| This newsletter changes weekly so be sure to keep coming back for information on current health topics that can help you maintain and regain health. Also--check out the free Webinar classes you can join by just clicking on the link sent to you via email!
The opinions and statements listed below are not meant to medically advise, diagnose, prescribe or in any way eliminate the need for specific professional advice. For specific concerns see a recognized authority regarding your health. Mary Born, ND
Welcome to my Monday Morning eMessage!
Good Morning!
The Disney version of “The King and I” has the king saying to Anna, “It is a puzzlement”. I didn’t realize it was a true word but according to Wikipedia it means to be dazed or stunned. Someone sent me an email that showed how “doctors preferred Camel cigarettes”. It went on to state that they were mild tasting and good for the nervous system. Unfortunately, many people bought into this advertising claim. It was one of the ways Americans became hooked on smoking.
Another way was to have famous people smoking in films making you want to emulate them. The advertising industry has very clever people working for them. They are paid by companies to promote product. They are not necessarily paid to give you the truth. The unfortunate truth is that we find out these harmful facts years later when the danger is at crisis level. Most people will recognize that smoking is bad for you but it is difficult to quit.
With all the advertising about the harmful effects of cigarettes (50 years too late), I still find it a puzzlement to see parents smoking in a car with children in it. Oh sure, they have the window cracked open—as if all the smoke is actually going to go out that small exit! There is an ad on Youtube for “a smoke-free Utah” showing a doctor examining a young child with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Did anyone back then stop to think about it being harmful?
So, how long will it take before we laugh at some of the things we do now that we take for granted? How many years do people have to be ravaged by chemotherapy before the FDA says its risk/benefit ratio is more risk than benefit? When will we recognize our eating habits are making us sick? When will we stop paying industries like Monsanto and the Pharmaceutical industry to poison us? Do some of these questions puzzle you? How can we believe that a poison will actually cure us?
Yes, there is homeopathic medicine—Like Cures Like. I guess it is the dose that matters. The difference is that, in homeopathic medicine one can hardly find, if at all, the original substance used. It is based on the energy of that substance. This is quite different than administering the actual harmful substance (drug). In homeopathic medicine the more diluted a substance is the more powerful it becomes ergo the X (6X, 30X, 100X).
By the 18th century, the medicinal properties of opium and laudanum were well-known. Several physicians, including John Jones, John Brown, and George Young, the latter of whom published a comprehensive medical text entitled Treatise on Opium extolled the virtues of laudanum and recommended the drug for practically every ailment. If a woman was having her menses and mood swings she got dosed with laudanum. Many people were addicted to the easily obtained substance.
My next class in Southfield is about natural Pain relief and you can bet we won’t be discussing cigarettes, drugs or laudanum as options. There are different types of pain and there are different ways to help alleviate pain. Pain, in general, is an indication that there is inflammation and congestion. Using a substance to kill the message, or deaden the nerves, is not the answer. Sometimes we have to ask—why? Getting to the root cause is the basis of natural medicine. It is not enough to recognize a disease. It is more important to ask, “why is the body presenting these symptoms”?
Even emotional pain has a root cause. I’m not talking about an acute situation as in when someone you love dies. It is normal to feel loss, bewilderment, and pain. However, even in these circumstances there are remedies to help move the energy so it doesn’t become blocked. Essential oils help tremendously in alleviating emotional pain as well as physical pain. Pain has a lot to do with energy. When we are in pain it drains our energy. We become lethargic. Perhaps it is a normal response to help us heal.
Chronic and long standing pain can become dibiliating, depressing and energy depleting. This type of congestion needs help in being dispursed. Sometimes we become numb and have to push through pain to get to experience life again. In doing the emotional healing work I do, I’ve seen people who have supressed pain for years. It has caused them difficulty in relationships, personal success and of course, happiness.
To experience Joy and Wonderment is the result of pushing through emotional pain; it is the reward for being steadfast. How quickly the journey goes depends on many variables: support, encouragement, determination, etc. Proper nutrition is high on the list of support. Giving the body what it needs to rebuild will help the process of healing. Another is to stop putting in the body that which is not “healthful”.
Some inflammatory substances include sugar, drugs, toxic thinking, non-foods, and many chemicals. The more good you put in the body the better it will respond. The puzzlement is: what is good for the body? We are told milk is good for the body and yet I find it to be one of the most congesting of foods (unless it is raw from cows fed grass). The milk we find now in stores is a delivery system for antibiotics and toxins picked up by what the cows eat. We know that nursing moms have to be careful about what they eat because it passes through the milk. Why haven’t we made the connection in cow’s milk?
How do herbs work? How can they support many body functions at once? Which herbs have analgesic (pain killing) properties? If you attend one of the Health Education Day workshops you will discover the answer to these questions and learn all about the health benefits of herbal remedies. In Michigan the next all-day class will be held on April 25th in Ann Arbor.
The first half of the day will be an immersion in herbal understanding. The afternoon will be learning about the connection between Candida and chronic diseases as well as a close look at the brain and what can be done to help it be healthy. Dr. Daniel Amen wrote the brain portion of the class and if you attend the workshop you will get an audio CD that has a portion of his PBS special about brain health. You can register for this class by calling Nature’s Sunshine: 800-223-8225.
Natural remedies have been around for thousands of years. They’ve been tested on real people just like you. They work with the body and have little or no side effects. Take a class (or classes) so you can understand how nature has a cure. It is time we got back into balance and get off of the “puzzlement” merry go round. Health is not a mystery. It is simple and logical.
Have a Health-filled week!
Remember to register for a class (or Webinar) near you! www.BornForHealth.com I just posted by class on “Stressed—You Can Handle It”. Click on the Webinar tab and follow the link to download onto your computer or iPod.
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment
Call: 248-559-6763.
The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper
medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Soup to nuts
Good Morning!
The five-course meal beginning with soup and ending with nuts gave way to the saying “From Soup to Nuts” which means the whole thing. Or what some may say, “The whole enchilada”. The array of anti-anxiety medication runs this gamut. You can go from Alprazolam to Xanax (which by the way, are the same thing) and the only thing they can offer is temporary relief from anxiety. Most are not for long-term use and yet I have had clients on them for years. The manufacturer will recommend not taking after a certain term, often less than a year and more often less than 6 months.
These medications only numb the symptoms of anxiety. They do not address the cause. Some descriptions allude to a “chemical imbalance” in the brain; however, Dr. Daniel Amen has other views. Dr. Amen, well-known author and Psychiatrist, has developed a scan that shows blood flow and brain activity. One area of the brain may be low in activity and another area too high. These SPECT scans can help determine which medications will work best for a person however, they cost thousands of dollars and there are only four clinics in the United States that does them.
We are excited to be partnering with Dr. Amen and have been for about a year. He has written one of the modules that will be taught at the upcoming day conference being held April 25th in Ann Arbor. When you come to the class you will receive as part of your handouts, a CD that has part of Dr. Amen’s PBS special where he talks about nutrition for the brain. So, even though many of Dr. Amen’s books refer to the proper drug treatment, he has come to realize that feeding the brain proper nutrients can create the same result without the harmful effects of drugs.
I urge you to call and register for this exciting all day class where you will be immersed in the understanding of how herbs work and assist the body in its healing efforts. You will also learn about the insidious threat of Candida. Dr. Jay Vandenheuval from Wisconsin will teach the class and you will love his entertaining style. You will also come away from the all day session with books and CD’s to continue your learning experience. For only $35.00 you will be able to put your health on a healing path like you’ve been wanting to.
More advantages: You will get a special 5% discount on any product order made that day; there will be prizes given throughout the day of free product and, you will receive a media CD that has power point presentations from previous classes as well as the classes presented that day. You will be able to mingle with like-minded people who are interested in health and ways to improve it. Plan to attend this Health Education workshop on April 25th in Ann Arbor by calling Nature’s Sunshine to register: 800-453-1422. You will learn the Soup to Nuts of Natural Healing!
Natural Awakenings magazine had an article on Teen Anxiety in their February issue. The article mentioned how important it is to keep in touch with your teens. Communication is very important – not scolding, but actual loving communication. There is a lot of pressure for teens to explore things that are against most family values. If a teen is strong in who they really are, they will be able to avoid these pitfalls. Be sure to encourage confidence in their ability to make good choices. Encourage them to eat well and take supplements to de-stress their body.
This Wednesday I will be presenting a webinar on Stress—You Can Handle It. I would encourage you to sign up for either the morning session or the evening session so you can learn some practical ideas on how to handle stress with nutrition and other tips. Some of the tips I will be sharing with you actually do not even cost any money! If you register before Tuesday you will receive the free handouts so you can follow along with the presentation.
For the 9:00 morning session:https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/205274957 and for the 6:30 evening session: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/237527848. The class is about and hour and half allowing for questions at the end. I presented this class in Southfield a couple of weeks ago to a packed room and people were very encouraged by what they heard. The Webinar on Wednesday the 25th will have some practical ideas on helping you deal better with stress. According to the Center for Disease Control this country is the top user of all countries of drugs. The top selling prescription drugs are for anxiety and depression. We simply don’t handle well the stress we put on ourselves. There is a direct relationship between the Adrenal glands and stress hormone output. When these “fight or flight” responses occur too often, there is no recovery time for the body. Constant worry about relationships, economy etc. may seem like there is nothing you can do about these—but there is! Let me share with you how to be more effective and less stressed. Take a deep breath and find something to enjoy right this minute!
Remember to register for a class (or Webinar) near you! www.BornForHealth.com
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Good Morning!
Interesting word—Excess; it is a noun, adjective and a verb. The adjective describes a state of above what is necessary or usual. By what that is measured, is not specified. I guess we determine what we think is excess and what is normal. For some people eating until one is full is considered excess. For many people spending more than their income is normal. Not sure how you can balance that out, but it isn’t realistic to spend more than you have. The ready availability of credit cards has made this happen.
One of the things I struggle with is throwing out stuff I don’t need anymore. I am a true consumer! Or, is it collector? I love stuff! I love books—thank God for libraries or I’d be deluged with books. I have two lists: books I want to read and books I’ve read. My husband and I have taught our whole family to be readers. We consume books. Some might call it excessive. I often will have 4-5 books going at the same time: one or two educational book, a romance, a mystery and maybe a motivational book of some sort. I probably read 4-5 books a week depending on how many pages there are in the books I’m reading.
On the other hand, I watch very little TV. When I listen to the radio, its generally to classical music. I often am listening to educational CDs in the car. I know other people watch excessive amounts of TV, 3-4 hours per day. I know of other people who have it on from the minute they start their day. I find it interferes with my thoughts so I don’t like a lot of sound when I’m thinking. The same with my computer—I try to be reasonable with my time on it. I’m not much into chatting on it and I really dislike emails that “take up my time” with stupid messages.
I use my computer for business primarily. I love helping people who have questions regarding health. I have been known to spend several hours in a day taking or giving Webinars. And of course, I enjoy writing health messages. It makes my mind work. When I concentrate on healthy issues, it helps me focus on health for myself as well.
Excess the verb denotes shedding such as dieting to get rid of excess weight. I’ve heard of an employer saying that this economy was an excuse to remove “the dead wood” of his company. “Some people aren’t contributing to the growth of the company and so now they go on unemployment.” For those who have been laid off and hurt by the economy, it is a difficult thing to put your heart and soul into a company only to see that you are looking for a job in your late 40s or 50s.
When your income takes a drastic hit you need to re-evaluate where you spend your money. Since I worked all day on Saturday beginning with a 7am web meeting and got home around 6pm, my husband took me out to dinner. This isn’t our usual Saturday night event. I like to cook and I know it is healthier for us and saves money. I was astounded as to the amount of people in the restaurant. We had to wait 20 minutes to be seated. Many people came in with young children.
Eating out is twice as expensive as eating in. So, if we are going through a tough economy, why aren’t people eating in? We’ve become accustomed to spending money for entertainment, food and such thinking it normal. Is it excessive? I would much rather have good home cooked meals than most restaurant meals. Of course when I’m tired I’d rather someone else cook it for me. But, I sure wouldn’t open a can of food and microwave it. I don’t consider that home cooking. If we can do one thing for our children it is to teach them the value of eating wholesome foods prepared with love.
Taking supplements is a lot cheaper than getting sick! So, my husband and I are firm believers in not only eating healthy food whenever possible, but supplement to make sure you’re getting the nutrition your body needs to obtain and maintain good health.
Many people like to do cleansing. It is a way to get rid of the excesses of a winter sedentary life. Cleaning out the body of unhealthy residue is a good idea. My favorite cleanse is the Chinese Tiao He cleanse. It helps to detoxify the blood, liver and colon. An interesting article on cleansing can be found on my friend Steven Horne’s website. The article is called: Let Go Of It, Cleansing One’s Life. I think you’ll enjoy it and perhaps discover some of the excesses we carry around from past experiences. Sometimes emotional baggage bogs us down and we need to dump it so we can open up for more healthful experiences. Also, you can view my class on colon health: http://drop.io/ColonHealth
Excess the noun is defined as going beyond expectations. Excelling is what separates who wins 1st place and who gets 2nd place. This can mean more money, more prestige, more notice, more, more, more! We can fall into a rut of continually wanting more for the way it makes us feel. Maybe we feel more acknowledged, more successful, more important, whatever…it is often excessive. Some people get so caught up in the competitive game that they don’t recognize that it is really bringing them out of balance in other areas of their life.
Some people never achieve success because they give just below the degree needed to attain the level that success will bring. An interesting 3-minute video can be found: http://www.nc212movie.com/ Nightingale Conant has tons of inspirational and motivational media to help a person attain success. I’ve enjoyed many of the books, DVD’s etc. put out by them. Anyone who watches Olympic events, Sports etc. can understand how close a person or team can get and still not come home with the big prize.
Lastly, I would like to put it all together by saying we first have to metabolize what we have. Metabolism is the sum total of all the chemical reactions in the body, plus the sum total of all our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and experiences. This is in part being grateful for what we have and how important relationships are rather than things. Next, decide what we have in our life that is in excess. Then we need to make some decisions on what to get rid of and how that will take place. If we understand that this excess creates a huge amount of stress on our body and mind, and that by getting rid of it we will be healthier, perhaps the decision will be easier.
Happy Spring Cleaning!
Remember to register for a class (or Webinar) near you! www.BornForHealth.com
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment
Call: 248-559-6763.
The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper
medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Good Morning!
In Chinese medicine, winter is a time of introspection. We become “Inner” focused. Here in Michigan the weather assists us in keeping us indoor and snuggled up. Perhaps this idea doesn’t go over well for those who dislike quiet and self-examination. Before renewal can take place however, one must ask what it is you want to see expressed.
