| This newsletter changes weekly so be sure to keep coming back for information on current health topics that can help you maintain and regain health. Also--check out the free Webinar classes you can join by just clicking on the link sent to you via email!
Pull my finger!
Good Morning,
Maybe it was your grandfather. Maybe it was your dad or a childhood friend but I can be very sure it was a male who made the statement of “Pull my finger” followed by a rather loud toot. It seems that guys have no compulsion when having to emit gas. Women, on the other hand, find it embarrassing. However, male or female, having to relieve oneself of gas is often an indication of poor digestion and an imbalance in the intestinal system. Having a good ratio of friendly bacteria inhabit the colon will discourage yeast and bad bacteria. These are the main culprits that contribute to gas and bloating. They also contribute to bad breath. Good bacteria is vital for good health and so is proper digestion as I mentioned in last week’s eGram. The final stages of absorption occur in the colon. Stress affects the ability of the body to break down nutrients: Acetylcholine causes the muscle layer of the digestive organs to squeeze with more force and increase the “push” of food and juice through the digestive tract. It also causes the stomach and pancreas to produce more digestive juice. Adrenaline (one of our stress response hormones) has the opposite effect. It relaxes the muscle of the stomach and intestine and decreases the flow of blood to these organs, slowing or stopping digestion. So, when people say they have “slow digestion” it is often a case of Stress and/or eating the wrong food. Taking enzymes with meals will help but taking in B vitamins will help the nervous system calm down. Nervine herbs such as passion flower, valerian, hops can help the body reduce the output of adrenaline and allow for better digestion. Bypass surgery or Bariatric surgery is advertised as a solution to obesity. An unpublicized side effect of gastric bypass surgery is excessive flatulence odor. It is understandable why these patients have highly malodorous flatus. The surgery causes them to have a malabsorptive syndrome. Their systems don't absorb the food and nutrients as well anymore and when the undigested food gets down to the colon, the enzymes and bacteria go crazy digesting the food. Remember digestion should occur in the stomach and small intestine – not the colon. One of the by-products of their detoured digestion is gas (flatulence). Most post surgery patients are desperate for a solution to this side effect, which actually causes embarrassment and most of these individuals have been dealing with embarrassment for most of their lives. Perhaps probiotics and some activated charcoal would be an answer such as what is in Bowel Detox. They would need extra probiotics too. Because these gases are often absorbed into the bloodstream, drinking liquid chlorophyll will help clean up the blood. We’ve often found this helpful for people who have had parts of their colon removed. They usually take two probiotics (either Probiotic Eleven or Bifidophilus Flora Force) upon rising and two at bedtime. This enables the good bacteria to colonize. Sugar destroys good bacteria as also does the use of antibiotics. Caffeine can also disrupt the balance of good bacteria. Stress disrupts the ratio of good to bad bacteria. It is important to use a brand that guarantees quality and that is why I choose Nature’s Sunshine to assist with my health and therapeutic intake of supplements. Since children are often affected by poor digestion resulting in gas and bloating, NSP has a chewable source of probiotics called Probiotic Power. The human body relies on a healthy level of probiotics for numerous functions, including metabolizing foods, absorbing nutrients, and maintaining a proper balance of intestinal flora. Probiotic microbes have a symbiotic relationship with their human hosts—both the probiotics and the humans benefit from their relationship. Probiotic Power contains 1 billion friendly cultures from 11 strains of probiotics, including Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidus, L. acidophilus, L. brevis, L. bulcaricus, L. plantarum, Streptococcus thermophilus, B. infantis, B. longum, L. casei and L. salivarius. So, if you want to chew your probiotics you can but remember the adult Probiotic Eleven capsule contains 6 billion and the children’s formula contains 1 million per tablet. Probiotics support a healthy immune system and has been shown effective in cases of allergies when combined with enzymes for proper digestion. There are a lot of misconceptions out there. Some people feel that eating yogurt is equivalent to taking probiotics—not! Yogurt, on the whole is loaded with sugar which deters the effect of colonizing good bacteria. Also, yogurt is cooked which kills the enzymes necessary for breakdown and utilization of good bacteria. Lastly, there is generally just one or two strains of good bacteria and not nearly what would be available in a probiotic capsule such as Probiotic eleven. Yeast overgrowth abounds in this country due to pesticide, fertilizer and other chemicals used in and on our food and our overuse of antibiotics. Our high sugary diet feeds yeast. Yeast overgrowth is also a contributing factor to flatulence. If you would like to learn more about digestion, I have a free webinar: Learn more about Digestion: http://drop.io/ShareDigestion2010. This recording was a training session I did on doing an Herbal Hour on the digestive system. These are informal gatherings at people’s homes to learn about natural health. I also have a free webinar I did on Colon Health: http://drop.io/ColonHealth available for download. It takes about 15 minutes to download it but it can be put on an iPod or computer for viewing when you have time.
Live classes: July 10th Saturday —Southfield: Dr. Mary Born will present information on Eye health and age related eye conditions. Come and share this class with a friend: Call 248-559-6763 to register and more info.Class begins at 10:15am sharp--$5.00 fee collected at the door. July 12th Monday —Southgate: Kathy Peltier will present information on Eye health and age related eye conditions. Come and share this class with a friend: Total Health Foods 734-246-1208 to register and more info. Class begins at 6pm. Special events: July 15th in Ann Arbor and Kensington Court hotel—Regional meeting presenting the new Sunshine Community and Epigentics (how you can help your genes get healthy). First 200 to arrive will get a free bottle of Thai Go. No registration needed but be there early to make sure you get your free Thai Go—class begins at 6:30pm. Car pooling is available call Mary 248-623-2288 from Waterford or Kathy 248-390-7737 from Southfield area. July 25th Ladies Day Event: The 6th Annual Ladies Day event will occur on this Sunday between 1pm and 6:30. Flyers available—email me. Tickets are available for purchase ($25.00) at my Southfield office. Webinars: July 12th. Brilliant Body – Nervous System. (recording good for at least 24 hours) – www.NSPWebinars.com
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Come visit with us on Tuesday nights. Live in Southfield directed by Kathy Peltier, Health Coach (call 248-559-6763 and let us know you are coming). Or, via webinar with Dr. Mary Born –We begin at 6:30 PM. Held on July 5th and 19th this month.
Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advice of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Alternate route advised!
Good Morning,
If your area is anything like mine there are orange cones and road construction signs everywhere you want to go. Alternate routes are advised to get you around these congested and sometimes impassable areas.
Health often takes an alternate route as well. For whatever reason, we will be going along and all of a sudden Bam! You’re down. If this hasn’t happened to you then you are considered Lucky! But, health isn’t about being lucky—it really is about taking care of yourself.
Most Americans take medications as a matter of course. If you have a headache—medicate it. If you have aches or pains—medicate it. If you have a cold—medicate it. Did you ever consider the fact that medications have side effects that may be worse than what you’re taking it for?
Let’s look at some medications that may be considered rather harmless—antacids. Some antacids are taken after meals and some before meals—they even have some to take “just in case”. What exactly do these medications do? According to Wikipedia, Antacids perform a neutralization reaction, i.e. they buffer gastric acid, raising the pH to reduce acidity in the stomach. So, what happens when you don’t have the correct pH to digest?
The ability to digest foods depends on a proper pH and that pH is greatly affected by the ability for the parietal cells to produce hydrochloric acid; also known as Gastric acid. Gastric acid activates pepsinogen into pepsin–this enzyme then helps digestion by breaking the bonds linking amino acids, a process known as proteolysis. In addition, many microorganisms have their growth inhibited by such an acidic environment which is helpful to prevent infection.
So, if you inhibit the pH with antacids you prevent this line of defense against microorganisms from occurring. In other words, bacteria and viruses are broken down by the acids produced in the stomach! If you have a cold or flu virus enter the system via the mouth and your pH is correct, these germs will be annihilated by your gastric acid. The mucosal lining that protects the tissues of the stomach and areas that would be harmed by the lower pH are compromised by many things including medications.
Normally the tissues of the stomach are protected by the mucosal lining. When you perceive pain, it may be that the tissues are unprotected. I have found that slippery elm will coat the tissue and help the lining to regenerate. This is an ingredient in the formula Intestinal Soothe and Build. Taking a couple of these capsules before a meal will help protect the stomach lining from the acid and not inhibit the digestive process. This, in my opinion, is a much better solution to gastric distress than taking antacids. You need to be able to digest—inhibiting digestion leads to many chronic diseases.
Gastrin acts on parietal cells directly and indirectly too, by stimulating the release of histamine. So, if you regularly take anti-histamine medication for allergies—you are interrupting the digestive process. If you don’t drink enough water, you can compromise the digestive process. Normal release of enzymes and triggering the parietal cells to lower pH in preparation for digestion is affected by many things—the smell of food (some believe just the thought of food can begin this process); eating protein or foods with high protein content will trigger the digestive process. The endings of the vagus nerve (CN X) and the intramural nervous plexus in the digestive tract influence the secretion of these acids significantly.
So, people who are “nervous eaters” may be doing so as a protection from the acids produced by their anxious thoughts. The thoughts are triggering the production of acid and to protect the stomach lining, you eat. This process is “non-thinking” and is prompted by the emotional centers of the brain which reside in the hippocampus. Take some relaxing deep breaths before grabbing that food! Then chew on a Stomach Comfort. This supplement actually helps soothe gastric tissues and supports the healthy lining of the stomach. Because of the calcium carbonate in it, Stomach Comfort is a “double edged sword”. It does inhibit the gastric acids and therefore does not allow for proper breakdown of proteins, but as a temporary solution it is much better than antacids. Most antacids contain aluminum which is a neurotoxin.
What is really needed is support for the digestive system in the form of enzymes that include betaine hydrochloride. Food Enzymes will help the body break down proteins and minerals such as calcium to support better nutritional uptake. They should be taken during the meal. So, take a few bites to initiate the production of your own stomach acids and then in the middle of the meal take the Food Enzymes. This will create the proper pH and solution of enzymes that will break apart the bonds and make the nutrients available for cell repair and healthy cell production.
Next week I’ll talk about why gas forms. But with the above information you might have a clue on why: “Beans, Beans the musical fruit, the more you eat—the more you toot!” Beans are a high protein food and if you don’t have the proper pH and good enzyme production you can now understand that breaking those protein bonds apart will be more difficult. What happens to those undigested proteins? Will the body be able to get rid of them? Stay tuned next week for the exciting and explosive finish.
Live classes:
June 21st —Southgate: Kathy Peltier will present information on PMS issues and balancing the body . Come and share this class with a friend: Total Health Foods 734-246-1208 to register and more info.
June 23rd PMS symptoms and their challenges. Two times to choose from
Register: 9am https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/774582403
or 6:30pm https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/756359843
Brilliant Body – Intestinal System. (recording good for at least 24 hours – www.NSPWebinars.com
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Come visit with us on Tuesday nights. Live in Southfield directed by Kathy Peltier, Health Coach (call 248-559-6763 and let us know you are coming). Or, via webinar with Dr. Mary Born –We begin at 6:30 PM. This Tuesday night is Celebration Night—we exchange “Smiley points” for gifts. Bring a dish to pass and join in the fun. NO WEBINAR this night.
Have a healthy week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
We salute you!
