This newsletter changes weekly so be sure to keep coming back for information on current health topics that can help you maintain and regain health. Also--check out the free Webinar classes you can join by just clicking on the link sent to you via email!
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The opinions and statements listed below are not meant to medically advise, diagnose, prescribe or in any way eliminate the need for specific professional advice. For specific concerns see a recognized authority regarding your health. Mary Born, ND
Good Morning!
Do you remember the old saying, “The devil made me do it?” it was so easy to blame things on something else rather than owning up to something really stupid that we did. Well, Xenohormesis is similar to something driving us to do something, like eat junk food, to benefit itself. Let me explain.
One of the lectures I listened to at Convention was by Dr. Hugo Rodier. Somehow Dr. Rodier always stretches my brain. I actually feel like my head grows when I listen to him. Dr. Rodier is an integrative doctor who is an independent contractor and speaks to many groups. But, he loves Nature’s Sunshine the best. He believes in using natural supplementation to assist the body. He also teaches nutrition to medical doctors in Utah. Dr Rodier says that in most Americans, there are organisms that are controlling what we eat and how we act.
In fact, there is now a name for it and it is called Xenohormesis. This happens through a cascade of events that begins with stresses to the body that include: starvation (or not eating healthy food); dehydration (not drinking enough water); infections (immune assaults that are suppressed by drugs); and cellular damage to the gut lining.
When this cascade completes itself the cells of the intestines are so compromised that we experience allergies, lack of energy and susceptibility to infection. This makes for an environment totally suitable for destructive microbes to inhabit the gut and start demanding the food and thoughts that allow them to thrive. So, we are driven to eat ice cream, drink soda pop, coffee, smoke, drink alcohol, create circumstances that are anti-beneficial etc.
On the plane coming home from Convention I watched a movie called, “Invasion”. It was about an “other world entity” that was microscopic and entered the body as a virus and completely changed you—inside. You looked exactly the same but this microbe changed your behavior. I’m not much of a moviegoer, so those of you who do go to the movies may have seen this a while back. It hit home for me because the way to get more people “infected” with the virus was through vaccination. Once the person was infected they became totally docile in nature. They could watch someone jump off the roof of a building without getting emotionally involved. Hummm!
So, if we could name these microbes that control our eating so that they can grow and become more invasive, they might have the label Candida. They also might cascade to something like Lupus, or MS, or Lyme’s disease. Ninety-one percent of Autistic children have compromised digestion and gut health.
“Gut flora mutations from poor diets, excessive antibiotics, chlorinated water, etc. may lead to obesity and diabetes. Our intestinal flora gets used to the sweet garbage one eats. Then, they send you messages to the brain so that you go out to the store to get them the food they have grown accustomed to. Are you being controlled by these little one’s whims and cravings? The wrong organisms in the gut also mess up your ability to process calories optimally; you and I may eat the same amount of calories, but the one colonized by the sugar-craving bugs may absorb more calories from the same meal than the one with a healthier gut flora.”
If you want your “mind stretched”, I urge you to read the whole article: . The point is-- What do we do about it? How do we “heal our guts”? How do we get rid of this monster within that is running our lives? The first thing we do is regain control. Recognize that what we are doing is destructive. We need to stop putting in the garbage that is not food. One way to think about it is—would my grandmother have recognized this as food? More than half of what we eat, would be foreign to people who lived 100 years ago. Think about it—pop, chips, French fries, hamburgers, donuts, sugary treats etc.
People a hundred years ago who were healthy, ate wholesome foods. Their foods did not have pesticide residues, genetically modified organisms or chemical fertilizers on them. The water they drank did not include chlorine, bromide or fluoride. They may have had some bacteria in their water but their healthy guts were able to kill it off before it became a problem. Our intestines have been so compromised we cannot kick out salmonella or other microbes that we are supposed to be healthy enough to get rid of before they enter the blood stream.
We have lost the mucosal immune system and now every foreign microbe is able to get right into the blood stream and set up housekeeping. It becomes part of us and our other immune defenses can’t even locate it as foreign. This autoimmune condition is rampant in our society. So, we must repair the gut. This means not only putting lots of probiotics in it but also, prebiotics! This is the food that probiotics live on. (Right now Probiotics are on sale! --Don’t forget your children too!)
What are “prebiotics”? These are fibers and long chain fatty acids that help feed the probiotics, or friendly bacteria so they can grow and colonize to eliminate bad bacteria and microbes that are now inhabiting the intestines. Clinical studies have shown that short- and long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) may improve growth of friendly microorganisms, enhance mineral absorption, support bowel health and function, and promote immune function. So, it is more important to have this food to sustain the friendly bacteria than it is to have billions of good bacteria without food to help it grow.