Winter into spring is like an unfurling of a flag. If you don’t already know what the flag looks like there is anticipation. And if you know what to expect and you like it—there is anticipation. If you know what it is like and you don’t like it…
Dreading spring because one has allergies must be horrible (but that’s another issue). I love the unfurling of spring. I anticipate each swollen bud and the various colors as they become evident. Take the willows for example. The very first color is a brownish gold appearance. Next is a golden color and then it ripens to a gold-green until finally it is a lovely spring green as the leaves emerge. When the willow hits the golden color I start looking for signs of crocus and starflowers. These low-lying flowers are some of the many signs of spring.
My granddaughters and I were talking about spring and some of its signs the other day. Sort of like our version of You know your from Michigan routine. You know it’s spring when you get into your car and find you can’t see through your window because the birds have been busy in the tree you parked under. You know it’s spring when you run out for a breath of fresh air only to find out a skunk has been visiting the area. You know it’s spring when the snow melts and you find all those places the dog has relieved itself during the winter. I’m sure you might have a few to add to these. If so, send them my way and I’ll post them on my website (G rating only please).
We have a garden of ferns just outside our front door and in the spring fiddleheads emerge and start to unfurl. I’ve actually cooked these and they have a taste somewhat like asparagus. Ferns are one of our oldest plants. They first appeared in the fossil record over 300 million years ago. When you pick food fresh like this there is less chance of bacteria growing on it. I soak mine in about a gallon of water with 3-4 drops of Sunshine Concentrate swished in it. Then I rinse them well and saute them in a smidgen of olive oil for a few minutes—sprinkle with lemon juice and enjoy!
With Spring comes tax time. Getting all your records together and reporting your earnings to the government is stressful. Even if you have someone prepare your taxes—you still have to get all the information together for them to fill out the forms. This month’s theme is all about handling stress so that it doesn’t deter your health. The kick off for most of my classes is my Southfield live class I do on the 2nd Saturday of the month. I also do this class via Webinar on the 4th Wednesday of each month. You can always check my website for information on both of these venues. www.BornForHealth.com If you live downriver area—check out our class given at the Total Health Food store in Southgate (class held on the 3rd Monday of the month).
My calendar of events is what automatically pops up as the first page you see. Then you can click on the Webinar tab to find out how to register for that free class if you can’t make the Southfield or Southgate live classes. I also record classes and you can either purchase the audio CDs and handouts for the class for $15.00, or click on the video version link from my website.
The process of unfurling can be applied to any new endeaver. Many people have lost their jobs durng these economic times. There are always those people who succumb to the fear of what will happen when the money runs out. In the book: The Biology of Belief…by Bruce Lipton, states that 95% of what people suppose will happen, never does. Those people who live in the “what ifs”, put such undo stress upon their health that they actually can make themselves sick.
If you come to my class in Southfield I will show you a technique I teach on “how to worry without harm”. I know I can’t tell people not to worry—that’s just stupid! It is natural to worry. We aren’t a bunch of Pollyannas. But unconstructive worry is destructive worry. Are you frozen in fear, or are you figuring out a plan of action? What if you considered this an opportunity for growth and fulfillment? Discover your neighborhood library. They are Free, warm (or cool in summer), and a wealth of information in many forms.
Do you like helping people? I have one of the most rewarding jobs around. I have a good income yes, but the best is when people tell me how their lives have changed for the better. NSP has been the tool that has helped me be a successful health professional. I pass on information to you for little or no cost whenever possible. I get countless emails back telling me how a suggestion has benefitted a person or family member. Sharing is the key element in Nature’s Sunshine. If you want to share and support better health in those you care about as well as earn an income from doing it (and there isn’t anything wrong with that!); then let me know. I would love to talk to you about the 500 manager opportunity going on now and will end July 31st 2009.
Some people say they don’t want to sell. I don’t know how selling got such a bad name. Everyone sells. Your dentist sells nice smiles; your doctor sells—big time! It’s called Capitalism. It is what runs our country—an exchange of goods for money. You sell every time you recommend a movie or book—you just don’t get paid for it. Other people profit from your exchange of information: the movie theatre; DVD store; rental places; bookstore etc. What I have learned is that, “Something for nothing is worth nothing”. The more value placed on something the more people want it—Human nature. I didn’t make the rule.
Now there are a few things that bend the rules. This eGram for one—you don’t pay me for it but it does have perceived value. Especially when you find something of interest in it and say, “I could use that”. Maybe you never heard of Sunshine Concentrate and now I’ve tweaked your interest in trying this all natural soap. Maybe you’ll look into a class or two I’ve mentioned. I don’t necessarily do this eGram to sell product but to give out information on natural solutions. I do it also because it fills a creative need in me to express ideas, spread hope, and perhaps help people be healthier (and with the 500 manager—financial solutions). Maybe you’re just entertained for a few minutes. And that’s okay too because it took your mind off of your worries!
Remember to register for a class (or Webinar) near you! www.BornForHealth.com
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment
Call: 248-559-6763.
The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper
medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Another source of Mercury
Good Morning!
Recently I was in a restaurant and observed a family of two adults and two children sit down at a table near me. The children were very disruptive and couldn’t seem to sit still; banged their feet against the bench of the booth; yanked things out of each other’s hands; shouted at each other and seemed to have the attention of the whole restaurant except for the two people who accompanied them. I assume that their behavior was so commonplace that the parents didn’t recognize it as unacceptable.
The little girl of the “team” began ripping off the seals of the little jelly tubs and eating the contents by popping the mixture directly into her mouth—non-stop. So that in just a few minutes she had about 10 opened and empty containers in front of her. I could hardly believe my eyes. I have two granddaughters who before they would even reach for a jelly container on a table in a restaurant would ask for permission first. They recognize that sugar is not a wholesome food and is a treat. No way would they think of popping it into their mouth! It would be spread on bread or toast using perhaps half the container; of course neither of them are over weight either.
The children continued to be ignored while the parents discussed what they were going to have for breakfast etc. and then finally looked at the children to find out what they were going to order. Upon seeing the pile of empty jelly tubs, the mother simply scooped them up and handed them to the waitress. Finally, the noise settled down and I was able to concentrate on my book and eat my breakfast. When their meal arrived it came with more commotion. Each child had ordered hot chocolate and a waffle loaded with whipped cream. I might add that both children were on the chubby side as were the parents.
I am very proud of my grandchildren and enjoy taking them with me to many places. We talk and laugh and have engaging conversations. I felt very sorry for those children in the restaurant because they were crying for attention. They needed to be heard. They fed themselves comfort food in an effort to assuage their hurt feelings of being ignored. I see this too often. Children need to feel important. They also need to know what is acceptable behavior. We are big proponents of “Parenting with Love and Logic”. If you are having difficulty with parenthood, this book will have some great guidelines of raising children.
So, now about the new found source of Mercury. Almost all jellies and preserves put into individual serving tubs are made with HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) not sugar. Home made jam and jelly are made with sugar. Sugar is not very healthy but at least it doesn’t contain Mercury. A recent study showed that 50% of all HFCS has Mercury in it at levels considered toxic. The way HFCS is made: use mercury laden caustic acid to separate corn syrup from cornstarch. It is the cheapest way to separate these and make a highly refined sugar that is many times sweeter than regular sugar.
What products have this ingredient? HFCS is found in sweetened beverages, breads, cereals, breakfast bars, lunchmeats, yogurts, soups, salad dressings and condiments. On average, Americans consume about 12 teaspoons per day of HFCS. Consumption by teenagers and other high consumers can be up to 80 percent above average levels. Mercury toxicity is cumulative. This means unless you take specific steps to detox, the mercury never leaves the body and simply accumulates in the cells.
For fetuses, infants and children, the primary health effects of mercury are on neurological development. Even low levels of mercury exposure such as result from mother's consumption methyl mercury in dietary sources can adversely affect the brain and nervous system. Impacts on memory, attention, language and other skills have been found in children exposed to moderate levels in the womb. So, if a mom has mercury fillings and is constantly chewing gum some of those mercury vapors being rubbed off the filling may be affecting the baby she carries.
Now add a few mercury-laden vaccines to the previously absorbed mercury and along the way eating jellies, breads and pop—is it any wonder our children can’t sit still or think clear thoughts? We do not have a Ritalin deficiency in this country. We have a nutrition deficiency! By the way if you think all vaccines have had mercury taken out—think again. “It is still in limited use as a preservative in multi-dose flu and tetanus vaccines and a few other non-childhood vaccines.” Unfortunately the preservative they now use in childhood vaccines contains aluminum—a known contributor to Alzheimer's and other brain function conditions.
It is recommended to use a natural vitamin and mineral supplement while using Heavy Metal Detox to help the body get rid of these toxins. It is best done slowly. The bottle recommends taking 1 at two meals per day. However, I feel you should start at only one per day for a couple of days and then you can take two (one at two different meals) per day. Many natural health consultants agree that taking fiber in the morning before breakfast and again at night before bed is a good idea to help the body get rid of stored heavy metal toxins while doing the Heavy Metal Detox.
Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, nichol and arsenic are generally stored in fat cells. Fiber attracts fat cells and helps to remove them through the intestinal system. The usual protocol involves: enzymes with meals; a vitamin/mineral supplement such as Super Supplemental twice a day and fiber away from meals along with lots of water in between meals. Usually there is no discomfort involved in doing the cleanse this way. Headaches will occur if you do not take enough water (remember we are detoxing mercury which has an affinity to the brain—lots of fat there!)
Heavy Metal detox by Nature’s Sunshine has cilantro, Magnesium, alpha lipoic acid, N-acetyl cysteine and alginic acid that help to bind heavy metals and clear them out of the body while supporting healthy liver function. Combined with the other ingredients this product can aid in the removal of toxins from the cells. This isn’t a 10 day cleanse. Some people will find they need to do this program for several months. As their thinking becomes clearer and memory slowly returns, the cleanse can be reduced or discontinued and perhaps done for a month out of the year. Of course, you want to be diligent about not adding Heavy Metals in – so no more HFCS!
Organic Consumers Association alerted me to this information. They are a great resource for what’s happening with our food and with making our voices heard. The report they quote, "Not So Sweet: Missing Mercury and High Fructose Corn Syrup," by David Wallinga, M.D., Janelle Sorensen, Pooja Mottl and Brian Yablon, M.D., can be found at: www.iatp.org.
The world’s best nutritional supplements can be found at Nature’s Sunshine. I’m looking for people to spread the word about natural health. Are you interested in learning and earning while sharing? Come and join our group of Amazing People. You can download the Webinar that was presented on Feb. 28th at 10am and it will come up in Window’s Media Player. Play at your convenience. This opportunity to earn and learn will end July 31st. Those who join in March will earn the most. NSP the 500 Manager http://drop.io/nsp_500
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment
Call: 248-559-6763.
The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper
medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
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The Basics
Good Morning!
The ABC’s of good nutrition involve Activating the healing response, Building with good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle while Cleansing the body of impurities. This is the basic program that will create health. Activating the healing response means to utilize the nutrients you take in for cellular support. It isn’t enough to take in good food. You must have the ability to break that food down into usable nutrients and set the healing response of the body in motion.
If you have poor digestion, you have a poor ability to get nutrients where they need to go. Working on digestion is one of the basics in good health. Most of us do not have good digestion. It is worsened by taking things that interrupt good digestion such as medications that shut off the proton pump’s ability to create the correct environment for digestion. Proton pump inhibitors stop the production of Hydrochloric acid that creates the right pH for good digestion. Antacids interrupt digestion by alkalizing the stomach. The pH of the stomach should be around 3.0 to help efficiently turn food into usable nutrients. When the pH of the stomach is too high the food sits in the stomach and rots causing fermentation and gas. This is the gas that burns the esophagus, gives you bloating sensations and makes you feel miserable. The temporary relief you get from the medication is actually contributing to the problem.
Working on correcting the cause—poor digestion, is the key to health. Some herbs that help are ginger, peppermint and lemon. These help to speed up the process of digestion. There is no time in this email to go into each of these herbs and how they help with digestion but taking a basic herbalist class will help you understand better.
The upcoming Health Education Series will do just that. The morning will be spent helping you understand 7 herbs and their actions. Keep the dates (in Michigan): April 25th in Ann Arbor, October 10th Traverse city, and October 24th in Southfield clear in your calendar! For other states check out the NSP Website that gives the dates of these all day seminars. It is well worth the fee of $35.00 for the entire days classes, Booklets, CD’s and media CD! I try to attend each one that even comes close to my area. They are so informative and fun.
After you support digestion with activating herbs and digestive supports you are on to building the body. Each minute of the day our body is creating cells. Whether those cells grow healthy depends on the nutrients available. The health of the cell also depends on the removal of toxins. So, Building and Cleansing have to be done consistently. We build the body with tonic herbs and high-density foods. High-density foods generally have two things that help to keep calories low and satiation high when eating them: water and/or fiber.
Fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains are the heading for high-density foods. These are the basic nutrients for health. The more processed a food is the lower the energy for health. A fresh raw apple has both water and fiber but apple juice has no fiber. So, you drink more calories with the juice than you would eat with an apple. The fresh apple is better for you because the fiber can help clean out toxins whereas the juice won’t.
The basics for good health include the best available quality of food you can get. Even at that you can’t be assured that you will give your body all the nutrients it needs to create healthy cells and eliminate toxins. So, most people dedicated to health will take supplements. These supplements should include not only vitamins and minerals but also some antioxidants and it is best utilized if there are some whole foods included. Now, if the supplement was only whole food it would have to be the size of a cabbage—nobody could swallow it.
So, concentrating the nutrients is what supplementation is all about. By condensing the nutrients it is possible to downsize the amount of calories and upsize the nutrient value. Some companies will use synthetic vitamins to downsize nutrients. Studies show that when you take synthetic supplements you can actually create nutrient deficiencies. This happened in the study done years ago when using a synthetic form of vitamin E. The study proved that by taking synthetic vitamin E you actually increase your risk for heart disease.
These studies are set up to prove that vitamins should not be taken. There is a movement by the drug industry to discredit the supplement industry because they see the tide turning. People are sick of taking medications that have a ton of side effects and do not address the real cause of disease. Many people are finding that by addressing nutrient deficiencies they can eliminate symptoms and address the cause of their conditions. Look at who sponsors the studies and whether their interest lies in keeping you sick or actually helping you stay well. Hospitals do not flourish when people are well and neither do doctors. The drug industry is laying off people because their drugs aren’t selling! The supplement industry is actually showing much promise during these hard economic times. Staying healthy is much cheaper than getting sick. (More comfortable too!)
Going cheap with supplements is not the answer to health. Fish oil can be contaminated with mercury and other heavy metals. Some vitamins pass whole through the digestive system and are excreted without doing anything! Other supplements actually create deficiencies because the body doesn’t recognize them as nutrients. I have trusted Nature’s Sunshine for over 22 years. They test for contaminants and do not accept anything but the highest quality. They mix their formulas in house and do not depend on others to do it for them. Many companies just slap a label on a product and let someone else manufacture it.