Good Morning,
To all those who have valiantly fought for our freedom—We salute you! As this Memorial Day is intended, we remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Our prayers go to those who have been left behind and must adjust to losing their loved ones. Whether you feel that war is right or wrong isn’t the issue. It is honoring the legacy these men and women left us. A wonderful website that focuses on education and facts is: http://www.letfreedomringforall.org/About_George_Ciampa.html Maybe it’s because I’m 67 (or soon to be) that I often think of the legacy I leave behind. What will my grandchildren know me for? What will my clients remember? Each time I write one of these little Herbal eGrams I think—whose life am I touching? And who can benefit from these words? For two years I’ve not had a cold or the flu. Each one in my office has been sick, but not I. Did I rush off to get vaccinated? If you’ve been reading these eGrams for any length of time—you know that isn’t so. So, what is my secret? I take a teaspoon of Silver Shield every morning and after I wash my face and hands upon rising, I put a dab of Silver gel on my hands, rub them together and then rub it on my face and nostrils. I believe this to be the reason I haven’t been sick. I have changed nothing else. In honor of Memorial Day, Nature’s Sunshine Products has put this great protection on sale. Arm yourself with the Silver Shield liquid and gel defense system and order today and save. This sale will end soon. You can save $2.00 on a tube or bottle or you can really save and buy 4 and get one free. You might even want to defend the whole family by buying 9 and getting 3 free. Check out the savings now: www.NaturesSunshine.com Put in your member number and pin and you are ready to place your order. You need to click on the “weekly specials” tab if you want the specials. Protecting our Freedom is dear to my heart in another area as well. I am treasurer for a non-profit organization called Michigan Natural Health Coalition. We are a consumer organization that is looking to protect the rights of those who consult with natural health coaches, doctors and body workers. We also want people to have the freedom to choose natural health supplements at a dosage that is therapeutic and safe.
Natural Health consultants do no harm. We perform no surgery nor recommend drugs. We do not take people off of prescribed medications. However, the scope of practice for a medical doctor in the state of Michigan is so broad that even recommending herbs to balance the body can be construed as prescribing medicine without a license to practice. If you want the freedom to choose a natural health consultant, you need to go to the website and decide what you can do to help protect your freedom and the freedom of your loved ones. We need donations now if we are to continue fighting for Health Care Freedom. One of our goals for the end of this year and the beginning of next, is to put through a Safe Harbor bill to be passed in 2011 that will protect these honorable professions.
We also need volunteers to help us in our fight. Whatever amount of time you can give us, we appreciate it. We need people to find out which representatives that our running support health freedom. Voting will begin in August and as the candidates get sorted out, we will want those who appreciate the freedom to choose natural health in our Congress making sure our voices are heard. Let Freedom Ring—Health Freedom.
My husband and I will be leaving for a week to go on the Health Exploration Cruise where I will be learning much more to help you toward your health goals. There will be no eGram next week.
Live classes: June 19th – Southfield: Dr. Mary Born will be teaching a class on PMS and how to balance the body. If you are having these concerns, or know of someone who is—help is on the way. 248-559-6763 to reg. June 21st —Southgate: Kathy Peltier will present information on PMS issues and balancing the body. Come and share this class with a friend: Total Health Foods 734-246-1208 to register and more info. Webinars: June 14th Brilliant Body – Intestinal System. (recording good for at least 24 hours – www.NSPWebinars.com June 23rd PMS symptoms and their challenges. Two times to choose from—next eGram will have the links.
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No Share classes for this Tuesday or next. Regular Share meetings will begin on June 15th.
Want to earn an income sharing health with others? Come visit with us on Tuesday nights. Live in Southfield directed by Kathy Peltier, Health Coach (call 248-559-6763 and let us know you are coming). Or, via webinar with Dr. Mary Born –We begin at 6:30 PM.
Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Science vs Common Sense
Good Morning,
Ever since Louis Pasteur was acclaimed for his findings on the “Germ Theory”, there has been the debate on whether it is what is in the environment, or the virility of the host that actually determines disease. It is reported that on Pasteur’s deathbed he proclaimed that it is the terrain and not the environment that determines disease.
Bechamp was Pasteur’s colleague and was not as flamboyant. He was not a good speaker or comfortable in public settings. His theory stated that if the host was healthy, then disease could not manifest. Modern medicine still promotes the idea that germs case disease. Germs need a proper environment in order to live and grow. We cannot control the outside environment but we can control what goes into our bodies to keep it strong and a poor environment for germs and disease.
I prefer to adhere to the idea that if I keep myself healthy, germs haven’t got a chance! This proactive approach has worked for many years for me. I could be even stricter than I am about what goes into my body, and I am when I feel my immune system is struggling. As humans we tend to like to blame others for our life’s circumstances. It is far easier than accepting responsibility for our own actions.
So, when Pasteur told the crowds it is the germ that makes you sick—it was easier to accept than Bechamp who stated we allowed ourselves to become sick. When Pasteur discovered penicillin we flew to his side because he not only had the theory of it not being our fault when we became sick, but had a “cure” for our sickness. Even today we are much more willing to take medications than address the cause.
We do not catch diseases. We earn them. We have to eat, drink, think, and feel them into existence. We work hard at developing our diseases. We must work just as hard at restoring health. We need to have a better understanding of how our body creates the environment to grow disease and how to prevent that from happening.
Though germs don't cause disease, secondary symptoms are produced in response to their activity (commonly called the disease). One reason the conventional medical community doesn't see the big picture is their means of looking at it. A lot depends on how you look at it and what you look at it with. Unfortunately, we have looked at the picture with the eyes of the scientific community for so long; it is difficult to see the other point of view. There is a huge investment in believing that germs cause disease.
We have made the pharmaceutical industry so powerful that it determines what doctors learn in school, the hospitals, research facilities and even the CDC and National Institute of Health. Research is so skewed that no research is published unless it looks favorably on the drugs being researched.