Also, it is important to clean the gut with good fiber. Fruits and veggies have a good fiber that helps but most of this fiber is soluble and it goes through the blood stream. We also want insoluble fiber that carries the bad microbes out of the body. This would be why Nature’s Three is one of the most popular fibers I sell. It has both kinds of fiber to assist the body in being healthy.
Recently Nature’s Sunshine had a free webinar on the importance of Probiotics. You can view the recorded version by going to the members section of the website, if you are a member. These educational experiences are one of the advantages of being a member of Nature’s Sunshine. Steven Horne who is an Herbalist and often speaks about natural supplementation presented the webinar class.
So, we must begin by stop putting in the bad and start putting in lots of the good. This also means what you read, watch and absorb in your entertainment. Are you reading inspiring and uplifting literature? Do you listen to music that “feeds your soul”? Do you walk in nature and take deep breaths—take time to smell the flowers? We are both body and spirit and both must be fed.
Self-nurturing is one of the aspects I talk about in my class on Breast Health. Even though this class is directed to females, men also have a “feminine” side. Keeping the proper balance is important. Register for one of the two Webinar sessions being presented on September 30th.
I will be attending TAC (Top Achievers Club) and will not be available from Thursday, September 17th through the 28th. My husband and I are very excited about going to Alaska. This is another reason I love Nature’s Sunshine! The rewards of sharing health with others is that you get to go on amazing trips with people who are upbeat and care about health and having fun.
Have a Health-filled 2 weeks!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
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If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Illusion or Reality
Good Morning!
Have you ever got caught up in a magic show and wondered how do they do it? How can they saw someone in half and yet not? We see the head move and the feet wiggle. We see the swords being placed in areas that we know are going to pass through her body and then she appears whole from some other area of the stage. Amazing!
One of our guest speakers at convention was Gary Coxe. You may have seen him on stage or recorded during a performance. He is the author of the book: Don’t Let Others Rent Space in Your Head. Do you have something you absolutely fear to the point of irrationality? Gary has a four step process where you identify your fear; discover what you are not able to accomplish by having this fear—the why. The process—controlling your perception (fear) and sublimating it with something you perceive as enjoyable.
Gary took a woman from the audience who was literally shaking and crying at the very thought of being on stage with a very tiny snake. The snake was in a closed box and covered with a cloth. He demonstrated how we let our fears determine our life’s outcome. We let fears rule! How do you calm someone into letting him or her pet a snake within a half hour of being terrified of it? I have to tell you that he amazed the entire audience by doing just that! Not only did she pet the snake, but also he had two handlers bring on stage a huge yellow python and she touched it!
You make paradigm shifts like that by having a focus that is stronger than the fear. What is it that you cannot do because of this fear? In the snake situation it kept her from enjoying nature. She was afraid it would bite her and she would die. That snake was renting space in her head and it would not allow her to enjoy the life she wanted to lead. What obstacle keeps you from achieving the happiness you desire? What would it feel like if you didn’t have that obstacle? How would life be different? You too can change your life’s circumstances. Most of us live in illusion, which we perceive as reality.
We all live through our paradigms. If we’ve had a bad or hurtful relationship(s)—we judge that other relationships will be the same. It rules how we go about creating, or not creating other relationships. What if you had a fabulous relationship and that relationship ended? Wouldn’t you be scared the same thing would happen and your heart would break from the pain? So, this thought keeps us from enjoying the full extent of a relationship because it rules—rents space in our head.
What circumstance is keeping you from being healthy? How about sharing what you know and have learned regarding health? Most people fear rejection. And in the long run feel they don’t know enough to help others. Even doctors who have been practicing for years – practice! If they can “practice” with medicine that has multiple side effects—what is the harm in suggesting some herbs that have never killed anyone?
The “fear mongers” have us all whipped up about the “deadly flu pandemic” that “is going to hit this fall”. The media is spreading the rumor. What are the facts? I discussed many of the real facts in my webinar on vaccines: But the main fact is vaccines never prevented anything. It is the immune system that fights off infection. How can you boost yours?
Nature’s Sunshine has a plethora of immune supporting supplements. We have the Chinese formula; Trigger Immune. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, this formula is designed to strengthen a weakened energy constitution. Its Chinese name sheng mai can be translated to mean “generate the pulse.” Trigger Immune TCM is considered a general tonic formula. Its key herbs—schizandra, astragalus, dang gui, ginseng and ganoderma—build the immune system and promote energy.
We have the old standby: Echinacea, in liquid or in capsules. But my favorite is Olive Leaf Extract. It fights bacteria and viruses plus it keeps blood pressure healthy. It helps with cholesterol and adds protection against free radicals. It can be taken on a daily basis. I also use Silver Shield. I take a teaspoon every morning and use the gel on my hands and face. However, if you want the whole home to be defended, you may want to check out the new Boomerang Air Sanitizer.
