establish a foothold in the intestine, resulting in less than optimum absorption of nutrients and inflamed intestines. Unfortunately we’ve been brainwashed into believing that stomach acid is bad and therefore many people are on some sort of acid inhibitor such as antacids or worse. Medical doctors are even giving these in prescription form for children! This is setting them up for poor nutrient absorption along with a compromised immune system. Allergies are often due to the fact that HCL levels are too low and cannot deter irritating microbes and the mucus membranes try to flush out the irritant causing our eyes to water and nose to run. Since we think something is wrong we take an antihistamine. What we should be doing is looking at our digestive process and supporting it. HCL hydrochloric acid stimulates pancreatic secretion, activates pepsin and sterilizes the stomach from bacteria and parasites. HCL is naturally occurring in the process of digestion. However, as we age the production of HCL slows down. Eating a diet of highly processed foods will also inhibit the normal production of HCL. Taking a supplement is advised if you already have allergies, are past the age of 40 and/or eat at a fast food restaurant more than twice a week. Eating fresh raw vegetables help to build up enzymes in the stomach because they are easier to digest. If you find you can’t digest raw vegetables well, you have already compromised your digestion and need to supplement. I feel that enzyme supplementation and probiotic supplementation go hand in hand. One is active in the stomach and supports the health of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas and the other protects the intestines and does the final absorption and metabolizing of nutrients. Without a good supply of these we are more susceptible to bacteria, allergens and a whole host of parasites that we ingest through eating and breathing. Natures Sunshine has many wonderful enzyme products to choose from. If you are concerned about which one you should use, contact me and I will help you determine what is right for you. Let’s all be caught with egg on our face as it is a very good source of nutrition! Live classes: July 12th Monday —Southgate: Kathy Peltier will present information on Eye health and age related eye conditions. Come and share this class with a friend: Total Health Foods 734-246-1208 to register and more info. Class begins at 6pm. Special events: July 15th (This Thursday) in Ann Arbor at the Kensington Court hotel—Regional meeting presenting the new Sunshine Community and Epigenomics (how you can help your genes get healthy). First 200 to arrive will get a free bottle of the new Thai Go with added antioxidants. No registration needed but be there early to make sure you get your free Thai Go—class begins at 7pm. Car pooling is available call Mary 248-623-2288 from Waterford or Kathy 248-390-7737 from Southfield area (leaving in plenty of time to have dinner in Ann Arbor) July 25th Ladies Day Event: The 6th Annual Ladies Day event will occur on this Sunday between 1pm and 6:30. Flyers available—email me. Tickets are available for purchase ($25.00) at my Southfield office. No tickets will be sold after July 20th, so make sure you get yours soon. Webinars: July 12th. Brilliant Body – Nervous System. – www.NSPWebinars.com This is recorded if you miss it today.
Share NSP
Come visit with us on Tuesday nights. Live in Southfield directed by Kathy Peltier, Health Coach (call 248-559-6763 and let us know you are coming). Or, via webinar with Dr. Mary Born –We begin at 6:30 PM. Next one held on July 20th.
Join us via Webinar: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/235735915
Healthy Eyes
Webinar on Eye Health and natural support for the eyes on Wednesday, July 21st –two times to choose from:
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM EDT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/903725554
The agouti gene
Good Morning,
What if you were a mouse and everyone in your family had the agouti gene? This is the gene that makes you yellow, and prone to diabetes and obesity. You could pout when trying on your clothes and lament that it isn’t your fault—it’s in the family. Or, you could learn more about Epigenetics.
Duke University oncologist Randy Jirtle and one of his postdoctoral students, Robert Waterland, decided to see whether genes could be changed. Jirtle's team fed one group of pregnant agouti mice a diet rich in B vitamins (folic acid and vitamin B12). Another group of genetically identical pregnant agouti mice got no such prenatal nutrition. The B vitamins acted as methyl donors: they caused methyl groups to attach more frequently to the agouti gene in utero, thereby altering its expression. And so without altering the genomic structure of mouse DNA — simply by furnishing B vitamins — Jirtle and Waterland got agouti mothers to produce healthy brown pups that were of normal weight and not prone to diabetes.