According to Dana Ullman who has authored more than 10 books on homeopathic medicine: “Sadly and strangely, many physicians do not see that there is something fundamentally wrong with the present medical model ... for the large majority of people facing day-to-day chronic illnesses, it provides short-term results, serious side-effects, and stratospherically high costs.” We buy into the security they want to offer because it is, “scientifically proven”. We don’t question the fact that these findings are selected based on what is favorable to the promotion of drug use. Most unfavorable studies have been suppressed and the scientists who try to object to the one-sided findings are threatened by the pharmaceutical company who is paying for the study. Our doctors are then brain washed by the drug rep who tells them the skewed study and how fabulous the drug is and here are some samples for you to give your patients. The doctor wants to help his/her patients and end their suffering so the patient is given the medication. If you tell your doctor you think this drug is causing another condition, your doctor will state “that can’t happen”. They’ve only been told the good findings. Oh sure, they still have a list of the possible side effects but the full spectrum of adverse effects are not going to be listed because nobody would want to take the drugs. Even today, people are getting suspicious. I see the tide turning! Every day I have people ask how they can get off of their drugs. Every day I have to tell them that I can’t take people off of their medications—only their doctor can do that. What I can do is help them build a healthier body so there is no reason for them to have to take their medications. That takes commitment to health in the form of not just replacing their drugs with herbs but to change their lifestyle practices that are contributing to their poor health. They have to change their thinking sometimes—make better choices; learn to let go of some of the things that are making unhealthful demands on the body etc. People have to understand how to improve their health, not just do a fad diet. A human body has a few requirements to maintain health. One is that you must put the proper basic fuel (food) into the body; you need to get proper rest and exercise; and you need to eliminate toxins. It isn’t “rocket science”. It is very basic. We have lost our ability to know when something makes sense because we have bought into the idea that others know better. Nobody knows your body as intimately as you do. We cannot control the economy. We cannot control what is happening due to weather conditions. We cannot control what others do. We can control what we eat, drink and choose to think about. If you don’t like the news—turn it off. You can’t control it anyway! Start looking at things that make you happy and focus on them. You can’t control your adult children—they must learn from their own mistakes. You can send them love and pray they have a good life. Look at the things you worry about and determine whether there is anything you can actually do about it—do it and then let the rest go. This does take work. It is learning to be healthy and taking responsibility for your health. We need to teach our children that there are consequences in the form of ill health when we abuse our body. These consequences can be a learning experience, or we can ignore them and accept the germ theory and blame it on –whatever! This reasoning does not happen overnight. We are so brain washed that we actually believe that if we touch someone we will get their germs and have a cold or flu. If someone sneezes we will definitely grow a cold. If the flu is going around we are only protected if we get a vaccine. I hope that you are starting to discover the poor logic this type of thinking is based on. Cough on a table. Will it grow disease? How about if you cough on your pet? Most pets are taken care of better than their human owner. So, they won’t get sick. You can either be a willing host, or not. It is up to you. You have the power to buy into the idea that you have control or somebody else does—it’s up to you. Want to learn how better to support your health? Take some classes and start your action steps on being an unwilling host to disease!
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Want to earn an income sharing health with others? Come visit with us on Tuesday nights. Live in Southfield directed by Kathy Peltier, Health Coach (call (248) 390-7737 and let us know you are coming). Or, via webinar with Dr. Mary Born –
Register—this week’s link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/292013682 We begin at 6:30 PM and end at 7:45.
ABC+D course http://treelite.com/courses/classdetails.php?id=370 View the first two classes free and learn about the Root of Disease and how to detoxify for health. If you like what you see in these two sessions, the whole course is available for only $97.00. Steven Horne is a fabulous teacher who makes the complicated simple. You will love his style of teaching.
Free Webinar classes are available on my website: http://bornforhealth.com/educationalwebinars/drmaryswebinars.html
Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Good Morning,
I was going to call this eGram, “When the ash hits the ground”, but I decided to name the mineral instead. Apatite is Calcium Phosphate Chloride Fluoride Hydroxide. Ash from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano has led to thousands of flights being delayed or cancelled across Europe since April. Safety fears are based on the threat of ash being turned into molten glass as it hits the heat of aircraft engines, thereby crippling the plane. But, this isn’t the only concern this ash is creating.
Scientists are now discussing the problems of this ash regarding health. Animals in southern Iceland are at risk of fluoride poisoning if they inhale or ingest the ash from the recent volcanic eruption. Fluoride poisoning can lead to internal bleeding, long-term bone damage and tooth loss. Are you connecting the dots on this? Are you still brushing your teeth with fluoride laden toothpaste, mouthwash and taking fluoride treatments? Fluoride does not protect your teeth against tooth decay at no risk! Ingesting fluoride can lead to soft bones, internal bleeding; bone damage and tooth loss. How much is too much? Fluoride accumulates in the body! The practice of adding fluoride to your tap water began in 1945. With more than 60 percent of U.S. water supplies currently fluoridated, chances are you’re one of the 170 million Americans who drink fluoride on a daily basis. Most pop bottling companies do not filter the water, nor do restaurants, hotels, and most anything else you drink that lists “water” as an ingredient. Apatite is bad enough if ingested but what is added to your drinking water isn’t even apatite, a naturally occurring mineral. The fluoride in question is another chemical fluoride compound – the toxic waste product from phosphate fertilizer plants. Yes, you read that right—toxic waste! It isn’t fluoride hydroxide at all – sodium silicofluoride and hydrofluorosilicic acid, are the compounds used for water fluoridation, with hydrofluorosilicic acid being the most commonly used additive, according to the CDC. Stated in the information from its Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), and from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride is a dangerous toxin that can cause serious physical harm. The chemicals target your Kidneys, Heart, Gastrointestinal system, Teeth, Bone and skeletal structures, and Nervous system. The MSDS for sodium fluoride also states that fluoride compounds can induce: Systemic toxic effects on your heart, liver, and kidney and/or, depleted calcium levels in your body leading to hypocalcaemia and death! There should be a “skull and crossbones” on anything containing this toxin. And yet, we are told by the CDC it is safe! Why aren’t we getting full disclosure on this toxic element? When water fluoridation first began, the “optimal” level of fluoride for dental benefit was said to be 1 mg/day for an adult male, based on the estimate that the average adult male drank one liter of water per day. However, even at that level, 10 percent of the population (those in the high-risk group) was expected to get fluorosis. So, one person out of 10 would be affected if all they did was drink the water. Now add, antibiotics, vaccines and all the other fluoride containing ways to get this toxin into our body and you can connect the dots that this ingredient doesn’t equal health. Notice also that the research was done on the average adult male—weighing over 150 pounds. What is the result when you put this ingredient into a baby, toddler or child? No research has been done on children and the long term effects of this toxin! This information could result in panic. As I mentioned, it accumulates in the body. Fluoride affects the hydrogen bonds that hold the DNA strands together. So, it affects the body at cell level. Since we know that the body is constantly rebuilding through our immune system. The first order of business would be to stop attacking the body with toxins and the second would be to detoxify with vitamin C. If you take over 200 mg of vitamin C per day that is all you really need for removing fluoride. In three to six months you should have about 99% of it out which is good enough according to Dr. John Yiamouyiannis who has written the book: Fluoride, The Silent Killer. That leads me to a very simple and effective solution to the number one thing you need to do—eliminate putting the toxic element fluoride into your body! By using a state-of-art in home Reverse Osmosis water treatment system to purify your drinking water, you will have a good jump start in not putting fluoride in your body. My family has used a Nature’s Spring water treatment system for over 25 years! We love it. It is easy. It moves with you—no plumbing required. And best of all, the water is delicious and fluoride free! It is a small investment that makes a huge difference in your health.