While at convention I saw some amazing before and after pictures of petri dishes that showed significant changes in air quality. The Boomerang sanitizes surfaces as well. This is a great unit for the whole family to be protected against harmful microbes, pollen, dust and mold. If you have a pet, this product is a must! Remember pets are closer to the carpets and those areas that chemicals linger. They can breathe these in and their lungs can be affected--The same with small children. If you walk barefoot, you are exposing your skin to all kinds of germs and harmful microbes that are deposited on the floors and carpets of our home. Boomerang can sanitize these surfaces!
Some bugs are healthy and that is why I take Probiotics every morning. These friendly bacteria actually help the immune system fight off infection and keep the colon running well. Probiotics also help with uptake of vitamin B and supporting gut related serotonin sites. The strongest evidence for the clinical effectiveness of probiotics has been in their use for the prevention of symptoms of lactose intolerance, treatment of acute diarrhea, attenuation of antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal side effects and the prevention and treatment of allergy manifestations.
The new children’s line: Little Heroes have a children’s probiotic that tastes delicious. Most adults have too much stomach acid to take a chewable probiotic and have it arrive in the gut but children don’t seem to produce hydrochloric acid the way adults do. We actually need enteric-coated probiotics like Probiotic Eleven and Bifidophilus Flora Force. Each capsule provides a good balance of 4 billion beneficial microorganisms all protecting us from infection!
No matter what you pick make sure your defense system is up and running to keep you healthy during the autumn. Also, filter what you hear. Do you really believe what the media is saying? Perhaps you should share this message with others you care about and make sure they are also being proactive about their health.
The “Say NO to Drugs and YES to Herbs” webinar is up on my website for downloading if you want to view it or share it with others. Send me an email request and I will send you the handouts for the class. September’s theme is about women’s health and especially understanding breast health. The Saturday live class in Southfield will be on September 12th at 10am. Call 248.559.6763 to register. The Webinar will be presented at 9am and 6:30pm on Wednesday September 30th. Registration will soon be up on my website for that. Remember not to let others Rent Space in your Head. Are your thoughts an illusion or reality?
Have a Health-filled week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
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If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Food Fight
Good Morning!
If this statement were to be shouted in the high school cafeteria of days long past, kids would stand up and start flinging food at each other. I also have visions of an old film where dignified guests at a large dinner party suddenly begin tossing food at each other ending up with pie in their face. I wish this email were that amusing. However, it is a bit more educational than the above.
You may have recently heard about a study that claims organically grown food not to be any more nutritious than conventionally grown food. Let’s look at their review: “Surveying 50,000 studies conducted over 50 years, the authors focused on 55 that met their standards of scientific rigor.” So, first of all they didn’t do their own research. They took the research of others and looked specifically at those studies that would prove their theory. They discounted 49,045 of the studies because they showed that organically grown food was better and more nutritious than conventionally grown food. Talk about your slanted news!!!
Who would pay for such a study? Well let’s look at who would gain from such a news blast. How about those people who use and sell pesticides? They might gain. Or, maybe the industry that wants to have the entire country under the dependency of one food source? After all, if it doesn’t matter nutritionally, why should we pay extra for organic? The article was sanctioned by the FSA- Britain’s equal to our FDA (who we know is in bed with Monsanto). “The Food Standards Agency is an independent Government department set up by an Act of Parliament in 2000 to protect the public's health and consumer interests in relation to food.”
If you check out the FSA website you will see this statement: “GM foods may only be authorised for sale if they are judged not to present a risk to health, not to mislead consumers and not to be of less nutritional value than the foods they are intended to replace.” So, let me see, if I can prove that organically grown food isn’t any better than GM foods – then I can get the okay to sell GM foods and I don’t have to tell the consumer what they’re getting! Wow! Sounds like incentive to me to pay a bunch of scientists to scan numerous studies to come up with a few that substantiate my intent! Now, all I have to do is have it blasted in the media and the people will take it from there. Anyone shouting “Food Fight” yet?
How about Dr. Weston Price? “His goal was to discover the factors responsible for good dental health. His studies revealed that dental caries and deformed dental arches resulting in crowded, crooked teeth are the result of nutritional deficiencies, not inherited genetic defects.” All he wanted to prove that was when people ate nutritionally dense and naturally grown food they were healthier. What is going on in this country? Cancer and Heart Disease—two diseases related to diet and lifestyle choices are rampant. And if you want to talk about dental carries and deformed arches—we have orthodontics! We created a whole industry because of our lack of nutritious foods.
Our present administration’s big push is Health Care reform. What they should do is fire everyone involved in the FDA! They’re all in the back pockets of the pharmaceutical and drug companies. If you have time to read this report done by CNN reporters about how the generic drug companies get sanctioned to sell their drugs when a patent runs out. It may give you some scary insight on those people who sell you medications and how they use underhanded methods to get those drugs to the market first.