Recently a well-known supplement company came to NSP and asked them if they would produce their supplements for them because they could not meet the new Good Manufacturing Process restrictions. NSP declined! Nature’s Sunshine has been meeting GMP methods for years—they didn’t need a law to push them toward practicing high quality. The FDA is constantly at the plant checking to make sure they are still meeting these requirements. NSP always gets a glowing report. You look on any supplement website and let me know if you find another company that gives you a virtual tour of the manufacturing facility and/or talks about the measures they take to insure quality. Oh, they may spout quality but what measures do they take to insure it?
So, when doing the basics for good health, consider the quality and savings you get by being a member of Nature’s Sunshine. Remember that part of the money you spend for those supplements help pay for quality in growing, formulation, production and manufacturing. You are paying for a qualified scientist to run tests to insure quality; field representatives to make sure it is grown and picked according to specifications; and Pharmacognocists who determine the sense of a formula. When it comes to your health don’t purchase by price alone!
This week I’ll be doing two webinars on Colon cleansing. Be sure to attend either the morning class or the evening class. Anyone registered by Tuesday will receive a PDF of the handouts free. Take time to register now: http://www.bornforhealth.com/webinars.html Learn whether you need to jumpstart spring with a good cleanse or not. Learn what kind of cleanse you should do. Learn what herbs stimulate or relax and when each is important to take. Also learn why daily cleansing and keeping the colon healthy is important for good health.
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment
Call: 248-559-6763.
The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper
medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Milk smile
Good Morning!
This past weekend we celebrated Valentine’s Day. It’s also heart health month. Given the fact that prior to 1900, very few people died from heart disease. The introduction of hydrogenated cottonseed oil in 1911 (as Crisco) helped begin the move away from healthy animal fats, and toward the slow, downward trend in cardiovascular health from which millions continue to suffer today. In one century we went from hardly knowing there was such a thing as heart disease to having it be the number one killer. Thank you fake food industry!
In the early 1900’s milk from cows was safe. It wasn’t pasteurized or homogenized. The cream rose to the top and was relished by the first to open the glass bottle. It was whipped and put on or in desserts. You had to shake up the milk each time or get yelled at because the bottom of the jug was “watery” (now purchased as 2%).
All fats cause our stomach lining to secrete a hormone (cholecystokinin or CCK), which, aside from boosting production and secretion of digestive enzymes, let's us know we've eaten enough. With that trigger removed, non-fat dairy products and other fat-free foods can potentially help contribute to over-eating. And we simply don’t get that feeling of satiation.
Approximately two thirds of the fat in milk is saturated. Good or bad for you? Saturated fats play a number of key roles in our bodies: from construction of cell membranes and key hormones to providing energy storage and padding for delicate organs, to serving as a vehicle for important fat-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K); unlike water-soluble vitamins that need regular replacement in the body, are stored in the liver and fatty tissues, and are eliminated much more slowly than water-soluble vitamins. They’re still considered essential which means we have to eat them—the body doesn’t manufacture them. We are hearing more and more about the wonders of vitamin D3 and how we need more of it in the diet. What is put in milk is D2—a synthetic version of D that is not well utilized by the body and may cause us to become deficient in this important nutrient.
Raw milk is milk in its natural (unpasteurized) state. Public health authorities advocate pasteurization to destroy any disease-producing bacteria that may be present. When milk is pasteurized it is heated to “destroy bacteria” but actually it is killing the enzymes that help you digest the milk. Pasteurized milk goes bad—raw milk sours and becomes usable in its fermented form. The fermented form has many beneficial bacteria in it that would have been killed off if pasteurized.
Probiotics are good bacteria that should inhabit our intestines. Antibiotics, medications, chemotherapy, chlorine, caffeine and stress kill them off. Yogurt helps to put back some of the good bacteria. However, commercial yogurt has sweeteners and fillers and does a very poor job of helping the colon regain health. Without these beneficial bacteria we are more susceptible to things like salmonella and yeast infections. Bad bacteria displace the good bacteria and make it difficult for our immune system to be healthy.
There are many health benefits to home made yogurt. Most homemade yogurt is drinkable and not full of gelatin to help it become thick. This drinkable form of yogurt is wonderful in smoothies and can help contribute to good digestion. Check out my simple recipe for Yummy Yogurt on my website. Add it to your favorite smoothie for nutrient density.
I know it isn’t possible for everyone to make their own yogurt and purchased yogurt doesn’t have enough beneficial bacteria to support healthy intestinal systems, so my recommendation is that we all take probiotics on a daily basis to help our bodies support not only post digestion but also immune support. Probiotics also aid in nutrient absorption.
Probiotics may also be of use in maintaining urogenital health. Like the intestinal tract, the vagina is a finely balanced ecosystem. The dominant Lactobacilli strains normally make it too acidic for harmful microorganisms to survive. But the system can be thrown out of balance by a number of factors, including antibiotics, spermicides, and birth control pills. Probiotic treatment that restores the balance of micro flora may be helpful for such common female urogenital problems as bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, and urinary tract infection. So, douche with a half-cup of unflavored yogurt and warm water to recreate the correct flora balance (not more than once a week).
NSP has several types of probiotics that you can choose from that are not milk based in case you want that. I generally will use one bottle of Probiotic Eleven and then switch to Bifidophilus and go back and forth so that I get the different strains necessary for good gut health. We’ve also given these friendly flora to our babies (grandchildren). Good bacteria help to deter diarrhea and keep a baby’s immune systems healthy. The contents of a capsule can be put on the nipple of a nursing mom or in the formula. When they get older the capsule can be opened and contents placed right in the food.
There has never been an occurrence where someone has overdosed on beneficial bacteria. Generally with adults who have intestinal problems the dose is 2-3 capsules in the morning upon rising and before breakfast and 2-3 at bedtime. These should be taken away from meals as the enzymes and acid in the stomach destroy the good bacteria and we want them inhabiting the bowel and small intestine.
So, not all bacteria are harmful. Many live on our skin to help protect it. That is why using an antibacterial soap is harmful and drying to the skin. It is also why pasteurization of milk is a hot issue. Killing off the good bacteria to sell poor quality milk doesn’t make the milk better for you. Buy top quality raw milk—you won’t become allergic to it and it will provide the enzymes necessary for digesting it. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule and you may be it. In general, most people do very well with raw milk. For more information on this subject check out the Westin Price Foundation website: http://www.westonaprice.org/
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment
Call: 248-559-6763.
The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper
medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
The Handle
Good Morning!
Have you ever seen a magician juggle knives? How about chain saws? It is pretty amazing to see a person juggle something as dangerous as a dagger. This past week over 500 Nature’s Sunshine managers attended Leader’s Conference in Los Angeles. The first evening Frank Miles entertained us with his zany humor and his juggling act. He spoke of life’s lessons.
Pronounced dead after a hang gliding accident, he was revived by EMS technicians – and found himself facing the greatest challenge of his life. He teaches about facing fear, the greatest obstacle to success. Frank demonstrated how when faced with certain options and choices you can put things into perspective in a very short time. You learn what is important; what you can and cannot do anything about and to choose to act on what it is you have the ability to focus on.
When a juggler is throwing knives up in the air in patterns the focus is not on the sharp end—it is on the handle. For it is the handle that one must always be ready to catch! If you focus on the sharp end – that is exactly what will slice up your hand.
In this economy one can focus on the unemployed 10%, or one can focus on the 90% who are employed. How many great books have been written about a life-changing accident that was the pivotal point in a career? Frank talks about courage, priorities and facing your fears. I invite you to watch this little snippet of a show he performed for us: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHFyTLdbN1U Life isn’t about the things you’ve lost or “having it all”. It’s about what you have and being grateful for that.
Having one’s health isn’t important until you don’t have it. Keeping healthy or preventing illness is always on the “back burner” until you are reminded by some event that, without health – nothing else matters. It is horrible to live in pain. Yet, many do. Many of the conditions people die from during these times are preventable. Do we do what it takes to prevent it, or do we focus on the fear that we might get it?
Knowledge is not powerful unless you act on that knowledge in a powerful way. If you knew something yet didn’t act on it—it becomes a paralyzing event. Learn tools that will help you mobilize fear into positive action. Be proactive knowing that each day you can face life with hope, joy and gratitude. And when you focus on these, your life is filled with events that bring you hope, joy and more gratitude. It is a universal law of compensation.
What is blocking your ability to have these three things in your life? Many things throughout history have been scary. What must have it been like during “The Great Depression”? Survival was the focus. And yet many great books have been written about people who turned their lives around during that time. It took courage and will. As the “no worries” flapper woman became the concerned, “how do I feed my family” mom, the years between 1920 and 1930 can give us insight on how people dealt with those trying times.
During these times of depression people learned to share—even if it was part of a loaf of bread. Helping others whose circumstances are worse than yours always gives you a good feeling. Just being supportive to someone can lift his or her spirits. But, offering solutions is even more empowering. Times are shifting. Big businesses are failing. And maybe that’s a good thing.
Corporate America was devastating to the nervous system. It is time we got to know the people who provide us with food, clothing and health. Let’s get back to the first name basis. When you see someone and know him or her by name, you are less likely to cheat that person. Honesty, Integrity and Quality are the way things are done eye to eye. Nature’s Sunshine has always been a “People to People” business. When you call in and order supplements, you talk with a real person.
Our second speaker, Ron McMillan spoke about listening. The great advantage I have in helping people is that I listen. Many doctors know within 35 seconds of seeing you what prescription they are going to write. How can one possibly be heard in that short a time? We each have individual biological differences and there is no human that is cookie cut like someone else. My consultations on the first visit last an hour. During that time I listen to what the person tells me about their diet, lifestyle, health concerns, areas of stress, what they’ve done about their concerns and what it is they want me to help them with. I certainly would not be able to determine their needs in less than a minute!
People often ask me what my procedure is on the first visit. My procedure is to listen. I don’t pre-determine what action I will suggest. I don’t want to hear what others have told you is the problem. I am not concerned about the diagnosis of others—what is it your body is trying to tell us? Where are the deficiencies and how is the body eliminating toxins? What in your environment is adding to the problem? What are you doing currently to assist the body in health? These are what are important in attaining health.
We’ve forgotten how to listen to our body. We want to rely on blood tests and other evaluations to let us know how healthy we are. Feeding the body the nutrients necessary in the functioning and repair of body systems and the removal of toxins attains health. Since most foods are nutrient deficient, we need to rely on taking supplements to maintain health. Taking in nutrients that feed and repair the body can substantially reduce most disease conditions. Scientific research shows that lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, gout, arthritis, heart disease, IBS and stroke are a result of a nutrient deficient diet.
Herbs are concentrated nutrition. Everyone needs a constant supply of vitamins and minerals, essential fats and proteins. We also need to make sure the body is breaking these nutrients down so that the body can use them. I love helping people attain better health. If this is something you would like to do to earn extra income during these difficult times, then attend my webinar on “NSP, the Opportunity” on Thursday February 19th at 7pm EST. You can register for this free class by going to: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/248297153
Come to a live class in Southfield on February 14th from 10:15 to noon. This class will explain how “Once a day is not enough”. We need to eliminate toxins and encourage the body to do so. Come learn how you can assist the body in better health.
Kathy Peltier and I will be sharing a few things we learned at Leader’s Conference. Every one who attends will get to sample the new “Green Tea” xylitol gum that will be launched at National Convention. The first 10 people will get a bumper sticker: A Season of Sunshine! If you haven’t already registered you can call me at: 248-623-2288 or reply to this email that you want to be registered for this class. Fee is only $5.00 and this includes handouts.
Have a Health-filled week! And remember to focus on the handle; it’s the only thing that really matters.
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment
Call: 248-559-6763.
The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper
medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Coming Clean
Good Morning!
Do drugs improve health, or relieve symptoms? In general, most drugs have side effects. This means that they create other symptoms. How can this be healthy? Let’s take metabolic regulators (drugs that lower cholesterol and/or treat diabetes) for an example. We all know the best way to treat and regulate metabolism is with diet. Are you willing to give up your sugar? Whether it is in dessert form or alcohol—it’s still sugar. How about those processed grains—you snack people!
Avoiding sugar, refined grains, processed and prepackaged food, along with saturated fats; while eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, high quality fats and a small amount of organic proteins is the best way to avoid diabetes and keep cholesterol within healthy limits. Many people are not willing to do this. Now add exercise to the mix and you have a large group of rebellious people. Is it no wonder the medical community throws up their hands and says: “here take this pill”.
We are growing fatter and sicker as a society. We’ll pay $4.00 for a bag of chips that isn’t even a pound of potatoes when we could purchase 5 pounds of potatoes for about the same price. The chip industry has capitalized on the “0 trans fats” epidemic that has taken over this country. By putting that on the package one thinks that chips are actually good for you. Saturated fat is harmful!
Remember margarine—some of you may still believe it to be healthier than butter because butter is a saturated fat. Many people do not understand that the process of hardening vegetable oils by artificial hydrogenation creates saturated fat. In fact, the chemical term "saturation" refers to the percentage of carbon atoms in fats that are bonded fully with hydrogen atoms. The more saturated a fat, the higher the temperature at which it will liquefy.
The most significant area of comparison is the different chemical structures of the component fatty acids of the two. Butter is basically a natural product, and its fatty acids are structurally similar to the fatty acids in our bodies. The heat and chemicals used to transform vegetable oils (whether it is a good oil like olive oil or not) into margarine change fatty acids into unnatural forms that may be most unhealthy to eat. So, eating a small amount of organic butter (sans pesticides and other harmful chemicals) is actually helpful in creating good cholesterol. Grass fed cows that produce milk turned into butter is the best butter to buy. This butter is high in Omega oils and we all know how important it is to get Omega 3 EFA.
Healthy fats should be part of our diet so that our body can produce hormones. Our naturally produced steroid hormones that help the body deal with inflammation start out as cholesterol. However, if your LDL is high, your blood becomes sticky and oxidized. One of the ways you can help your body get rid of sticky blood is by eating fiber. There are two basic types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. The soluble fiber will go through the blood stream collecting sticky fat particles and then helps the body eliminate this health hazard.
Insoluble fats help the colon feel full so it can give you the stimulus that you need to go to the restroom. Two wonderful fiber products from Nature’s Sunshine are: LOCLO and Nature’s Three. Both of these contain both types of fiber. LOCLO actually contains more than 3 grams of fiber per serving and is a great addition to a diet. It helps you feel satiated, softens stools and aids in slowing down the pancreas’s insulin production in response to sugar.