Can epigenetic changes be permanent? Possibly, but it's important to remember that epigenetics isn't evolution. It doesn't change DNA. Epigenetic changes represent a biological response to an environmental stressor. That response can be inherited through many generations via epigenetic marks, but if you remove the environmental pressure, the epigenetic marks will eventually fade and the DNA code will — over time — begin to revert to its original programming. That's the current thinking, anyway: that only natural selection causes permanent genetic change.
And yet even if epigenetic inheritance doesn't last forever, it can be hugely powerful. In February 2009, the Journal of Neuroscience published a paper showing that even memory — a wildly complex biological and psychological process — can be improved from one generation to the next via epigenetics.
What if your parents had heart disease, cancer, obesity genes—how would that change things for you if you could correct bad genes? We know that if a pregnant woman drinks alcohol or takes drugs the fetus can suffer the consequences in direct proportion to the amount consumed. But, can we reverse conditions thought of as inherited through our diet, better nutrition and better thinking?
If you can’t make it to the live class in Ann Arbor on July 15th to hear Dr. Gordon Pederson speak about Epigenetics and some of the exciting science supporting this amazing discovery, then be sure to tune into the webinar NSP is broadcasting that night across the country. Science writer and author, David Shenk says epigenetics is helping usher in a "new paradigm" that "reveals how bankrupt the phrase 'nature versus nurture' really is." He calls epigenetics "perhaps the most important discovery in the science of heredity since the gene.”
Those of us who have seen the “miracles” of taking quality supplementation have known for years that they work. We are vindicated-- science if finally catching up with us. We have incredible hope for this new science in helping future generations be healthier and not sicker.
Of course, the pharmaceutical industry will want to but right in and try to create drugs that will change these gene expressions. In fact, they already have in some rare cases. But, whenever there are drugs there will be side effects. When you nurture the body you work with it—not against it. Feed the body so that the genes can express healthy traits.
ALSPAC data have offered several important insights: baby lotions containing peanut oil may be partly responsible for the rise in peanut allergies; high maternal anxiety during pregnancy is associated with the child's later development of asthma; little kids who are kept too clean are at higher risk for eczema. Research is quantifying the effects of what we do to our body based on the environment and the choices we make. It is clear to me that choosing high grade fuel, such as organic food and top quality supplements is a step toward better health, not only of us but generations to come. It is also clear that we can’t let the pharmaceutical and chemical companies keep poisoning our food with pesticides and herbicides. We need to make a stand and stop the big corporations from ruining our crops with GM organisms. We certainly don’t want to wait until the scientists once again prove we are right. Buy locally grown when possible and make sure the farmer doesn’t use sprays—educate them to what you want. I’m excited to hear what Dr. Pederson has to say on Thursday, July 15th. I’m also looking forward to sharing my class on eye health with you on Saturday. Did you ever think that you could regain your good vision? Well, come and find out how. Two opportunities to hear it live (Southfield and Southgate).
Share NSP
Come visit with us on Tuesday nights. Live in Southfield directed by Kathy Peltier, Health Coach (call 248-559-6763 and let us know you are coming). Or, via webinar with Dr. Mary Born –We begin at 6:30 PM. Held on July 5th and 19th this month.:
Join us via Webinar: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/161026187
Live classes: July 10th Saturday —Southfield: Dr. Mary Born will present information on Eye health and age related eye conditions. Come and share this class with a friend: Call 248-559-6763 to register and more info.Class begins at 10:15am sharp--$5.00 fee collected at the door. July 12th Monday —Southgate: Kathy Peltier will present information on Eye health and age related eye conditions. Come and share this class with a friend: Total Health Foods 734-246-1208 to register and more info. Class begins at 6pm. Special events: July 15th in Ann Arbor and Kensington Court hotel—Regional meeting presenting the new Sunshine Community and Epigentics (how you can help your genes get healthy). First 200 to arrive will get a free bottle of the new Thai Go with added antioxidants. No registration needed but be there early to make sure you get your free Thai Go—class begins at 7pm. Car pooling is available call Mary 248-623-2288 from Waterford or Kathy 248-390-7737 from Southfield area (leaving in plenty of time to have dinner in Ann Arbor) July 25th Ladies Day Event: The 6th Annual Ladies Day event will occur on this Sunday between 1pm and 6:30. Flyers available—email me. Tickets are available for purchase ($25.00) at my Southfield office. Webinars: July 12th. Brilliant Body – Nervous System. (recording good for at least 24 hours – www.NSPWebinars.com Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.