Medicinal drugs are used in this country to mediate symptoms that result from nutritional deficiencies and poor food choices. They do not address the cause. Most of us don’t want to give up our food addictions. So, medicine provides an answer to our inability to take control over the hand to mouth syndrome. I understand the confusion about “what is healthy food”? Advertising lends itself to this confusion. “Eat grains such as bran—it’s heart healthy!” How about if you are allergic to wheat? What about the Dairy industry pushing milk as the best food for even adults? Both wheat and dairy are a couple of the most highly allergen producing foods we eat. Anyone shouting “Food Fight” yet?
If this administration continues to discredit organic foods, small farmers and locally grown food—they will achieve their objective in controlling the food we eat in this country. “ In a review of the movie “Food Inc.” by John Anderson of Variety—“The whole mess is exacerbated by opportunistic politics -- tools of Big Agriculture running the very regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect us -- and consumers who have become accustomed to eating whatever they want whenever they want, in quantities they don't need.” Wow! My thoughts exactly. Food Inc. is adding muscle to the saying: He who controls the Food, controls the World.
In 1984 Orwell said that one of the goals of Big Brother was "to conquer the whole surface of the earth" and one of the ways it was going to do this was by "killing several hundred million people in a few seconds without giving any notice". Are we destroying the earth that will grow our food with chemicals? Will millions of people die of mandated vaccines and then the government say—“we made a mistake”? I realize Orwell’s book was fictitious, however it sure gives me pause to correlate what is going on. A lot of “Buck Rogers” stuff was fictitious too but it isn’t hard to envision someone talking into his or her wristwatch these days. How about a computer chip that records whether you’ve had a vaccine? Fact, or Fiction—Hummm!
According to Organic Consumers Association: “While certified USDA Organic food is the safest food you can find in the grocery store, and no certified organic food has ever been found to be the source of a food-borne illness, organic products (especially those that are processed or packaged in the same facilities as conventional food) are not completely immune and some were even caught up in the salmonella peanut product recall.”
Make sure you encourage your local farmers to continue to provide wholesome, pesticide and herbicide free food. Anyone who tries to tell me that a hothouse tomato is as nutritious as one home grown, should be ready for a “Food Fight”. I will continue to grow my own food as much as I can. I also encourage my local farmers to grow as natural as possible. I continue to buy organic whenever I can. I will also fight the big Agribusiness in whatever capacity I can. My concern is that we will all be like the little orphans in “Oliver”, pining for “Food—Glorious Food”.
My Webinar on “Say NO to Drugs, YES to Herbs” is up on my website for registration. I will be sending an invitation out on Wednesday – but if you’d like to “jump the gun” you can register by going to: Let’s stop covering up symptoms and begin to address the cause of illness.
Have a Health-filled week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
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Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Health care failure
Good Morning
The US is still considered the best place for health care. In countries that have socialized medicine the wait for proper medical care can make the outcome of a health condition fatal. Even being considered the best however, we have some dismal failures. Right now the percentage of people going back into a hospital after undergoing procedures for heart attack or pneumonia is one in five. Is this really fixing a problem? "We have double failure in our health system," says John Rumsfeld of the Denver VA Medical Center and chief science officer for the American College of Cardiology's National Data Registry.
Undergoing a hospital visit starts with a person being told to stop taking all of their nutritional supplements. How stupid is that? Do they actually feel you can get all the nutrients you need from the food you get at a hospital? Anyone who has ever been hospitalized can tell you it wouldn’t be his or her meal venue of choice! When my mother in law came out of surgery for her heart she was served ice cream! Why are people being told to stop taking nutritional supplements before a surgical procedure?
When you have a surgical procedure – they cut you. When you get cut you bleed. Now here comes the big news some herbal supplements work like aspirin and stop platelet sticking (this is what helps you clot). So, during the procedure they don’t want you to bleed too much but immediately after the procedure they want you to clot so the wound heals faster. But if you heal too fast you might form dangerous clots, which could be bad later on. Talk about confusing!!
What every patient should demand before surgery is a blood-clotting test. With 51percent of Americans taking nutritional supplements of some kind, do they honestly think we are all going to clot the same? Instead of determining what your clotting factor is they tell you to stop taking all your supplements two weeks before surgery.
Here’s a news blast: Smoking can also contribute to excessive bleeding! Do they tell smokers to quit two weeks prior to surgery? FAT CHANCE! How about if the surgery isn’t elective—what about those people who have to have an appendectomy? What about vitamin K deficiency? Physicians consider this disorder rare--but is it? If a woman has heavy menstrual bleeding does her gynecologist every consider doing a test for vitamin K deficiency? No! Because they have been told it is rare so it isn’t even considered in the diagnosis.
