| This newsletter changes weekly so be sure to keep coming back for information on current health topics that can help you maintain and regain health. Also--check out the free Webinar classes you can join by just clicking on the link sent to you via email!
“What’s To Eat?”
Good Morning,
Are you the meal planner in your home? If you’ve ever raised a family, I’m sure you’ve heard that question more than you wanted to. Even if you aren’t the “meal planner” for the family, you still have to figure out what it is you’re going to eat.
When I was newly married and meal planning was something I had to do to maintain a budget, I would make a calendar of meals for an entire month. I went grocery shopping with a list and bought only from that list. Meals were made for economy and nutrition was second place. I didn’t even know back then what was good for us. Forty-five years ago it was about making sure you had food on the table. We did have more meals together as a family than people do now. So, that dynamic has changed.
Making sure there are plenty of nutritious foods to choose from helps with maintaining good weight as well as good health. If easy to grab fruits and vegetables are available—that’s what we will grab when we are hungry. If we have to figure out something to eat when we’re hungry it’s too hard to make that choice be healthy.
Getting into the habit of grabbing a piece of bread with butter on it may be okay for a child but it is not a good idea for an adult. Most grains will fatten you up. It’s what they do to cattle. I would prefer a child have a piece of fruit before a meal if they can’t wait for the half hour until the meal is ready. Raw fruit has enzymes in it that will encourage digestion. Grains take enzymes to metabolize, and will then slow down digestion. This can lead to stomach distress after a meal.
There are some foods that have been processed to the point our body considers them a toxin. Dairy is such a food. When milk is pasteurized it is heated to the point where the enzymes are killed off. Then it goes through another process called homogenization. This process forces milk through a screening process to break up the fat molecules into nano-particles. The body doesn’t even recognize this as a whole food anymore. Then add the hormones that come from the cow being injected to produce that milk and whatever else the cow has eaten—genetically modified grain and “enriched” feed; you’ve got yourself a non-food that causes an allergic response.
According to a recent study printed in USA Today, more than 60% of Americans cannot tolerate milk. If you think about it, what other animal continues to nurse after being a baby? What other species drinks the milk of another? Yet, the dairy association still makes you think it is “the perfect food”. People ask me, “how can my child get calcium if they don’t drink milk”? We are sold on the idea of milk being a great source of calcium. Green leafy vegetables are a better source of calcium because it is more bio-available. This means it breaks down quicker and can be used better for nutrition.
The amount of calories consumed in the form of dairy products can pack on weight. If those calories could be burned easily, weight would not be an issue. Calories burned create energy. You actually burn more than half your calories on a given day just by being. Your body has certain metabolic processes that occur and you need calories to achieve those processes: heart beating, eye blinking, maintaining the correct body temperature etc. These occur without you thinking about them. Digestion also takes calories to occur. The better you digest the more usable the food. This is called Resting Metabolic Rate. It can be measured by breathing into a device (I have one in my office). It is best done if a person hasn’t eaten or had anything to drink for a couple of hours. You can have water but anything but pure water may give an incorrect reading.
I feel that enzymes are the “spark plugs of life”. If one is not digesting—the food rots. It’s that simple. As we age, we lose the ability to produce digestive enzymes. So, anyone past the age of 35 should assist their digestion with the help of enzymes. I have had people lose 5 pounds simply by taking enzymes with each meal.
It also takes oxygen to create energy. Breathing deeply throughout the day will help increase your metabolic rate—the rate with which you burn calories. I have found that many people forget to breathe. We breathe so shallowly that we don’t get the full use of our lungs. Learning to breathe deeply is also helpful in reducing the amount of tension we hold in our body. It can help reduce blood pressure as well. Some people will put an alarm on their computer on the hour to take 3 deep breaths. They claim it has been helpful in reducing the amount of stress they deal with on a daily basis.
Getting back to enzymes: Which enzymes should a person take? Here is how I determine the answer to that: are you taking an antacid or acid blocker? If so, you know right off you have digestive issues and you are making it worse by blocking the acid necessary for the proper environment for digestion to occur. These types of medication should only be used as emergency “quick fix” and not as “preventive”.
Normally when you feel indigestion it is – lack of digestion and not too much acid. Stress often causes a clenching of the stomach. This action will sometimes produce stomach acids that could be eased by taking a food such as slippery elm. It soothes the stomach and helps rebuild the mucosal lining that should be there to protect the delicate tissues from the acid produced during digestion. If one takes an antacid or acid blocker, you inhibit the digestive processes causing the food to rot and that can create more gas, acid and toxins; obviously not a healthy answer.
So, if one has been on these anti-digestives you have to go slowly. Getting off of them will cause stomach distress. In fact, there have been studies that show if a person who has healthy digestion takes an acid blocker for more than two weeks, when they stop taking it they will have acid reflux. So, what does that tell you? It surely doesn’t fix a problem. Everybody’s fiber is a food supplement that includes slippery elm and marshmallow root. These two herbs are highly mucilant and can protect the delicate stomach lining and prepare it for food. I recommend that a person take this in drink form a half hour prior to eating. This will actually help repair gut lining.
