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The opinions and statements listed below are not meant to medically advise, diagnose, prescribe or in any way eliminate the need for specific professional advice. For specific concerns see a recognized authority regarding your health. Mary Born, ND
Hepatitis ABCDE
Good Morning!
Hepatitis is simply inflammation of the liver. Hepat comes from the Greek root word “Hepar”, which means Liver; and “itis” means inflammation. Why is the liver inflamed? According to the Center for Disease Control it is due to a virus. Another way one can contract Hepatitis is through drugs—these can be medications properly prescribed. Hepatitis D and E are not common in the United States. These viruses are spread due to water contamination and unsanitary conditions.
Since everything you ingest has to go through the liver to be processed, you might understand how this very important organ can become overwhelmed. Therefore, I question why we are so readily talked into giving an infant a shot containing hepatitis. If a simple blood test can tell if a woman has Hepatitis B, why do we have to vaccinate every baby? This, by the way, is the (World Health Organization) WHO’s goal. If the mother does not have the disease there is no way the baby can get it. Hepatitis B is passed from the mother’s blood to the baby’s. In my opinion we do not have to vaccinate every baby!
Hepatitis A is also a vaccination given to babies. This virus is spread by eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water, sexual transmission, or fecal contact. If proper sanitation methods are enforced, this disease cannot spread. A healthy baby should not get this disease when it is properly cared for using good sanitation practices.
The liver will give us flu-like symptoms when it isn’t well resulting in feelings of nausea, vomiting and fatigue. The vomiting is a natural response of the body to eliminate toxins to relieve an overwhelmed liver. There are many supplements that support healthy liver function. Some are used to help cleanse the liver and some are tonics. One of the most noted tonic is Milk Thistle.
Because everything we eat or drink goes to the liver first we should take very good care of this organ. If a woman is pregnant, it is safe and advised to take Milk Thistle to support a healthy liver. Morning sickness is often due to an overwhelmed liver. Taking a couple of Milk Thistle timed release (one at breakfast and one at dinner) has relieved symptoms of nausea and settled the stomach. Here again I would trust only Nature’s Sunshine. There has never been an adverse event or side effect associated with a pregnant woman using a product with Milk Thistle seed. Some people have reported side effects from using products containing the plant. Nature’s Sunshine uses only the seed in the Milk Thistle T/R product.
The German Commission E (considered the Gold Standard for supplements) approves milk thistle extract (again what NSP uses) for toxic liver damage and as a supportive treatment in chronic inflammatory liver disease and hepatic cirrhosis (Amer. Botanical Council 1999). So, if a nursing woman is taking Milk Thistle T/R they are also protecting the baby’s liver. Well over 200 studies have proven the effectiveness and safety of Milk Thistle. Milk Thistle has demonstrated no signs of toxicity or restriction of use and is determined safe for lactating and pregnant women and in fact, may prevent and correct liver damage during pregnancy.
The American Liver Foundation estimates that over 50% of the U.S. population age 50+ has a “fatty liver”. About 70% of people with Type II Diabetes have this condition. Fiber is a sponge for fat. Taking a fiber supplement will reduce the fat the liver has to try to break down. Of course, you don’t want to take fiber when you are taking a fat supplement such as Vitamin E or Omega oil. Fiber should be taken first thing in the morning and/or just before bedtime with enough water to help it work better. I’ve seen people who have been able to correct cholesterol numbers by using a good fiber supplement such as Nature’s Three. You can then take your “oil” supplements at mealtime.
Another very good liver support is Blood Build-Chinese. This supplement is beneficial for reducing inflammation and is especially good for people who have autoimmune conditions such as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. Because it reduces inflammation in not only the liver but also the blood, people with these inflammatory conditions have seen great results in using this NSP product. Chinese Blood Build helps to strengthen a weak liver, enhance toxic eliminations, increase circulation, support immune function, soothe the nervous system and provide antioxidant protection.
Blood Build-Chinese helps to rebuild the liver when there has been liver damage or tests have shown there to be a liver disease. It helps to improve kidney function, which helps take some of the toxic load from the liver. This means that when toxins are being eliminated properly, inflammation is reduced and therefore pain is less. This product is on sale until the end of the month—so you might want to try it while you can save extra.
Also on sale until the end of the month is Silver Shield! Check out the savings this week—lots of great supplements on special. The Silver doesn’t show up under “specials”, but if you “Search” it, you will see that there are $2.00 off options as well as buy 4 get one free; buy 9 get 3 free. Want to protect against the Swine flu? Check out my email on “Here Piggy Piggy” in the past issues of eGrams posted on my website. Share this information with your friends and make plans to attend the Southfield class on Vaccinations or the Webinar coming in July. Southfield class on July 11th (registration required); July webinar will be held on Wednesday the 22nd –invitations will be sent soon.
Enjoy the upcoming Holiday—July 4th and be safe! Protect your liver.
Have a Health-filled week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
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Good Morning!
Years ago my husband and I got a new juicer called a Norwalk juicer. This thing is the Cadillac of juicers and it also has a feature called a “vortex grinder”. So, one day we decided we’d try grinding up a horseradish root. We had read from the recipe book that a spoonful of fresh ground up horseradish would clear the sinuses. At that time my husband had miserable sinus problems. So, he took a teaspoonful and scared me to death! His face got beet red, his forehead broke out into millions of beads of sweat, his ears turned purple red, his eyes watered profusely and he started to cough. He blew his nose continuously for about 5 minutes. But, when he was done—his sinuses were clear!
Sinigrin is one of the active ingredients in horseradish. It is activated when the root is crushed. The root itself has hardly any aroma but upon being crushed enzymes from the damaged cell walls of the plant break down sinigrin (a glucosinolate) to produce allyl isothiocyante or mustard oil, which irritates the sinus cavities. It breaks down in time to become bitter tasting and unpleasant so to preserve it one must add vinegar to the masticated root.
Horseradish root is used as an accompaniment or condiment to meat in Germany (my husband is of German decent and liked using a dab of horseradish on stew meat). It is quite beneficial to assist with digestion as it also gets the digestive juices flowing as it did with the sinuses in the raw ground up form. Both the root and leaves were used as medicine in the Middle Ages. According to Greek Mythology, Delphic Oracle told Apollo that horseradish was worth its weight in gold. It has a history of being used by Jews from Eastern Europe in Passover Seder meals. It’s in the same family as mustard and Wasabi.
If you aren’t as brave as my husband and would like some relief for not only clearing sinuses but also supporting the liver, you might want to take the capsules of LIV-J. This product not only has horseradish in it, it also has Dandelion, Barberry, Fennel, Parsley, Red Beet and Rose hips. This supplement has been used to clear congestion in the liver, which contributes to congestion in the sinuses. You won’t notice the immediate drastic effect of eating freshly ground horseradish but a gradual lessening of symptoms.
Taking LIV-J can help to tone tissue that has become irritated and inflamed. As a liver formula people have found this product helpful in stimulating the production of bile and digestive fluids for better digestion. It also helps to increase urine flow to expel toxins from the body via the kidneys, reducing inflammation, relaxing muscle spasms that contribute to constipation and abdominal pain. LIV-J contains herbs that help the liver purify the blood to relieve skin problems and fights infection especially in the urinary tract. The herbs in this formula provide the body with a rich source of vitamins, minerals from plant constituents that are easily broken down and utilized by the body.
Because the sinuses are connected to the lymphatic system and cleared out by the urinary system, you can see the relationship as to why it is so wonderful to take a natural product that works on many symptoms at once. For example, a person might be having stomach discomfort, sinus congestion and constipation and not realize that they are all related. If one had it for a long time it may lead to kidney or urinary issues. If that went on for a while you might see where blood pressure imbalances would occur. To think the body has separate parts is a ridiculous notion—as the old song goes; Dem bones, dem bones [are all connected].
Taking a simple, health benefiting herbal recipe such as Jeannie Burgess came up with in LIV-J, can help with a multitude of symptoms that arise from one cause—imbalance. Bring those systems back into balance and the body stops giving you reminders that it needs help. Maybe you’d do well in using LIV-J to reduce some of the symptoms your body is producing to remind you that what you eat matters. Food is our best medicine—we just need to know which ones we need to take that will help tone and balance our body. Food can be our nemesis to health as well!
The beautiful thing is that you can take this supplement and not worry about side effects, liver damage, or causing distress to the body (as most drugs do). You can rest assured that you are supporting the body in its effort to eliminate toxins and create healthy tissue. A hot liver can create emotions of explosive anger and suppressed rage.