Besides the beneficial fibers included in LOCLO are powders of broccoli flowers, turmeric root, rosemary leaf, red beet root, tomato fruit, carrot root, cabbage leaf, Chinese cabbage leaf, hesperidin, grapefruit bioflavonoid and orange bioflavonoid. Nature’s Three includes: psyllium, oat fiber and apple fiber and is only 10 calories per serving. It is great to add to whole grain muffins or a bowl of oatmeal.
Here is the thing—good fats should not be consumed with lots of fiber. If you are doing your fiber supplement with breakfast it is best to do your Omega supplement at another meal. Fiber does not differentiate between good and bad fats—it simply absorbs fat going through the blood stream.
Adding fiber to the diet can apparently shrink pre-cancerous polyps in the lower intestine, reducing the risk of cancer of the colon and rectum, researchers have found. The New York Times printed an article in 1989 stating that there was proof that a diet high in fiber reduced the risk of cancer. That was twenty years ago! When’s the last time you saw an add on TV from the American Cancer Society telling you to eat 30 grams of fiber per day if you want to reduce your risk of cancer?
While you’re adding that fiber in the morning, make sure you are also giving your body friendly bacteria in the form of probiotics. We need billions of these guys helping in post digestion, absorption of B vitamins and supporting the gut receptor sites for serotonin. Most of the people I see who are depressed can improve mood by “coming clean”. Starting the day with a healthy dose of fiber and some probiotics and a large glass of purified water will do wonders for your disposition.
Don’t you find that many people who are grumpy are simply constipated? Perhaps you aught to send this email off to him/her and maybe they will take the hint. Or turn your speaker up on your computer and play this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jKxqPqFfi0. You’ve got to move it—move it! Or, in other words: Coming Clean. Make a daily habit of taking fiber and probiotics for multiple health purposes. Also, make sure you attend the class: Once a day is not enough—Colon Health. The live class will be held in Southfield on February 14th and I will have two Webinars on this class on February 25th. Check my website for registration information: www.BornForHealth.com
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment
Call: 248-559-6763.
The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper
medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Good Morning!
Do you remember Soupy Sales? Many kids remember this zany guy who had the ability to make you laugh just by being silly. Maybe it was the novelty of seeing an adult act like a child. He had a couple of claims to fame: one is that he had more pies in the face than any other TV character and the other is he would spontaneously break out into a dance he dubbed, The Soupy Shuffle. It really wasn’t a shuffle because his legs would fly out all over the place.
You’ve probably seen older people shuffle. They don’t have the balance to take a regular step so instead of picking their feet up they slide them along taking a half step before sliding the next foot. In actuality what has happened is that inactivity has shortened the hamstring muscles. Their posture is one of bent over, head down and shoulders hunched. This doesn’t happen overnight. We must examine our posture and make strides to sit up straight and stand tall.
Walking is a great exercise. However, if one walks with head down all the time you shorten the muscles that hold you erect. Regular Chiropractic care and Massage can help keep your posture healthy, along with working those muscles on a daily basis. Sometimes there is nerve interference and chiropractic gets that back into balance. Sometimes the muscles need to be strengthened or relaxed and Massage can help that.
There is also a nutritional connection to age related shuffling. When the cells of the body are starving for good nutrition they weaken before their time but the body doesn’t have the energy to kick them out or to create a healthy replacement. The funding for Anti-aging drugs is where the big pharmaceutical companies are putting their research dollars. It isn’t about drugs—it’s about nutrition!
Most people, as we age, lose the ability to digest properly. Occasionally it has to do with not chewing the food properly but the big problem is not producing enough enzymes to properly break down the food into usable nutrition. Also, as we age we lose the desire to cook the right kinds of food. We go for the easy pre-packaged food that can be micro waved. Prepared, pre-packaged food has virtually no nutritional value. Even if it did, microwaving the food is putting an added health risk to any benefit it might have.
It really takes very little time to rinse vegetables and then steam them. But, if even that seems daunting you need to at least start your day with a healthy boost and that is why I choose to begin my day with Thai Go. Among the many reasons I drink this drink is the fact it has blueberries in it. According to recent research, blueberries are the only fruit that works with the brain to help strengthen the muscles that support our upright position and navigation. The hippocampus and the cerebellum are connected and hold memories of how it feels to walk upright and feel “well connected”. As cells in the brain die and/or are traumatized, balance is challenged. There are fascinating studies being done on how travel affects these areas of the brain.
Another fascinating theory or hypothesis is, “could we live longer than 140 years”? This work is based on how free radical damage can be prevented and that free radical damage sets up the inflammatory process that lead to age-related disease. Right now we have foods that fight Free Radical Damage! Blueberries, Grape skin and juice, Green tea—there are a whole host of them! New Brunswick Laboratories coined the phrase ORAC (Oxygen Radical Acceptance Capacity). This is a value that they put on specific foods. The higher the ORAC the more Free Radicals it can absorb.
Nature’s Sunshine’s Thai Go is the only drink currently certified by New Brunswick. This certification process occurs when a nutritional food can consistently provide ORAC within a set parameter. The drink must be consistent even after being on the shelf for six months. No other drink on the market has been able to deliver the high ORAC consistently enough to be certified. Thai Go met their lab requirements in 5 venues! Not only ORAC, but also, HORAC (Hydroxyl Reactive Averting Capacity), Phenolics, Bioflavonoids, and Xanthones.
Each of these values fight free radicals that damage cells in specific areas of the body. Taking a full spectrum anti-aging supplement, such as Thai Go can help deter the aging process and may also halt the age-related diseases of our day. Trying to get these in the foods we eat is simply not doable. We don’t eat mangosteen fruit on a daily basis—it’s in Thai Go and Super ORAC. Free radical damage occurs constantly and to fight it we must be diligent. To be diligent we must make a habit out of taking supplements on a daily basis to protect against age related diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, Diabetes, Macular Degeneration, and a whole host of others—even the “old-timer’s shuffle”. Want to learn more about ORAC? Xanthones are showing to be protective in cancer research—Mangosteen is the only fruit that has Xanthones in it. http://www.naturessunshine.com/contentserver/GetMiscFile.axd?id=brochure_SuperORAC.pdf
It isn’t about living to be 140; it’s about being vital to 140. Vitality equals energy. Energy comes from within the cells and we must give the cells the nutrients needed to create good energy. It doesn’t come from stimulating the adrenals with caffeine! What are you doing on a daily basis to deter age-related disease?
This week I’ll be presenting a class on Digestion and the need for keeping this system healthy at Henry Ford Community College, Dearborn Campus. If you want to attend call: (877) 855-5252. Check out my website for more classes and opportunities to learn about health. Thanks for taking the time to read this health message! When you have time—click on the imbedded links to learn more about the specific statements mentioned.
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
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If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment
Call: 248-559-6763.
The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper
medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
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If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Trusted Sources
Good Morning!
Web Md will always side with "the big guys" Just check out who advertises and keeps their website up and running—the drug companies! Occasionally you will find statements that are true, for example the information on Splenda. http://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20050216/dietitians-say-splenda-not-same-as-sugar. Once again we become the guinea pig. FDA approves it while the markets, we the people, get to test its safety. If enough people die they will take it off the market.
One of my trusted sources is "Citizens for Health" http://www.citizens.org/ . They are supported by donations and have no hidden agenda. They point out the factual and make it easy for you to petition against what you deem unfair. I’ve been receiving newsletters from them for years about issues that are important to health.
One study they quote stated, “consuming just seven little Splenda packages reduces good bacteria [in the gut] and that the result is accumulative! So, you don’t have to have them all at one sitting. Splenda is also reported to affect the pathway that many medications use for uptake and therefore your heart medication may not be as affective as your doctor thinks it should be. Why is this still on the market? Why was it allowed sanction by the FDA in the first place? Surely the FDA is not a trusted source. We’ve seen holes in it for years. It is no longer providing safety for Americans.
Not only in food and medication are they not to be trusted to give us the total story but now it turns out medical devices that have been promoted as “life saving” and “cancer preventative” are under scrutiny. Some scientists working for the FDA have expressed major concern about mammography and if it really is all it is supposed to be. In a letter written by scientists about their managers at FDA to the Obama Transition Team, Associated Press reports, “mammography computer-aided detection devices as an example of a technology that should not have gone forward. The devices were supposed to improve breast cancer detection, but instead studies showed they were associated with false alarms that led to unnecessary breast biopsies.”
It is our hope that this new administration will shake up some of the old policies and organizations that have led us to being the worst healthy nation of all the industrialized countries. It isn’t about having medical insurance—it’s about having the truth laid out to the American people about what is healthy and putting money and promotional material behind what is proven to be pro health. If our technology is so great why are there so many people dying of cancer, heart disease and diabetes? Is it about technology or is it about trusted sources.
Even our medical doctors can tell only part of the story. They have a few chosen protocols they can recommend and if they go outside that boundary, the AMA will cut off hospital privileges or take some other disciplinary action. Most will not harm their license to practice to tell you that you may have some alternative to drugs or surgery.
So, we are responsible for finding the answers to our health concerns. It’s about time that what is considered alternative is actually mainstream and what we now have as mainstream becomes alternative. It is ludicrous not to go for an answer that is less harmful before the one that is harmful. It makes no sense to take a drug that has side effects in preference to an herbal remedy that has no side effects! It is about time respect is given to those who understand health and stop giving only recognition to those who understand disease!
“Many people tend to think of breakthroughs in medicine as a new drug, laser or high-tech surgical procedure. They often have a hard time believing that the simple choices that we make in our lifestyle -- what we eat, how we respond to stress, whether or not we smoke cigarettes, how much exercise we get, and the quality of our relationships and social support -- can be as powerful as drugs and surgery. But they often are. And in many instances, they're even more powerful.”
A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that these approaches may even change gene expression in hundreds of genes in only a few months. Genes associated with cancer, heart disease and inflammation were downregulated or "turned off" whereas protective genes were upregulated or "turned on."
We’ve been led to believe for decades that if cancer runs in the family, we are destined to get it. What we haven’t been told is that those genes can be in your body but if you do the right things they will never have the ability to express their harm. I’ve had clients who have had a double mastectomy or organ removal because these types of cancers ran in the family and it was recommended as a “preventive” measure to eliminate the site of the cancer before cancer was even expressed. Women have ovaries removed only to find out they can get ovarian cancer even if they have no ovaries. So surgery is not the answer!
Now here is a fact you may want to know. Gut health depends on a balanced pH and plenty of healthy bacteria. Many things disrupt healthy bacterial balance—even our thoughts! Negative emotions, stress, and bad food along with most medications rob the intestines of friendly bacteria. This void of good bacteria set us up for a myriad of conditions the least of which is poor bowel function and digestive disturbances.
Eating yogurt and smoothies with acidophilus is like seeing the tip of an iceberg. You are not going to affect the majority of the imbalance. We need to have billions upon billions of friendly bacteria inhabiting our gut to deal with the stress and poor diet we deal with on a daily basis. When you consider the proximity of our reproductive organs and the gut you can easily see how these cancers can form due to an imbalance in gut motility.
When there are more harmful bacteria and less good bacteria in the colon, the harmful bacteria start to permeate the intestinal lining. These holes allow harmful microbes to pass through into the blood stream. This process sets up a chain reaction of problems that the immune system cannot handle. One thing you may notice is bloating, gas and diarrhea/constipation. Once these harmful microbes set up housekeeping they harm cells and then tissues in their chosen environment.
To prevent this occurrence one must be vigilant in taking probiotics and enzymes. That is why I harp on the need for enzymes with meals and using probiotics away from meals. In order to get the nutrition out of food and supplements, we need to digest them. Once the nutrients are broken down via enzymes, they need probiotics to assist with the uptake. I have trusted Nature’s Sunshine to provide the best available nutrition for my health and those I care about. If you would like to join a webinar where I explain why, click on this: Reserve your Webinar seat now at: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/620756971 for Thursday, January 22nd, in the evening. Also, I will be doing my webinar on Heart Health this coming Wednesday, January 21st. both in the morning and in the evening. Check my website for registration and details. http://www.bornforhealth.com/webinars.html
Finally, when you really want to know the true answer, find a quiet place and shut off all the voices. Take several deep breaths and determine your choices. Don’t ever follow the choice of fear. If it is right, it will FEEL right. Call it Divine guidance or whatever you want. It is in all of us to make correct choices. I’m not saying it is an easy choice. It is my hope that our new president will make wise choices during his administration and that he too will do it from a place of inner peace and not be coerced by others with a different agenda.
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
Twenty-Four hours
Good Morning!
This eGram is 24 hours later than normal. It is usually Monday morning when I’m writing this however Monday morning I was becoming best friends with my toilet. Yes, I had that 24-hour flu bug. I did exactly what I would have told you to do. Lots of bed rest, drank tomato juice to acidify my system and took lemon enemas to change the environment of my colon. Today I feel much better. I’m still feeling a bit groggy and not up to my usual energy levels but I’m a lot better than yesterday.
Taking a twenty-four hour reprieve from activities and just resting is what I really needed to do. I was simply not allowing myself as much down time as I needed. This is probably the lesson in the whole thing. We need to take time to simply relax and regenerate. The Holidays seem to expend a great deal of energy in all the festivities I love to share in. Of course eating the foods that come along with those festivities probably didn’t help my overall health. So, now it’s back to basics.
One of my mentors in basic understanding of how to maintain health is Steven Horne. He is presenting a series of understanding basic health techniques beginning tonight. If you want to learn from the master I learned from you too will be attending the webinars he will be presenting. This is the link to the registration form: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/579683757 Tonight’s topic is “The Root of the Problem”. If you can’t attend tonight register anyway and then you can later get the link to the recording and listen when it is possible. I think you will love the way Steven takes the complicated and makes it simple to understand.
Health is our wealth. If we don’t take care to insure we are healthy, nothing else is important. When we are sick nothing matters—we just fold into ourselves and feel miserable. Once we start getting better we can recognize all we have to be grateful for. I’m especially grateful for flushing toilets! I’m also grateful for my husband who hurried up his morning regimen to run to the grocery store to pick up some organic tomato juice for me. I’m grateful for the clients who I had to have rescheduled because I was not going to make my usual office hours. Thanks for letting me get the rest I needed.
Learning to nourish the body with good food and water and good restful sleep are basics for helping the body be healthy. We get too caught up in daily activities to cook properly and make nourishing meals. Convenience has taken over for what is healthy. We pop food in microwave ovens thinking it is better to be quick. It really doesn’t take that much more time to steam vegetables. I don’t like micro waved vegetables. Set aside the radiation and the harm it presents—the vegetables don’t seem to stay hot. They are too hot in the beginning to eat and then they’re cold. I like to steam vegetables. In general it takes about 5-6 minutes from getting a small amount of water to boiling stage and then putting a steamer full of vegetables in the pot. Talk about fast meals!