To encourage digestion you could also take Digestive Bitters Tonic. This liquid encourages digestion in weak digestive systems. This product helps rebuild poorly functioning digestive systems. You take it before the meal. Even children who can’t seem to gain weight or who are overweight and don’t have energy would benefit by this. I generally use it when someone has been on a medication that disrupts digestion. It is also helpful if someone has been on chemotherapy or rounds of antibiotics.
If someone is generally a meat eater, I will recommend Food Enzymes. This product is especially good for someone who has had their gall bladder out as it helps to digest fats. It also has betaine hydrochloride in it that sets up the proper environment for the break down of proteins. If someone is generally a carbohydrate eater, I’ll recommend Proactazyme Plus.
No matter what’s for dinner, you probably would be able to get more value out of it if you ate enzymes with it. I prefer most enzyme products be taken in the middle of the meal. That way if your body is producing some enzymes you won’t discourage it by taking the enzymes before the meal. The only exception to that is the Digestive Bitters Tonic as it encourages digestive juices to flow. Mid meal is a good time to take other supplements as they include enzymes.
Register now for my herbal hour on Feed Your Family Right! Recorded class on Educational tab--Dr. Mary's Webinars.
See my full calendar for more info on what classes I am doing in March: http://www.mynsp.com/esuite/home/born/events?offset=2 I now have several webinars scheduled!
Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Death to the King
Good Morning,
Alfalfa is considered the King, or Father of herbs. It has been used for centuries to control inflammation and assisting in cellular detoxification. It neutralizes chemical carcinogens in the liver and small intestines. Alfalfa is rich in nutrients and that is one of the reasons it is considered the king of all plants.
Those of us who have sprouted alfalfa and used it on salads have known the benefit of some of those nutrients. When you unlock the seed’s potential by soaking them and sprouting them you get the storehouse of nutrients available to make that seed into a plant. However, the richness of the herb alfalfa comes from the root bringing up the nutrients in the soil and the king of plants has a taproot that burrows deep into the soil sometimes as deep as 20-60 feet! Alfalfa is a perennial plant and a mature plant can give us valuable nutrients such as many of the B vitamins, C, D, E, and K as well as Biotin, amino acids, chlorophyll, digestive enzymes, and many minerals including trace minerals. It delivers 25% protein by weight. The digestive enzyme betaine helps improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients making it a great digestive tonic that can help stimulate appetite for health. Alfalfa has been used successfully to treat anorexia, debility, weakness, convalescence, emaciation and weak digestion. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, alfalfa has been shown to lower cholesterol absorption in animal studies by as much as 25%. The action is believed to be due to the presence of saponins and octacosanol, both known to help reduce cholesterol and serum lipids (fats) by binding bile acids, which are needed for cholesterol absorption. Furthermore, the phytosterols in alfalfa have been shown to neutralize bad cholesterol. These combined actions are useful in the prevention of atherosclerosis and heart disease. Additional research has found alfalfa exhibits a positive affect on blood pressure, while coumarin derivatives, naturally occurring in alfalfa, enable the herb to prevent thrombosis. Alfalfa is clearly a good choice for those who want to protect against heart disease and anti-aging. It helps with smooth muscle relaxation and prevents muscle spasm. So it is great to take when one has exerted during physical activity the body isn’t used to doing. Nature’s Sunshine uses alfalfa to create chlorophyll and I highly recommend drinking liquid chlorophyll to help with energy and debilitation. Most adults can handle between a teaspoon and a tablespoon of liquid chlorophyll in 8-10 ounces of water twice a day. It keeps energy going and is a great diet drink containing only a few calories per serving. Why is the King in danger? Who would want to kill the King? Organic alfalfa is getting increasingly more difficult to find. Bees crossbreed alfalfa and they can travel up to 200 miles to do so. Monsanto has a patent on alfalfa and wants to genetically modify their plants to be able to handle multiple applications of their poisonous herbicide, Roundup. Since alfalfa is an herb and would normally be killed by putting Roundup on it, they have to splice a gene and add a virus along with a strain of petunia that resists Roundup to make the plant not die from being sprayed with this poison. Because the bees will cross breed and carry these infected genes to other plants it will soon be impossible to get pure alfalfa. What can you do? Take action right now! Before president Obama’s administration, the movement to decrease GMO crops was making progress. These crops do not help our planet; they do not increase yield to “feed the world” and we do not know the harm they can create. Since Obama has taken office, he has hired in people who are pro GMO and since then we have sugar beets added to the poisoning of our food along with corn, wheat, cotton, soy and canola. You aren’t being told when you purchase products that contain GMO—all you can do is make sure you buy organic. However, soon we will not be able to get organic due to pollination. Take action now—it will take only a few moments: http://capwiz.com/grassrootsnetroots/issues/alert/?alertid=14469696 Round up is a neurotoxin. This means it affects our nervous system. In order to spray vast crops they use airplanes. There is no air that is stagnant! The air they spray eventually affects each and every one of us. Does it not cause questions in your mind about the relationship between neurological conditions being on the rise along with the use of these herbicides and pesticides? Round