The environmental concern of having people drink bottled water is very real. Aside from filling up dump sites -- Plastic water bottles produced for U.S. consumption take 1.5 million barrels of oil per year, according to a 2007 resolution passed by the U.S. Conference of Mayors. That much energy could power 250,000 homes or fuel 100,000 cars for a year. With the recent news of the oil spill in our ocean, we are going to experience a huge increase in prices. (That spill will be fodder for another eGram). We are wasting this precious resource.
Drinking water from plastic in itself creates a whole list of health deterrents. Drinking from glass is much better. Or, at least consider the reusable containers such as stainless. There is no doubt that purified water is a better and a more healthful drink. But, even some bottled water has high amounts of fluoride in it. You are only sure when you purify your own water. And I feel that the best and most convenient solution is a Nature’s Spring water treatment system. It is one of the most economical health decisions you will make.
Take some classes and learn how you can get healthier with natural methods.
Webinars: May 19th Hot News for Hot Flashes! Two times to choose from: For 9:00 AM class: Registration Web Link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/121264562 For 6:30 PM class: Registration Web Link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/115962443 May Brilliant Body – Respiratory system by Dr. Rallie McAllister recording– www.NSPWebinars.com Check out the list of recorded webinars you can view: http://www.bornforhealth.com/educationalwebinars/drmaryswebinars.html
Share NSP
Want to earn an income sharing health with others? Come visit with us on Tuesday nights. Live in Southfield directed by Kathy Peltier, Health Coach (call (248) 390-7737 and let us know you are coming). Or, via webinar with Dr. Mary Born –
Register—this week’s link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/598463514 We begin at 6:30 PM.
Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Sneaky Ingredient
Good Morning,
Have you ever tasted something and tried to figure out the ingredients in it and finally asked the cook or chef what is in it? How about if the person claims it is a recipe handed down and they aren’t allowed to disclose the “secret ingredient”. It might make you upset because you too would like to create the experience for your friends. Or, you want to prepare the food at home for your family and yourself. You might even remember when the recipe for Mrs. Field’s Cookies was supposedly available for $200.00 but you knew where to get it free! Finding out that special ingredient that defines the character of a food is often fun.
There is a special ingredient in a bill that is being put to the Senators that is sneaky and not fun! This addendum to the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 has nothing to do with strengthening the economy and everything to do with your right to choose therapeutic dosages of supplements. The little secret ingredient to the bill has been added to strengthen the already too strong hand of the Federal Trade Commission.
You might already recognize the inability for health care professionals to state the healing qualities of supplements—it is illegal to state anything can “cure” cancer or other diseases that isn’t a drug. So, if the supplement is actually strong enough to cure cancer, then it has to be considered a drug and must be treated as such; the proverbial “rock and a hard place”. Supplements should not be regulated as drugs. This is why we wanted the (DSHEA) Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 to pass. Supplements are foods and should be treated as foods. Some foods heal—should they be regulated?
The safe and effective use of Dietary Supplements has been going on for thousands of years. There have been no “recalls” like in the drug industry. There are no lengthy lists of side effects, as in drugs. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to put these supplements through the same testing procedures costing millions of dollars to show they are safe. The expenditure will only be reflected by higher costs to the consumer. The FTC would love to have more say in the sale and regulation of Herbal and Dietary Supplements. Don’t let them take your freedom of getting quality natural products that are safe and effective away from you.
A sneaky ingredient has been added to the WSRCPA bill that we need to make our senators aware of. The FTC is already too strong—they don’t need more power over your health. Take an action right now and let your senators in Washington know that they must vote no on the inclusion of the section 4901 proposed for S. 3217!
If you don’t know who your two senators are in Washington, you can find their contact information by going to: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm Or, call them and say, I am opposed to the inclusion of section 4901 in the bill S. 3217—Please vote no on the inclusion of this section. Explain that you don’t want the drug “gold standard” applied to supplements. Natural remedies should remain cost effective and that these stipulations will result in higher costs for consumers who choose natural health products.
If you would like to fax an already prepared statement to your senators, I have attached such a statement. It has been prepared by the Health Freedom fighters and lawyers for the Sunshine Health Freedom fund. Download this: http://www.naturessunshine.com/content/us/misc/HF_3217.pdf It is thought that Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), who is Chairman of the Commerce, Science and Technology Committee, is likely to offer an amendment on the floor of the Senate during the current debate on S 3217. We need every Senator to vote no on including the "FTC power grant" in S. 3217. Take a few minutes now and contact your senator to protect your rights for the future. This is a stitch in time situation and we need to control it immediately to preserve health freedom choices.
Take some classes and learn how you can get healthier with natural methods. Some are today and some are recorded for viewing later.