Come learn about these issues on Wednesday (June 24th at either 9am or 6:30pm) when I give my Webinar on Anger and Natural Supplements. You can join by clicking here for the morning session: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/298074571 or here for the evening session: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/529723626. Anger can disrupt relationships, the ability to love and be loved, and can contribute to chronic disease. Why just “manage anger” when you can help relieve the cause of it?
Have a Health-filled week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
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click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
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The two-edged sword
Good Morning!
In Chinese philosophy there is a symbol that is shown in black and white. It looks like two tear drops nesting together to form a circle—one being upside down from the other. Each of these teardrops has a little circle in it showing the opposing color. This “yin-yang” symbol is well recognized by people and often misunderstood. Without going too deeply into the philosophy of it, I find it interesting to have the example of nothing be entirely black or white.
One of the things this symbol represents is balance. Many people think it represents only opposites. But the little circle of the opposing color is actually representing balance for the symbol should not be two dimensional as a coin but swirling and active; one color flowing into and out of the other and soon becoming the tear drop and then flowing back again to become the circle. This flowing of yin and yang is a balancing of energy. We go from stimulated to relaxed and then back again and again.
Some things interrupt this energy flow such as emotions, physical trauma and chemicals. When scientists discovered our water was full of bacteria and causing us to become sick, the solution they came up with was to add chlorine to the water. For years chlorine did an effective job of killing off bacteria. But then it wasn’t enough, so City officials sanctioned the use of Bromide to add to the chlorine to disinfect the water supply. This seemed to help and then came Fluoride—supposedly to help deter tooth decay (what about not eating so many refined carbohydrates). Now this toxic soup blend is not helping, but actually hindering, health.
Because heavier and heavier doses of chlorine are needed to try to keep bacteria down, some cities are overwhelmed with a situation of delivering toxic water to residents but not wanting to create panic by exposing the problem. So, they don’t let you know some of the facts. Chlorine contains chemicals called trihalomethanes, or THMs, and these increase the risk of holes in the heart, cleft palate and Anencephalus, where parts of the brain, skull and scalp fail to fully develop. Some cities do not even test existing levels of chlorine they just add more. Researchers from the University of Birmingham estimate that one in six households in Britain - around 4 million homes - could be supplied with water with dangerously high levels of chlorine.
Don’t be complacent and think—oh well that’s in Britain. We live in America. Here’s a little self- test you can do: fill a glass of tap water to half full. Place your hand over it and give it a good shake for about a count of ten; now take you hand away and sniff. You will smell the chlorine like you were standing next to a swimming pool. Chlorine is a gas and when you shake the water you are dispersing the gas molecules and releasing them into the air when you lift your hand.
We definitely need something to kill off bacteria in the water supply but chlorine is a two-edged sword that is becoming sharper and sharper on the edge of harm. You might say: I don’t drink much water from the tap; I drink bottled water. Unfortunately the bottled water industry could be a whole other email. The best way to be certain you are getting pure, clean, health benefiting water is to purify it at the tap. It is economical and tastes delicious. I could hardly drink water until we got our Nature’s Spring almost 25 years ago. Once our sons were old enough and off to college, we made sure they had a Nature’s Spring unit of their own. Twenty some years later—they still use Nature’s Spring to purify their family’s water. It’s what we do when we love people—share what we know and make sure our family is safe.
You don’t have to invest thousands of dollars for a whole house system. For most people, this is a waste. My sons have moved countless times and their unit traveled right with them. I have posted on my website more information about the Nature’s Spring which, in my opinion is the easiest unit to attach to any faucet and provides the best tasting water in the world! You can feel safe that the chlorine, fluoride, THMs, Pesticides, heavy metals, harmful bacteria and even viruses will be removed and flushed down the drain so you only have the purest drinking and cooking water available. It costs pennies to run—no electricity. Absolutely no extra plumbing needed. Just take off the aerator on your faucet; replace it with the one that comes with the unit and snap on the adaptor. When you are done purifying the water from the tap—your tap becomes the same fully functional tap it was before.
Everything tastes better with Reverse Osmosis water. It is highly oxygenated and picks up flavor and intensifies it; whether it is your favorite herbal tea, coffee, or soup—make it with your new Nature’s Spring water and feel confident that it is pure. It makes an amazing difference that will soon spoil you. Cook with this water and drink it up. You need to flush the body with pure water—not add to your toxic load. Add some liquid chlorophyll and feel refreshed!
Some of the news is pretty scary about what is in our water and what health concerns it can present. If you are drinking water that you purified—you can rest assured. You don’t have to worry about excess chlorine or chemical dumps. The news is full of articles attesting to even medicine and hormone replacement therapy being in the water. According to a study done by Environmental Health, “Expectant women who drink the water, swim in it, take a bath or shower in it, or even stand close to a boiling kettle, could double their chances of giving birth to a baby with heart problems, a cleft palate or major brain defects.” Chlorine is bad news and so is Clorox! Don’t think that you are protecting your family when using this toxic substance.
Our Nature’s Fresh enzyme spray is a much better way to clean toilets, floors, stains etc. Do not bleach. If you bleach your clothes you are wearing that chlorine and your skin is absorbing it. Never let children, or if you are pregnant, do not use wipes that include bleach or chlorine. Your hand is absorbing this toxic substance and you are breathing it in. If you own a pool—look into other purification methods. Be aware of what you are putting into your body to protect your health. Taking the simple step of making sure the water you drink is pure, is like a giant step toward better health.
Have a Health-filled week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
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click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
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Have you ever taken a walk in the woods and seen the beautiful white flower with three petals called Trillium? It is the state wildflower of Ohio. It is illegal to pick them, however I have seen them for sale at a farmer’s market. There are sister plants to the Great White Trillium that come in a variety of colors but I find the starkness of the white against the green very beautiful. If you drive slowly by some wooded land you might catch a view of them.
I’ve used Trillium in the emotional healing work I do to help balance the body, mind and spirit of an individual who seems out of touch with their emotional self. This person has been hurt deeply and has created a persona that nothing can touch them. They can’t give or feel love. They care about nothing and nobody. It is also about the materialistic person who is never satisfied with what they own—they want more. The white of the flower helps to signify purity and it helps to cleanse the body and emotions of blocked energy.
The Trillium and the cloverleaf represent a triad--A symbol of trinity. The body, the mind and the spirit come together to create unity. All the leaves or petals are uniform in size and shape and they are on a rather sturdy stem. So, we could think of it as being well balanced and centered.
The Holistic Model of Body, Mind and Spirit represent the World of the Mind, the World of the Body and the World of the Spirit (or emotions). All three impact our health. How we think, do, and feel can either support health or create illness and they are completely interlinked.
There is an Emotional Anatomy class taught by Steven Horne and you can find it on the website: http://www.healityourself.com/store/products/Emotional-Anatomy.html. Steven states, “50% of the reason why people are sick has to do with their thoughts and feelings. The other 50% is diet, toxicity, exercise and other physical health issues.” So, if your thoughts and feelings can create fifty percent of the illnesses you experience—how does that happen? Well, it isn’t because the emotion is bad, it is because it is badly expressed, or not expressed.
Anger is a very emotive feeling. When used properly it can be productive and beneficial. Most people do not know how to do this. Many people hang on to anger and let it fester. In emotional healing, Anger is held in the liver. When it is suppressed long enough it becomes anxiety and when that is suppressed through either our thoughts or medications, it becomes depression.
Fear, Grief and Anger are the triad of emotions that keep us from feeling joy, love and peace (the triad of well-being). It is important for these emotions to be expressed freely and not suppressed. In the book, Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert, PhD we learn that chemical messengers come from the hypothalamus to organ systems and back into the brain. She has found a way through quantum physics to substantiate that how we feel about things create more of those same feelings unless we break the cycle. Flower essences and emotional healing techniques interrupt the cycle that sabotages our health.
Sometimes taking herbs will also help to cleanse the body into changing the destructive behavior into constructive behavior. Our emotions keep us on a roller coaster that we sometimes don’t know how to get off. Emotions come from the World of the Heart (Spirit); whereas Thinking comes from the World of the Head. Emotions are not reasonable or rational—those are head things. Just as we associate temper tantrums with a child, we sometimes have to consider runaway emotions childlike.
Children feel before they think. Emotions are independent of thought. They are definitely felt as sensations and they are very real. When a person feels frightened, physical changes occur; our blood pressure rises, the adrenals send out chemicals in response to the fear and we may perspire or start breathing quicker. These responses are normal. If the fear is long term, the responses can create physical problems because the reactions are not supposed to be long term. They are a burst of responses to help us stand and fight or flee.