Many of the features of common chronic disorders, especially connective tissue disorders, are identical to the symptoms of vitamin K deficiencies. Is this a coincidence, or could vitamin K deficiencies be an often-overlooked factor in many disorders currently attributed to genes or other causes? “Taking vitamin K can interfere with anti-coagulant drugs like aspirin and Coumadin.” Duhhh!
Why is it we have to take anti-coagulant drugs—(but not two weeks prior to surgery)? If supplements can cause the body’s blood to be thin and lessen the platelet-sticking factor, isn’t that the same thing as anti-coagulant? And wouldn’t it be healthier to take supplements that do the same thing as a drug that is derived from rat poison? Coumadin prevents the formation of new clots and the growth or extension of old clots.
To test whether appropriate amounts of Coumadin have been prescribed, the prescribing physician must carefully and consistently monitor the patient’s blood for its anticoagulation or INR (International Normalized Ratio) level. If the level is too low, the patient is once again at risk for blood clot formation. If the level is too high, the patient’s risk for severe internal bleeding, hemorrhagic stroke, and death is increased. Talk about risky!!
“While Coumadin is an effective treatment, it can also be extremely dangerous for several reasons. First, the therapeutic range for this medication is quite narrow. In other words, the difference between a safe level of Coumadin and a dangerously high level is quite small. Second, several different factors can magnify the medication’s blood thinning properties including the patient’s liver and kidney function, diet, alcohol consumption, age, and prior medical history. As such to maximize patient safety, prescribing physicians must provide dietary guidance to their patients and properly educate them about this drug and its potentially dangerous side effects. Equally critical, physicians must be on the alert for signs and symptoms of excessive blood thinning and know how to appropriately manage it. If a patient’s blood test reveals an excessively high INR level and/or the patient has active bleeding, this is a medical emergency requiring immediate hospitalization and rapid reversal of the Coumadin’s anticoagulant effect with intravenous medication.” This quote is from a website entitled: The Dangers of Coumadin. Notice that there is no mention of possible vitamin K deficiency.
Vitamin K was first isolated from alfalfa in 1935 by Dr. Dam who later was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery. This form of K is called K1. Menaquinone (vitamin K2) is synthesized by the bacteria in our intestinal tract (providing the ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria is correct). Vitamin K1 and K2 are natural, fat-soluble forms of the vitamin. Vitamin K has an important function in the clotting of blood. Several steps in the blood-clotting process depend on vitamin K. Recent research has also explored some role of vitamin K in bone development.
Since vitamin K is fat soluble, bile is an important factor in breaking this supplement down. If one has no gallbladder it is more difficult for them to break down vitamins that are fat-soluble. Without the gallbladder, the bile production of the liver is too slow for proper digestion and absorption of fat. People without a gallbladder have a higher risk of imbalances in the bowel. Accumulated bile becomes congested in the liver and weakens the liver function and may even lead to depression. Reduced bile flow could stress the spleen and pancreas.
Therefore it is doubly important for someone who has no gallbladder to take digestive enzymes that help break down fat. An enzyme product that contains bile salts and lipase would assist the liver in breaking down not only foods that contain fat but also such vitamins as A, E and K. I like Food Enzymes for people who have had their gallbladder removed because it has nutrients in it to assist in digestion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. What if you are getting vitamin K in your diet, but not able to break it down correctly? This may constitute a deficiency!
Want to learn more about what herbs and supplements can do for you? Come to the live class in Southfield this coming Saturday August 8th and learn how to Say NO to Drugs and YES to Herbs. If you understand how your body works you know what tests to demand and how to make your doctor accountable for his/or actions. When someone cuts into you there is a risk of bleeding—make sure you get the proper tests to determine whether your healing and your procedure will have the best outcome. For registration call 248-559-6763. Seating is limited. There will be a webinar on August 19th for those who cannot attend the live class. Check my website for more information and registration.
Have a Health-filled week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
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Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Things to go Hummm about!
Good Morning!
In April we had a day workshop called Health Education Series taught by Dr. Jay Vandenheuval. One of his many expressions was, “Things to go hummm about!” We are all so busy that many of don’t take time to ask whether something really makes sense before we do it. Hummm!
Johnson and Johnson—the people you trust your baby’s skin care to. After all didn’t we all use the “no tears” shampoo by this company? And didn’t we all trust our bottoms to the baby powder prescribed to stop diaper rash? Could it be this same company who paid a prestigious college professor and psychiatrist, Dr. Bierderman, to research antipsychotic drugs to push onto children while convincing their parents it is the best choice for their loved ones?
Dr. Biederman’s work helped to fuel a forty fold increase from 1994 to 2003 in the diagnosis of pediatric bipolar disorder and a rapid rise in the use of powerful, risky and expensive antipsychotic medicines in children. Although many of his studies are small and often financed by drug makers, Dr. Biederman has had a vast influence on the field largely because of his position at one of the most prestigious medical institutions (Massachusetts General). Johnson & Johnson makes a popular antipsychotic medicine called Risperdal, or risperidone. More than a quarter of its use is in children and adolescents.