I’ve come to believe that convenience is the opposite of what is healthy. Fast foods have contributed to poor health. Even medical doctors will tell you how eating hamburgers and fries and pizza contribute to heart disease. Eating these foods on a regular basis has made popular such drugs as Prilosec and Pepsid products. That alone should give us a warning. I read recently about the top 11 worse foods of 2008. The list may surprise you but some of them may not. Starbucks signature hot chocolate with no whip was 430 calories—that’s without any food! And the worst fact is that it has 20grams of fat. Consider it dessert and never a morning starter.
One way to start your morning would be with a good smoothie. I like to use a half cup unflavored yogurt, a scoop of RG-Max and two tablespoons of Synerprotein add some ice and pop it in the blender. You have 200 calories that are packed with energy and flavor. It’s a fast way to start your day giving your body the fats, carbohydrates and protein necessary to be healthy while going through your day. Another way is to make oatmeal. I love to put a half cupful of my favorite trail mix into the oatmeal and add a bit of cinnamon. This is the meal I do if I’m not running off somewhere. I can sit and relax and enjoy the oatmeal. I like to put it on a cup warmer and that way it stays warm while I savor my breakfast. Before I do all that though I get my Thai Go and silver in with my probiotics. I usually do those within 15 minutes after rising.
Our bodies need plenty of antioxidants to deal with the stress we give it on a daily basis. Without my servings of Thai Go I know I wouldn’t be able to meet the daily requirements of fruits and vegetables. One serving of Thai Go is worth two servings of fruit! Probiotics and silver help me deal with the microbes I come in contact with on a daily basis. Being healthy means being vigilant and thoughtful. When you stop thinking about health—sickness strikes. If you can make your daily routine healthful by habitually doing what is good for you and not what tastes good; then you will have more health days than sick days.
One of my goals in 2009 is to have only health days. How about you? My twenty-four hour bug could have lasted a week if I didn’t know what to do to help my body get back into balance. Be sure you are learning what you need to be healthy. Take the ABC+D course and learn some basic things every family should know about being healthy. Also, be sure to sign up for my webinars listed on my website: http://www.bornforhealth.com/webinars.html Learn why I trust my health to NSP products.
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
Good Morning!
If you shouted the title of this email in an airport, you’d have security people pulling you aside for questioning. It sounds very much like BOMB! Two extremely different words that have a like pronunciation. In a Monty Python script: The Life of Brian, there is a section where one of the wise men is explaining his gift of myrrh and another who confuses the use: “A balm, what are you giving him a balm for? It might bite him. It's a dangerous animal. Quick, throw it in the trough.”
So, we look at things through our perception. Tom Wilson once said, ‘You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.’ You see, there will always be thorns in life and there will always be roses, but the way you perceive each life situation will dictate your happiness and the level of success that you will attain. What we don’t do is examine why we think the way we do about certain things with an open mind.
You may not have a perceived thought of what a balm is and therefore when I tell you it is an ointment that is soothing—you believe me. If you believe it is a dangerous animal then I have to prove to you that it is not. Of course if I don’t care what you think, I can just let you go on thinking it is something scary! This whole analogy is because there are a lot of people out there who believe that herbs are dangerous. They believe they should be tested like drugs are with double blind and cross over studies in test tubes and against drugs or placebos. What a lot of rubbish!
Herbs have been used for centuries! They’ve proven themselves and recipes have been handed down from one generation to another. Drugs have been around for about 100 years—some of them don’t stick around past the 7-12 years that their patent is good for. Some are off the market in only 5 years because there have been too many dangerous side effects—even though they have been FDA approved. As far as I’m concerned this is not a “gold standard” for testing. Using something for centuries—now that’s testing! Especially when you add that nobody has died from properly recommended uses—EVER!
Getting back to Balm. Why would the Magi give the gift of a balm, in this case Myrrh? The symbolism of the three gifts: Gold, the gift for a king; Frankincense, the gift for a priest; and Myrrh — a burial ointment, a gift for one who would die. Myrrh has a long history of use in religious ceremonies as incense. It was used in embalming bodies.
In Aromatherapy, Myrrh is used as an antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant, sedative and vulnerary. Ancient texts refer to the uses of treating rotten teeth and to encourage faster labor. In present day, Myrrh is used to support immune system health and fight infection. On my website: http://www.bornforhealth.com/newsletter/recipes.html you will find a recipe for dissolving “Thick Mucus” by Larissa Jones, Aromatherapist.
Myrrh gum is used in two ointments that are already prepared for use: Black ointment, which is used topically for warts, boils, abscesses, cysts, and abrasions to help pull out infection. Some people use this as a base for adding dry herbs or essential oils for a medicinal poultice, but it is good to have on hand and use on its own.
Another ointment used for a base or on its own is Golden Salve. This ointment can be used on chapped lips or hands to encourage healing—add a drop of lemon or peppermint for using on the lips and it actually will taste good. Mix the drop in about a teaspoon of the ointment by first putting the ointment in a small container and then take a toothpick to mix in the essential oil for flavor.
The herbal form of myrrh is found in immune supporting supplements such as CC-A, All Cell Detox and Lymph Gland Cleanse-HY. The regular Lymph Gland Cleanse has Golden Seal in it and this product is great for Diabetics as Golden Seal has a tendency to lower blood sugar levels so the HY version is formulated with Myrrh which doesn’t effect blood sugar levels and has similar antibacterial and antifungal properties. Both formulas of Lymph Gland cleanse include capsicum which stimulates production of digestive and mucosal fluids helping with digestion, soothing inflammation and removal of toxins from the body. This is a great “winter formula” to help increase circulation during this sedentary time. It is also great to use to avoid colds and flu.
Recent studies show that myrrh contains volatile oil with many active constituents, which have been found to promote easier breathing especially during congestive colds. Myrrh has been researched in both America and in China and found to be effective against Staphylococcus aureus.
“The hallmark of staphylococcal infection is the abscess, which consists of a fibrin wall surrounded by inflamed tissues enclosing a central core of pus containing organisms and leukocytes. From this focus of infection, the organisms may be disseminated hematogenously, even from the smallest abscess. The ability to elaborate proteolytic enzymes facilitates the process. This may result in pneumonia, bone and joint infection, and infection of the heart valves. In immunocompromised hosts (eg, patients with cancer who are neutropenic and have a central venous line), 20-30% develop serious complications or fatal sepsis following catheter-related S aureus bacteremia.”
Therefore it would be a good idea to take an immune supporting supplement prior to going into the hospital for any reason. While in the hospital it would be a good idea to make a spray of water and the essential oils of Myrrh and Lemon (and you might add Silver Shield) to keep your area clean of infectious spores. Forget antiseptic soaps—they only dry the skin out and are not effective against most disease causing germs. Simply washing with a gentle soap is as effective according to most studies. The spray can be used in hotel rooms, toilet seats, keyboards, phones etc. Anywhere other people may touch or breathe on is a good place to spray.
For those who like exact recipes: Add purified water to the shoulder of a 2 oz. spray bottle; tap in 10 drops of Myrrh and 4 drops Peppermint or Lemon; and ¼ teaspoon Silver gel or Silver Shield—shake and spray. This recipe will help to kill bacteria and fungus on contact within seconds. Use it at work or home. All of the above including the spray bottle is available at Nature’s Sunshine products.
This coming Saturday I will be giving my monthly herbal hour class in Southfield and it is all about the Healthy, Happy Heart. For more information see my website: www.BornForHealth.com. Also, on Thursday evening at 6:30 I will be doing a free Webinar on “What I love about NSP”. You can go to the “Webinar” tab and learn how to attend this one-hour presentation. I will show you how to navigate the two Nature’s Sunshine websites; learn about the manufacturing plant, quality control, financial opportunity, and health benefits of trusting a company that has been in business for over 35 years. By the end of the class you will understand why I love Nature’s Sunshine and use it to protect my health and the health of those I love.
Have a Happy and Healthy week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
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Call: 248-559-6763.
The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper
medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
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If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Good Morning!
As we approach the New Year and look back on the old what we want to keep in mind is balance. Janus, the root word for January, is taken from Roman mythology. Janus is the Roman god of gates and doors (ianua), beginnings and endings, and hence represented with a double-faced head, each looking in opposite directions. He was worshipped at the beginning of the harvest time, planting, marriage, birth, and other types of beginnings, especially the beginnings of important events in a person's life. Janus also represents the transition between primitive life and civilization, between the countryside and the city, peace and war, and the growing-up of young people.
Some would say it represents the hope for what could be, versus the truth, or perception of truth, of what we know. What we “know” is based on what we see and hear and not necessarily fact. What we see can be distorted—just look at what special effects can be applied to make you think that real people can turn into creatures resembling all kinds of monsters. Special effects can be computerized images and not even real people—but made to look real.
Memorex used to have a saying; “is it real or is it Memorex?” We need to ask ourselves this very question when we consider using a product such as a drug or food that may affect our health. We’ve become enured to the warnings given at high paced, low pitch endings to the praises of what a medication will do for you. So much so, in fact, that even when we hear the result of taking said medication may result in death, we think it is still worth not having the symptoms such a medication may relieve.
If you make one resolution this year, make it be: “I will not believe what I hear/see on TV, radio or newspapers unless I figure out who will gain from the statement!”. And then make sure it isn’t the only source of reference you use. When I create these emails I usually try to get three different sources to document what I relay to you. These are usually imbedded in the body of the email via hyperlink. So, all you have to do is hover over the words that are emboldened and click and it will take you to the particular web page where I got the information.
I believe that the FDA is “two-faced”. They are supposed to be protecting us from harmful foods and drugs. Unfortunately they have been infiltrated by the very people who have the most power to harm us. Many FDA officials once worked for drug companies. The University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy itself has strong ties to the drug industry. The school has adjunct professors hailing from just about every major drug company, including Schering-Plough, Novartis, Hoffmann-La Roche and Pfizer. The university is currently conducting clinical trials for vaccines with drug giants GlaxoSmithKline and Merck. How impartial can they be? If they don’t come up with positive information on their drugs, they lose their job!
Yet, you will hear of their positive findings as gospel and the negative findings are not even discussed. The positive findings are then given to the FDA (which does no trials of its own) and they okay the new drug for use. You then become the guinea pig for longevity trials because most of the work was done in a test tube independent of human intervention. No tests are done on how food or other medication may interfere with the effectiveness or safety of this drug until humans test them and die of the consequences.
Another aspect of two-faced protection is that they make you think that natural substances, which have been used by humans for thousands of years are harmful. Why? Because they have a drug that they would rather you use. Many people do not realize that there is no “safe drug”. All drugs have some side effects. (Those are the innocuous words you hear at the end of an advertisement or the full page of 6pt. type on the back of an ad). You usually have to ask your pharmacist for a page listing these side effects and then make sure you have a magnifying glass handy.
Recently I wrote about the American Cancer Society spending your money advertising you need insurance so you can be tested for cancer properly—well here is another concern I have: The ACS is responsible for people slathering sun screen on their bodies and possibly contributing to a skin cancer epidemic. Most sunscreens, up until a couple of years ago, blocked only UVB sunlight. UVB happens to be the way we get vitamin D! They also never warned you that the sunscreen most people use is toxic.
The real story, if you have an hour, can be found on Dr. Mercola’s website in a video presentation he recently gave on the importance of vitamin D3: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/12/16/my-one-hour-vitamin-d-lecture-to-clear-up-all-your-confusion-on-this-vital-nutrient.aspx. In this video Dr. Mercola states that deficient levels of vitamin D is pandemic in our country contributing to the rise in obesity, cancer, diabetes, asthma, auto immune disorders, autism and other age related conditions. He suggests using a “safe tanning bed” that costs about $1000.00. If you use a commercial one you need to inquire about the exposure rates and how they sanitize the bed.
The safest way to take vitamin D3 is through supplementation. It is a sure bet that anyone living in the Midwest during winter is deficient in vitamin D3 and should take a minimum of 2000 IU daily. If you are aged or have dark skin you probably need to be taking upwards of 6000 IU because it is more difficult to absorb vitamin D from the sun. Once you take the vitamin D3 the liver converts it further into a more useable form and then it goes to the kidney for the final addition that makes it an active element necessary for over 2,000 gene expressions.
The problem that may occur is that people who take calcium may not be absorbing the calcium and collect it in serum. When calcium serum levels rise it is more likely you may become victims of many kinds of cancer. These cancers include kidney cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer. Interestingly enough, these are also dangers sited if there is too low a level of Vitamin D3. High serum levels of calcium also may mean that the thyroid and parathyroid are not functioning properly, which Dr. David Brownstein states is the real possibility. Dr. Brownstein is a “thyroid specialist” who practices in the Detroit area and has written many books on Thyroid related conditions.
The science about vitamin D and its deficiency related conditions is really new. However, what is already known is that with only 30,000 possible genes to express and 2,000 of these need vitamin D3 to turn on—we could all use either a good dose of natural sunlight or supplementation. It is suggested that the supplementation be of the form D3 and not D2 (found in dairy products), which can inhibit the absorption of the active form of D3.
So, if you aren’t one of those lucky “snowbirds” who can fly to the South and get some real sunlight exposure, your next answer is taking vitamin D3 in supplement form. You can check out Dr. Mercola’s video for exact milligrams needed, but in general it is recommended to get tested and find out what your deficiency is and then take the supplement for a couple of months. Then get tested again. Take the extra vitamin D3 away from Calcium supplementation by at least an hour to avoid excess of serum calcium. For the average person taking 2-4 grams of D3 (or 1-2 tablets of NSP D3) per day is recommended daily dose. For anyone who has cancer, diabetes or asthma you may need higher doses. If you have Seasonal Affectedness Disorder or Osteoporosis you may need to take upwards of 10,000 IU to make a difference. At about 7 cents a tablet it is a lot cheaper than a flight to Florida!
Have a wonderfully healthy 2009!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
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If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment
Call: 248-559-6763.
The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper
medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
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If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Creaky Joints
Good Morning!
Do you wake in the morning with sore, creaky joints? One of my many blessings is that I don’t. However, I do have clients who do and it isn’t just about age. Arthritis is a Latin term meaning inflammation of the joint. Any time you see “itis” at the end of a word it generally means inflammation. So, Sinusitis means inflammation of the sinus and Appendicitis means inflammation of the Appendix etc. After the diagnosis has been established the protocol is to reduce inflammation, or pain which is an indicator of inflammation.
Reducing pain does not necessarily reduce inflammation. Since pain is felt via the nervous system, one could just disconnect the message and deaden the pain such as having an anesthetic. This does nothing about the cause of inflammation but if your objective is only to get rid of the pain, you’ve achieved your goal. What must be understood is that pain is there for a reason.