Live classes:
May 10th —Southgate: Kathy Peltier will present information on How to deal with Hot Flashes and other menopausal concerns. Come and find out: Total Health Foods 734-246-1208 to register and more info.
May 10th Brilliant Body – Respiratory system by Dr. Rallie McAllister (recording good for at least 24 hours – www.NSPWebinars.com
May 19th Hot News for Hot Flashes! Two times to choose from:
For 9:00 AM class: Registration Web Link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/121264562
For 6:30 PM class: Registration Web Link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/115962443
Share NSP
Want to earn an income sharing health with others? Come visit with us on Tuesday nights. Live in Southfield directed by Kathy Peltier, Health Coach (call 248-559-6763 and let us know you are coming). Or, via webinar with Dr. Mary Born –
Register: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/900462443 .We begin at 6:30 PM.
Have a healthy week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Good Morning,
Before you begin gardening, you have to dig up the dirt. This generally means removing weeds and I usually do this first by shoveling to get as much of the root structure as possible. Then you can roto-till (if you’re lucky enough to have this equipment). I like to put down material in between the rows which helps prevent weeds from growing during the summer. So before I begin tilling, the old material has to be ripped up. I will often reuse this to line flower pots etc. But it is not generally good enough to put back down—those weeds find their way through. There is some controversy on roto-tilling. Some farmers believe it breaks up the worm beds and can destroy worms. I actually have a very good population of worms. They do their own type of roto-tilling as they aerate the soil. Their castings nourish the soil making it rich in minerals. This, of course, makes the plants growing in this soil richer in minerals. I use organic fertilizers like fish emulsion and soil enhancers from Gardens Alive. Digging up the dirt on the Pharmaceutical industry and their practices of hiding studies that prove products are harmful is a form of roto-tilling I like to see happen. People are more medicated in this country and not any healthier by it. Many patents are running out and drug companies are looking to vaccinations now as a way of producing huge profits. They sure lost out on the flu scare! Since there was no epidemic and so few people got sick, stockpiles of vaccines have to be dumped. Now, what are they going to do to turn big profits—make a vaccine for cancer? Oh, yes I have reported on the Gardasil vaccine that actually is promoting cancer and HIV. So, vaccines are not effective at prevention—as far as I’m concerned. They may be effective in advanced cancer –I’m still not sure that injecting mutated cells into the body goes “risk-free”. As with most drugs, we won’t know until many people die. I recently watched a compelling interview between Dr. Mercola and Barbara Loe Fisher who is Co-Founder of the National Vaccine Information Center. This interview was a bit lengthy but very informative. I feel every parent should view this before making the decision about vaccinating or not vaccinating. Do you know what goes into making a vaccine? Before you inject something into your body—you should investigate. After all we are label readers, aren’t we? Mumps is an innocuous disease if contracted early in childhood. By vaccinating children, which doesn’t actually prevent you for life from getting the mumps, you are subject to getting mumps later in life when sterility or other reproductive issues are of grave concern. If you get mumps as a child the body creates antibodies that last your lifetime and you don’t get the condition again. The vaccine producers love it because once vaccinated you have to have boosters every 5 years—you add up the numbers. Chicken pox is another situation. By vaccinating at a young age we make ourselves susceptible to shingles later on in life. Shingles is a painful condition that can last much longer than a case of chicken pox. If given herbal remedies, Chicken pox can be a very minor condition and once you have acquired the immune response—you have it for life. Of course, you can always get the vaccine for shingles too. Let’s just inject every disease known to man into our body! Recently the Rotavirus vaccine came under fire. “The Food and Drug Administration on Monday warned doctors and parents against using the Rotarix rotavirus vaccine until further testing can confirm that it is safe.” Stated the Los Angeles Times recently—my question is why after all these years? Why wasn’t it investigated before it damaged the intestines of thousands of children? With people able to investigate things for themselves—more dirt is getting dug up. Undercover investigations are no longer able to be kept secret. Americans are finally recognizing that we have fallen under the power of Big Pharma and are not any healthier by it. Before you start taking that new medication—check it out and recognize the side effects. The cost is not just monetary—you can’t put a price on good health. Not all medications are bad. However, I feel that using quality herbal preparations should be the first choice when trying to obtain health. They are safe and effective and have been around, for the most part, for thousands of years. There aren’t any recalls due to fatalities if you use a company that has strict quality control such as Nature’s Sunshine.
Maybe it’s time to do some Spring Cleaning and check out what you are putting in your body—is it really supporting good health? If you have friends who aren’t savvy and don’t have their doctorate in Google investigation—help them out. Sometimes those side effects are the very thing a person comes in to see me about: Dizziness, skin rashes, indigestion, achy muscles etc. If you do take medication know that they contribute to nutritional deficiencies. You need to make sure you are taking a good Daily Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Supplement, antioxidants and Super Omega 3. These can all be found in Super Trio—easy to take packets.
Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Smaller is Better
Good Morning,
Did you ever hear the saying, “Good things come in small packages”? I’m only 5’2” and I kind of like the analogy of this saying. How about being offered the suggestion of taking baby steps toward a goal? This makes sense because usually we’re impatient and want to see our goal – Right NOW! You may have heard of the Chinese saying by Lao Tsu “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step”.
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by circumstances, chunking things down to smaller tasks is often the way to get started. We tend to blow things way out of proportion and it freezes us into doing nothing. Remember that it is a journey and not a destination. We should enjoy our small accomplishments along the way. We often are too focused on getting to our objective and get discouraged when we don’t see it done.
When I was studying to get my Naturopathic degree, I made myself the goal of accomplishing reading one book a month. Some of these books were huge so I made the goal of reading for a half hour every day. Sometimes, I would get so involved in reading, two hours would go by and I’d have to put my book down to make dinner. But, my goal was always the same—a half hour each day! How many times have you sat at the computer thinking you’d only spend a few minutes answering emails and Boom! an hour has passed.