up is a watered down version of what was known as Agent Orange. It was used to defoliate forests. After the Vietnam war Monsanto had excess amounts of this gas and they decided to use it in a watered down version and sell it to us as a way to get rid of unsightly weeds in cracks and areas you wanted to get rid of weeds. They also warned you that it would kill grass. If you’ve ever used this on your driveway and then it rained you probably noticed it killed the grass that was adjacent to where you sprayed. You also probably noticed that weeds are adaptable and you eventually had to spray every two weeks instead of twice a season. This same thing happens to farmers. The use of these chemicals does not enrich our health! As more and more of us realize the value of eating organic foods, the chemical companies are pushing against us and creating more crops dependent on the use of their chemicals. The Center for Food Safety did a report and it concluded that: GE (genetically engineered) crops increased herbicide use by 383 million pounds from 1996 to 2008, with 46 percent of the total increase occurring in 2007 and 2008. That spells big profit for companies like Monsanto. Big enough to campaign and get people in office that protect their interests. But are these interests our interests? Do they help create better health for the people that use their products or eat their product-laden food? As a health practitioner, it is of great concern to me that these products are poisoning our air, water, and food. Alfalfa is a wonderful food. For animals it helps build strong muscles. Cows can give richer milk when they eat alfalfa. But is that milk going to reflect the neurotoxin it’s food was sprayed with? These are studies that haven’t been done. The ramifications of eating this food are not being studied. The studies show that crop yield is actually less when a farmer uses GE or GMO seeds. This makes the farmer more and more dependent on the chemical companies. Not only do they have to buy the herbicides and pesticides they now have to buy the seeds from the chemical companies because the seeds are patented! We need to make sure that companies like Monsanto do not have this power over our food and the production of our food. Help Organic Consumer Association keep our food safe. Tell others of this concern. And finally, purchase from reliable sources like NSP that makes sure your supplements are pure, without pesticide or herbicide and other toxins. They make sure you get the product you intended with the highest quality. Animals may be able to eat the whole plant but humans can only digest the aerial parts of the plant and NSP makes sure that is what you get.
Register now for my herbal hour on Feed Your Family Right! Saturday, March 13th in my Southfield office—248-559-6763. $5. fee at the door includes handouts for the class. We will share some “sneaky” ways to incorporate healthy food. We’ll also sample the new Heroes Children chewable multi vitamin and mineral (for adults too). Come join in the fun. Seating is limited.
See my full calendar for more info on what classes I am doing in March: http://www.mynsp.com/esuite/home/born/events?offset=2
Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
LOVE is..
Good Morning,
The month of February is dubbed Heart month. It may have started with Hallmark and Valentine promotions and now the American Heart Association has added their “two cents”. So, whether you’re eating more oatmeal or out buying Valentine cards, this month we’ll focus on the heart. My Saturday Herbal Hour is called: Light up your love life (and other reproductive concerns) and it will be held live in Southfield on February 13th.
One of the most popular poems at weddings is a quote from the Bible from Corinthians: “Love is patient; love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes; always perseveres.” There are other variations but that one is the most common.
“Love is patient”—Do we even understand what this means these days? We are in a rush to do everything and be everywhere. Instant gratification is the rule. We can show patience when it comes to our children: helping them to learn to walk and talk. But, do we afford patience to those adults we love? How about when we are trying to get our point across and we are frustrated because the other person “just doesn’t get it”?
“Love is Kind”—Are we? What does kindness mean to you? Kindness to me means a person is treated with respect; being indulgent or emotionally supportive. If you are too troubled yourself, it is difficult to be kind. If your heart is too wounded or scarred, kindness does not come easily. Being kind is being humane. One must think of others to be kind. Some people are easier to be kind to than others. Are you seeking a return?
“Love does not envy”. If you come from a standpoint that we create our reality, this statement is easy to follow. Envy is often from a “victim mentality”. “They have everything—I have nothing”. Life is rich in what is important if you focus on what is important: family, friends and basic comfort. It isn’t about flat screen TVs or huge homes or other expensive items—it’s about Love.
“It does not boast—it is not proud”. Who likes the person who is constantly talking about himself, or herself? And yet, there are times when to keep a conversation going, you need to share your experiences or thoughts and feelings. If an agreement must be made that is beneficial for both, we need to express ourselves for the best understanding. Many times we don’t have the words to fully express our view and a misunderstanding occurs. What we said is not really what we meant.
Love isn’t rude! People are so casual about rudeness. I think it is rude to cut someone off while driving—it happens all the time. Being considerate of others is first taught by being respected. If you don’t respect yourself, you’re a bully. You try to make people notice you by being rude. Some comedians think their material is funny—I simply think its rude (or even crude). Rudeness comes from a lack of respect. For that matter, if you don’t love yourself—how can you possibly love others? Christ was the greatest lover of all time. He came from a position of self-love.