Anger is a protective emotion. When someone cuts us off in traffic and we perceive bodily harm—it makes us angry. Anger is an emotion that gears us up to defend ourselves. Sustained anger can be hard on the heart. Studies from Harvard Medical School and elsewhere attest to the fact. One study of 1,305 men with an average age of 62 revealed that the angriest men were three times more likely to develop heart disease than the most placid ones. Researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine tracked 1,055 medical students for 36 years. Compared with cooler heads, the hotheads were six times more likely to suffer heart attacks by age 55 and three times more likely to develop any form of heart or blood vessel disease.
In Chinese medicine a hot liver, the residence for anger, contributes to high blood pressure and constriction of blood vessels. In natural medicine we refer to this system as the “Hepatic” system. It includes the liver and gall bladder. An overactive Hepatic system would include red or ruddy complexion; flushing of the face; tendency to high blood pressure and high cholesterol; chronic or severe flu-like symptoms; red tongue--especially on the sides and irritation around the eyes. Hepatitis is also under this category and means inflammation of the Hepatic system.
If someone has had their gall bladder removed, they also have a challenged Hepatic system, as the liver and gall bladder are paired organs (yin/yang). Moving this stuck energy would be beneficial to health. Doing a liver cleanse would be helpful. You may have to go slower than what is recommended if you start getting flu-like symptoms of nausea or diarrhea. Milk Thistle is a very supportive herb for the Liver, and Dandelion is good as a detoxifier. I’ve found Dandelion very beneficial for teens that can’t seem to get a handle on anger or defiance.
The name Dandelion comes from the French meaning “teeth of the Lion” pertaining to the saw toothed edges of the leaves. But, the signature of the plant being jagged and “edgy” I think is an interesting observation although it is the root that is used in herbal medicine one can cook the leaves like spinach or eat them raw in salads. (Only use those that haven’t been sprayed with chemicals).
Want to learn more—come to the class in Southfield this coming Saturday, June 13th at 10am and learn how you can support a healthier liver and understand more about Anger; to register for this live class call 248-559-6763. Seating is limited so call early. If you miss this class you can register for the Webinar on Wednesday, June 24th—two times to choose from: http://www.bornforhealth.com/webinars.html Learn how you can support better health by understanding how emotions affect our health and how to support the body with supplements that can move stuck energy. Put on your Happy Feet and watch this: http://www.totlol.com/watch/XjhvWf7OeEE/Happy-Feet-Like-To-Move-It/0/
Have a Health-filled week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
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http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
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If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Good Morning!
One of the things my granddaughters love to do is graze my herb garden. This year I put in some orange mint to go with our munchies. It isn’t as much a favorite with us as the old fashioned regular Peppermint. Jessica and Sarah also love Lemon balm, which truly does taste lemony and has some wonderful calming effects. It isn’t quite as invasive as regular mint. However, this email is about Peppermint.
Peppermint has been known for is carminative effects. Carminative means that it settles the stomach, aids digestion and relieves gas. Eating a peppermint leaf is not immediately cooling, in fact it tingles the taste buds. This increases saliva production and sends a message for the stomach to increase digestive juices as well. I’ve never had anyone have a problem with fresh peppermint leaves causing heartburn.
The dried leaf made into tea may cause a problem with those people who are taking medication for acid reflux because their medication turns off the ability for the body to make hydrochloric acid. The leaf is sending signals to produce gastric juices but the medication is warring with that signal. I believe it is this response that one feels when taking peppermint tea and using medication to disrupt the digestive processes. I’ll discuss the importance of HCl in just a minute.
Peppermint is very refreshing. We find we need no sweeteners when drinking tea made from dried or fresh leaf. It is especially wonderful chilled for summertime refreshment. Heating water to the boiling point and placing the clean fresh or dried leaves into the hot water, releases the essential oils of peppermint. You can let it steep for 5 minutes and drink; or if using it with ice you want to make it a bit bolder because the ice will dilute the flavor. So, for iced tea I will steep it for 10-15 minutes.
For a female tea I love adding red raspberry leaves to the peppermint. Red raspberry leaves are a uterine and female tonic. If you want to add some natural calcium—add a few small comfrey leaves to your tea. Comfrey is known as the “bone knitter” of all plants because it is so high in usable calcium. So, you can see that peppermint can be a delightful addition to most any tea. It also has the ability to intensify any quality you are trying to obtain from a plant.
As much as we love peppermint, I don’t like the fact that it is pushy and tries to take over everything. If you plant one plant, next year you will have ten and the year after you are pulling peppermint out of the garden by the bucketfuls. I’ve since moved my peppermint to an old gas barbeque grill we no longer use. I simply filled it with dirt and now my peppermint can run free. It also makes it easier for stand up munching.
Hydrochloric acid is a necessary part of digestion. Without this our stomach cannot create the proper environment for breaking down proteins or calcium. Most of the time when people suffer from acid reflux they have a hiatel hernia. My good friend and mentor Steven Horne has an excellent article on this on his website: Hiatel Hernia, the hidden cause of disease. If you consider the fact that if digestion is impaired how can you possibly attain health. Medications do not cure a Hiatel Hernia! Most contribute to worse digestion and because you cannot get the nutrients you need for repair and rebuilding the body, disease occurs.
I find that most people are deficient in digestive enzymes and creating the proper pH for correct digestion. That is why I like to recommend some sort of digestive support for my clients to get the most out of the supplements they take. NSP has a supplement called Papaya Mint. Papaya fruit contains an enzyme called papain that can break down protein, while peppermint leaves contain aromatic compounds that trigger the production of digestive fluids. Aside from the fact it is quite tasty, it can be used as an after dinner mint to aid digestion. I’ve even given these to my granddaughters when their stomach feels uncomfortable.
Although peppermint is stimulating to digestion it is also calming. Putting peppermint oil in a bath can soothe irritated tissue. NSP has a wonderful essential oil of peppermint. Just a few drops mixed with Epsom salts can calm achy muscles and has even helped with chicken pox or shingles. It can help sunburn by mixing a little aloe vera gel into the bath. My favorite is mixing essential oils into a little Sunshine concentrate and a touch of Aloe gel to make a great aromatherapy bubble bath. The Sunshine concentrate will help the tub to rinse clean and no messy ring! So, peppermint can be invigorating and also calming.
Peppermint is one of the most popular of all flavors. It really came from Europe where it is a mixture of water mint and spearmint. Peppermint oil contains numerous minerals and nutrients including manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, folate, potassium, and copper. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. It is the most scientifically studied of all essential oils and has the most peer reviewed papers written in medical journals.
It is antiseptic, antispasmodic, pain relieving, immune supporting, enhances circulation and carminative. Peppermint oil is one of the things I have in all of my emergency kits (travel, car and home). It is small but mighty. I even keep a bottle in my purse. You can stir a drop into some warm water to relieve headaches, sinus congestion and a quick “pick me up”. Just remember to close your eyes before sipping, as it will also make your eyes tear up just getting close to the steam of your cup.
This past weekend I was at the Healthy Traditions Network event in Southgate and met a lady whose family has had a Peppermint farm for 3 generations. The farm is in trouble. If you would like to read about it and perhaps help out, here is the website to go to: http://www.getmint.com/ You can hear the story of a swim coach telling how it helped one of his swimmers regain her shoulder strength and mobility. With unprecedented momentum building, Crosby Mint Farm is diligently working to win back its farm. Crosby Mint Farm has until August 14th to pay back its debt and win back its farm from Greenstone Farm Credit Services.
Read about (and purchase some) of their Soil rejuvenator: mint hay, people have turned to AmeriMint Soil Rejuvenator for their planting needs to add nutrients to their gardens or to loosen their hard soil or clay. In 1997, CMF developed a natural composting method, which produces a high nutrient additive. This compost will assist the novice gardener to the professional gardener for all their growing needs. This rich, high nutrient black compost product is one of the only compost products on the market that contains NO additives such as sawdust, bark or dirt. It is made strictly of peppermint and spearmint plants that have been through the steam distillation process. This mint hay is the compost by-product that is now gaining a foothold in Michigan, with users from Florida to the well-known Mackinac Island located in beautiful northern Michigan. This unique product is a must-try for anyone who wants natural and positive results from their gardening and planting efforts.
I applaud the Crosby family for its efforts in trying to save their farm and hang on to a family tradition. Coming this week they will be offering soy based, cotton wick candles with mint! They also have mint toffee—yumm.
Have a refreshing week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
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If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
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The Buzz about Bee Pollen
Good Morning!