In the book, One Small Step Can Change Your Future Robert Maurer explains how the “Kaizen” method works. This is a method to change the body’s fear response. He explains that most people don’t like change and yet change is what has to happen to make things better. In his book Maurer discusses the midbrain that actually houses our emotions and governs our flight-fight response. This part of the brain actually triggers adrenals to send out hormones to deal with stress.
The adrenals of most Americans are basically shot! We are seeing bears on every corner. Some of us are paralized in our fears so making a trip to the grocery store is like fighting snipers in the jungle. Our adrenals are on alert constantly and that inhibits sleep. Insomnia drugs are on the rise. Calming the adrenals is key to getting in control of our success in accomplishing our goals.
What do most Americans do? They stimulate with drinks such as Red Bull, and other so-called “energy” drinks. These drinks are ruining our health. We need to be feeding our bodies good nutrition so we have the natural energy needed to make it through our stressful days. I’m very excited about a new type of drink Nature’s Sunshine is launching. You can purchase it today at a special discount of $2.00 off or buy multiples and save (this is the last day for this offer). This drink will cost you less than a dollar a day. You can put the stick pack in your briefcase or purse and bring it to work—add to water and sip on during the day to keep your energy levels at a pace that matches your needs. Solstic Energy increases your focus and clarity.
If you exercise—you will get much more endurance if you take Solstic Energy and put it into your water bottle and sip on in between sessions. It helps the body burn fat for energy—that’s a great thing! It hydrates the body while giving it nutrients to lessen the effect of muscle break down that occurs when exercising. It tastes great too! It is very balanced but some people like to add a little protein powder or amino acid blend to it for even better results.
My favorite supplement to support a healthy nervous system is Nutri Calm. I’ve been using this product in my clinical practice for over 20 years. It is good basic nutrition that helps to feed the nervous system and strengthen it. B vitamins are being washed out, used up by stress and are difficult to obtain from general eating. If you lead a stressful lifestyle as most people do, you would do well to start taking one of these at each meal and maybe even bedtime too. This small step alone can help you toward your health goals.
Dr. Mercola recently had an article about exercising: Working out for 20 minutes a day using interval exercise may provide many of the same benefits of much longer workouts done in conventional “long-duration” style. Add this “short term” exercise to the new Solstic Cardio and you’ve made some small steps that will make a major difference in heart health. Take some small steps today at improving your health. Rip open a stick pack and drink some health into your body. You still have time to hear the experts talk about these amazing products. This is the last day. www.nspwebinars.com
Also: Tune into my webinar on April 28th and learn how you can support better thyroid health. Taking some small steps can actually increase your energy. You can register in advance for the 9 am or 6:30 pm. All those registered 24 hours before the class will receive free handouts via email. Mary@BornForHealth.com
Take two Aspirin…
Good Morning,
The statement of “Take two Aspirin and call me in the morning”, has been the brunt of many a joke as the “fix-all” to any complaint. Many people consider aspirin to be an innocuous drug. Now there’s an oxymoron for you! There is no such thing as an “innocuous drug”. There is no such thing as a “free” lunch and there is no such thing as a drug without side effects. There is such a thing as risk/benefit ratio. You are always told the benefits and you have to hunt down the risk factors. Aspirin was the first discovered member of the class of drugs known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), not all of which are salicylates, although they all have similar effects and most have inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenase as their mechanism of action. Today, aspirin is one of the most widely used medications in the world, with an estimated 40,000 tonnes (Megagram) of it being consumed each year. In countries where Aspirin is a registered trademark owned by Bayer, the generic term is acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). Many people grab the aspirin bottle first when they’re not feeling up to par, it’s possible that more than a few people this past fall and winter did just that when they felt a cold or had flu symptoms. And many people are taking an aspirin a day because they have heard it will “protect the heart against a heart attack”. What is happening to the liver and brain while taking this so-called innocuous, over the counter, drug? How about those people who take aspirin on a daily basis because they have arthritis or some other inflammatory condition and aspirin is an anti-inflammatory supposedly safe to take? First of all let us discuss what happens when you digest aspirin. Salicylic acid is just that—an acid! If you took an old metal spoon, put two aspirin in it and held the spoon over a candle flame; within just a few minutes you’d have the most awful smell! A few minutes more and the heat would melt the asprin into a dark gooey mess that would ruin the metal spoon. Take that day after day and it can’t be good for you! Acid burns! Asprin will perferate tissue. It is a leading contributor to Leaky Gut Syndrome. This condition is due to the intestinal lining being more porous than it should allowing bacteria, viruses and parasites to enter the blood stream causing havoc. Dr James A Ferrel MD claims "The Leaky Gut Syndrome may be the cause of many 'etiology unknown' illness. LGS may also explain many of the symptoms patients have that confound and confuse many physicians. In my opinion Leaky Gut Syndrome is grossly under considered as a 'mainstream' medicine diagnosis." (Dr Ferrel, www.lifedynamix.com) There are plenty of safe alternatives to taking aspirin. If you are feeling achey and know that it is due to inflammation. First figure out what is creating the inflammation! Sugar is a huge factor in inflammatory conditions. Also, stimulants such as the popular “energy” drinks that give your adrenals a kick (when they should be getting nourished!). Not getting proper rest for repair will contribute to inflammation and repetitive injury such as in too much exercise. (I personally would never do that!) Taking a medication to overcome a bad lifestyle is simply not healthy. If you have an injury or are dealing with pain, there are some wonderful supplements that help the body deal with inflammation. We have IF Relief—a combination of herbs that calm inflammation and pain. This is a great supplement to take if you feel like you are coming down with the flu as it supports immune health. As the drug companies try to dump tons of dated flu shots, we must look at the facts. In other words, it was flu-like-symptoms -- not flu of ANY kind -- that was making people sick during the so-called H1n1 (non) “pandemic.” The reason H1N1 numbers were so high was because the CDC had instructed health care officials to stop testing for H1N1, and just presume that everyone who showed up with flu-like symptoms was infected with H1N1. per Dr. Mercola. IF-C is a Chinese supplement than can be taken on a daily basis to move “stuck Chi” or congestion. So, many people use one or two of the concentrated version to help with Arthritis pain, stiff or achey muscles – and drink lots of water to assist with moving congestion. Herbal remedies have no bad side affects when you take them as recommended. They are food that the body can use for balancing energy and assisting in repair of tissue. These are not things drugs do. Drugs suppress—they don’t assist in healing. Sometimes medication is necessary. What I don’t like is “forever” drugs. The long term effect on drugs is not something that is studyied. When drugs are used for years they accumulate in the liver creating a toxic effect. It just makes sense to use supplements that are beneficial for supporting health.