During the 60’s—the Beatles sang, “All you Need is Love”. And the Hippies took off with it. Put a flower in your hair and you had license to do anything in the name of love. It cheapened love. Love isn’t about only YOU—it’s about all of us too. There are too many people who think only of themselves. But, what you send out comes back to you. If you can’t freely give love in the sense of all of the above: kindness, patience and caring; then love comes back to you in a distorted way. You feel cheated and unloved. People sought it in drugs and sex. It can’t be found in sublimation. Love is experienced with your eyes wide open embracing it with all its wonders.
Love isn’t easily angered. We all get frustrated. Most of it comes from feeling misunderstood or taken for granted. If your small hurts are listened to and you express them with love and that other person shares your love, there is no need for anger. Anger and frustration go hand in hand. One must work to resolve. Anger erodes love. Forgiveness mends it as long as a person feels heard. It is more than just listening or hearing – one must heed as well. If you don’t agree, then agree to disagree. We are all different and we learn from these differences. It would be boring to always agree. Work on the important things and find common ground there.
Don’t keep a record of someone’s wrongs. Find out why the wrong is occurring. If you focus on the wrongs—how can you possibly see the good? That’s like the glass half full or empty. Catch people doing good and praise it and you will soon see the wrongs are fewer and fewer.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Why is it there are some people who delight in telling the horrors and evil doings? Daytime and nighttime switch every 24 hours and in between the switching there is a short time of blending. Whether it be dusk or dawn, it is a time of change. Within that time of change we can choose to either listen to the darkness or be open to the light. Some people are so involved in their darkness they want you to get sucked into it too. Live in the light. Light is energy.
Love protects and trusts. As a child looks to you for protection and trusts that you will be there for them if they need you. We too, look for protection and trust. Laws are made (or should be) for protection and we trust if those laws are broken, punishment is the consequence. We shelter those we love from harm. When harm occurs we offer help. When we see less fortunate we offer assistance in the way of money, food, clothing and a place of shelter. We support those charities that reach people who are less fortunate. Sometimes it is difficult to trust—if that trust has been broken.
Love hopes and perseveres. Striving for better health, more love, more happiness, more understanding, more peace and more good is part of love as well. It is the opening of a heart that has been closed for too long. It is the finding of a different path—the one with light, friendship and caring. Hope is what I offer to a client who has been told they have to live with a disease and pain; take medications for the rest of their lives; accept limitations—whose reality are they living? Just because one person doesn’t have the answer doesn’t mean there is no answer.
Living tissue is made up of cells. Cells die and new ones are born all the time. Give those cells what they need to be healthy and you can have healthy cells! Cells need the right nutrients and the right energy. When we are loved, our cells vibrate at a healthy rate. When we feel that nobody cares, our cells vibrate at an unhealthy level. You be the love! Be patient and kind to yourself. Don’t allow darkness, evil, or pride to take over. Look for the good you do and forgive yourself for when you make a wrong turn. Let frustrations go and know there will be better times. Review those better times and be grateful. Live in the love.
Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Loaves and Fishes
Good Morning,
The story about Christ and the Loaves and Fishes is probably one of the most well known of His miracles. One explanation I’ve heard is that in those days people always traveled with a bit of food knowing that they may be gone for a while. When the little boy came to share his loaves and fish people recognized they too needed to share and all were fed. Perhaps the parable is an insight to human kindness.
The donations for Haiti Relief have been pouring in and to date over $355. Million have been raised. Pretty amazing when you understand the amount of people who are out of work, or who have taken a pay cut to save their job. This is the total for US funds! Most of the donations have been done via Internet pledges or via phone. During the weekend football games over $500,000. an hour was donated using the phone text (to HAITI 90999).
As humans, it is our basic need to help others by sharing what we have with those less fortunate. A wise person understands that by giving we receive. This concept can be taken apart by scientists such as in the theory of Reciprocal Sharing, however that theory is based on animal studies not human behavior. Whole businesses have formed on the idea of human sharing: Charities!
Gift giving season has just passed. We know the feelings we get when someone we care about opens a gift that they’ve wanted or anticipated and you see the joy on their face. To most of us, the joyful look is the reciprocity we receive—it fills our heart. It is the same when we have donated money to a worthy cause—it gladdens the heart.
One of our dear patients recently turned 90. In a phone conversation with her she “gladdened” my heart when she extolled how our family has helped her in many ways to reach that number with better health and vitality. People ask her how she has done it and she says, “I owe it to my Chiropractor and his family”. We’ve known Trudie about 35 years now.
I have a few stories about Trudie but I’d like to share just this one: About 10 years ago Trudie came to me and said she was fearful that her mind was going. You’d have to know Trudie to fully appreciate this fear. She prides herself on knowing the exact dates of anything that occurs. She can tell you the exact date she entered our office for the first time. She loves sports and can tell you who won what year! But, she was starting to have to “search” her mind and occasionally not come up with the answer she knew was there. This really bothered her. Her sharp wit and mind was as much a part of her as her physical features.