Did you know that Bee Pollen is mentioned in the Bible, the Talmud, the Koran, the Book of Mormon, and has even been referred to in ancient Oriental scrolls of the Far East. Most health experts praise bee Pollen as a “perfect” food because it is loaded with vital nutrients. Bee pollen is rich in the B vitamin complex (which gives energy), carotenes, including vitamins C and E, two potent antioxidants, and is made up of approximately 55% carbohydrates. It is an excellent source of lecithin, which can help repair the myelin sheath surrounding the nerves. And it has 50% more protein than the average steak, yet it is a vegetarian source.
You have an opportunity to get some of this amazing supplement FREE. You can share the Nature’s Sunshine opportunity of saving on quality supplements with someone you care about. This month NSP is offering a free bottle of Bee Pollen to you and the new person you sponsor into this special buying club. Telling others about the benefits of taking supplements is easy when you have the kind of quality and service behind you that Nature’s Sunshine offers. Want to learn more about “the opportunity of earning”. Catch the webinar on the “500 Manager” coming up on the 18th. You need to register to attend: http://www.naturessunshine.com/us/members/education/webinars.aspx If you can’t make the time, register anyway and then you will be able to view the recorded message.
Among more of the benefits of Bee Pollen include increasing energy, increased libido, helps eliminate acne, aids digestion and the respiratory system, helps in eliminating depression and improving blood pressure. It also is used as a topically applied salve (which is good for skin problems). It's also helpful in lessening the effects of diabetes, and as a weight loss supplement as well. Gee, is there anyone this stuff can’t help?
In a 1978 book Bee Pollen and Your Health, Carlson Wade tells us how Bee Pollen can healthfully affect metabolism. "Bee pollen is a natural way to improve metabolism and help control and take weight off." It is great for stabilizing blood sugar. It is not a panacea and should not be taken by itself as a stand-alone health product. We need to eat a healthy balance of foods that include vegetables in a variety of colors, fruit and other proteins. But to have a couple of these capsules with your smoothie in the morning may set you day off in a great way. If you find you need a snack and have no time, perhaps taking a couple of these with half an apple would do the trick in keeping your blood sugar balanced. You might even try opening those capsules and sprinkling the Bee Pollen onto the apple!
The bees don’t mind sharing! A full colony of bees can actually pull in as many as 50,000 loads of pollen a day. The vital pollen is taken from the stamen of flowers. It is the male reproductive part of the flower that the bees collect from and then carry it away between their legs. Before they do that however, they mix the pollen with enzymes and add honey to preserve it. Bee pollen is harvested as the bee enters the hive through a special collector that removes the pollen from the bee’s legs. Because this is the only food a bee eats, they are constantly collecting. The springtime and fall are the heaviest pollen times.
For those who have pollen allergies: it is suggested that you open the capsule and take out a few grains and eat them with a meal. By introducing the pre-digested pollen slowly into the system people have found that they can all but eliminate their reactions to pollen and dust. You should go slowly because there are a few people who have adverse reactions. Once you’ve taken a few grains and have had no difficulty, the next meal you can increase the dose. These are like homeopathic doses and they allow the immune system to adjust to this type of pollen. You can double the dose each day until you are doing the recommended dose of two capsules twice a day.
Making sure the bee pollen has no residue of insect fragments, pesticides, or dust is one of the many things we can count on with Nature’s Sunshine. The quality control area of NSP checks over the Bee Pollen making sure it is pure and not contaminated in any way. You can depend that what you purchase from Nature’s Sunshine will be better than organic. Insects are organic but I don’t want them as part of my food choice. Some commercial supplements contain pollen collected directly from flowers, so check the label before you buy the product to make sure that you are getting bee pollen; or simply choose NSP brand Bee Pollen.
The saying, “Busy as a bee” is so true when you consider that their whole life revolves around gathering pollen. It takes an incredible amount of energy to fly around all day and Bee Pollen is what bees eat as their only source of food and energy. This kind of stamina demands a very high quality fuel and this is why many athletes depend on bee pollen for helping them meet their physical demands. In fact, both ancient and modern Olympians have used it for energy, says Dr. Nenninger, an expert who writes for Mother Nature’s News.
Many people claim longevity as a reason to eat bee pollen. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, believed that bee pollen contributed to long life. Russian researcher Prof. Nicolai Vasilievich Tsitsin, a biologist and experimental botanist at the Longevity Institute, tried to discover why so many natives of Georgia, formerly of the Soviet Union, reportedly lived to upwards of 125 years old. " All of the 200 or more people past 125 years of age in Georgia, without exception, state that their principal food is pollen and honey - mostly pollen," said Prof. Tsitsin.
So, if it’s good enough for Methuselah, it’s good enough for me! Experiments reveal that bee pollen is an amazing biological stimulant with healing properties. In his book Sexual Nutrition, Morton Walker described the effects of bee pollen on both animals and humans with a variety of medical disorders. Treatment with bee pollen improved energy levels, relieved constipation and diarrhea and acted as a tranquilizer for hyperactive patients. Other effects were increased blood hemoglobin (the part of the red blood cell) and stress reduction at the cellular level.
Studies from all over the world indicate that the pollen collected by bees from the stamen of flowers is worth its weight in gold. Bee pollen contains 22 amino acids (and higher amounts of the eight essential ones than most high-protein foods), 27 mineral salts, the full range of vitamins, hormones, carbohydrates, and more than 5,000 enzymes and coenzymes necessary for digestion and healing. A little known fact is that bee pollen is also rich in the bioflavonoid rutin, important for capillary strength, and in vitamin B12. It is, in fact, one of the few vegetable sources of this vitamin. Preliminary observation indicates that bee pollen may prevent cancer. The Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research in New York City has been studying effects of bee pollen, royal jelly and bee venom on cancer.
Thank you Bees for working so hard to provide us with this beneficial food! Just in case you are allergic to bees or pollen—BEE Careful. This just may not be for you. Read up on the connecting sites that I’ve hyper linked in the highlighted words and use caution.
If you can’t make the “500 Manager” webinar on the 18th—I’ll try and record it and post it on my website. The week of Education was a resounding success—thanks to all who participated! Those slides are available for a short time to download from the webinar portion of the NSP website and the audio is available through Riverwalk Media—also known as NSPonTape: http://www.nspontape.com/. Each audio is $5.00 or you can get both Education weeks (10 audios) for $40.00. And finally, my Herbal First Aid webinar is now available for download FREE from my website for those of you who missed it last week, or just want to share the info with friends: http://www.bornforhealth.com/webinars.html
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
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If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
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Something Stupid
Good Morning!
At one time or another we are all accused of doing something stupid that resulted in an injury. We run on “auto-pilot” in so many actions. It would be exhausting to have to calculate each step or motion we took—so our brain does a zillion calculations based on memories. When you drive to work, you don’t consciously think about stopping at lights, making turns etc. You just do it. While you are driving you may be listening to the radio, talking on your cell phone, shaving or putting on make up. Maybe you’re even one of those people who actually reads the newspaper at stoplights.
According to a recent study: Eating while you drive is one of the most distracting things you can do, according to several recent surveys by insurance companies and data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). More than 25% of accidents are due to a driver being distracted either by eating or some other form of mind diversion. Driving a car requires conscious thought and a “readiness to react”. It isn’t part of the instinctual brain.
When survival is in question, our brain is actually geared to bypass the conscious mind and act on instinct. You might call it self-preservation. The instinctual brain is also called “the old brain” and also technically known as the Amygdala. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for instant reaction to stimulus. Some might consider it a “pain in the neck” because its position is near the brain stem. This part of the brain can scan the body in milliseconds to see if danger exists. So, if we grab something hot, this part of the brain has recorded the event way before we consciously come to the conclusion we have burned ourselves.
If we bump ourselves, it is this part of the brain that will direct our hands to rub the bumped area. We then switch into the conscious brain or the Neo-cortex and shout out all those “sailor” words we don’t usually use. The thing is: if we spent more time rubbing the injury and bringing more circulation to the area, we’d spend less time dealing with the injury in the long term. I have prevented many a bruise doing this fast rubbing method. You must keep rubbing with fast stroking until there is no more pain! The reason a bruise forms is because damaged cells are congested at the sight of the injury. Rubbing moves those damaged cells into the blood stream so that the lymphatic system can digest them and eliminate them.
Our conscious brain says: “we don’t have time for this—get a move on!” So, we stop doing what will help the body heal faster; go about what we were doing before we got injured, and the body has to deal with the injury without the help prompted by our instincts. More blood flows into the area until there is total congestion, inflammation occurs; often a bump will form because so much lymph fluid is congested in the area; heat forms to try and digest some of the injured cells and lots of pain follows--all because we pushed through our instincts. Now, that’s something stupid!