Riding on the wings of this research are other popular antipsychotic medicines, also referred to as neuroleptics, are Zyprexa, made by Eli Lilly; Seroquel, made by AstraZeneca; Geodon, made by Pfizer; and Abilify, made by Bristol-Myers Squibb. Why do young children need antipsychotic drugs?
We’ve often considered, is our diet so terrible that it causes children to go insane? What other contributing factors are there? In correlation to unsound nutritional habits is our obsession with sunscreen on babies and children. These sunscreen lotions, sprays etc. block out UVA and UVB light. Is the sun really as harmful as we’re told? Applying sunscreen with an SPF factor of 8 reduces production of vitamin D by 95%. Applying sunscreen with higher SPF reduces vitamin D production even more.
Vitamin D is considered the sunshine vitamin. As a child, I never had sunscreen put on me and I would often play for hours outdoors. Why are children more susceptible to burning these days? What does vitamin D deficiency look like? Hummm!
For more than a century, scientists have recognized that Vitamin D3 is involved in bone health. Research has continued to accumulate, documenting (D3) Calcitriol’s role in the reduction of the risk of fractures to a significant degree. The latest research, however, shows that 1,25-dihyroxy Vitamin D3 deficiency is linked to a surprising number of other health conditions such as depression, back pain, cancer, both insulin resistance and pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, impaired immunity and macular degeneration.
Weak bones and rickets were the main reason milk was fortified with Vitamin D. Unfortunately, most milk vitamin D is synthetic and not recognized by the body—could this cause a deficiency? Hummm! What other conditions might arise out of a vitamin D deficiency? Vitamin D3 deficiency is common in older adults and has been implicated in psychiatric and neurological disorders. For example, in one study of 80 older adults (40 with mild Alzheimer’s disease and 40 nondemented persons), Vitamin D3 deficiency was associated with low mood and with impairment on two of four measures of cognitive performance. (Wilkins CH, Sheline YI, Roe CM, Birge SJ, Morris JC. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with low mood and worse cognitive performance in older adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2006 Dec;14(12):1032-40.)
What do older people and the very young have in common: poor eating habits. Older people lose interest in cooking and eating healthy while younger children are particularly picky about eating a variety of good foods. So, the poor nutrition link can be associated with neurological concerns as well as the need for Sunshine and good vitamin D.
The drugs mentioned above affect the dopamine response in the brain that regulates mood. Dopamine is the primary neurotransmitter involved in the reward pathways in the brain. Thus, drugs that increase dopamine signaling may produce euphoric effects. Dopamine receptors have been recognized as important components in the etiology of ADHD for many years. Drugs used to treat ADHD, including methylphenidate and amphetamine, have significant effects on dopamine signaling in the brain.
What if ADHD and childhood bipolar disease were a result of a deficiency in Vitamin D3? Hummm! What is the toxic dose of vitamin D3? Researchers used to say that one should never take D without Calcium—False! If you take therapeutic doses of Vitamin D3 with Calcium the calcium will stay in solution and never go into bone repair and building. Think of it this way. The sun shines during the day—take you stand alone vitamin D3 in the morning and at lunch; take your calcium before bed so it can help with building and repair of bone. Naturally you need some D with Calcium for best absorption, but we are talking about D deficiency and for that we need specific D3 supplementation.
A single dose of even 100,000 IU is non-toxic, but unnecessary. If you don't have a rare vitamin D deficiency disease that should be treated under a physician's supervision, you never need more than 2,000 IU per day. Remember Cod Liver Oil? It is high in vitamin D—unfortunately because of toxins in the water, it is difficult to find this product free of heavy metals. On another note: According to the Amercan Association of Poison Control Centers, deaths by vitamin poisoning appear to be quite rare in the US, typically none in a given year. Compare this with 59 deaths due to aspirin poisoning in 2003, 147 deaths associated with acetaminophen-containing products in 2003. Want to know what supplements you can use instead of drugs?
Our next topic for the Saturday Herbal Hour on August 8th will be all about: Say No to Drugs, Say Yes to Herbs! Also, if you missed the Webinar on Vaccinations—it is now up on my website for viewing at your leisure. Get informed—start saying Hummm! Don’t be too busy to check out where your health is going. Perhaps we shouldn’t just “follow the crowd”.
Have a Sun and Health-filled week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Drive by Jabbing
Good Morning!
Just when you thought you’ve seen it all…drive up vaccinations! Yep! They’re doing it. Just roll up your sleeve and a friendly nurse will jab you with the latest flu vaccine. Not to say that the latest flu vaccine is even effective against the latest flu. It’s just the best they can do. After all one has to incubate the virus and then manufacture billions of dollars of it (outsourced). Our government sends billions of dollars to a foreign country when our economic needs are to the point we need every dollar to stay in the US and keep money circulating here.