Trudie also is very responsive—it doesn’t take much to move her body in a direction. Knowing this I told her to take one tablet of Ginkgo Gotu Kola a day and divide it into two doses. After about two weeks she said she felt she wasn’t feeling as stilted in her thought processes. She still takes only one tablet a day. Her worry stemmed from the fact that she saw her mother go through the stages of Alzheimer’s Disease and pictured herself doing the same. She has never married and didn’t have the luxury of a daughter’s care.
Sharing what I know about health benefits has gifted me with joy in so many ways. People are searching for answers. Many of my clients are tired of taking medications that don’t seem to address the concerns they have. It is amazing that more and more, people want to address the cause and not cover up the symptoms. Natural health works with the body and not against it.
I’ve so enjoyed partnering with Nature’s Sunshine Products. I trust them to supply me with tools that can assist the healing process. The body takes in these tools and repairs or rebuilds at a cell level. It is possible to be healthier in five years than you are right now. Giving cells the food they need to build healthy tissues and eventually healthy organs and systems is the basis of knowledge called the “Systems Approach”. This understanding is the focus for this year’s, “Health Education Series”.
If you don’t know what is needed, how can you give it? Each month NSP will focus on a different system. February’s focus will be the Circulatory System. Mark your calendar to attend the live session on Monday February 22nd via internet, or make sure you watch the recorded sessions available at the NSP website: www.naturessunshine.com enter your member number and pin number and click on the “member” tab. On the left side you will see “Education Programs” and then click on the drop down selection: NSPWebinars—register as soon as you can. The information in these webinars is scientific and helps you understand how the body works. You will learn how you can support the body in being healthy. Modern medicine focuses on disease—it’s about time we start focusing on health!
Be sure to mark you calendar to attend my Herbal Hour in Southfield on February 13th. I will be talking about “Light Up You Love Life” and other reproductive system supports. The audio CD’s of these classes are available for $15.00 at the clinic (this includes handouts), or add postage of $3.00 for mailing. When you come to classes and start focusing on health, you actually start feeling healthier. It’s funny how that works. Space is limited so be sure to call and reserve yours: 248-559-6763.
Share your knowledge with others. You never know who will be extolling your virtues and saying how you improved their life! Know the feeling of being an important adjunct to someone having a better life because of your efforts. I know how my life has been enriched by the many people I’ve helped through the years. It’s been fun learning and applying these health principles. If you too would like to share –come to our Tuesday night Share meetings. We have them via Internet or live in our Southfield office. Learn the feeling you get when you know you’ve made it possible for someone to enjoy life again!
Have a healthy week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Trust Factor
Good Morning,
Who do you trust? This is considered the age of communication. You can find information on any subject by just Googling it. But is it truthful information? Whose interest does it promote? We see the ads on TV and know that the disclaimer will follow. How can we believe that the medication will do what we want it to do and not cause the harmful side effects they list? These side effects are proven—not presumed. They’ve actually occurred and some side effects aren’t even listed. The drug manufacturer holds back test results that may inhibit the FDA’s approval. How do people trust these medications?
We go to the doctor and we trust that he/she will give us truthful information based on their educated abilities. Where does their information come from? Who educates the doctors? I’ve heard most of the education is from the Pharmaceutical industry. We’ve all heard that doctors take the Hippocratic Oath—Physician do no harm. Did you know that doctors are taking a new Oath? Dr. Leo Rebello of the Healthy Wisdom organization wrote it. One part of it states: “I will study holistic healing modalities to increase my knowledge and wisdom.” Of course it is a bit dogmatic as it also states that the doctor should “take no animal protein.., or consume alcohol”. How about, “eat foods primarily that will enhance health”. It doesn’t say anything about not eating sugar and we all know that sugar is one of the most inflammatory foods available. Dr. Leo Rebello resides in India.
The fact that there are doctors out there who recognize medicine has veered off in a direction that does not resemble what Hippocrates considered true medicine. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”, is encouraging. I’ve had patients come from their medical doctor stating that their doctor told them to “continue what you are doing—it seems to be working”. However, they don’t want to hear what you’ve been doing. My husband has a saying for this, “my mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with the facts.”
You would think that if the doctor’s main objective is to care for his/her patients, they would want to know how this person achieved success where others have not. Another patient may very well achieve the same level of success following a health regimen but it is not the “gold standard of treatment”. There are certain recognized protocols that a doctor must prescribe and follow. Doctors have a license they must protect and malpractice looms high in every decision they make. They aren’t free to state a health regimen that may include an herbal program, even though they may believe it will work better than their “gold standard of treatment”.
A trusted source in food is the Organic Consumers Organization. Organic growing of food helps maintain soil integrity and doesn’t rob it of the nutrients when crops are rotated and good farming practices are used. Genetically Modified foods rob the soil, harm the environment and the ramifications of long term use are not yet known. Our government is endorsing GM foods and paying for third world countries to grow it. Unfortunately it is being grown here as well. Nobody knows the long-term concerns that will arise out of eating foods that have been injected with a virus so that it can be sprayed liberally with pesticides and not die. Why are there so many wheat allergies now? Wheat and corn are genetically modified and ubiquitous in our food supply.