This is another one of those cases where “a stitch in time saves nine”. If we spent 5, 10 or even 15 minutes rubbing and possibly using some preparation to assist with the healing, the injury would be no more. Instead, we’d rather deal with the consequences of our action for a week or two. Having a first aid kit available to use in these times of accidental injury can help speed up the healing process. This month’s theme is “Herbal First Aid”, and what I will be discussing during this Wednesday’s webinar. There are two times to choose from. You must register to attend. http://www.bornforhealth.com/webinars.html
Steven Horne is a Master Herbalist who created the class, Dr. Mom, Dr. Dad. This is part of the course for being a “Certified Herbal Consultant”. It is an amazing class that teaches you some common sense and practical things to do in case of emergency or acute illness. The fast rubbing method is taught in this class. Also, if you smash a finger or toe—hold it tightly so the injury is contained. Once the pain stops you can then do the fast stroking method. The only time you don’t want to rub an injury is if you have a sting. When poison enters the skin you want to contain it to the area so you can then apply a drawing poultice.
Many people who get mosquito bites will scratch it and this spreads the toxins and makes things worse. If you applied a drop of Tei Fu oil onto the bite and held it tightly for about 1-2 minutes you will stop the itching and make the bite go away. Tei Fu will decrease the inflammation and mediate the toxins until the immune system can digest them and eliminate them. I love to call it our “Ancient Chinese Secret”. It actually did come over from China and it was a family secret. It is one of the items I keep in my car, home, purse and wouldn’t be without. It is antiseptic and analgesic. So, it can fight germs and kill pain. It also can make your eyes water if you rub them after having the oil on your fingers—so be warned!
When you are sleepy while driving, a sniff of Tei Fu oil will often clear your head. My granddaughter will use it to get her congested sinuses moving. I’ve had some people put a drop on the base of their neck and relieve a headache due to tension. Many people put a drop on the palm of their hands, rub them together briskly and then cup them over their nose and take a deep breath. This is a good way to clear the head and sinus area as well as kill off many dangerous microbes.
Tei-Fu Oil contains safflower oil, wintergreen oil, menthol, camphor, clove, eucalyptus and lavender essential oils. For sensitive skin you can use the Tei Fu lotion or add Tei Fu oil to any base such as Healing AC Cream, Massage oil or Aloe Vera gel. It should not be put into the nose or eyes. It should be one of the first things you buy as part of your “Herbal Emergency Kit.” In fact, you should buy several—one for home, office and travel. You don’t even have to put it in your “clear plastic bag”. Mine has always passed security just in my purse. Think of all the times you want to increase circulation and use it—tired legs, achy muscles, and clear thinking. I love my Tei Fu oil!
Being proactive in your health can save you time and money. You can’t always prevent stupid things from happening but you can act on them to minimize the damage. Want to know more handy tips—come to the Webinar on Preparing an Herbal First Aid Kit at a computer near you!
One of the connections to the old brain is through the limbic system. This is how essential oils work. When breathed in, the aromatic energy begins to work through vibrations to calm, excite, or set things in motion almost instantly! You want these vibratory messages to be as pure as possible. Many essential oils on the market are made with impure ingredients and are cut with ineffective, or even harmful oils. When it comes to essential oils, I put my trust in Nature’s Sunshine because I know that they test in many ways to make sure we get the purest oils available. Using essential oils can be a very active part of helping the body heal from acute injury.
Have a Health-filled week! Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Here, Piggy Piggy!
Good Morning!
Well you’d have to be an Ostrich not to know about the hubbub going around about the Swine Flu. I hope by the end of this email to set things in a better prospective than the media seem to be presenting.
First of all, it is ludicrous to call it a pandemic when fewer than 100 people across the entire United States have died from it. According to the World Malaria Report 2005, up to 500 million people a year catch malaria in more than 100 countries, and a million die from it. In Africa, where 80 percent of malaria deaths take place, it kills a child every 30 seconds. This should put this ridiculous over-reaction into a respective balance.
Secondly one would have to ask—who benefits from creating this frenzy? Hummm, let’s see—who is out there answeriing the call; the Pharmaceutical industry urging people to get a Tamiflu shot. Let’s look into the effectiveness of Tamiflu or Relenza. Canada's top lab in Winnipeg tested 225- A/H1N1 influenza "isolates" for Tamiflu resistance, and all of them were resistant to the drug because of the virus's capacity to mutate. Tests in British Columbia also showed the A/H1N1 flu was resistant to Tamiflu. Tests in the U.S. have also come to similar conclusions. So, if it doesn’t work—why are they pushing it?
The public demands that something be done about this Booga Booga Bug! It just may wipe out half of America! And if that is what you think—you’ve already lowered your immune response and made yourself susceptible to whatever microbe that wants to invade. Your thoughts can make you sick! This is a fact discovered by Dr. Bruce Lipton, a professor of Cellular Biology and author of the book, “The Biology of Belief”.
Right now labs are working feverishly to discover a new drug to ward off the swine flu. And when they complete it—how will it be tested for adverse effects? Since WHO wants it in the hand of those administering it ASAP, we will be the “guinea pigs” (pun intended). I remember when the last scare of swine flu was perpetrated.
The swine flu vaccine was administered to the American public even though there had never been a case of swine flu identified in a human. Farmers refused to use the vaccine because it killed too many animals. Within a few months of use in humans this vaccine caused many cases of serious nerve injury (Guillan Barre syndrome). The steady escalation in the number of vaccines administered had been followed by an identical rise in the incidence of autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, subacute lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, asthma) seen in children. While there is a genetic transmission of some of these diseases many are probably due to the injury from foreign protein particles, mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and other toxic agents injected in vaccines.
Since the “bug” mutates quite quickly, there is no guarantee that the vaccine they administer will actually be effective. All vaccinations lower immune response—it is how it works. The vaccine enters the blood stream and the immune system is supposed to identify it as “non-self” and set up markers. These markers look for similar identities and attack them. Since viruses actually grab a piece of our DNA they are difficult for the immune system to identify. Pretty soon the immune system is attacking itself (autoimmune) because the marker says it is “non-self”.
So, what is effective? Well, simple sanitary procedures such as washing your hands in mild soap and water after being out in the public works. Do not use anti-bacterial soaps as they strip the skin of its normal good bacteria and pH. The skin is a protective barrier and is part of the immune system. When we compromise it with harsh chemical soaps, we strip away its natural ability to protect us from invading organisms. Also, these harsh soaps dry the skin and those cracks are a direct route to the blood stream. This allows germs easy access to a new home.
Even more important is to keep your immune system up to par. Get the proper rest you need, find healthful ways of dealing with stress (you can download FREE my webinar on Stress), drink lots of good water to flush out toxins, eat healthy foods, and take supplements to assist your immune response. Nature’s Sunshine has a plethora of these!
This thing about not touching other people and instilling fear in everyone: “This flu is no worse than any seasonal flu! “ Los Angeles County's chief health officer said on Friday that A/H1N1 flu, also known as swine flu, does not appear to be any more deadly than regular seasonal influenza. So, don’t buy into the pharmaceutical industry’s scare into making you frantic to get a vaccine. Simply eat right, think right and you will be all right!
You can be doubly sure of having your immune system on alert by taking Silver Shield, a patented new silver that has shown some amazing reversal in such diseases as Malaria. In a hospital in Ghana, Silver Shield is reversing the Malaria virus in less than 5 days! Dr. Pederson who developed the nano silver process creating our Silver Shield product recommends that adults take two teaspoons of Silver Shield twice daily to protect against invading organisms. Our Silver works in 3 ways. I have a short class on Silver posted on my website if you’re interested in learning more.
Silver Shield gel is an easy to use, odorless defense that when applied to hands and nose can protect for up to 4 hours against viruses, bacteria and other potentially harmful organisms. If you work in an area that has a common phone, keyboard, mouse or visit a library using these—you should first wash your hands with mild soap and water and then apply the Silver gel. Even if you wash again, your hands are protected for up to 4 hours. You can then repeat for another 4 hours of protection. This way you can feel confident in shaking hands or touching others.
I urge you to check out my website and sign up today for the 5 days of education being offered FREE by Nature’s Sunshine via phone or computer. http://www.bornforhealth.com/webinars/nspwebinars.html Hopefully, there will be still time for you to hear these important solutions to health concerns. There is limited space so act now.
If you missed the live presentation, you may still be able to hear the downloaded version of Dr. Pederson’s lecture on Solve It With silver-- Listen by Phone: *82, 1-712-432-0453 PIN 8626
Call is available from approx. 1 pm MDT until approx. 12 noon MDT the following day.