In the meantime the average fee for a drive by jabbing is about $20.00 (pay at the 2nd window). As ridiculous as this sounds, there may be some merit to it. After all, you don’t have to sit in a waiting room filled with “sick” people. You can still go to the grocery store and get jabbed. How convenient can they make getting a flu shot? Let’s see I need: potatoes, celery, broccoli and Oh! By the way, my flu shot.
Perhaps the idea is to make the flu shot as common as picking up lunch at the nearest “drive up”. After all, we don’t think much of putting that so called, fast food in our body—why would the average American think any different about a flu shot? One toxin fills our tummy and the other fills our “obligation”. Then if someone asks, you can say you got your flu shot. You are now armed. Or, are you?
Does the flu vaccine really make you immune to getting the flu? Many people are now questioning whether it is a good idea to get a flu vaccine. As I mentioned last week, this is an issue that has been debated a lot. Will fear win over? Will the media pressure millions of people into getting the vaccine that will supposedly protect us from the “pandemic” people are predicting?
Well, I for one will not be lining up to be injected with some toxic substance that will challenge my immune system to fight a supposed threat. I’ll just keep boosting my immune system with Olive Leaf Extract and a daily dose of Silver Shield. Since those products have been proven to help the body fight viral infections, I feel this is the safest and most accurate way of protecting against the flu—whichever one comes my way.
Don’t let others pressure you into doing something you’re not convinced is the best way. Check out the options and make sure you understand what is going in your body before making a decision. Vaccines challenge the immune system—if your immune system is average, you are already dealing with a challenged immune system.
Many people have allergies in this country. This makes for a challenged immune system. Children who have allergies and get vaccinated are more prone to getting serious asthma symptoms and often result in hospitalization and occasional death. If you have a cold, you have a compromised immune system and should not further compromise your immune system by getting a vaccination. If you are elderly, you have a compromised immune system. I know—these are the very people the media target and say should get vaccinated. But, if you read the manufacturer’s recommendations, it clearly states they should not be vaccinated if they are weak. If you are going through chemotherapy, your immune system is compromised. If you’ve recently had a surgical procedure, your immune system is challenged. Who does that leave?
I would suggest that you pick your favorite immune booster and help your body fight infection as you are exposed to it. Those people who have an autoimmune condition such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Graves disease, Lyme’s disease, Fibromyalgia etc. should not boost the immune system, but need to use adaptogenic herbs such as Astragalus or Adaptamax. These supplements will help the body fight infection without making their autoimmune symptoms worse.
The rest of us who want to stay healthy can use Silver Shield, Elderberry Defense, Olive Leaf extract, or even extra Vitamin C. Once we know we are dealing with an immune system challenge than we may want to use Echinacea, Garlic or extra vitamin C for a few days. Make sure you have these on hand in a good supply to help you defend against a challenge. In fact, everyone can use Silver Shield as it doesn’t boost the immune system as much as guides it.
I am in good company when I speak against vaccination. I’ve been told by my friend and colleague of over 20 years, Vicki Morrison of Oklahoma, that Gary Null has a new book: Vaccination Nation and website to share his findings; and Mothering Magazine has a whole issue devoted to vaccines. People are waking up to fact that we’ve been duped into believing the medical establishment is all knowing. There is a huge cover up out there that is being disclosed.
In 1986, Congress officially acknowledged the reality of vaccine-caused injuries and death by creating and passing The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (Public Law 99-660). The safety reform portion of this law requires doctors to provide parents with information about the benefits and risks of childhood vaccines prior to vaccination, and to report vaccine reactions to federal health officials. Doctors are required by law to report suspected cases of vaccine damage. To simplify and centralize this legal requisite, federal health officials established the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) -- operated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Ideally, doctors would abide by this federal law and report adverse events following the administration of a vaccine. However, the FDA recently acknowledged that 90 percent of doctors do not report vaccine reactions. They are choosing to subvert this law by claiming the adverse event was, in their opinion, not related to the shot. In fact, every year between 12,000 and 14,000 reports of adverse reactions to vaccines are made to the FDA (data initially accessible only through the Freedom of Information Act). These figures include hospitalizations, irreversible brain damage, and hundreds of deaths. Considering that these numbers may represent just 10 percent, the true figures could be as high as 140,000 adverse events annually. However, even this figure could be conservative. According to Dr. David Kessler, former head of the Food and Drug Administration, "Only about 1 percent of serious events [adverse drug reactions] are reported to the FDA." Thus, it is entirely possible that mandatory vaccines adversely affect millions of people every year.