Why is this country one of the richest yet sickest countries in the world? We have the best medical care, the best hospitals, and readily available prescription drugs and yet we are considered one of the sickest. We have one of the highest cancer rates of all countries. Our children are obese and statistics show that for the first time in history, parents will outlive their offspring in the greatest of numbers. I’d like to see a statistical analysis on whether annual doctor visits really keep us healthy. How long does this insanity have to go on before we recognize our current health practices are not keeping us healthy?
Dr. Mercola has a poll on his website to see if those who read his newsletters are actually healthier than the average person. I’d like a more widespread poll finding out what health practices are actually successful in keeping people healthy. I don’t think it’s about vegetarianism, eating raw foods exclusively or even exercising to extremes. I actually think it is more about attitude than anything we physically do. Of course the more physically healthy things we do would add to optimum health potential but if the attitude is not there, neither is health.
I also believe we need to get more in tune with our body. We need to listen to what our body is trying to tell us instead of over-thinking it and over-coming our symptoms. Once we recognize the body is trying to tell us something, we should then figure out why. We need to claim responsibility. Did we eat the right foods, rest enough, drink enough water, eliminate our toxins, beat our body up or obsess in negative thinking? These are things that will not show up in blood tests—which is the gold standard of diagnosis.
We need to teach our children about good health practices and then practice what we teach. Most of it is just common sense. We’ve been listening to some very wrong advice. Ads are to sell—not advise about health. The advertising agents pay people to say what they want you to hear. Those people may look like a doctor or someone you trust but are they really giving you good advice?
When a person comes to see me I consider them the expert on their condition. They live in their body 24/7. They have Googled and searched and experimented with all kinds of treatments before they get to me. What I look at is why is the body responding this way? What are they missing in supporting good health? How can we help the body attain vibrant health? Common sense states that drugs will not create vibrant health, nor will negative attitudes.
With responsibility comes a feeling of control. If we hand over the care of our body to someone else we lose that control. We no longer can make sound decisions—they decide for us. Many of our choices become their choices. Is our health their primary concern? In most hospitals people are “just doing their job”. It takes a conscious effort for people to care about you and set aside their own concerns. You hope they are doing this but why then do people have to use a “magic marker to make sure the procedure is done on the right body part”. It does all boil down to trust –doesn’t it? Sometimes we have to just trust that we are doing the right thing and so are they.
Having an educated view on the outcome of a procedure helps before making the decision to have a procedure. Making sure that the prescription you’ve been given is what you really want to put into your body with the understanding all the risks and benefits, is very important. Are there safer options? Of all the people who have had a flu shot (whether regular or H1N1) how many have read the insert that could be supplied for their reading? Do you know that a challenged immune system or nervous system should not be subjected to this vaccine and why? Do you trust that “they know what they’re talking about”?
On the whole, the average person who comes to see me has a “higher than average” level of education. They’ve “done the medical route” and been sorely disappointed. They’re tired of taking medications that don’t address the real cause. They know something is wrong even through blood tests have said otherwise. They know more about their condition than I do. They want someone who can put the puzzle pieces together and make sense of it so they can begin a path to wellness. I’ve learned to become a good detective; a good listener, and I love a good puzzle.
I’ve partnered with Nature’s Sunshine because I trust them to send me the best quality supplements available. I trust them to research the best components and put them in a product that makes health sense. I trust the products will be delivered in a timely manner. I trust that if I have questions there are qualified scientists I can go to with my questions. I trust that if I am not satisfied I will get fully compensated for my purchase. I trust that I will be able to talk to a real person when I place a phone order that is knowledgeable and courteous. I trust that NSP cares about the customer. Can you say this about the supplement company you use? Who do you trust?
Have a healthy week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Good Morning,
I enjoy knitting. Each year I tackle some project and most times I even finish them. Last night I finished a mohair scarf I started last year. Knitting is an interesting and somewhat fascinating hobby. If you follow the pattern you end up with something that resembles the picture attached to the instructions. However, if your tension is too tight or loose or if you drop stitches and aren’t careful to make sure you are consistent with the pattern—you will probably end up with something half the size or sloppy looking.
Once, years ago when I first began knitting, I knitted a complicated cable stitch sweater for my husband. He wasn’t my husband yet and he thought it was great that I spent so much time thinking about him while knitting. The arms on the sweater were probably 3 inches longer than they needed to be –since he was away at college, and it was a surprise, I had no way of measuring. He proudly wore that sweater even though the arms were too long because it was a reminder of how much I love him.
Weaving a piece of yarn into a fabric can be very satisfying. Watching the fabric develop into a project and thinking that you achieved this with your own hands—amazing. I’ve taught my granddaughters to knit and they enjoy it too. In fact, not too long ago Sarah knitted a Barbie doll dress that she created. It won’t earn any prizes but she had great satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment because she made it.