`Perhaps you’ve overdone some activity and pain is there to remind you to rest so that healing can take place. Maybe you need to move your joints to push fluid in and out. This fluid exchange is necessary for the health of the joint. To support better fluid exchange you first must be drinking enough water (half your body weight in ounces every day). You can take a supplement that has Chondroitin and glucosamine in it such as Everflex. This product helps with joint mobility, reduces inflammation and therefore pain. It helps in the repair of the joint by increasing the body’s own ability to make glucosamine.
Some studies show that glucosamine sulfate can affect blood sugar levels. NSP uses glucosamine hydrochloride in Everflex, which is well tolerated by everyone. In fact, the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, found that osteoarthritis patients receiving glucosamine demonstrated no significant space narrowing. (This happens when there is little fluid in the space). Furthermore, while symptoms worsened slightly in those taking a placebo, patients who took glucosamine actually experienced improvements. (Lancet 2001, 357(9252):251-256.)
Chondroitin is a major component of articular (joint) cartilage. It draws and maintains the fluids within cartilage, which act as a “shock absorber” to the joint. So, people who do a lot of running will need to have a good amount of this in their system as running demands squishing fluids in and out at a rapid pace both in knees and hips. Taking a pain killer will not help the body increase fluids! Taking a product that helps your body increase and maintain proper fluid exchange will decrease inflammation, pain and support joint health.
Based on double-blind studies, Chondroitin sulfate is widely used in Europe as a treatment for osteoarthritis. A meta-analysis showed that patients using Chondroitin sulfate averaged 50% greater improvement in pain and joint motion than placebo groups after 60 days, with improvement continuing with those who chose to continue using the supplements. So, you need to take the product as directed for at least 2 months to achieve actual improvement even though you may be seeing pain reduction within a shorter period of time. Your goal should not be just to alleviate pain but to hear the body and respond with proper nutritional support! When the body has the tools it needs it can repair and rebuild.
Osteoarthritis is not a single disease but rather the end result of a variety of disorders leading to the structural or functional failure of 1 or more of your joints. It is the 3rd most common disease treated by family practitioners, affecting slightly more women than men. OA-affected joints suffer an increasing limitation of movement. Both stiffness and pain can increase with changes in weather. Some good news: SAMe (S-Adenosylmethionine) not only improves mobility it relieves pain and inflammation! Taking only one upon rising and one capsule before bed has made it so many people can eliminate creaky joints.
Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of SAMe to be comparable with those achieved using NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) in reducing pain. NSAIDS have a history of side effects that include liver damage and gastrointestinal disturbance. Something the NSAIDS won’t do is contribute to cartilage growth and repair whereas, SAMe has demonstrated in many studies to have the ability to support healthy cartilage. Most NSAIDS actually contributed to deterioration of the joint. SAMe has been shown in research and by actual use not to have any toxic effects on Kidneys, Liver or other organs and may even have a protective effect on the gastrointestinal system.
In addition, SAMe is a major methyl donor in the body. As biochemist Craig Cooney observes in his new book, "Methyl Magic," "Without methylation there could be no life as we know it." Without methyl molecules being donated, neurotransmitters cannot operate effectively, which can lead to depression. SAMe levels have been found to be significantly decreased in individuals diagnosed with severe depression.
Not only is SAMe better tolerated, but it also provides faster onset of antidepressant action than tricyclics. This class of drugs include amitriptyline (brand name: Elavil), desipramine (brand name: Norpramin), imipramine (brand name: Tofranil) and nortriptyline (brand names: Aventyl, Pamelor). Common side effects caused by these medicines include dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, difficulty urinating, worsening of glaucoma, impaired thinking and tiredness. These antidepressants can also affect a person's blood pressure and heart rate. SAMe is reported to have no significant side effects! Of course it isn’t covered by insurance either.
In a report on the use of tricyclics and childhood and adolescent depression they found absolutely no benefit to prescribing these drugs to children! http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/abstract/310/6984/897 Depression in children is not normal. Seek help from someone who is experienced in this area who is willing to work with diet, nutrition and emotional healing techniques. Chemical imbalances generally have nutritional deficiencies at the root cause. Sugar is one of the most insidious ways of robbing the body of nutrition. This must be removed from a child’s diet if depression is diagnosed.
SAMe is unstable and many brands have little or no active ingredients left in it due to this. NSP packages SAMe in a way that increases stability and even at that there are only 30 capsules in a bottle. Independent test studies have been done by examining “off the shelf” brands and found little or no active ingredients in the SAMe products sold. Again, it is imperative you put your hard earned money into something that is actually going to work! That is why I’ve trusted Nature’s Sunshine for over 22 years for my health needs. My husband has been taking SAMe for several years and has noticed a huge difference in mood and joint health. At a couple of dollars a day, isn’t your health worth it?
For more information on Everflex and SAMe: http://hocd.herballure.com/?MID=10722859313388898008 This information is posted for 30 days after this email is sent, so if you want to download it—do it now, and read it later or when you have time. You may want to print a couple of copies for friends or family who deal with the above conditions. In many cases natural remedies are far more effective than drugs but people don’t realize there is an option.
Have a wonderful Christmas and be Joyful!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
Looking back
Good Morning!
In 2007 The American Cancer Society decided to place their advertising dollar toward a new campaign of making people understand the importance of having insurance. Their focus toward insurance is driven by the belief that if people had enough insurance they would have the money to get tested and cancer could be detected earlier.
When I read that, a sound in my head occurred, much like tires screeching on a wet surface and you wait for the sound of a crash! You mean to tell me that my hard earned money that I donate to the (which I don’t now) ACS is going to pay for them advertising I need insurance?! ! In other words only people with insurance can afford to have cancer treatment. What’s the use of detection if you are not going to follow through with their protocol?
Chemotherapy, surgery and radiation are the three accepted treatments for cancer in this country. How effective are they? Effective cancer treatment is a matter of definition. The FDA defines an "effective" drug as one, which achieves a 50% or more reduction in tumor size for 28 days. In the vast majority of cases there is absolutely no correlation between shrinking tumors for 28 days and the cure of the cancer or extension of life. If the tumor grows after the 28days it is still considered a successful treatment. Why would that happen?
A published study in the journal Nature Cell Biology 4/11/07, stated that: “Scientists have long known that the p53 gene is critical in suppressing the formation of tumors in the human body. Over the past 20 years, researchers have also discovered that when the p53 gene is mutated, which occurs in about half of all cancer cases, the p53 mutant protein not only loses its tumor suppressing properties, but can promote the progression of cancer and the resistance of cancer cells to drug therapies.”
Why is it that the ACS isn’t spending millions of dollars finding out why their therapies actually promote cancer in 50% of the people that are treated? Is it because they’ve been going down the wrong road for so long they don’t know their way back to what was the original intent—Cancer Prevention and Cure! Finding the Cure is a nice slogan but if you don’t actually put your money and energy into that slogan than it is useless in helping Americans eliminate this disease.
The American Cancer Society is not winning the war on cancer because they aren’t even looking in the right sector for the enemy. They used to advertise that diet and exercise had an impact on cancer. But now their efforts go to making you feel guilty because here in Michigan many are losing their insurance coverage plans provided by employers and are having to seek self-insured policies with huge premiums.
One of the best detections for cancer is Thermography and it isn’t even covered by insurance. This site introduces you to the comparison of detection devices now used for breast cancer: http://www.breastthermography.com/mammography_thermography.htm . The American Cancer Society determined that Thermography was “ineffectual” in determining breast cancer based on “clinical evidence”. Although in other countries it is a mainstream detection device considered far above mammography. Keep in mind that the US leads other countries in cancer disease. Hummm, are your mental tires screeching yet?
Let’s see: lots of money spent on advertising early detection + detection devices that actually promote the disease + ineffectual treatment to the tune of at least 50 percent = Losing the war! What is the answer to eliminating cancer? Let’s revisit diet. Look at all the food we eat that actually promote cancer and depresses immune response.
How many times have you heard it mentioned that sugar causes cancer, that cancer patients should avoid sugar, or that sugar is the favorite food of cancer cells? The truth is, this goes beyond mere hearsay or traditional knowledge; there is actually a large volume of scientific evidence available which shows the link between sugar and increased cancer risk. This includes highly processed grain products, which turn into sugar as soon as they hit your saliva.
The simplicity of the matter: eat fewer foods that contribute to cancer and more foods that inhibit it! Sugar is a preservative and you should eat foods that rot. Eat veggies and fruits and whole grains. Look at what you are putting in your mouth and determine if it is healthy or not. If it is a treat and you eat it rarely—then enjoy it! Try upgrading your foods to healthier choices. Drink lots of water (instead of other drinks) to help your kidneys flush out toxins. Eat lots of fiber foods to help eliminate toxins and take daily supplementation because no matter how dedicated you are—you can’t get all of what you need to fight disease through what you eat.
My suggestion is to do the Super Trio supplementation kit. This has your multivitamin and mineral supplement along with Omega 3 to support a healthy heart and brain. And it has an antioxidant, which helps to demolish free radicals and calm inflammation. There are many other choices to support health along with Super Trio but at least cover the basics.
Saturday I gave a class on “Snack Attack”. I will try to put it on my website and perhaps do a webinar if there is enough interest. Let me know what you think. I also will be posting some recipes we shared at the class—sorry you won’t be able to enjoy the goodies we ate, you needed to do the live class for that.
Also, this week is my double duty webinar day. Wednesday I’ll be doing two webinars on Digestion and the importance of not only eating the right foods but having the ability to break those foods down into usable nutrients that the body can utilize in the healing process. If you have poor or slow digestion you might consider signing up for this class. Check my website for instructions on registering. http://www.bornforhealth.com/webinars.html Poor digestion is the basis for many chronic conditions—you may be surprised at what evolves from not digesting properly.
Share what you know!
Have a Healthy Week!
Buyer Be ware
Good Morning!
How do you choose a product? Do you look at the label and go by how it looks or the ingredients listed? It is much easier to purchase a head of broccoli than it is to choose a bottle of supplements. The head of broccoli is easy to determine it’s freshness or if it’s past its prime. Are the flowerets turning yellow, or are they still tightly packed and green? Is the stem brown and dried out or is it still moist and fresh looking?
Many people will choose their supplements by how many milligrams are listed on the label. Most people are driven by price thinking its all the same. A recent study on Red Yeast Rice done by ConsumerLab determined that 4 out of 10 Red Yeast Rice products sold on the shelf were contaminated with a toxic substance called citrinin. Now of course, that wasn’t listed on the label!
“The content of the red yeast rice supplement that manufacturers claim reduces cholesterol, varies dramatically depending on the brand, with some products containing far less of the active ingredient than has been shown scientifically to be effective.”
Very few supplement companies spend the millions of dollars Nature’s Sunshine spends making sure you get what is effective and that the label tells the whole story. If the products label states you are getting 500-ml. of a substance—that is what you are getting. You can depend on the contents being the correct species and form that have been tested for effectiveness. Every raw herb and every supplement ingredient is tested for purity and “fingerprint” by Nature’s Sunshine scientists.
Each herb has a specific “fingerprint” that defines it. For example: golden seal is an expensive herb used to support the immune system. Barberry herb has a similar appearance and chemical composition, but it costs just a fraction of what golden seal does. Some vendors may be tempted to dilute their golden seal with barberry to save money. But NSP scientists can detect this kind of adulteration and reject any tainted lots of material. You can read more about this by going to the website: www.nsplife.com and click on “A Passion for Quality”.
Getting back to Red Yeast Rice: Chinese red yeast extract has been used in China for centuries as a food preservative and spice. A new study published in the American Journal of Cardiology has found that red yeast extract may reduce the risk of having another heart attack by 45 percent. The extract contains monacolins, which inhibit the production of cholesterol. Take 1,200 mg of red yeast powder capsules two times a day with food.
Statin drugs are a prescription form of the isolated active ingredients in Red Yeast Rice. They are harder on the body that Red Yeast Rice and you need to have your liver checked before taking them and during to make sure you are not harming the liver. Statins also rob the heart of CoQ10 (a very important antioxidant necessary for good heart health.) Many doctors know this and recommend their patients take a supplement of CoQ10 when taking their statin medication.
Cholesterol is not bad. Cholesterol is a result of damaged tissue due to inflammation. When your body determines there is damage in the arterial wall it lays down a layer of cholesterol. When we eat the wrong kind of fats the cholesterol actually sends out more inflammatory signals. A better test than cholesterol levels would be a CRP. Inflammation can be measured with a test that checks for C-reactive protein, or CRP, a chemical necessary for fighting injury and infection. The test typically costs between $25 and $50.
No matter if you are dealing with high cholesterol or high CRP results the answer is the same if you want to get them within normal range: diet, lifestyle and exercise practices must be corrected for permanent balance and normal levels to resume. Eliminate sugar (highly inflammatory), eliminate bad fats (forget that donut) and replace them with high quality foods—fruits, vegetables, good fats along with exercise, rest, good water etc. These do not harm the liver—they simply increase vitality. The other factor to ill health is smoking.
While you are correcting your lifestyle and eating habits and you want to try Red Yeast Rice, at least buy it from a reputable source that will give you what you are paying for; a nutritional source of cholesterol reducing food that has been tested for the proper constituents. When your health is at risk you need to get the best, not the cheapest.
I’ve had many a client get their cholesterol and triglycerides levels back within normal range within a short time using Red Yeast Rice and taking 3-4 Super Omega capsules daily. Speaking of normal range—years ago 200-250 was considered normal cholesterol levels. If your cholesterol goes too low your body cannot make hormones. Your brain needs cholesterol and so does your heart. So, cholesterol isn’t the guiding factor to heart disease. You need to also know about Homocysteine, CRP, Blood pressure, oxidative stress etc.
Taking cholesterol medication is like taking an aspirin for a headache and keep on hitting your head! Cholesterol is fat and the best way to eliminate fat is fiber and water. Taking a good fiber supplement morning and evening with 10-12 ounces of water will scope out the unwanted fat in your system. One of the best fibers for this is soluble. This type of fiber goes through the blood stream like sponges mopping up bad fats.
One of the best fiber blends is LOCLO. Which is where it gets it’s name LOwer ChoLresterOl. LOCLO contains the nutritious SynerPro concentrate base, which includes powders of broccoli flowers, turmeric root, rosemary leaf, red beet root, tomato fruit, carrot root, cabbage leaf, Chinese cabbage leaf, hesperidin, grapefruit bioflavonoid and orange bioflavonoid. It also contains stevia leaf extract along with fibers from psyllium, apple pectin, guar gum, acacia gum and oat bran.