Please join me in learning what you can do about vaccines—my webinar on Wednesday July 22nd has a few more openings for those who want to listen live and participate in the discussion portion. Go now to: and register. Once registered you will be emailed the handouts. It is important we share this information and stop this ridiculous avenue of insulting our bodies with chemicals that are not proven according to standards set aside by the scientific community—double blind, cross over studies that are placebo controlled.
Have a Health-filled week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
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If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
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If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Celebrating Independence
Good Morning!
According to the US Census Foreign Trade statistics, if you purchased a flag to demonstrate your patriotism this year, chances are it came from China ($3.0 million spent). If you viewed fireworks as part of your celebration, it’s a good possibility they too came from China ($202. million). So, maybe China is celebrating our Celebration of Independence.
The Declaration of Independence is the paper with which our Founding Fathers wrote in the hopes to eliminate tyranny and establish Freedom and Justice for all. It listed grievances against King George III and established that people have certain “natural rights”. These rights are called inalienable rights. They are rights, which are not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs of a particular society or polity. They are “moral rights”.
These moral rights include a person’s choice in religion (or non religion). The adaptation into the Declaration of Independence from George Mason’s original Virginia Declaration of Rights read: “That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.”
In over 200 years we have reversed some very basic concepts our Founding Fathers fought so hard to establish and one of them is a government, “For the People and by the People”. We are a government run by Big Business. One of the biggest businesses is the Pharmaceutical industry and the other is AgriBusiness.
I feel that Forced vaccination is morally wrong! Is it really for the good of mankind, or does it improve the “bottom line” of the Pharmaceutical companies who produce them? That is the debate. Can vaccination be forced upon us under the guise of “Homeland Security”?
It is a fact! “The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act adopted in 38 States makes it a misdemeanor to a felony to refuse to take a vaccine mandated by the federal government and/or other affiliated bodies if the government officially declares a pandemic. Law enforcement officers are allowed to use deadly force against felony suspects.” If you want to read all of the facts you can go to:
Another alarming fact: The Act gives the public health authority the right to isolate or quarantine a person on an ex parte court order, with no hearing for at least 72 hours. If the public health authority decides that an unvaccinated person is a risk to others, even if uninfected, he could be quarantined, per Article V Section 503(e).
There are those who believe that forced vaccinations are a part of plan to reduce world population. (I wonder how people felt when our Founding Fathers started to expose tyranny?) If you are concerned about this, you can read more of this conspiracy (if you will) at: The information is quite compelling.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to be vaccinated. I don’t think our government has the right to force vaccinations on us. Someone will have to drag me screaming and kicking all the way to get vaccinated—let this be known to all. I hereby refuse to be vaccinated against any flu virus. I am in sound mind in stating this! I arm myself with my inalienable right to pursue health.
Adrian Gibbs, the Australian virologist, who was one of the first to analyze the genetic construction of the swine flu virus, and who was part of the team, which developed anti-flu vaccines Tamiflu and Relenza, believes the disease - which has spread across the world in recent weeks – was made in laboratories. If you notice the CDC is now calling the flu “Novel H1N1 Flu”.
So, what can we do? Arm yourself with a shield-- Silver Shield! Dr. Pedersen specifically told us in his Webinar on Silver: that Silver Shield kills pathogens three ways. It kills through contact, Resonance and magnetic disruption. Forget bleach, alcohol and smelly substances that are supposed to kill germs! Silver Shield actually protects you against microbes these chemicals can’t even touch. Bleach is toxic. Alcohol dries your skin out. Silver gel is soothing and protects your hands for up to 4 hours. Use the gel in the morning as an after shave or pre moisturizer.
This quote is from the State of Michigan website: “ Things you can do to stay healthy There is no vaccine available at this time for the current outbreak of the Swine Flu virus, so it is important that people take steps to prevent spreading the virus to others. Healthy people should take these everyday preventive actions.” The first thing on the list of “things you can do to stay healthy” is get vaccinated. Big Help! Then it lists: avoid contact; stay home; cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing; and it goes on to list the things any 3rd grader would know about good basic sanitary habits.
Something you should know if you plan on getting pressured into an influenza vaccine—you need to be vaccinated at least a week ahead of being exposed. So, don’t plan on running out and getting a vaccine because your buddy at work called in sick with the flu. If it is “the flu”, you’ve already been exposed. If on the other hand you took your teaspoon of Silver Shield that morning—no worries! If you also rubbed the gel on your hands and face (into the nostrils as suggested by Dr. Pedersen), then you won’t carry that virus home.
Learn more about Vaccines: Southfield Herbal Hour class –Saturday July 11th email or call to register 248-559-6763 $5.00 for handouts (10am till noon). Business opportunity lunch following class. My monthly Herbal webinar will be on July 22nd at 9am or 6:30pm--registration will be up on my website soon. Enjoy and demand Freedom—Health Freedom.
Have a Health-filled week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
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Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.