Recently I learned about Biofilms. Bacteria create an enmeshment that they hide in making them resistant to antibiotics. These antibiotics according to petri dish cultures should kill these bacteria, in theory, however because the antibiotics cannot find the bacteria—they don’t work. The bacterium is so intelligent it creates a hiding place to grow. These Biofilms are slimy, gooey mucus strands that create a network for bacteria and viruses to grow undetected. They are protected from attack by our immune system.
In a Stanford study they found that Biofilms will grow around implants and are a huge contributing factor to chronic disease. The medical community is scratching their collective heads as to what to do about this problem. The natural health industry has the answer! It seems that taking enzymes will break down the biofilm matrix allowing the immune system to identify the particular microbe and attack it by either NK, T cells, B cells or macrophage engulfment. Which enzymes you might ask? Protease enzymes will break down protein and that is what these Biofilms are largely made up of.
How do you know if you have Biofilm Matrixes that are harboring viruses or bacteria? Most of us do. There is no harm in taking extra enzymes. If you deal with congested mucus—you need enzymes to break this down! The fascinating article by The Allergy Research Group discusses the amazing results they are getting using Nattokinase and negatively charged minerals. Nattozimes break down fibrin that is part of the matrix and the “cement” that holds the matrix together is made up of Calcium, Magnesium and Iron. These are attracted to the negatively charged minerals such as the ones you get in Ionic Minerals and leave the body. Taking Ionic Minerals along with Proactazyme (a mix of enzymes) will dissolve the matrix; leach the body of harmful minerals, while supplying it with beneficial ones.
So, taking these minerals and enzymes in between meals can help the body deal with these hidden viruses and bacteria that grow undeterred by other methods. The suggested protocol would be: one Nattozimes Plus in between two meals; two Proactazyme Plus in between two meals; One Tablespoon of Ionic Minerals in between two meals; and at least 8 ounces of water. So, you can do this program first thing in the morning before breakfast, and at bedtime; or you can do it in between breakfast and lunch. This protocol dissolves congested mucus. If you have lung congestion; have unproductive coughing; allergies of all kinds, or fungal infections—this program will help dissolve the matrix that hide the microbes that are causing inflammation in the body. I am so excited about this discovery. I thank Steven Horne for bringing Biofilms to my attention and the research that has been done by Stanford and the Allergy Research Group so I can tell people about how to deal with conditions that the pharmaceutical industry has no answer for.
If you would like to learn more information about how to stay healthy this winter; avoid the flu and other viruses; what to have in your medicine chest to halt a cold in its tracks—then register for the webinar: Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Flu? There are two times to choose from 9:00am or 6:30pm being held on Wednesday the 20th of January. When everyone around you is sick, what do you do? This class will give you the answers to help keep you healthy this winter season.
NSP has a great giveaway available right now until the 15th of January: A FREE bottle of liquid chlorophyll! All you have to do is give them your up to date information and a free bottle of liquid chlorophyll will be included in your next order between January 15th and February 15th (you need to make an order within that time span). Chlorophyll is a great blood builder and helps the body maintain a healthy pH. Go Green and get your free bottle!
Later today: At 11am MST NSP is presenting a free webinar on all the new events and products coming our way in 2010! Be sure to register for this informational meeting: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/804891112 You may want to view the recorded version but if you register for the live one you will be able to view the recorded one.
If your goals include getting rid of some unwanted pounds and focusing on health while doing it, you may be happy to learn about the buddy system NSP has created. A group of four people can register together. So email me if you’d like to join our group. For more information and to learn about the contest NSP has a web page dedicated to Sunshine Friends. Once registered you can log in your results. The minimum in a group is 4—let’s let them know we care about health! If you’re interested in joining the “Healthy Nuts”—just email me and I’ll send you the link. You can create your own group if you’d like to do that. It doesn’t matter if you only have Holiday Pounds to shed, or if you want a “new you” for the new year just hit reply and tell me you’re interested. Want to know more about Sunshine Friends join the NSP webinar on January 18th.
Finally, I would like to invite you to our Tuesday night Share NSP meetings via webinar or live in Southfield. These once a week business meetings keep you focused on building a business that helps others focus on health while you earn an income and they receive discounts on products. The best feeling yet is when someone tells you how you’ve impacted his or her health. It’s easy to share—we show you how. If you want to come to the Southfield meeting: It begins promptly at 6:30 – Kathy Peltier directs that meeting and you can call 248-559-6763 to let her know you will be there (15831 Twelve Mile road near Greenfield). Or, you can join via Webinar: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/380072898 You must register first to get the link to join.
Don’t get enmeshed in the media hype regarding the H1N1 flu! Keep yourself healthy this winter—involve yourself with people who think health, not disease!
Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Cry Wolf!