Learn more about natural health solutions by attending classes either in Southfield or on the web. Next class in Southfield is about “Snack Attack”. You don’t have to feel deprived during the holiday season. Learn some upgrading techniques in this class and share them with friends and family. Also the next web event is on Digestion. Check out these learning opportunities by going to my website: www.BornForHealth.com
Share what you know!
Have a Healthy Week!
Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
The Fire Within
Good Morning!
At the base of most degenerative diseases is inflammation. You name it—Diabetes, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Irritable Bowel Disease, ADD, Alzheimer’s, hypertension and even autoimmune conditions such as Rheumatism has at the root inflammation. Control inflammation and you help alleviate the symptoms expressed by the condition. Remember “itis” means inflammation! So, sinusitis, bursitis whatever itis you are diagnosed with it still means inflammation.
“There is evidence that inflammation in the brain may contribute to AD damage. Scientists believe that anti-inflammatory drugs such as NSAIDs might help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.” The problem of course is that NSAIDs may cause other problems due to the side effects inherent in taking such drugs. The same article states: “Several years ago, a clinical trial showed that vitamin E slowed the progress of some consequences of AD by about 7 months. Additional studies are investigating whether antioxidants—vitamins E and C—can slow AD. Another clinical trial is examining whether vitamin E and/or selenium supplements can prevent AD or cognitive decline, and additional studies on other antioxidants are ongoing or being planned, including a study of the antioxidant treatments—vitamins E, C, alpha-lipoic acid, and coenzyme Q—in patients with mild to moderate AD.”
Taking a variety of antioxidants may be the best approach to controlling inflammation in all areas of the body. Unfortunately the biggest contributing factor to inflammation is our love affair with sugar. When we eat sugar it spikes insulin levels. This tends to burn tissue due to insulin resistance thus contributing to the inflammatory processes.
Another thing: in 1973 the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study by A. Sanchez et al, "Role of sugars in human neutrophilic phagocytosis", November issue pgs. 1180-1184, showing that ingesting 100 grams of simple sugar lowers white blood cell activity for up to five hours. He got the results using processed honey, table sugar and processed orange juice. This translates into a 50% reduction in the ability of white blood cells to engulf bacteria. The immune suppressing effect begins within ten minutes of ingesting the sugar.
So, if you aren't loading your body with antioxidants, and you are eating the traditional Holiday fare, you subject your immune system to challenges it simply can't handle. Now add to this: late nights, less sleep, stress and less than ideal weather conditions--and you have reasons for rampant cold and flu symptoms. If you are immune compromised to begin with adding sugar or alcohol to your diet can increase your ill health.
Douse the fire with antioxidants. Pick your weapon. Omega oils can reduce inflammation and even taking daily multi vitamin/mineral supplements can help. But if you want to take out the big guns, you will take Thai Go, which includes a fruit called Mangosteen. So far, they've isolated 220 types of xanthones--42 of which are found in mangosteen alone! Xanthones dampen inflammation by inhibiting the action of key inflammatory enzymes like COX-2 and 5-LOX.
COX-2 inhibitors in drug form cause health problems and many of them were taken off the market (Vioxx etc.). So, isn't it wonderful that we have the same advantage (without the side effects) in a natural fruit! The only Mangosteen drink that has the New Brunswick Laboratory seal on it is Thai Go. This seal was given because Thai Go consistently performed in the tests given. No other mangosteen or Acai berry drink has this seal.
Oxygen Reactive Absorbance Capacity is a measurement that determines how many free radicals (fire starters) an antioxidant can mop up. NSP's Thai Go beats all the popular brands according to the New Brunswick lab. It beats Xango, Mango-xan and many others. Aside from this Thai Go has no preservatives, artificial coloring, sweeteners or flavors. Read more: http://hocd.herballure.com/?MID=04832651382255215302.
I love the way it tastes and it helps me start my day right! I find it can balance my blood sugar by taking it first thing in the morning. It's a great way to get the immune system functioning and controlling inflammation. One ounce is recommended but if you've had a particularly stressful time, you might want to consider taking more. I've had some clients with extreme immune challenges take a cup a day. There are some amazing research studies going on in regards to cancer and Alzheimer's: http://www.nsplife.com/collaboritive.php
If you don't want to do the liquid version of this powerful antioxidant you can now get the same results by taking Super ORAC. This capsule form of antioxidants performs in the same manner as Thai Go in protecting the body against inflammation. http://www.mynsp.com/born/products/guide.aspx?stockNum=808 I love it for its convenience. This is the same antioxidant found in the Super Trio pack but now sold as a single.
Take some time and learn how to be healthier: Register for the “Yeastie Beastie and other Dragons” Webinar coming this Wednesday in two sessions, Morning and Evening. It’s a great way to learn! http://www.bornforhealth.com/webinars.html
Also, the monthly Herbal Hour subject is “Snack Attack”. We’ll be sharing some great healthy recipe ideas and share some healthy snacks along with learning on how to control the Snack Attack. This class is in Southfield on December 13th. You can register via email (hit reply) or phone 248-623-2288. For more info: http://www.bornforhealth.com/calendar.html the $5.00 fee is for handouts. The class begins promptly at 10:15 so be there at 10:00 so you can mingle with friends.
Share what you know!
Have a Healthy Week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
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click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment
Call: 248-559-6763.
The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper
medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Good Morning!
The world has gone crazy for “energy drinks”. But, are they harming or helping you? Most so called, “Energy drinks”, are actually loaded with caffeine, which is a stimulant. They really don’t fix the problem of low energy. Stimulating the adrenal glands to produce energy always produces a corresponding low energy level. If you keep overriding the low energy (or down time) level, you wear out the adrenal glands by over stimulating them. Burned out adrenals is at the base of many chronic conditions because the adrenals are also responsible for helping the body control inflammation.
Here’s something else: “Just one can of the popular stimulant energy drink Red Bull can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke, even in young people, Australian medical researchers said on Friday.” This was published in Reuters in August 2008. "One hour after they drank Red Bull, (their [College students] blood systems) were no longer normal. They were abnormal like we would expect in a patient with cardiovascular disease," Scott Willoughby, lead researcher from the Cardiovascular Research Centre at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, told the Australian newspaper. One can contains 80 mg of caffeine, around the same as a normal cup of brewed coffee.
So, just because you don’t drink Red Bull, if you drink Coke there is 34 mg. of caffeine; 44 if it’s diet; Pepsi and Mountain Dew have 55 mg. (more than Surge). Want to know what your favorite drinks caffeine level is: http://wilstar.com/caffeine.htm
The caffeine content of energy drinks varies from 50 milligrams to more than 500 milligrams. Caffeine intoxication is marked by nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, gastrointestinal upset, tremors, rapid heartbeats (tachycardia), psychomotor agitation (restlessness and pacing) and in rare cases, death. With many children being diagnosed as ADD these drinks are very popular because it seems to calm them down.
That’s right! What would energize the average person, one who has ADD responds totally opposite. I found this out when one of my client’s children said her child was actually agitated when she used Lavender but, when we tried peppermint oil diffused at night, he slept right through. Some naturopaths believe that the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system are actually switched in a person with ADD. They don’t like being touched and therefore do not like, or feel relaxed when receiving a massage. They are so stimulated that touch adds more stimulus. It seems that the inside of the body has to have as much stimulus as the outside does and that makes them feel better.
The answer is not to add stimulants. The answer is to feed the nervous system with B vitamins with C to help absorb the B’s. This is why Nutri Calm works so well. It helps to feed the nervous system and calm the adrenal glands so they can handle the inflammation the body is dealing with. It helps the body deal with all kinds of stress. College students don’t eat right, don’t sleep when they should; have emotional ups and downs—talk about demands on the adrenal glands!
In fact, adding Adrenal Support may be what they need in addition to Nutri Calm. When there are constant demands on the Adrenal glands this supplement will help to keep the adrenals healthy so depression doesn’t set in. By feeding these important stress glands you avoid immune challenges, burnout, and most important “disrupted energy productions”. Your body has a cascade that begins in the hypothalamus that triggers certain hormones to be released when it senses stress situations. When you drink a high caffeine drink you trigger this response without the compensating calming hormone signals. This keeps the adrenals turned on. When the adrenals have no down time it is similar to when a person experiences post traumatic stress syndrome
This takes a tremendous toll on the nervous system and it will automatically shut down to avoid death. It may trigger a lowered immune response and the result is Mono or at least, impaired immune functions so you have little resistance to a cold or flu. Another response may be mood ups and downs contributing to rage and then depression. The worse part is that it may harm the brain. This is the hardest organ to rehabilitate.
It is better to assist the body in healthy choices that give it strength rather than stimulate responses. Nutri calm encourages focused thinking while nurturing the nervous system. I’ve been recommending this supplement for over 22 years including having my own sons take it. It is very complimentary to Master Gland. Master Gland helps to reorganize and strengthen the hormonal system. When you take them together, you have a complete vitamin and mineral supplement made with food and herbs to assist the body in handling stress and feel energized.
In addition this duo nourishes the adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, reproductive organs, liver, kidneys and gall bladder and spleen. It also assists in digestive system and intestinal function by soothing mucosal linings. I’ve seen it clear up acne, menstrual problems; sleep disorders, depression and anxiety. Aren’t natural remedies wonderful! Take advantage of the buy 4 get one free special that ends tonight Monday November 24th http://www.mynsp.com/born/products/guide.aspx?stockNum=9435
Share what you know!
Have a Healthy Week! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
An Axe to grind!
Good Morning!
This Wednesday I’ll be doing a class in Aromatherapy at Henry Ford Community College. Part of the class is dedicated to explaining how toxins like phthalates (included in most perfumes etc.) are harmful. The second half of the class is a workshop that helps people understand how easy it is to make your own shower gels, perfumes etc. that are actually beneficial to health when you use natural ingredients like essential oils.
That new car smell, which becomes especially pungent after the car has been sitting in the sun for a few hours, is partly the pungent odor of phthalates volatilizing from a hot plastic dashboard. In the evening's cool they then condense out of the inside air of the car to form an oily coating on the inside of the windshield. I bet you wondered where that film came from! Well, if you are breathing in that smell, you are breathing in that oily contaminant as well. Phthalates are known as "endocrine disruptors" because they mimic the body's hormones and have, in laboratory animal tests, been shown to cause reproductive and neurological damage. (California will ban the use of phthalates in toys and baby products as of 2009.) Some perfume manufacturers are using chemicals that encourage “attraction”. Advertised to be a “sex magnate” and other imaginative innuendos people purchase the products to boost their esteem; not understanding that many people not only don’t like the smell but are really turned off by it!
One product in particular, Axe, is so strong it lingers in the air way longer than the person who wears it. If you go to the Cosmetic Safety website it states that it is “linked to cancer, developmental and reproductive toxicity, contributes to allergies and immunotoxicity, Endocrine disruption, Persistence and bioaccumulation, Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive), Miscellaneous, Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), Enhanced skin absorption, and Contamination concerns.” How can anyone in his or her right mind purchase this stuff?
The FDA protects the perfume industry. They do not have to disclose the ingredients they use because they have to protect their “recipe” from others. Unless someone is very good at doing chemical analysis it is hard to tell what exactly the allergy is that you might be responding to. Even the word “Fragrance” can have hidden meanings of Neurotoxicity, Allergies/immunotoxicity, Miscellaneous irritations.
We all like smelling good and being appealing to others. Since there are more and more people becoming sensitive to perfumes, maybe another choice is using essential oils. Of course, I have an allergic response to some essential oils such as Young Living. I know when someone has any of their oils on because within minutes I’ll have a headache. I’m not what I would consider a particularly sensitive person but more recently I have become more sensitive to perfumes and after shaves. I also am sensitive to cigarette smoke.
I have no allergies in the spring, fall, winter or summer. Many of you know that I love to garden and have no allergies to the smells of natural flowers growing—I love them all. So, why is it I can’t stand perfumes? I think it has to do with the fact that the base of these perfumes is a mixture of synthetic chemicals and the oil is a petrochemical. I don’t break out in hives but I do get a headache and sometimes feel nausea so it isn’t a true allergy—just sensitivity.
In some cases, a particular chemical odor may be severely unpleasant and cause a person to think they are experiencing an allergic reaction. There is a strong tie between the sense of smell and emotion. Some smells like ginger, cinnamon, clove etc. may remind of us food that we enjoy and can trigger pleasant thoughts or memories. The adverse is also true. So, if you have your choices, make sure they are healthy and make not only you feel good but, those you are trying to impress.
There are personal air purifiers that can be purchased so that the air you breathe can be free of unpleasant and harmful fragrances. I use one whenever I fly because the air is recycled and it is a way for me to get “fresh” air. If you’d like more information about these, let me know.
Consider some wonderful essential oils for raising your energy such as Bergamot and peppermint. This combination is very uplifting as is Pink Grapefruit. These scents can have health benefits as well as smell good. Pink Grapefruit can be uplifting, aid to weight loss and help decrease water retention. Here is more on these essential oils: http://hocd.herballure.com/?MID=15001729137337626959 Download the information and print it off. Order some on your next order. You will want to blend them with water as a spray (spray bottles also available through NSP). You could put about 7-10 drops in bath water with a teaspoon of Nature’s Sunshine concentrate (all natural soap). Find ways you can improve your health with organic natural essential oils through Nature’s Sunshine.
Have a Healthy Week! –Remember, this is the week of Education NSP is presenting. For more information check out the NSP website: www.naturessunshine.com Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com
A Fungus Among Us
Good Morning!
First of all, I just want to tell all of you THANK YOU! We had a fabulous trip to the Mediterranean. We saw some amazing historical sites and have a wonderful store of memories. Nature’s Sunshine is such a great company to associate with. The people are authentic, helpful and actually care about you. I’m proud to trust my health and my client’s health with the supplements they manufacture and the ability to go on fun trips such as the Mediterranean Cruise. Hard work does pay off!
The newest product introduced on TAC is actually one many of you are using already. Now we can purchase the Super ORAC included in the Super Trio as a single purchase item. Taking one capsule of this product is equivalent to an ounce of Thai Go and we know how potent it is. This means that you can have more portability in taking your antioxidant product.
This coming Saturday (the 15th) is my Monthly Herbal Hour in Southfield and the topic is Yeasty Beasty. Yeast overgrowth, often known as Candida Albicans. This imbalance can spark a cascade of problems including Acne, Arthritis, Asthma, Athlete’s Foot, Brain fog, Chemical sensitivities, Fatigue, Gas and bloating, Food allergies, Headaches and dizziness, Itchy—ears and private areas as well as underarm rashes, Nail fungus, Poor immunity, and a launching arena for many chronic conditions.
Yeast by itself is not all bad. It can create havoc when it becomes imbalanced and the immune system gets overloaded. Complicating these factors is overuse of antibiotics, antibacterial soaps, bleaches and medications that interrupt the delicate intestinal balance. The main defense is Probiotics. However, the main culprit may be our high sugar and simple carbohydrate diet. Breads, bagels, muffins, fast noodle meals, soda pop; medications such as birth control pills and antacids along with acid blockers; and of course, stress.