Thanks for reading this!
Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Wrong Turn
Don’t you wish sometimes that life had a GPS? You’d be going along and make a wrong turn and you’d hear, “re-calculating route” or, “make a legal U turn at the next available area”. Sometimes we make a wrong turn and end up on some bumpy road of life and wonder, How did we get here and How can I get back to the life I knew? Or, maybe you glimpse what life is like for others and wonder why yours has to be so difficult? I actually think we do have an internal GPS but have disconnected it years ago in favor of being guided by people who don’t have the full knowledge of what it is we want. They help us through their own paradigm. They mean well, but they just don’t know what it is we really want. Some of my clients have said to me, “I wish I had known about you earlier”. And I’ve also had those who weren’t ready to hear what I was saying—they needed to be on that bumpy road a bit longer to determine that life really doesn’t have to be that difficult. I don’t want you to think I have all the answers, because I don’t. I do think that within each of us there is a guidance system that needs to know our destination and we may have forgotten how to communicate that. Once the guidance system knows what it is we want—all of a sudden those possibilities are there. What do you want out of life? Where have you taken a “wrong turn”? Is your health what you want it to be? How could you improve it? This is the age of communication. Some authority figures such as medical doctors are losing their infallible status—we no longer just trust what they say. We want other opinions. We want to decide for ourselves what is best. Honestly, who else can possibly know what we want? If you feel, as I do, that we should have this basic human right of choice and you live in Michigan, I urge you to join with me in the Michigan Natural Health Coalition. We need people who will fight for their freedom to choose their health care practitioner. We need people who have been helped by a natural health care person in any way—whether it was through Reiki, Reflexology, Iridology, Herbal Consulting, Hypnotherapy, Nutritional guidance, Naturopathy—whatever natural guidance you’ve received that has adjusted your route and helped you make better health choices; it is important for you to step up to the plate and let our government leaders know. I'll send you more information--just email me. Did you know: Every time a suggestion for herbal supplementation, vitamin and mineral support, drink more water or even take a walk—a person who is not a medical doctor—is “practicing medicine without a license” in the State of Michigan! The law reads: “Practice of Medicine means the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, cure or relieving of human disease, ailment, defect, complaint, or other physical or mental condition by attendance, advice, device, diagnostic test, or other means or offering, undertaking, or attempting to do or holding oneself out as able to do any of these acts.” So, if you have been helped by anyone that has reversed Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, Auto Immune condition or even a cold or a flu response—they were practicing medicine without a license. It is the realm of the medical doctor only to help you with your health. (The bold words are mine for emphasis.) Although this law is old and rarely enforced, the fact that it is on the books above as stated can lead to prosecution and fine for anyone who has recommended anything that would promote health in another individual. If you offered someone a mint because they had bad breath—you’d be practicing medicine without a license because halitosis is a medical condition! If you offered a hot water bottle to a woman who was having cramps—you’d be practicing medicine without a license. If you offered someone who was thirsty a drink of water—you’d be practicing medicine without a license because dehydration is a medical condition. It doesn’t matter whether you named it or not! There is a penalty of monetary fines and even jail sentences that have been served by people who were simply trying to help others. If you think this is wrong, then help us get protected with a Health Freedom Law. We need people in areas all over Michigan who will be willing to be team leaders; people who will put up brochures for MNHC in Health Food Stores, Farmer’s Markets, and other areas that people go to seek better health. We need to network across the state to create a critical mass of understanding about how our health freedom is in jeopardy. If you live in other states, you too must band together and understand where your state legislators stand on health freedom. Some states have passed a Health Freedom Bill and others are working on it. Nature’s Sunshine is not only a leader in Nutritional supplements but it also is a leader in our defense of health freedom. They have been there to support us and they will be helping us fight this battle as well. This past Saturday 130 of us attended a health seminar promoted by Nature’s Sunshine and presented by Julie DeVisser. We learned a tremendous amount of information to be able to help ourselves and others get healthy. According to our Michigan law—a whole lot of unlawful activity was done that day. We shared recipes on how to increase energy, support low thyroids and exhausted adrenals; we learned how parasites suck the health out of us; we learned how poor digestion is being suppressed with medications that make the pharmaceutical industry wealthy and us sick. The voices of many can be heard a whole lot better than just the few. I will only send out this one request via my Monday morning eGram but send it I do—Please help us protect your right to choose your health path! Donations can be sent to: MNHC 8950 Shepardsville Rd. Laingsburg MI 48848. If you want to become a member, the suggested Consumer amount is $5.00 for a year; Student of Natural Health $25.00; Professional $200.00 annual and Corporate/Business $300.00. (these can be made in monthly installments). We are also looking into revising and updating the website: www.MNHC.info to include credit card payments. We are also looking into getting a dot com or dot org name. I spent 8 hours yesterday, including travel time, attending a meeting of the MNHC and have been elected Secretary. It certainly wasn’t because I have time on my hands. I want to protect the freedom of my grandchildren to choose their health care and not worry about a practionor being hauled off to jail and their files confiscated because they were “practicing medicine without a license”. Licenses do not protect you—look at the licensed professionals that are killing people daily. Freedom to choose people who do no harm and use common sense practices that have been time-tested will protect you from those whose only answers lie in poisoning, cutting or burning you. Make the right turn—set Health Freedom in motion. Thanks for reading this! Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.