Good Morning,
The BBC is reporting that the H1N1 flu season has peaked in North America. Some people believe that there may be another wave of the virus but for those people who predicted a pandemic—it is far from those numbers. Perhaps it had to do with people taking better care to wash hands or other precautions. However, many people I talk to wouldn’t take a flu shot if they were paid to do it.
My favorite precaution is Silver gel. I apply it to my hands, face and nostrils each morning after washing. I also have been taking Olive Leaf extract: http://www.bornforhealth.com/whatsnew.html along with a teaspoonful of Silver Shield each morning, Thai Go and probiotics. These are my morning immune boosters.
France just sold off surplus supplies of the H1N1 flu vaccine to Qafar (300,000 doses) and Egypt was planning on purchasing two million doses. The administration purchased 94 million doses and only 5 million people were vaccinated. Trying to recover finances after a mistake in purchasing takes a lot of good sales technique.
Ninety percent of the people who die from flu usually die from complications leading to pneumonia and then death. When you receive a flu shot you compromise the immune system—that’s how it works! Building your immune system during the winter just makes sense if you want to continue with your life as usual. Staying home sick is not something I like to do. So, it is my priority to make sure I am not in the statistics that show, people over 65 are the most effected by the flu season.
In general, people with compromised immune systems are the ones who will succumb to the flu whether it is A, B, C or H1N1 or any other variety. Good bugs fight bad bugs. Therefore, probiotics help keep the intestinal system from getting imbalanced. Bad bugs create diarrhea, and intestinal upset. The CDC won’t tell you that because they need to justify the billions of dollars spent on useless vaccinations. According to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny—vaccinations don’t work; only your immune system can keep you healthy.
According to Dr. Tenpenny: “We seem to regard germs the same way we think about terrorism: Random attacks that can be deadly. All parties who promote vaccination hawk this view, particularly those pushing both types of flu shots. Tens of millions have been spent in the US on national advertising campaigns, and even Sesame Street merchandising, to convince us that flu shots are necessary to keep us well – and keep us alive. But perhaps we have it backwards. Bugs can cause random, mostly benign attacks, particularly among the healthy. But random, “deadly” attacks, with health consequences that can show up years later? I’d worry more about the vaccines.”
The CDC is blending flu deaths and pneumonia deaths to inflate the reported deaths due to flu. People who aren’t healthy are susceptible to the flu and other “bugs” that are in the air we breathe and on the surfaces we touch. If a person is healthy, the immune system destroys these bugs. However, if a person is not healthy, or their immune system is compromised, they get sick.
It makes perfect sense that more people get sick around Holidays because we eat lots of sugar, don’t get the rest we need; challenge the body by radical changes in temperature and don’t feed the body what it needs to stay healthy. If you go out into the public, more people are out there who are somewhat sick. They are sneezing and coughing but they have to return the gifts that don’t fit; or they have to see what’s on sale! So, the percentage of germs in the air is increased.
What are you doing to support your immune system? There are many choices in supplements to decide on, but are they effective? On Saturday, January 9th, I will be presenting a class live in Southfield called: “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Flu?” I’ll be discussing the two theories of disease and how come we get sick; basic nutrition; Stress; and the multiple things that support immune health. If not getting sick this winter is important to you, call 248-559-6763 to register for the 10:00 live class. Seating is limited, so make sure you call today. The fee is only $5.00, which includes class and handouts. I record these classes and you can reserve a recording--$15.00 for two CDs and handouts.
On Wednesday January 20th I will be presenting a webinar where I will be discussing the same as the Saturday class. This is an opportunity for anyone who lives out of the area who wants to enjoy the class and learn how to be effective in supporting their immune system. There are two times to choose from: 9:00 am or 6:30pm. See my website for details and registering. http://www.bornforhealth.com/drmaryswebinars.html You will also see the webinar on Depression was recorded and available for viewing along with some of the other webinars I did in 2009. I will be purging these soon to make room for the 2010 webinars—so be sure to download the ones you’ve been meaning to view.
The winter months can bring on depression for some. Understanding how our moods affect our health and our immune system will be part of the class I teach this coming Saturday. Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of how our thoughts and feelings affect the nervous system and ultimately our health. Laughter and fun increase lymphocytes that boost the immune system whereas loneliness will decrease NK cells (Natural Killer). NK cells help protect us against cancer and other diseases. Natural Killer Cells move in the blood and lymph to lyse (cause to burst) cancer cells and virus-infected body cells. They are large granular lymphocytes that attach to the glycoproteins on the surfaces of infected cells and kill them.
Learn how the immune system can build these protective cells and how essential oils have a play in raising the mood. Also, being in the presence of people who are uplifting and fun loving will help you be healthier. Come Saturday and by being with us—you’ll raise your immune potential. I’ll share my recipe for, “I don’t want your cold” spray. Colds and other viruses such as the flu can be combated if you know the steps to take. The quicker you respond, the faster you’ll be back doing the things you want to do and feeling good.
Enjoy a good joke, listen to some funny things and check out Mrs. Hughes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCouOSXSwCc&NR=1
Have a healthy week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.