Also, this coming Saturday, May 9th, is my monthly Herbal Hour class in Southfield and the theme for this month is Home Preparedness. We will be discussing how to put together an Herbal Home Health Kit. At the class I will have some of my favorite remedies for sale. Register now: 248-623-2288 or email me—reply. Space is very limited so be sure to register.
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Holy Powder
Good Morning!
When you get done reading this eGram you will understand why in India Turmeric is considered Holy Powder! This spice is worth its weight ten times over in gold. And gold is its color. The amazing preventive and healing qualities of this herb is why it was chosen to be a part of Super ORAC, a supplement contained in Super Trio or sold separately. It synergistically combines with other super antioxidants to create a powerful health aid for a variety of conditions. Whenever you calm inflammation, you increase health.
You might be familiar with the flavoring in curry if you’ve ever eaten Indian food. Turmeric is found in curry powder and is one of the favored spices indigenous to India. I personally don’t like turmeric well enough to eat every day. Research shows that curry powder; doesn’t have enough turmeric to be therapeutic in preventing or fighting disease. So, I feel it is best to supplement with this very important antioxidant if you want to make a difference in your health. I take between 2-3 capsules daily of Super ORAC.
You might consider it too if you want to avoid Alzheimer’s disease, Inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells; Inhibit the transformation of cells from normal to tumor; Help your body destroy mutated cancer cells so they cannot spread throughout your body; Decrease inflammation; Enhance liver function; Inhibit the synthesis of a protein thought to be instrumental in tumor formation; Prevent the development of additional blood supply necessary for cancer cell growth and there is more!
Most notably turmeric is known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties, which come from curcumin -- the pigment that gives turmeric its yellow-orange color, and which is thought to be responsible for many of its medicinal effects. There are an estimated three to five grams of curcumin in 100 grams of turmeric. Every acute painful condition you have has inflammation as part of why you feel pain. So think about gardening, household jobs, or even fun things like baseball, tennis and even golf. When you stress your muscles you create inflammation. Wouldn’t it be great to already have something in your system raring to go to those areas affected by strain to minimize or eliminate inflammation? Now you know why I’m an avid fan of taking Super ORAC daily in advance of gardening or other activities. This is called prevention.
Once you have inflammation, it is harder to decrease. It’s easier to prevent a forest fire than it is to control one. When you prevent inflammation from happening, damage doesn’t occur. When you control inflammation, damage has already been done. So, it is always better to prevent and having nutrients available for the body to use immediately goes a long way in the prevention process. You do not want to not have pain because that tells you when you have done too much. If you take painkillers you can damage the body because you are going beyond the body’s ability to heal as you go.
In India where turmeric is widely used, the prevalence of four common U.S. cancers -- colon, breast, prostate and lung -- is 10 times lower. In fact, prostate cancer, which is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in U.S. men, is rare in India and this is attributed, in part, to turmeric. Numerous studies have looked into this potential cancer-fighting link, with promising results. Indian people already have this amazing antioxidant in their system ready to fight and protect because they eat it daily.
Because the volatile oil is one of the constituents that make this herb so powerful, using the dried powder may not have the same poweful antioxidant effect as using an encapsulated form. Capsules actually trap the oils and prevent them from evaporating whereas buying turmeric in bulk does not. If you can smell it, the oils are evaporating! So, if you are cooking with it and you can smell it—you are losing some of its healthful benefits. This same thing applies to teas. If you smell peppermint tea, some of the volatile oils are escaping and you will not get the full potency of the herb.
Now you know why I love capsules. They actually retain the freshness and potency of the herb until your digestive system can dissolve them, which generally takes less than 20 minutes. Then this goodness can go directly to the liver to help it detoxify as well as combine with other health beneficial nutrients to assist your body in the healing process. Turmeric is helpful for digestion, circulation, immune function and even nerve protection.
Growing evidence suggests that turmeric may afford protection against neurodegenerative diseases. Epidemiological studies show that in elderly Indian populations, among whose diet turmeric is a common spice, levels of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's are very low. Concurrently, experimental research conducted recently found that curcumin does appear to slow the progression of Alzheimer's in mice. Preliminary studies in mice also suggest that curcumin may block the progression of multiple sclerosis. While it is still unclear how it may afford protection against this degenerative condition, one theory is that it may interrupt the production of IL-2, a protein that can play a key role in the destruction of myelin, the sheath that serves to protect most nerves in the body.
Want more encouragement to add this herb to your daily intake? Curcumin, one of the active ingredients in turmeric, crosses the blood brain barrier! Research conducted at UCLA and published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (December 2004), which has been confirmed by further research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (April 2006), provides insight into the mechanisms behind curcumin's protective effects against Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease results when a protein fragment called amyloid¦Â accumulates in brain cells, producing oxidative stress and inflammation, and forming plaques between nerve cells (neurons) in the brain that disrupt brain function.
The UCLA researchers first conducted test tube studies in which curcumin was shown to inhibit amyloid¦Â aggregation and to dissolve amyloid fibrils more effectively than the anti-inflammatory drugs ibuprofen and naproxen. Then, using live mice, the researchers found that curcumin crosses the blood brain barrier and binds to small amyloid- species. Once bound to curcumin, the amyloid- protein fragments can no longer clump together to form plaques. Curcumin not only binds to amyloid-Â, but also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, supplying additional protection to brain cells.
So, if you want to have a better brain you should include Turmeric (found in Super ORAC) and Omega 3 EPA (both in Super Trio)! Having nutrients available when needed goes a long way if you want to prevent disease, avoid having to take days off work due to inflammation and be top on your game for fun and daily activities. How difficult can it be to throw a packet of Super Trio in your purse or pocket to take during lunch and dinner? At about $1.50 per day you can prevent a lot of discomfort!
For more information on Turmeric: http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=78
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Good Morning!
Daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and potholes—ahh Spring! Dodging those, tire popping, rim busting, and hubcap flinging objects, is a daily activity in springtime. If you happen to land in one it can jar your teeth and spine. The spring temperatures warm the cold pavement, melting and evaporating any ice. This creates air pockets that can eventually cause the pavement to break up. A winter of heavy snow or rain and several freeze-thaw cycles can mean a big pothole season ahead.
Repair of potholes can be done in several ways. A Patch Crew can come by and throw some ground-up asphalt mixed with tar down on top of the hole. I hate to follow behind one of these crews because then your vehicle becomes the tamper. As you drive over the loose material you can hear it pinging against the wheel well. I can just picture that gunk attaching itself to my car. I can remember when there was a crewmember whose job it was to use a tamping device to make sure the material was smashed into the hole. I imagine someone came up with the brilliant idea to eliminate that person’s job and just let the drivers following the Patch Crew do the tamping.
Then there are manned vehicles that can patch the holes. One of which rents for about $7000.00 per month and one person operates it. It is called the Pothole Killer. It forces air into the hole getting rid of dust and debris and then fills it with material. The video doesn’t show it tamping it down so I’m not sure that’s part of its features. There is another machine that is shaped like a bus that is still in the works but does have a patent on it called a Rapid Road repair vehicle.
This vehicle rides along the highway and can actually site a pothole, identify it from a manhole cover or other debris, determine the size of it and then it not only blows out the debris but also vacuums the site and prepares it to be filled. As the vehicle rides over the damaged area it processes the pothole and does a finishing touch by tamping it and then dusting it so it isn’t slippery and then finally vacuumed again. It can fill an average pothole in about 15 minutes with one person attending the vehicle. This definitely has my vote. It can work at night so it doesn’t slow down traffic and cause tie-ups and potential accidents. At a cost of $350,000.00 per vehicle—it sounds like a deal!
The other option is to do like some cities do and just use potholes as a measure for speed control. You tend not to go fast when you trying to spot a potential road hazard. However, some taxpayers are actually so fed up with the system they are out there filling the holes that interfere with their driving time. KFC has even offered to fill some holes if the city would let them put a stamp on it saying they did the deed. Get advertising wherever you can. And in extreme cases the city closes off the road and totally rips it up and re-surfaces the road.
Health is somewhat like potholes. We’re going along the road of life and something happens to slow us down. We can take medication that temporarily patches up the situation or we can find out what the cause is and address it. The severe winter weather conditions cause potholes. They don’t happen that much further south. So, if we paid more attention to what we eat and do moderate exercise, drink adequate amounts of good water and get the rest we need—we wouldn’t have to deal with inflammation (potholes). Since most of us don’t live in a perfect world we end up having to either patch with medication or supplementation while working on the cause.