Some people believe that yeast infections are caused by eating yeast or fermented foods. One must remember that sugar feeds yeast. If you’ve ever made bread you understand that you need to activate yeast with sugar. Alcohol is another form of sugar. So, if you have gastric distress after having a dessert, or an alcoholic drink—think yeast overgrowth.
Mushrooms are a fungus and many of them are health promoting. Such is the case with Reishi, Maitake, Shitake and Cordyceps. Most of these help alleviate chronic symptoms. Just as there is yang there is yin. There is a body of evidence that points to Cancer being a fungus according to a book written by an Italian oncologist, Dr. Tullio Simoncini. Before you start taking Baking Soda orally thinking it is going to kill your cancer, recognize he injects it into specific areas. Baking Soda is extremely alkaline and the stomach is supposed to be acid so you will really mess up the acid alkaline balance of the intestines by trying this orally.
A safer method is using Silver Shield. It has a 99.9% kill rate on fungus according to Dr. Pedersen. The question is how much? And another is, is it enough? There is a formula for dosage and it goes something like: Multiply the pathogen by the virulence and divide it by the time allotted. So, if you have a particularly progressive condition and many cells are involved—you have to do a lot more than someone who is dealing with a minor condition. It all boils down to how much do you want to correct the imbalance?
Some people will correct their diet, improve circulation with exercise, drink healthy water, and take lots of supplements. They’ll also consider their attitude and relationships. Because if stress is a main factor you need to find out where the stress in your life is and how you can change it; or change how you respond to it.
I don’t believe there is a cure for cancer. I believe there are many cures for cancer! Just read all the success stories out there. Many of them did not involve chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Sometimes one has to do what you feel compelled to do. If possible one should evaluate all the options and determine what you are willing to do. If you aren’t willing to change, then go with options that don’t include change.
If you aren’t willing to spend the money for quality supplements and think that you can get the answers at Walmart or the nearest GNC, then you can expect less than optimum results. Organic foods and healthful environments have long been known to deter disease. You can get cheaper food but is it going to have the healthful benefits you are looking for? Most of the time you can see a difference within two weeks. This means that you are seeing results, not that the condition is gone in that time. Remember the above formula? Well, if you are going 90 miles an hour how long does it take for you to come to a complete stop? How many factors are involved? Good Brakes, good tires, road conditions, the vehicle you’re driving etc. Now, how about if you are going 10 miles and hour? Can you see the similarity?
Many people come to me and say, “I have cancer what can I take?” First of all, I don’t treat disease! I work with getting the body back into balance. Some people are already doing a good diet, have a healthy attitude, so they need just a little direction in correcting imbalances. These are the people who are only going 10 miles an hour and need to stop. Taking some balancing herbs and foods that are dedicated to support the immune system will make a major effort in their attaining health.
However, likewise if a person is going 90 miles and hour and they are willing to completely focus on health—they too will see amazing results. It’s the people who only want to take a couple of supplements a day and think that it’s enough to put the brakes on.
Don’t be afraid if your immune support includes a fungus. There is a great body of evidence that fungus can help the immune system fight pathogens and abnormal cell responses. Think more about quitting the sugar and simple carbohydrates; or at least decreasing them severely. I know this news comes at a difficult time—right before the Holidays but, the good news is that Xylitol does not promote yeast! You can bake with it just like sugar and while you’re trying to control that sweet tooth it can make life a little easier.
Come learn some more things you can do to ward off yeast imbalances. Register today for Saturday’s class 248-623-2288 or hit reply and email me. More information can be found on my website: www.BornForHealth.com Check out webinars if you cannot make the class on Saturday. I’ll soon be doing this class via webinar! And if you still want more info: http://www.treelite.com/NF/2008/11/The-Fungus-Among-Us
Have a Healthy Week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
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http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
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If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Be Green
Good Morning!
This is the second week my emails were titled with a color. There is so much going around about “Going Green”—I just couldn’t capitalize on it. But, I did want to discuss some very important health contributors that happen to involve green. We all know about eating greens and how important they are to our health. Most common are romaine, spinach, kale, broccoli etc. Well, what about chlorella?
Proven to prevent the absorption and reabsorption of dioxins (an ubiquitous toxin), Green Chlorella is also credited with cleansing the bowel and other elimination systems and may protect the liver while lowering triglycerides. In 1975, Japanese researchers published an article in the Japanese Journal of Nutrition, showing that chlorella in the diet lowered both the blood cholesterol and liver cholesterol. In addition, regular use of Chlorella in the diet may help to clean the bloodstream, balance blood sugar, and normalize blood pressure. Chlorella helps to build up the immune factors stimulating interferon production and helping protect cells against viruses and aiding wounds to heal.
Sounds pretty impressive, doesn’t it! So, how do we incorporate it in our diet? Easy, if you use Ultimate Greenzone or take capsules of Super Algae, (for those who don’t like mixing and blending—there is also Greenzone capsules). For those who don’t mind adding some of this green powder to things such as smoothies, or yogurt, it can be a powerful support to health. Mixed with a little protein powder, it can be a very alkalizing way to get proteins in without disrupting pH balance. One way that is really tasty is putting it with RG-Max. The amino acids and delicious taste of RG-Max can help the Greenzone taste better and it adds the benefits of available nutrients. This would be beneficial to take before a workout so that the building blocks of muscle (amino acids) blended with the greens in Greenzone can help keep you alkalized and building while you exercise.
The average American now carries a “body burden” of seven hundred or more synthetic chemicals. These chemicals are found in the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies. Even in the breast milk of mothers perchlorate (a toxic component of rocket fuel) is found as stated in the book, The Hundred-Year Lie by Randall Fitzgerald. Particularly widespread in California and Texas, perchlorate has been found to interfere with thyroid function and pose developmental health risks, particularly for babies and fetuses. The FDA has yet to determine toxic levels that are found in our drinking water. Aren’t they supposed to be one of our “watch dogs”? Who is watching out for us?
The decision on what to do about perchlorate has been pending for years as the Pentagon tussled with EPA over the issue. The Pentagon could face liability if EPA set a national drinking water standard that forced water agencies around the country to undertake costly clean-up efforts. But Pentagon officials have insisted they did not seek to influence EPA's decision. States have already moved ahead with their own drinking water standards, with California setting a limit of 6 parts per billion and Massachusetts setting it at 2 parts per billion. Since it affects the Thyroid’s ability to uptake iodine, we all should be concerned.
The Thyroid cannot function without adequate amounts of iodine. Chlorine and Bromide interfere with the absorption of iodine as well. So, if the water we drink contains chlorine, bromide and perchlorate—what chance does our poor thyroid have? A good chance if you give it chlorella! I also highly recommend a water purification unit.
When you purify your own water, you don’t have to worry about contaminants in your drinking water. The one I prefer using is the Nature’s Spring Reverse Osmosis unit from Nature’s Sunshine. We’ve been using a Nature’s Spring Reverse Osmosis water treatment system in our home and office for over 20 years. Yes, we’ve had it reconditioned but it is still running as our home unit. In the office we have the newer style unit that processes water more quickly. We love the taste and sense of security we have knowing that we are drinking the purest water possible.
In nature, osmosis is the process by which plants (a carrot, for example) absorb moisture from the soil, purifying this moisture as it passes through the skin of the plant. During this absorption process, a measurable pressure exists across the skin of the plant, called the osmotic pressure. When this process is reversed, and pressure is applied to one side of a synthetic (man-made) membrane, we have the reverse of osmosis----or reverse osmosis.
The man-made R/O membrane, with it's dense material makeup will allow certain low molecular weight (very small) particles to pass through it. Larger, heavier molecules cannot pass through the membrane and are left behind and flushed away. If the pressure applied to the input tap water is properly maintained, the osmotic pressure of the membrane is overcome and small portions of purified water begin to "squeeze" through the membrane. It is important to protect the membrane with pre-filters. If the reverse osmosis membrane isn’t protected by pre filters, the membrane can break down, and allow contaminants to start flowing through into the drinking water.
Nature’s Spring has two pre filters: one is a 5-micron filter that traps dust, hair and larger particles from harming the unit. I know we don’t want to think about these things but, the truth of the matter is, our tap water contains all kinds of stuff! There is no new water. It is all recycled—think about it. What do we use water for? Mostly cleaning! And where does what we clean go—into the water. Where does the water go—into the sewer.
Sanitary sewers were built to transport the normal waste generated by humans to a facility where it is treated to make it safe for discharge into public waters. Over the years people have forgotten what it was like to worry about waste treatment. Years ago most people had to treat their waste through a septic system. They knew that they couldn’t put just any old thing down the drain. However, once we became an urban culture, we collectively forgot. For example, according to Goodman (2002), even human remains have been found in most municipal sewer collection systems. Okay, so that may be too much information!
The more I read about the toxins in our drinking water, the more I am grateful I have a way that purifies it from most contaminants. After the pre-filters, the water passes through a reverse osmosis membrane and then final cleanup is done with a post carbon filter. All this fits in a compact unit that can sit on the counter while you are purifying your water and storing it into a container. After you are done you only have to unsnap it and the unit can be put away until you want it again. It doesn’t require a plumber or even an extra faucet. It takes minutes to exchange the aerator you have on your faucet with the aerator that comes with the unit. It’s that easy!
We love our Nature’s Spring so much we gave each of our sons units when they went off to college and they are still using theirs—15-20 years later. What have you purchased more than 5 years ago that you are still using and loving? How about 10-15 years ago? You can make it like new every year by replacing the filters. Think about how much water you use. Then think about the question of whether it is really pure and not contributing to ill health. Water is the number one nutritional supplement your body absolutely needs. Think about it as a present for yourself and family this year.
A reminder about the Webinar I’ll be doing this Wednesday morning—Older but Better. Join us to learn how you can slow the aging process and how others have eliminated such conditions as Arthritis and lack of energy: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/478435493
Also, I will be out of the country for 12 days while my husband and I cruise the Mediterranean. I know, “tough job” but someone has to do it. (Don’t turn “green” with envy.) Thanks for caring about your health and buying the best—Nature’s Sunshine products. I’ll be back late November 4th (just in time to hear who our next president will be). We’ve already cast our absentee ballots. I’m glad we won’t have to hear all the political smears in the next two weeks.
Keep your focus on health—at least that’s something you have some control over.
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
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Think before you Pink
Good Morning!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month—as if you didn’t know. You can’t go anywhere without being confronted with someone on the bandwagon selling their product in pink. Aside from the fact that the whole process focuses on disease, and not health bothers me, am I the only one who sees concern in this? Why aren’t we focusing on Breast Health Awareness?
When I Googled information about Breast Cancer Awareness, the first two suggested sites were all about what drugs to take. The Third was “early detection” which was all about getting mammograms. So, everyone who can is profiting from this disease but no one is talking about prevention! Early detection does not equate to prevention. If you want early detection, then the place to start is Thermography. These studies can detect abnormal cell growth 10 years prior to a tumor forming. There is no radiation or injury to the tissue involved in these studies. In Europe it is the Gold Standard of detection. In this country it’s all about mammography and they are the very reason we have Breast Cancer Awareness. They want you to have more and more mammograms.
Why aren’t you hearing about such studies as this: study published in 2002 in the journal Anticancer Research found that of seventy-one extracts of Chinese medicinal herbs, twenty-one percent (15 out of 71) of the extracts demonstrated greater than 50% growth inhibition on at least 4 of the 5 breast cancer cell lines. Most plants contain substances that protect against and fight cancer. The anti-cancer properties of some plants, like soy and flax seeds, have been well recognized for decades.
Since the focus is on disease, let’s talk about rBGH. Yoplait is big into the pink top. Eat their yogurt and send in the pink tops for Breast Cancer research. There is something very disturbing about this growth hormone that is used to stimulate milk production in cows. Cows produce milk after they have birthed a calf—just like moms and babies. They eventually stop producing milk. Most of the time a cow can produce milk for about 5 years and during that time their milk producing cycle gives them about a 50-day rest. When a cow reaches 6 years old it is considered an aged cow and in normal circles it would not be producing milk anymore.
Non-organic farmers will expect their cows to produce milk right through their cycle and on until they are up to 8 years old or more! So they have to give the cows growth hormones to produce more estrogen and other hormones that help the animal produce milk. Since farmers bring their milk to a processing plant all the milk is mixed in together and therefore you don’t know what you are getting at any given time. Just like mom’s milk “everything the cow takes in ends up in the milk”.
And if that isn’t bad enough these synthetic growth hormones cause mastitis, a serious pus producing inflammation that causes life threatening health hazards in cows. It is highly recommended by Monsanto, the manufacturer of Prolisac [growth hormone], that the injected animals be given extra doses of antibiotics to keep the incidences of mastitis down. But even still pus is found in the milk and has accepted levels by the FDA. This isn’t just disgusting—it can also be dangerous. Pus can contain Para tuberculosis bacteria, which are believed to cause Crohn’s disease in human beings.
So, back to good ol’ Yoplait whose manufacturer, General Mills, state that there isn’t enough evidence to prove that giving cows synthetic growth hormones and extra antibiotics is dangerous to the health of humans. Are they really interested in your health, or “the bottom line”. You would be better off health wise to purchase and use Stoneyfield Organic Yogurt with no growth hormones. Yoplait will donate 10 cents for every top. It costs you 42 cents to send in 4 tops—just donate the money to your favorite charity!
If you want to prevent cancer of any kind—give up sugar, synthetic hormones and those products containing them, eat at least 6 servings of vegetables and 3-4 of fruit each day, preferably organic, go stress free and live in a pristine environment. Okay, so that’s a bit extreme. But, we all should pay attention to what is healthy and what isn’t and do more of the things that are healthy!
One of the supplements that I think is important for good breast health is Breast Assured. This product contains many herbs that benefit breast health by interacting with estrogen receptors to block excess estrogens and improve immune support in identifying factors that contribute to cancer. Another supplement is Indole 3 Carbinol. This compound is found in cruciferous vegetables and is one of the reasons vegetables like broccoli are recommended to protect against cancer.
So, think twice about contributing to the Pink frenzy and ask yourself what you are promoting. Is it Breast Cancer or Breast Health Awareness? And if I haven’t lost you guys—breast cancer happens in men also. Keep your lymphatic system active by drinking healthy amounts of pure water, exercising, getting massages and don’t use antiperspirants that plug up the ability for the body to eliminate toxins through sweat. If you want to flavor your yogurt mix some RG-Max in it and give yourself a treat by “kicking it up a notch”.
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment
Call: 248-559-6763.
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medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
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If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.