Even the best of diets are not adequate to deal with the stress we put on our bodies. Emotional stress is a huge factor in getting to the cause of illness. It would be easy to sink into the concerns of the economic situation we have going on right now. Everyone is creating stimulus packages. I’m not sure who all is benefiting from these but until we assuage the fear this country is in, we will continue to be in an economic pothole. It is no secret that our government is running on a deficit and spending has been out of control. Are we following the example of Washington? Maybe examining what we spend our money on should be a priority.
My husband and I used to rent houses and whenever someone did not pay the rent it was with regret that we’d eventually have to evict them. Then it was our job to go in and clean up the house so that other people could occupy it. It was always rather ironic that we would find cable TV connections and other visible clues of large expenditures of money. At the time, we didn’t own these large ticket items because we didn’t have the budget for them. Poor money management was what caused them to lose their home. Sometimes we need a reality check on what is important in life. Things do not make you happy.
When credit card use was introduced it came in an era where sales people had to convince you that it made sense to “use other people’s money” to purchase. Then they made these items look like things you couldn’t live without. Who in their right mind pays $100.00 for a pair of ripped up jeans? And yet we do (or at least our kids want us to). Why are we willing to pay for a “plasma screen” TV; cell phones, game boys etc. when they are not necessary for happiness? Because we have been brainwashed into believing these are necessary and it’s okay to spend beyond our income. A total road revamping is necessary in this area.
Getting back to basics is a great idea. Understanding what those “basics” are will take some educating. Having a place to live, enough to eat, people who care about you are what are basic for human development. Look at a baby—they need someone to nurture them, keep them warm and fed and to keep them clean so they stay healthy. These are the things we should make sure we have in our life. When we have them – be grateful. Our attitude is very important to happiness. We must concentrate on what it is that makes us feel good.
Random Acts of Kindness have proven to have many health benefits. One of the most compelling studies of altruism was performed by Allan Luks and documented in his 1991 book, The Healing Power of Doing Good: The Health and Spiritual Benefits of Helping Others. In a nutshell, Luks' concluded, "Helping contributes to the maintenance of good health, and it can diminish the effect of diseases and disorders both serious and minor, psychological and physical." The volunteers in Luks' study testified to feeling a rush of euphoria, followed by a longer period of calm, after performing a kind act.
So, by teaching our children to do these kindnesses and refocusing our direction on what is important in life perhaps we can also help ourselves be healthier. Stress is one of the leading causes of illness. It contributes to inflammation, which contributes to pain. When volunteers did their acts of kindness, their pain would diminish for long periods of time. What act of kindness can you do today?
Stress causes a racing heart and increased breathing rate, and also sparks the adrenal glands to pump adrenaline into our bloodstream, giving us extra strength. In addition, corticosteroids — which are powerful hormones — and adrenaline work together to release fatty acids into the bloodstream, where they become energy for our muscles. This arousal, if prolonged, shifts from a source of strength and energy into a cause of deterioration.
Hans Selye, a Hungarian physician wrote a groundbreaking book called, The Stress of Life in 1956. In his book, Selye actually called for a new way of life that would reduce the negative effects of stress — a way of life he dubbed "altruistic egoism." This way of life would require us to adopt behaviors that involve "the creation of feelings of accomplishment and security [in ourselves] through the inspiration in others of love, good will and gratitude for what we have done or are likely to do in the future." Selye's fundamental remedy was to do good for the self by making the effort to do good for others.
Helping others is what I do. I have learned through the years how simple herbal formulas and natural health can assist the body in its healing path. If you would like to learn more about these basic health supports then come to the class in Ann Arbor Michigan on the 25th. Call Natures Sunshine (800-223-8225) and ask when a National Health Education day is coming to your area and sign up for it. It can change your life. Also take advantage of the webinars that will be presented during the first week of May—Health Education Week. http://www.bornforhealth.com/webinars/nspwebinars.html
There are many ways you can improve your health and the health of others. In the webinar I recently taught on Pain, some of the techniques didn’t cost a penny. This webinar should be posted soon on my website under the “Webinar” tab for your viewing. Don’t let pain be the pothole you patch with medication—understand how the body perceives pain and help it with anti-inflammatory techniques and supplements.
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Good Morning!
In eGram 438 I spoke about the word—Excess; and how it can be used as a noun, adjective or verb. The same goes for the word Prompt. The adjective prompt expresses timely manner or how something is done. The noun is the act of being timely or to have something remind you as in a computer uses a prompt to have you fill in your name and email address etc. The verb is to encourage action or to assist. In the theatre one is given a prompt to say their lines in a manner that makes the production run smoothly.
Pain is a prompt that the body is requesting attention. Acute pain can be the result of an injury such as hitting your thumb with a hammer; falling off a ladder. or even raking up debris and having some muscles ache. These all require some action on inaction (such as resting) on our part to take care of our body. Many people just give their body a modicum of attention and then push through the pain thinking that what they are doing is far more important than listening to the prompt we received as to our body’s needs.
If the desired response was not sufficient to meet the needs of the body, then the prompt becomes greater. So, for example: You slam your finger in a door. The first response you have is (after or maybe during the cuss words) to grab your finger and hold it. The problem is we don’t spend enough time containing the damage. What we were doing before the injury seems more important than actually doing what our instincts prompted us to do: to assist the body in its immediate healing effort.
By holding the finger tightly for between 5 and 20 minutes; until there is no more pain, you can actually halt the damage. In the class I held on Saturday I demonstrated this technique, which is one of the three ways you can help the body heal faster from an injury. Why this works is explained in this class and I will be repeating it twice on Wednesday during my monthly Webinar; Pain Relief Without Medication. I urge you to join and learn what you can do to shorten the healing time of most injuries. Most of the times the tools you need are right there—your hands. They don’t even cost money.
The ridiculous fact of the matter is that by pushing through and not paying attention to the pain and prompt for immediate action we spend days dealing with an injury that should not hurt an hour after doing it, if only we had first paid attention. Grabbing the injury stops the over production of fluid and the rush of it to fill the tissue spaces. When the fluid fills the tissues spaces, neighboring tissues get damaged and more fluid floods the area. This swelling is part of the inflammatory process.
If you followed your prompt and held the finger; contained the injury to just the site and not allowed more injury to the adjacent cells; waited until there was no more pain; then gradually let go—the blood supply would be able to move into the area with blood cells that help nurture the injured cells and clean up the debris. Redness, pain and swelling occur as a result of an injury that wasn’t contained.
Have you ever been on a freeway that had an accident? There is major congestion. You’ve got the cars that were following too closely banging into each other. Then you have the cars that had to slam on their brakes and then you have the back up. On the other side of the street you have the “gawkers” slowing traffic where there wasn’t any accident! The same thing happens at the site of an injury to our body. We have major congestion unless we take immediate steps to prevent it.
The containment of the injury is just one of the three healing steps one can take to help lessen injury and speed up healing time. None of these cost any money. You don’t have to buy a thing because you have all the tools necessary to do these healing steps with you all the time. Join me on Wednesday to learn the three methods and you will be amazed at how fast you can heal from an injury without medication. These methods and more are taught in the course called, “Dr. Mom, Dr. Dad” which is available through Tree of Light at: http://www.treelite.com/products.php
Nobody likes to be in pain and yet it is what prompts us to seek medical care. Without pain we would not know that our body needed help. We also wouldn’t learn not to do dangerous things. We learn to use oven mitts when taking something hot from the oven. We learn to be careful doing many things. Sometimes we don’t know the lesson and don’t relate what we are doing to the pain we are experiencing. And sometimes the pain is worth it. Runners have pain, but winning or accomplishing a goal is worth the pain. We are causing injury. How much injury is determined by the length of time we abuse our body. It also depends on what nutrients are available for repair.
Basic nutrition is necessary for healthy bodies to heal. No matter how good you are with your diet it is still difficult to get optimum nutrition. We can maintain the status quo but is there enough nutrition available for repair? Taking some supplements on a daily basis will insure that your body has what it needs if the need should arise. I love the Super Trio for just that fact.
Omega 3 is anti-inflammatory. Every cell needs a healthy layer of fat to help create good docking stations for nutrients and proteins in which to communicate and nurture the cell. Every cell needs antioxidants to calm oxidative stress. And every cell needs vitamins and minerals for the repair to occur. Super Trio has all three supplements in an easy to use cellophane packet. You simply take the contents of the packet at breakfast; then another packet of supplements at lunch.
For about a dollar and a half a day you can be making sure your body has what it needs for healthy cell growth and repair. That’s a whole lot less than a cup of coffee from Starbucks! Basic nutrition is so lacking in America. It is no wonder to me that we spend billions of dollars on medical expenses each year. If you examine this idea it is again, not paying attention to the prompt. Paying attention to the body’s basic need for good nutrition, water, rest and exercise would go a long way in preventing many of the reason’s people seek medical attention. We really don’t need to have pain prompt us! We don’t have to prove it to ourselves. It is a known fact that we must pay attention to our health or our body will let us know that we haven’t.
Taking medication does not address the basic cause of chronic pain. It simply masks the pain. Most pain medications come with side effects. They may create ulcers or bleeding conditions; they may cause liver or kidney damage and they may cause you to create more injury because you are not addressing the real cause. Sometimes what you are eating is contributing to inflammation. Sugar is one of the most inflammatory foods we eat. All whites: salt, white wheat or grains, and sugar are non-foods and cause nutrient depletion and encourage inflammation. Milk is often an inflammatory food as well.
Drinking a good amount of water each day helps the lymphatic system flush toxins from the body. Keeping our bodies hydrated will assist the healing process because toxins can create inflammation. We have some fabulous anti-inflammatory supplements that we can take to help calm the heat that is part of inflammation. Many of these are discussed during the Webinar on Wednesday, however the main one I go to is a Chinese combination called IF-C.
Pain is not something to be ignored or suppressed but an indication we need to pay attention. You can answer the prompt in several ways. The more attention you pay quickly the easier it is to get on with what you are doing. This is sort of like a “stitch in time saves nine”. If you pay attention quickly and long enough to make a difference, then you won’t have to spend days in pain later. Learning healthful methods of dealing with pain is what you will learn on Wednesday.
On the 25th of this month we have the all day class called, Health Education Series. This year the modules include: Herbal Pharmacy, Candida and its relationship to poor health, and Change Your Brain—Change your Life. These three modules come with booklets and audio CD’s which you will receive when you attend the class in Ann Arbor. The fee of $35.00 for the day of instruction, booklets, CD’s also includes a media CD that has the power point presentations for each subject presented that day as well as some from past classes. These Saturday classes are always filled with fun, learning and the ability to mingle with people who are interested in health.
By taking these health-oriented classes you can save money. When you understand how to support health instead of covering up illness, you save time and money. You save money because you don’t have to miss work. And you save money that you would have spent on over the counter medications. You save time by not having to go to the doctor or the emergency room. Learn how easy it is to be healthy – I prompt you to call Nature’s Sunshine and register for the class on the 25th in Ann Arbor and to visit my website to learn about joining my free Webinar on Wednesday:
If you missed the class or webinar I did on Stress you still have an opportunity to learn. Kathy Peltier will be presenting this class in Southgate of the evening of the 20th. Call Katie at Total Health Foods to register: (734) 246-1208. Also, you can download the recorded version from my website:
Have a Health-filled week!
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:
http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment
Call: 248-559-6763.
The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper
medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.
Be Careful!
Good Morning!
As children we would constantly be admonished to, “Be Careful”! We tell our children to, “Be Careful”. There is a wonderful little saying (author unknown):
Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.
Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.
Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.
Being careful all the time is impossible. It simply takes too much conscious effort and sometimes we have to concentrate on something else and while we are thinking about something else—accidents happen. I once stepped down onto my front porch from my house. I had a cocoa fiber mat in front of my door. As I stepped onto the mat my foot landed on half of the mat and half onto the porch. My ankle twisted. In an instant I was on the cement—that fast. What I did in the next 15-20 minutes would determine the extent of injury done to my ankle. This is one of the many things I want to teach you in my upcoming Southfield class and Webinar: Suffer No More: Pain Relief Without Medication. I never took any medication for that sprain—and it was a bad one.
So, we are careful about “risk taking”. We look both ways before crossing a street; we wear oven mitts to take something hot out of the oven; we even wear a helmet now when we ride a bike. But, I’m sure you’ve had the occasional burn from a curling iron, bump from doing something silly, or even over done the yard work. What do you do about that kind of pain? This class is about helping you understand the healing process and how you can facilitate healing while reducing pain and inflammation.
There are some wonderful natural techniques and remedies I can’t wait to share with you. I’ve used them myself. The sprained ankle I experienced would have been twice as bad, if I hadn’t known what to do in that first 15-20 minutes. I’ve talked with people with similar injuries who years later still have a problem from a bad sprain. I burned my finger on a curling iron when I was at a hotel and took immediate action and a half hour later I was sitting in a class with no visible sign of a burn; and no pain!
Some pain is simply not necessary! I’ve been talking about acute pain up until now. Many of you experience chronic pain. Pain that is with you from the moment you wake up. This class will discuss this type of pain as well. How you can stop contributing to the pain and how you can use supplements that not only relieve the pain, but assist the healing process—come learn these techniques. If you can’t take the class or the Webinar, then look for the recorded version on my website. It should be posted by the end of this month.
Occasionally one has to take medication. I certainly wouldn’t go to the dentist and undergo a procedure without pain medication such as an anesthetic. But, constantly taking medication on a daily basis comes with side effects that create its own set of problems. As we found out with those thousands of people who took Vioxx and ended up with cardiovascular events. So, what does one do that has Rheumatoid Arthritis, Migraines, or other conditions that involve constant pain?
Living with pain is not something most people want. If you understand why the body is in pain and how to assist the healing process you will be far more effective than just simply covering up pain. Perhaps there are foods you are eating that are contributing to inflammation and it is that inflammation that is creating pain. Perhaps you are simply dehydrated! Many people mistakenly think it occurs only in hot weather and that you're not dehydrated if you're not thirsty. Both of these misconceptions lead to many cases of dehydration every year, some of them quite serious. The first sign of dehydration is often mistaken as hunger. That is why most diets include drinking lots of water.
In general, one should drink half their body weight in ounces of water each day. So for example, if you weigh 150 pounds you should be drinking 75 ounces of water throughout the day to replenish fluids. Your body is 65 percent water. People who have wrinkles prematurely often don’t drink adequate amounts of water (think prunes or raisins). The water you drink should be in between meals. If you drink during a meal you actually slow the digestive process down, especially if that drink has ice. So, minimize drinking during eating and maximize drinking water during the day. Sipping on water throughout the day is a better way of getting those fluids into the cells and not just flushing out the urinary system. People who drink coffee or sugary drinks such as Gatorade actually contribute to dehydration. Mostly you don’t lose electrolytes unless you are exercising vigorously for over an hour. Children especially do not lose electrolytes that easily. The body is not that stupid.
Soda pop contributes to an acidic body and therefore is a huge contributing factor to inflammation and bone loss. The people in this country are obsessed with drinking soda pop. We need to teach our children (by example) that drinking water is important for good health. The best water is Reverse Osmosis water and the most economical and earth friendly way is to purify it at home and use glass whenever possible. We also use too many plastic straws in this country. The plastic in these straws contribute to the xenoestrogens that mess up our estrogen balance.
Not having enough nutrients can also be a cause for pain and inflammation. Specifically, Omega 3 helps to calm inflammation and antioxidants deter oxidative stress, which is the number one factor in inflammation. Not having enough vitamins and minerals to build healthy cells is another factor in being careful about good nutrition. That is why I believe everyone should be doing the daily supplement program called Super Trio or its equivalent. The Super Trio includes a great natural multi vitamin and mineral supplement, an antioxidant and an Omega 3 in a neat little cellophane packet. It costs less than a dollar per serving. With this type of top quality nutrition you are “putting your helmet on” before facing the day and during the stress of the day. (All for about $1.50 per day).
You take two packets of the supplements per day and this will give your body the tools necessary for proper repair, calming inflammatory responses, and building healthy cells to replace the unhealthy ones. Being careful is about creating a good defense team. Your immune system depends on having available nutrients there when it needs them. You wouldn’t take something hot out of the oven without oven mitts and you shouldn’t go through your day without proper nutrition and a good supply of water. Just these simple nutrients will go along way to deter a great deal of pain.
If you cannot take my class or webinar, I urge you to buy the DVD: Inflammation—the Match that Lights All Diseases by Steven Horne. Share it with your friends and family. He will have the DVD about Pain available shortly. In the meantime, I hope you’ve got a better insight on what you can do about helping your body be healthy. See you at my next class this coming Saturday—there are only a few seats still available. The class on Pain without Medication will be presented in Southgate next month and of course my Webinar on the 15th of this month with two times to choose from. Have a Health-filled week!
Remember to register for a class (or Webinar) near you! www.BornForHealth.com I just posted my class on “Stressed—You Can Handle It”. Click on the Webinar tab and follow the link to download onto your computer or iPod.
Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC Mary@bornforhealth.com For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click: http://www.mynsp.com/born; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on www.naturessunshine.com. If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. The information in this email is not meant to diagnose nor prescribe in lieu of proper medical care. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional.