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Too Many Choices
Good Morning,
Does having too many choices enhance or distract from a better life? The concern is of course; have I checked all my options? What if I get such and such and something better comes along? A social scientist at Swarthmore, Dr. Barry Schwartz, wrote the book, The Paradox of Choice, posing the question, do too many choices make us unhappy? Examine your own situation.
Are you paralyzed when making a decision because the choices are too many? Do you research for hours to find what your best options are? Do you wrestle with guilt when you’ve made your choice wondering if in fact it was the right choice? When you make a choice do you savor the decision, or do you think about the choices you missed? Once making a choice are you totally exhausted? It is no wonder our adrenal glands are zapped!
Emotionally the adrenal glands are responsible for helping us make good choices. When they are weak, we have difficulty deciding on even the basic choices. When running on empty our adrenal glands help us make very poor choices—bad foods, poor use of time, involvement with the wrong people. Generally we learn these bad choices give way to unhappy consequences which in turn help us make better choices next time—if our adrenal glands are healthy. If our adrenal glands are exhausted we spiral into the poor decision making funnel. Some people can’t leave the house because they can’t get past the choice of what to wear, what to eat, what body wash or soap they should use in the shower!
How can we turn this around? The adrenals aren’t the only thing that needs help to create better decisions. Our brains need good nutrition to help with thinking about decisions and consequences. It is also true that some decisions aren’t really choices; they involve responsibilities that we can’t avoid because others depend on us. Being good parents and making sure our children are safe, fed, clothed and loved don’t involve decisions based on self interest. Being a good employee and doing the work to the best of our ability is expected for the pay we receive. If you are in service of some kind—you’re expected to do your best.
If the brain isn’t being fed good fats we shirk responsibilities. Poor eating can contribute to poor decisions as much as poor reflexes to someone who has had too much alcohol. Blood sugar gets imbalanced when we eat too much sugar or simple carbohydrates. These foods make our brains sluggish and wholesome thinking is virtually impossible. Our brains need healthy fats such as Omega oils, Avocados, nuts etc. Having the nervous system healthy is also important because the messages the brain sends out are carried by the nervous system to the adrenals glands, which send out hormones that make certain processes, happen.
If you feel confused often, don’t make good decisions, or feel paralyzed with too many choices, perhaps better nutrition would help. Super Trio is a nutritional menu of good fats, healthy vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. You don’t have to examine other brands to see if you are buying the right thing—it’s guaranteed. Join the rest of us who have made the choice of optimum nutrition with basic good health. It is easy to take. The 3 supplements come in a cellophane packet so it travels well in purse, pocket or brief case. Taking two packets a day will supply your body with the healthy nutrients your body needs to help build your adrenal glands, brain and nervous system.
Some people also need to support their adrenal glands with Adrenal Support. In general, 2-3 of these a day will help you rebuild exhausted adrenals. You can try the Super Trio and if after a week you still don’t feel like you have the energy you need to help you make better choices, then add the Adrenal Support supplement. It usually takes about a month to get the adrenals healthier but some people need 3-6 months depending on how exhausted the adrenal glands are. It also depends on how good you are in eating healthy foods. I like the Zone theory of 40 grams complex carbohydrates, 30 grams of protein and 30 grams of fat per meal. You eat 3 small meals and 3 smaller snacks each day. The eating regimen focuses on being healthy—not weight loss.
You also know your adrenals are zapped if you have to pump them up with caffeine. Exhausted adrenal glands will contribute to insomnia. Taking measures to support your adrenal glands will help you regain health in many ways: feeling more confident in making decisions and knowing the choices you’ve made are good choices. Drinking high caffeine drinks and stimulants only kick the adrenals when in fact what they need is better nutrition.
The problem of too many choices comes from affluence. If you only had one pair of pants and one shirt to put on in the morning, life would be simpler (perhaps boring because we know there are other options available) but much simpler! I think sometimes it is nice to be told what to do so you don’t have to make a decision. But, even doctors don’t want to be held responsible: You can do this procedure with these risks/benefits, or this other procedure with other risks/benefits. Which one do you want? What happened to the doctor being the expert and telling you, “This is what I believe you should do”? Life used to be simpler. Now there are choices in everything.
People ask why I don’t carry my cell phone around with me. I find that if I have my cell phone on me, I enjoy the moment I’m in, less. Why should I have my cell phone on me when I’m in church? I’m certainly not going to answer it (unless of course it was a message from God—that’s not likely).
I see people walking around talking on their cell phones everywhere. People are driving and talking—like driving doesn’t take any concentration at all! How about the grocery store—no decision making process there! “How did that get in my cart?” Or how about the restroom? No place is private!
Is it really convenient to multi-task? Have we created a habit out of doing so many things at once we don’t enjoy what we are doing? If we are with someone we care about, isn’t it rude to be interrupted by a phone call? I think we need to focus more on the moment and less on the grouping of tasks. When we are constantly reacting to interruptions, our concentration is not optimized and our thinking becomes scattered. We’ve created a habit of “not letting the right hand know what the left hand is doing”. When in fact, the task requires cooperation of both hands.
When you hug someone you love, get in touch with his or her “being”. Breathe in their essence, feel their love for you, be present with every fiber of your being. It may only take a few seconds but those seconds will satisfy your need to be loved and to love. See if you can focus only on one thing for at least one minute—check your feeling of accomplishment. See how difficult it is. What is distracting your attention? Do you hear voices in your head—kick them out! Unless of course those voices are saying—good job, you can do this!
Be in the present—it is a gift. It is the state you can do something about. The future presents choices, goals, and many things we cannot do a thing about. The present is now. The past is done and cannot be changed. The present is in our control. Live now. Make this choice—don’t worry about the choices that have to be made yet. Choose now, love now, and live NOW,
Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Good Morning,
How do you perceive “Life”? Is it one great adventure that you plan and look forward to, or does it just happen? Most people will plan vacations and jot down goals, but they really don’t plan their life. It sort of just rolls along.
Advent is the anticipation of an important arrival. We are just ending up Advent Season waiting for Christmas to arrive. In general, it is a time of waiting, preparing and anticipating. How does one anticipate life? If you’ve ever had a debilitating injury you have experienced anticipation of health so you can enjoy life or what you couldn’t do as a result of the injury. Rehabilitation is often painful. But most of the time the results are beneficial.
As we approach the end of the year, anticipating what we will do in 2010 and setting our goals to accomplish those tasks should be scheduled into our new calendar. Recently I posted all the themes for next year’s classes. (Scroll down to topics 2010 ) We have annual repeat events such as Ladies Day: July 24th; Ann Arbor all day Class in April, and our October Southfield Educational Day etc. However, this isn’t planning life.
How does one go about “planning and preparing for Life”? My personal idea is that you catch yourself enjoying life. Watch for specific moments that you are enjoying and “bookmark” it in your heart and say to yourself – I want more of this! When you receive a joyful hug – “I want more of this!” When you accomplished a task that you feel good about—“I want more of this”. What you are sending out are vibrational streams of energy that come back to you with the intensity put out.
This same energetic stream can be bad energy as well. So, when you get really upset or really down you are sending that energy stream out as well. Some people make the statement they have “bad luck”. That’s because they are sending out the energy stream of “bad luck”. Life is a boomerang. What you send out – you receive. Send out love and you receive love back. Keep asking, “why don’t people appreciate me—you’ll get back people who don’t appreciate you.
Make your life an adventure filled with times of happiness, joy, love, peace and all of the things you want. It isn’t about positive thinking – it’s about positive doing. Life is a verb, not a noun. One has to anticipate it, act upon it, challenge it and create it. What is your life going to be like in 2010? Are you going to enjoy good health? If you are, how do you plan on creating that health?
I start with good health because it doesn’t matter what any of the other goals you have, if you don’t have the energy to work on those goals. So, what are you going to do each day to anticipate health? Will you start each day with –This is going to be a great day! Will you look in the mirror and say to yourself—Good Morning! Or, will you continue to drag yourself out of bed and grumble about the tasks you have in store for you? What is your focus?
How can you make yourself happier? If your answer is that someone else needs to make you happy—wrong! Happiness comes from within. Outside influences can affect your happiness, but only you can make you happy. In the book, Don’t Let Others Rent Space in your Head, by Gary Coxe, it states that our unhappiness is often because we’ve allowed someone else control over our happiness. And often times for years! We resent how someone treated us (a former boss, friend, relative, lover etc.) and we harbor this resentment and review it often—stoke up the anger. These actions actually deter happiness.
Your happiness is self-driven. Most of the time we are not “in the moment”. We are so busy that the present is not paid attention to; we are too busy thinking about what our next step is! So, if we are experiencing a happy moment, we aren’t really living it. If we are being hugged our thanked, we need to engulf every nuance of that moment by being totally present. And then say, “Yes, I want more of this!” I want to be loved and appreciated—it feels great.
These life-planning moments only need to take a few seconds and they empower you to drive that good energy through the universe and back to you again. Look around you and find some things you can be grateful for, or someone you can be glad is in your life; or some opportunity you have etc. If you have a warm home, food to eat and someone to share life with—you are enriched. Pray for those who don’t enjoy your bounty.
The media want us to focus on the lesser percentage. In November the headlines read, “National unemployment rate tops 10%”. It wouldn’t be news if they said, 90% of us are still working. How about the big flu scare—is it really the pandemic they wanted us to believe it would be? Think about all the things in the news you have no control over. Why should we become angry or upset over something that we can’t control? This leaves us feeling helpless. We need to focus on what we do have control over—day-to-day living.
Right now—how can I be happier? I could listen to some relaxing music. I could do that small task that I’ve been meaning to do. I can call a friend and tell them I care. I can take a couple of deep breaths and be thankful for what I have. I can take my supplements to keep me healthy. Prepare a good meal. Take a walk. Do someone a favor.
Plan your life. Create more of what you want. Peace, Joy, Love, Happiness, Health – reach out and grasp them. Merry Christmas and joy-filled Holiday Season!
Have a healthy week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
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Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
What a downer!
Good Morning,
Have you ever been disappointed? Well, if you haven’t, then you probably aren’t in touch with your emotions. Most of us have had some disappointment in life that brings us a time of “situational depression.” This type of depression is temporary and we get a grip and recognize that life goes on. More serious depression comes when a loved one dies, we lose our job, or someone is ill. These types of downers actually last a bit longer. It takes more to adapt to the loss or changes that will occur. Depending on the health of the person often an emotional upset will be followed by a physical illness of some sort.
When the immune system is depressed, it can’t protect, as it should. So, supporting the body’s immune system during times of loss, grief or sadness is very important. Daily use of Silver Shield (1-2 teaspoons twice a day) is beneficial and also taking Olive Leaf Extract will help keep the immune system functioning well. Other supplements such as Nature’s Immune Stimulator will actually have a stimulating effect and you want to take this if you feel like you are “coming down with something”. There are some supplements that are too strong to be taken on a daily basis. This will keep your immune system on constant alert and you don’t want to do that.
Downers are another name for antidepressant drugs. This class of drugs rank among the most widely used and abused drugs in the United States and Canada -- and, for that matter, most of the rest of the world. In fact, over the past decade, an estimated 600 million prescriptions were processed for minor tranquilizers in U.S. pharmacies alone.
Before these drugs were widely used, there was alcohol. You could drown your sorrows temporarily and get numb to your circumstances. Looking at this rationally you recognize this doesn’t make anything “go away”. It is a very temporary answer and often makes things worse by complicating the situation more. However, one does not travel a rational path when one is caught up in emotional turmoil. Therefore, someone should intervene and help a person who is traveling down this road to destruction.
A “downer” actually is a depressant. It slows down the response of the nervous system. That is why if you take enough alcohol your reaction time is lessened. You are not in control. Your brain and your body are not signaling or communicating properly. Some pain medication will cause this response as well. It is a numbing of the nerves. It will reduce pain –emotional as well as physical.
Doctors used to prescribe “Laudanum” for that purpose. It is opium in a solution of alcohol, originally wine. It was considered normal for women to become hysterical and the use of this solution was common in wealthy households. The most popular recipes used opium, saffron, cinnamon and clove oil. It was very addictive and if one used too much the respiratory system would shut down and they’d die. I’d say that was a rather harsh side effect!
The numbing effects of clove oil was known to dentists and used to treat tooth and gum pain. Eugenol, a constituent of clove, has been used for analgesic, local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. It is used in the form of a paste or mixture as dental cement, filler, and restorative material. Only small amounts of pure clove oil are needed to achieve this effect (about the amount that would fit on a tip of a toothpick). Used in this manner there have been no side effects.
Clove oil inhaled can help numb emotional pain as well. I haven’t heard of anyone becoming addicted to it. I actually like a combination of Pink Grapefruit (10 drops); Bergamot (10 drops) and Clove (3 drops) to lift the spirit and move stuck energy that can be depressing. Pink Grapefruit helps to deter going to comfort food as a solution. Bergamot helps to regain personal boundaries and of course, clove helps to numb the pain while going through transition. The recipe is added to 2oz. of pure water in a spray bottle. (All available through NSP).
You can spray this aromatherapy blend to help relieve pain and lift up the spirit. It is an effective anti depressant as well as antiseptic, antibacterial and analgesic. One only has to be cautious if going out into the sun, as it makes you photosensitive and you may get sunburned quicker. You can also blend the oils and then drop them onto a pad and insert it in an Aroma ball. This is then plugged into the wall and the scent will be disbursed into the air for about 3 hours.
Finding things to be joyful about is a good exercise in pushing out pain. Concentrating on those people who are less fortunate can help. Working as a volunteer in a hospital or soup kitchen can change your focus and often makes the experience you are depressed about seem less important. Many brave people have experienced dreadful situations only to rise above them and become a model for others.
In February, I’ll be attending Nature’s Sunshine’s Leader’s Conference. One of our guest speakers is Nick Vujicic. Nick was born without arms or legs. Yet he has traveled all over the world, sharing his message of faith and perseverance. Don’t miss the opportunity of seeing him in person. He’ll change the way you look at life! Let me know if you’d like to attend Leader’s Conference for half price! Orlando will be a great place to visit in February. Come with me and be inspired.
Thanks for reading to the end!
This week: Tuesday night is Share night in Southfield will continue focusing on the use of essential oils for health. This week will be about “Home for the Holidays”; How to have a non-toxic cleaning experience. Wednesday I will be doing my webinar on Depression—Blues Clues. You can register by going to my website: Tuesday evening Steven Horne will be doing the 2nd free webinar introduction to the ABC+D course. Click here for more information: If you would like $21.00 off of the price bringing the total you pay to only $76.00 for the entire course: webinars, handouts and charts—let me know and I’ll send you a coupon.
Have a healthy week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Good Morning,
Here in the Midwest dawn is coming later and later in the morning. Sunrise is beginning around 7:30am and the sun is setting around 4:30pm. The shortest day of the year is called, The Winter Solstice, and will happen on December 22nd according to Eric Weisstein’s World of Astronomy. So, for some people, they leave for work in the dark and come home in the dark. In Alaska, you can count on about 6 hours of daylight right now; In Hawaii, about 9 ½ hours of daylight.
Some people are very affected by the lack of sunlight: Seasonal Affectedness Disorder. The simple truth is the sun has an energy that we relate to. It also gives off vitamin D, which our body needs. Lack of vitamin D can cause a variety of problems: depression, poor immune response, weak bones and teeth and is related to many health concerns.
In a recent study by Dr. Bruce Hollis and published by The Vitamin D Council, showed that: “Complications of pregnancy, such as preterm labor, preterm birth, and infection were lowest in women taking 4,000 IU/day, Women taking 2,000 IU per day had more infections than women taking 4,000 IU/day. Women taking 400 IU/day, as exists in prenatal vitamins, had double the pregnancy complications of the women taking 4,000 IU/day.” Years ago when I began helping people with supplements, our government, urged by scientists, was concerned about vitamin D being toxic so they cautioned people about taking too much. They lowered the necessary levels to a ridiculously low level thinking people could get their vitamin D in milk and through the sun. You didn’t need to get it through “supplementation”. Scientists believe in double blind, cross-over, placebo controlled studies to prove their theories. The problem with these studies are many. They take out the human element—we really are quite different even though we are the same species. They also don’t use humans in these experiments, they use animal studies. Scientists will often look at a study and say: “we need more testing to make sure what you are saying is ‘true’ and not harmful”. So, even though we have seen a tremendous increase in childhood disorders in the last 30 years, we should go on the status quo because not enough studies have been done? What kind of nonsense is that? In 1999, Dr. Reinhold Vieth, an expert on vitamin D, indirectly asked the medical community to produce any evidence 10,000 units of vitamin D a day was toxic, saying "Throughout my preparation of this review, I was amazed at the lack of evidence supporting statements about the toxicity of moderate doses of vitamin D." The Truth about Vitamin D Toxicity. According to the Council on Vitamin D, pregnant women’s level of vitamin D should rise in early pregnancy to provide enough vitamin D to the developing fetus. Many women do not have sufficient vitamin D to pass on through the placenta. If this is of interest to you, read the entire article: Blood levels of vitamin D. The interesting thing is vitamin D is actually a hormone that the body produces. It has to go through some conversion processes before it is to the usable state. Vitamin D is found in both plant and animal tissue. There are at least five different forms, called D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5. Synthetic Vitamin D2 is called ergocalciferol. It is derived from fungal and plant sources. Natural vitamin D, vitamin D3, is called cholecalciferol and is derived from animal sources and also made in the skin. The term Vitamin D refers to all the different forms of these two substances. Therein lies the confusion. Because milk has vitamin D2 in it—the cheapest way of making vitamin D, scientists thought people were getting adequate supplies of this important vitamin. However, many people were not able to convert the synthetic D2 into a usable source and therefore the body would store it. When it is stored in the body it looks as if a person has adequate amounts but they aren’t being metabolized. So, many deficiencies started showing up leading to such conditions as skin cancer. The scientist further exacerbated the situation by coming up with the idea that skin cancer came from sun exposure and told all the doctors to start telling their patients to lather on the sunscreen to “protect” against skin cancer. When in fact, it was a deficiency in vitamin D all along. Now, prolonged exposure to the sun is not good. But this scare of exposure was so strong that people wouldn’t allow themselves even an hour in the sun without putting on chemicals to block the sun. When the skin absorbs the sun’s UVB rays it sends vitamin D to the liver to convert to another form and then to the kidneys for further conversion. Vitamin D3 is the best oral source of D as it will be easier for the body to convert to a usable source. Some people have overwhelmed livers and cannot do the conversion well. So, by taking vitamin D3 you can readily make use of this important supplement. The toxicity of taking in Vitamin D is in the fact the synthetic versions cannot be converted well. Just as some scientists now tell people that taking “Silver is toxic” and you should not take it. Shows once again that scientists have some very narrow ideas. Such blatant statements confuse the average person who does not have the ability to understand the difference between naturally occurring and synthetic. The scientific community believes there is no difference between natural and synthetic. The body does not agree! Synthetic forms of vitamin E have caused heart attacks and set up deficiency. Synthetic forms of vitamin D (D2) have done the same thing—set up deficiency. Since our government has vested interest in supporting the pharmaceutical industry, which is run by the scientific community, which in turn tells the medical doctors what to recommend—it is no wonder, our country is one of the sickest nations in the world. Common sense is thrown out the window as unscientific. Silver Shield is a nano particle form of silver and is totally non-toxic. It has been proven and patented that one would have to take gallons upon gallons on a daily schedule of intake to come up with a toxic dose of Silver Shield (Silver sol formula). Yet, the FDA requires Nature’s Sunshine to put on the bottle of Silver Shield that it should not be used for an extended period of time. It frustrates me to no end!! Scientists do not understand how energy affects the human body. Silver Shield is like a homeopathic remedy. There is hardly any silver in it and yet the body recognizes the specific energy of the supplement and can react to it. The sun has specific energy and our body reacts to it. We can vibrate at a more healing level when we are exposed to it. Quantum physics is another type of science. It is based on understanding energy. Quanta are indivisible units of energy. Life equals energy. A corpse has no energy—it is inert. Now we don’t vibrate at the same frequency all the time. It is more like waves of energy. If the wave dips too low, we are more susceptible to disease than when the wave is high. When we feel sad, we drop the low level even lower. When we feel happy, we can raise the high level higher. It conversely effects the opposite wave level. Keeping these waves of energy at a healing level is what supports the immune system. Quantum physics validates the, so-called “alternative”-healing model. Chiropractors facilitate the movement of energy through working on the nervous system and the spine, which houses the brain stem and spinal cord. Massage therapists help move blocked energy by working on the muscles. Reiki masters move energy by using their own energy and so forth. Light and sound can work to help us heal or it can depress the healing ability of the body. Essential oils that are pure can help move blocked energy just by smelling them. I feel that we have it a bit topsy-turvy. Alternative healing methods should be our mainstream and what is considered mainstream should be our alternative. We have many tools to support health. I think that vitamin D3 and Silver Shield are good defenses and have been proven to be non-toxic taken in recommended doses. D3 levels can be measured by blood tests, however whether you are absorbing and utilizing the D is not something that can be tested. It would be advantageous to make sure you at least have levels that are healthy. Silver is toxic if you don’t take the right kind—just like D. This is one of the reasons I stick with recommending Nature’s Sunshine. I know people will get the right kind and the safest. There may be other companies that have safe and effective supplements, but NSP has a great track record of integrity—almost 40 years worth. I’ll place my health needs in their hands and I’ll continue to recommend their quality supplements because they have an advisory board of knowledgeable people whose interest is better health—not bottom line. You can read their bios: I also won’t panic when I hear about some scientist who says that there needs to be more studying done to prove effectiveness or safety. I have to wonder what drug company is trying to synthesize a natural substance so they can make more money. Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Good Morning,
When I was a young girl my mother would watch her soaps. One of them was, “Search for Tomorrow”. If you think about it, it really is a stupid statement. If you searched for tomorrow and found it, it would be today! Sounds like an exercise in futility.
In a conversation with my granddaughters a week or so ago, we talked about how we search for information now in relationship to when I was going to school. One had to look things up in dictionaries, an Atlas, or go to the library and look in the World Book Encyclopedia.
Now we just search on Google. In fact, if you type the word “Search” into Google you will get a variety of search engines you may not even be aware of. It is amazing how much free information is available at the click of your fingers. No wonder we are on information overload. Most people get overwhelmed with the amount of information they are given on any particular subject.
Figuring out what pertains to you is what is important. Trying to make decisions based on what is best for you--too bad there isn’t a search engine like that! There are so many different types of “healthy diets” circulating, its difficult to determine what really is healthy.
There are a lot of supplement companies as well. How do you choose the one that will best serve your needs? Many companies have good quality; a few even have in house testing facilities. But, having a sense of family from the top down, plus quality, plus support, plus the best available ingredients—now you’re talking Nature’s Sunshine. I can fill pages of a book with all the people who have been helped by the supplements I’ve recommended over the years. They got results because the supplements they used were the best therapeutic quality available.
Thirty years ago I wanted to supply my clients with a choice that would fit their needs. At that time NSP had only 450 supplements to choose from. Now they have over 700. They are also a global company. I don’t have to worry about them going under either—they are debt free. Not the normal company by far. The best is the way they focus on education. The opportunities to learn about how to improve health are amazing. If you were able to attend any, or all, of the free webinars in the “Week of Education” series, you will know what I mean.
Are you searching for health answers? Have you been taking your advice from a TV announcer, actor, or radio personality? Whose interest do they have in mind? When a drug company tells you how wonderful their new drug is, are they thinking about your health, or their bottom line? Dozens of drugs have been removed from the market because their “risk to benefit ratio” leaned more toward risk. There is no such thing as a “risk-free” drug.
So, the risks are said in double time (don’t pay any attention to this –we just have to say it –and these are just the common side effects). So, you end up trading one medical condition for another or maybe a couple more—no problem. We have drugs for that too. The worst problem I see is that they have no clue that they aren’t addressing the cause at all. When the body presents symptoms, it’s trying to tell you something.
So, if you’re searching for better health, in general, drugs are not going to provide it. If you are searching for symptom relief—drugs may be your answer. One of the worst offenders is when the disease GERD was created so they could give you proton pump inhibitors. Yes, it may have relieved the symptoms but now we know that they are totally addictive because if you are on them for any period of time they cause a worse case when you go off of them. Is that healthy? They also found that they could create GERD by giving a healthy person a PPI for about a month and then when they stopped—they got Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease.
A lack of digestion is the problem—it isn’t a disease. We need not to eat until our stomach is full—we should eat until we are satisfied (a huge difference). We shouldn’t lie down after eating. Gravity will cause acids and food to move up into the esophagus. The underlying contributing factor to gastric distress is a hiatel hernia. Taking a PPI doesn’t address it or solve it. In fact, it makes things worse in the long run.
Taking antacids may help at the time, but they too inhibit the ability to digest properly. One must have acids in the stomach along with enzymes to break food down into usable nutrients. Most of us are lacking in enzymes and therefore food will be slow to break down. The stomach is designed to be a very acidic pH. It is part of our immune defense system.
When microbes find their way into the stomach, they will die in the presence of an acidic pH. However, if someone is taking an acid reducing drug or a PPI, which inhibits acid production, the microbes bypass this defense mechanism and go directly into the blood stream. I feel this is a major contributing factor to people getting sick from a virus.
Once the virus passes through the digestive system unharmed and enters the blood stream it is on its way to highjacking a bit of DNA to hide in. This is why it is difficult for the immune system to identify and attack viruses—it looks like self. So, our first line of defense is the mucus membranes of the nose and mouth, if these are not the proper pH, then the microbe gets into the stomach and the incorrect pH there allows it to pass through into the blood stream. The blood is alkaline (about 7.4). Now the virus is happy and ready to multiply once it finds a piece of DNA that isn’t too healthy.
When is the last time you saw that explained during a commercial? The above explanation is just one of the things you will learn if you decide to take the next ABC+D series of classes. You can check out how to register by visiting: The first class is Tuesday night December 8th and the second class is December 15th. These two classes are free! The one on the 8th will go over the basic health model of Activate Build and Cleanse. Be sure to sign up and take these classes even if you did the last series. I’ve taken them several times and still find out more how to be healthy and to help others be healthy.
Medications are useful for short periods of time do achieve a grip on pain or even infection. But, taking drugs to cover up symptoms is just going to get you more symptoms. You don’t need medication for an irritable bowel—you need to help heal the bowel. This can only happen if you address the cause. Covering up symptoms with medication isn’t addressing the cause. If you would like to take the assessment I mentioned in last week’s email—send me an email and I will send you your personal link. There was a problem with the general link I sent last week. But, many people have taken the health assessment during the week and the reports are quite thorough.
The four main causes of disease are: mental or emotional stress; nutritional deficiencies; physical trauma or interference and toxic overload. You may be experiencing one or more of these, which are contributing factors to your condition(s), Learning how to handle dis-ease at the very onset is what is best. You won’t get that knowledge by searching the web! I urge you to consider taking the series of classes on the ABC+D Approach. Take the two free ones offered and see if it is right for you.
What you don’t need are more pills: And you don’t need to “Search for Tomorrow” for your answers. Just do it today.
What’s happening this week:
Tuesday night share meeting goes global. Send me an email and I’ll send you the invite! Check here for more information:
Next week is a busy one: Tuesday night is Share night and the first ABC+D webinar! Wednesday night is the NSP Focus webinar/call and Saturday is my class on “Feeling Blue” in Southfield. Lots of opportunities to learn about natural health! Be sure to pick at least one to attend. Happy holidays aren’t about buying stuff—it’s about being healthy enough to enjoy what you have. Don’t keep searching for happiness. Find the Joy within.
Thanks for reading to the end!
Have a healthy week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Good Morning,
In my office I have a short dark green glass that contains my pens, pencils and markers. I love this glass and find it quite beautiful. It is not without blemish. It has hundreds of little bubbles in it resembling trapped air. This morning while listening to the final webinar of the “Week of Education series”, Dr. Jay Mahoney on Cellular Abnormalities, I became aware that my glass was a visual for blebbing.
New discoveries on cell behavior surround the occurrence of blebbing. I don’t fully understand the process myself but from what I understand is that when it is time for a cell to die, it develops a sort of bubble that helps it expand and finally burst so the immune systems macrophages can come and gobble it up.
If the expansion takes too long it is possible for the cell to replicate causing a new cell with abnormal programmed cell death and weak attributes to develop. It doesn’t have the normal cell growth pattern and therefore it develops before all of its constituents are ready. One of these constituents may be a healthy immune connection, or a healthy nervous system connection or a healthy vascular connection. All it can do is develop faster than it should because it knows no boundaries.
The above is my understanding of what blebbing is—I could be wrong. You can challenge my understanding by a) listening to Dr. Mahoney’s lecture via webinar (you only have today if you haven’t already heard it) or b) read the abstract I tried to make sense of earlier: I will be the first to admit, Science was not my strong point.
What I found most interesting was: we have control over blebbing! According to Dr. Mahoney, there are 4 basic things to consider: Building healthy biological terrain; strengthening the immune system; address “broken DNA”; and assist with removal of abnormal cells from the body. Since I basically work with the biological terrain, I understand this completely. Cells need to breathe, eat and be bathed in a healthy fluid to be happy and productive.
Want to know where you stand? I have several assessment tools that I use. Some of you may have already had a Compass Scan that is an objective assessment at a cell level using the energetic vibrational field individual to each person. Based on these vibrations the computerized scan matches up the vibrations out of range to supplements that will put the body back into range, or balance. In general, the supplements suggested would be in addition to a good diet, healthy lifestyle and basic nutrition.
Sunclick is an assessment that is based on what is going on now and what your lifestyle practices involve including the medications and supplements you are presently taking and seeing if you are aimed at health or disease. It won’t name a disease but it will give direction on what systems are in need of support based on your answers. Unlike the Compass, Sunclick does not make supplement recommendations. This is up to the person who interprets the report (usually me or the health professional you bring the report to). Unfortunately, medical doctors do not get the training necessary to help you with this assessment tool because it doesn’t recommend medications.
Want to take the Sunclick assessment? Allow yourself a good half hour—it is extensive and covers many areas to check your health status. When you are ready, here are the steps: First, click on the following: Next, Go to the "Members and Remote Login" section. Then, copy and paste the following in the email box: --and in the password section: eva$a$at to begin your FREE assessment. Fill out all the pages. You can print the assessment and bring it in for evaluation or bring to your Health Professional for help on what best will bring you back into balance. Health assessment tools help us to determine how to get the body back into balance—they are not designed to diagnose a disease. If you diagnose a disease then you need to prescribe something to “fix’ the disease. Most medical doctors do this and the “fix” is actually only suppressing the symptoms of what the disease is expressing. It doesn’t address cause. When you get to the cell level, you are addressing cause. Some of that “cause” you may not want to hear about. It may be those little bubbles in the glass that are actually flaws but you love them! They are the sugar you eat and the coffee you drink. They are the fact you don’t exercise or eliminate toxins well. They are not getting enough restful sleep or drinking enough water. They may be the fact you don’t like eating vegetables. You can admire them if you want, but understand that this blebbing is making you a prime target for disease. You either choose health or sickness each time you think negative thoughts versus healthy thoughts; do healthy things or unhealthy things etc. Do you choose clarity or blebbing? This week -- all FREE: Tuesday—Live Share meeting in Southfield (call office and let them know you will be there –248-559-6763) or Webinar: Wednesday--When the Immune System Misfires: to register
Thursday—HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Hopefully you will share with those you care about!
Thanks for reading to the end! Have a healthy week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Not the Day, Nor the Hour!
Good Morning,
The film 2012 just opened this weekend and the story line is that the world will end on December 21, 2012—because the discovered Mayan calendar ended on that date. With digitally enhanced world destruction the film was supposed to create edge of the seat gripping excitement throughout the picture. According to news reports it is a bit of a let down. I for one find this picture and its sentiment—not exactly a setting for happy holidays. But, I admit to having a “throw back” idea of what the holidays should be about –Peace, Joy and Happiness and mostly LOVE.
Prophets have predicted the end of the world for thousands of years. I can remember when I was a little girl and studying for my First Communion. There was headline news that “Prophet Jones predicted the End of The World”. And I kept praying it would happen after I made my First Communion! Being a prophet – minister can be quite lucrative.
Jones reached his peak as a religious leader in the 1940s and late '50s, and lived like a millionaire. He resided in an 18th century-style French castle at 75 Arden Park in Detroit. The three-story, 54-room, graystone chateau was built in 1917 at a cost of $100,000. Although for income tax purposes, he only ever claimed to earn only $5,000.00 annually. And speaking of lucrative—how about the millennium scare!
Many of us stocked up for the disaster that was going to occur when the year 2000 rolled in. Y2K was a buzz phrase for buying up food that was easily stored along with battery-free radios and flashlights. Computers simply could not handle the year 2000 and the world (as we knew it) would end. Survival books were printed about how to dig toilets in your backyard and fill them with lime. Make sure you lived near a water supply because water was going to be scarce. We look back now and laugh! But at the time—the media had a ball contributing to the frenzy.
“We know not the day nor the hour” when the world will come to an end. We know not when our life will cease. It is only today that we can count on and even not the end of it—only NOW. Make every moment count. Spend time in gratitude for all the things you have. It is when we lose those things that we take for granted that they become important to us. Find five things (or people) to be grateful for each day—no fair repeating the same ones!
With Thanksgiving Day fast approaching think about all of what you can be grateful for. I appreciate those who read my weekly health message and send me comments on the ones they like the best. It uplifts my author’s soul. I am also grateful for all of you who are loyal to Nature’s Sunshine as you have enriched my family’s lives as well as my own. It has helped me be more financially comfortable, go on amazing trips and do things charitably that I would never have been able to do without all of your purchases. I am especially grateful for NSP in providing such top quality products that I can base my reputation on and be confident that they will work! I’m grateful for touching the lives of all the people whose health has been enhanced by my suggestions—you give value and purpose to my being. I also appreciate the great educational opportunities NSP provides at little or no cost! More about this at the end of this eGram. I am grateful for my health and my family’s health.
Educating people about natural health is a passion for me. This is why I love sending out these eGrams, do monthly webinars and live classes; giving hope to people who have been told that there is no hope. Telling people about natural health methods and working with the body is almost opposite of what the medical community offers. Covering up symptoms is not the same as getting to the root cause of why that condition is being expressed. When you address the root cause(s) you can eliminate why the body is responding in that manner.
You may also have heard from someone how they were “sent home to die” and miraculously lived and got better to the point where the condition could no longer be found. Medical miracles are not just about stem cells implants or surgical procedures, they’re about turning on the life force within the body that is meant to repair and heal. Whole herbs help the body by feeding it nutrients to assist in this healing process. Teaching about these wonderful plants is what I love to do. Plants have energy and sometimes can override the bad energy or lack of energy in our own bodies. They’re like little energy capsules and when they are consumed they burst forth providing health and hope.
Living now does not mean that you don’t look to the future and prepare for it. It means to focus on what you can do right now to achieve health, happiness and love. It’s accepting the responsibility for our actions and habits. If we focus on what is going to be healthful, rather than what just feels good, we will be healthy. Stay focused on what it is you have control over and forget about what you don’t have control over. Keep redirecting your thoughts and actions toward a healthy you. This can be accomplished by spending your time learning the simple things you can do to direct your health and then following those directives.
This whole week is Education Week with Nature’s Sunshine. This morning I listened to Christine Brinker tell us about, Staying Healthy this Winter. You can listen via phone call: 1-712-432-0453 and the access code is: 338496 or simply click on: and join the webinar now. There are only 1000 people who will be able to view at this web page so make sure you do it as soon as you are able. The special offers mentioned include a two-day special of $5.00 products. The following are available only November 18th-19th for only $5.00 and 5.00QV (members only): 14264-4 Liquid Chlorophyll 16oz.; 13464-8 Cascara Sagrada; 12646-6 LBSII capsules; 13933-0 Pau Darco 100 capsules. There are more specials mentioned in the presentation for those who view it—so make that happen this week. All in all there will be five webinars you can attend. Check the NSP website for more information. It will be under Education under the Member tab.
I for one am not into “Gloom and Doom” – I’m more into ”Prosper and Bloom”! Which do you prefer? Want to join our group of business builders? We have a weekly meeting in Southfield from 6:30pm-8. For more info see “Kathy’s Corner”. We are looking into creating business webinars that will be a part of this live presentation for those who don’t live in the Southfield area. If you are interested send me an email and I will put you on the list of those who want to “Learn and Earn” with NSP. Kathy and I love the income we get from sharing NSP with others and feel that this opportunity brings hope to people during these depressed times.
Thanks for reading to the end!
Have a healthy week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member,
click on If you want to get member prices you need to be
Sponsored with account 204150-1
If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply.
If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Good Morning,
When someone becomes totally confused or overwhelmed, a good idea is to disengage for a short period of time so that you can get a better perspective of what is going on. Medical doctors who are focused on a specialty such as gynecology or internal medicine tend only to see that area of the body and forget that it is attached to a whole body. For example: I recently viewed a video on vaginal yeast infections. Throughout the whole segment it was encouraging women to see their doctor so that they could get a proper diagnosis. However, when it came down to the prescription—they only had one. So, who benefited by the diagnosis?
The prescription they chose was an antifungal that you could administer either topically by cream or pill by mouth. It was never suggested that the condition may be systemic and that perhaps one should look at why the body is exhibiting these symptoms. It was never discussed that these conditions transfer during sexual activities. It was never discussed that Candida tends to overgrow due to an environment that encourages this. It was “make sure you go to your doctor and get a proper diagnosis”. If someone did want to deal with Candida, one way would be to use Silver Shield and Silver Gel! It would assist the immune system; instead of overpower it.
Naming a condition does not automatically correct the condition! The important issue here is, WHY! Not WHAT! But because doctors are not focused on What Caused This, and they are focused on What It Is, we’ve been taught to also focus on the name of a disease. The reason for doctors focusing on what the condition is would be to choose the protocol most prescribed for that condition.
The “Gold Standard” for yeast infections is an antifungal. If a doctor diagnoses that to be the problem and they recommend the Gold Standard of treatment, then in a court of law, they have followed the protocol recommended and should not be sued. They also won’t get reprimanded by the AMA. Is it best for the patient? Why should that be considered? Many times the patient is very ready to sue the doctor because the treatment didn’t get rid of the problem—so the doctors have disengaged from the person and focus on the diagnosis and the recommendation for that diagnosis.
When you go to a natural or alternative doctor, they will focus on the person. Most Naturopaths are not even going to view the area. We aren’t going to make a slide of the scraping or culture it. Because this is only the body telling you that something is wrong and you need to fix it. A natural or wholistic doctor will ask a variety of questions that will have to do with whether you have been eliminating your toxins, drinking good water and what your diet is like. Are your stress levels contributing to your condition? Are you digesting your foods and getting the nutrients your body needs to get back into balance? A Naturopathic Doctor, or wholistic practioner is very engaged and looking at the parts as only an expression of the whole.
How does one create the right environment? You must become engaged! You must learn your own body. Animals know their own body. When a dog doesn’t feel right—it will go out and chew on some grass so it can throw up and feel better. If your dog didn’t poop 2 days in a row, you’d be calling 911 in a panic. But, I’ve known lots of clients who cannot have more than 3 bowel movements a week and have been told, “that it is normal”. Does this make sense to you? Would you leave your dog alone all day and not provide it with a bowl of water? How picky are you about the food you feed your pet? Do you make sure it gets adequate exercise? Are you supplementing with additional vitamins and minerals?
It is a known fact that we take better care of our pets than we do ourselves. Don’t we deserve to have the same attention as a dog or cat? Many people still believe that they don’t have to supplement their diets with some quality basic nutrition. Some medical doctors still believe you can get all the nutrition you need from your diet. I know a lot of people who are health conscious and not one of them believes you can get what you need to be healthy from your diet. Nobody is going to be that dedicated to preparing a meal plan that would provide him or her with the nutrients necessary for good health. Most people don’t even plan meals! Except maybe on special occasions like Thanksgiving. Meals are definitely the base for good health. Eating healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins in a balance regularly throughout the day is the base for optimum health. Most people have a hectic and busy lifestyle that does not include meal planning. That is why the frozen and prepared meals became so popular. However they don’t provide adequate nutrition to maintain health. They are simply quick and convenient and many times, void of good nutrition. I supplement at every meal with good fats, good carbohydrates and good protein. Antioxidants are necessary to fight free radicals that contribute to inflammation. Good fats are necessary to support healthy nervous systems and brain function. And a multivitamin and mineral supplement to assist with healthy cell production. If you aren’t creating healthy cells, your body will create abnormal cells. It is one or the other—which do you choose? Between dealing with stress, the environment and juggling daily activities, our bodies take an incredible beating. Get in touch with yourself. Make sure you listen to your body’s needs. These may be in the sign of symptoms—don’t just suppress them. They are trying to tell you something is not right. Bring the body back into balance. If you need help, then see a natural doctor or someone who practices holistically and get some advice. Covering up symptoms doesn’t work when you want total body health. You are responsible for your own health. Get engaged and quit focusing on getting rid of symptoms. You can start by taking a Lifestyle Analysis. There is one on line that is easy to do. Just click on the button “Health Analyzer” It will only take a few minutes and then you can find out what system your body needs to work on. The beauty of taking herbal supplements is that they are focused on supporting the whole body—not just a symptom. Have a Health-filled week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
A child’s smile
Good Morning,
Have you ever noticed how silly adults can be just to encourage a smile from a child? We talk gibberish, make silly noises and create funny faces just to see those little lips turn up. Some people love to see a smile when the front teeth are missing and some just can’t wait to see the first tooth come through. As parents we want to know—how do we protect those pearly whites. And even more important, when those adult teeth come in how do we keep those healthy enough to last a lifetime?
As Americans we eat about 2 pounds of sugar each week causing deleterious affects on our health and our teeth. Refined carbohydrates are also a problem. High glycemic foods cause a sticky plaque to form on the teeth, which breeds bacteria, and finally decay. Fluoride is not the answer as shown in a chart of a study done by the World Health Organization. We do not have a fluoride deficiency. Fluoride is a toxin that affects the nervous system. If you don’t believe me—read the label.
Most fluoride toothpaste will warn against swallowing even a small amount of toothpaste. "WARNING: Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately." Most "Colgate for Kids" toothpastes - with flavors ranging from bubble gum to watermelon - contain 143 milligrams (mg) of fluoride in each tube. This dose of fluoride is more than double the dose (60 mg) that could kill the average-weighing 2 year old child. It is also greater than the dose capable of killing all average weighing children under the age of 9. That’s scary! Especially when they make such appealing flavors. How about trying to get a two year old to brush properly. I think this study done in the Marshall Islands particularly interesting. They used a syrup made with xylitol to see how effective it was against tooth decay and amazing results showed not only success in that area but also it reduced otitis media (ear infections). This appeared in the peer-reviewed journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, July 2009.
You don’t have to cook up a syrup—just use Nature’s Sunshine’s mouth wash. It isn’t made with alcohol like most mouthwashes that warn you not to swallow it. You could actually swallow the xylitol mouthwash and it wouldn’t hurt you although it isn’t meant for that. It may be a bit strong for children but you could dilute it and teach them the value of swishing this beneficial liquid. Many studies show the effectiveness in using xylitol. It Increases salivary flow to aid in the repair of damaged tooth enamel, reduces plaque formation and resists fermentation by bacteria.
The Xylibrite toothpaste has no such warnings on it as Crest and Colgate do because; there is no fluoride in it. It leaves your mouth feeling refreshed and minty. Good oral hygiene does not have to include fluoride. If you use it because you have sensitive teeth, try squirting liquid Black Walnut into your mouth and swishing it around. Massage the gums with your tongue and then swallow. This liquid will strengthen and tone gum tissue. I’ve even been able to close up gaps between the gum and teeth by doing this daily.
If you’ve ever done homeopathic remedies, you might understand that there is a direct relationship from the saliva to the brain. Your saliva, taste buds, sense of smell connects directly to the brain via the limbic system. The brain instantaneously acts on the messages delivered to it. It is one of the reasons nitroglycerine is so effective and now allergy medicine is being delivered in this manner and found much more effective.
Efficacy of sublingual immunotherapy in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in pediatric patients 3 to 18 years of age: a meta-analysis of randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trials. This combined study showed that there was a significant reduction in symptoms and the amount of medicine to achieve this success. Do you think the manufacturers of this medicine want you to hear that news? That meant fewer sales for them. It was published in the peer reviewed journal: Annuls of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology: Official Publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Aug. 2006. So, if your saliva can deliver chemical messages to the brain how does that affect the body? Well, it depends on the chemical delivered. Fluoride interrupts the ability for the thyroid to absorb iodine. Mercury is a neuro-toxin and therefore can lodge in the brain contributing to conditions such as Autism or even ADD. Aluminum has a link to Alzheimer’s disease. Using a Heavy Metal detox program will help get those harmful minerals out of the body. But the best thing is not to put them there in the first place. Plastic can cause hormone imbalances—don’t chew or suck on plastic and that includes straws. Glass is best! Your saliva pH should be around 6.5. This is quite acidic and can breakdown many chemicals. Your mouth also has enzymes in it that work with digestion. These too break down substances. If it isn’t safe to eat—don’t put it in your mouth. Want to learn more about having a Healthy Smile? Join my webinar this Wednesday and learn how you can protect those pearly whites. We’ll even discus a natural tooth whitener! Also, if you live around the Southfield Michigan area consider attending the 9-5 class being presented by Dr. Rallie McAllister. She’s a fabulously entertaining and knowledgeable speaker who can convert modern medicine into natural health methods. She loves Nature’s Sunshine and shares with us ways to help others and ourselves become healthy. Register by calling NSP-800-223-8225. The class is Saturday, October 24th. It is a fabulous way to learn and immerse yourself in herbal fun. Finally, Kathy Peltier has dedicated Tuesday evenings to answer your health questions and to share with you how easy it is to help others with Nature’s Sunshine while earning an income. Share night has been made even better by this weekly experience. Find out more at “Kathy’s Corner”. Have a Health-filled week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
ADA 150 years old!
Good Morning! The American Dental Association actually celebrated its 150th birthday in August this year. However, the celebration occurred in Hawaii (of course) this past week. As of Oct. 3, 2009, total registration for the 2009 Annual Session was 26,644 including 8,129 dentists. The meeting drew a total of 14,864 dental professionals. Final audited numbers will be available in November, 2009. I can almost guarantee what I talked about Saturday in my class on Dental Health will not be part of the agenda. The professionals will hear Drs. Paul Feuerstein (the gadget guy) and Gregory Zeller (the software guy); The ADA is the representative body for dentists and what/how they practice. I’m sure that not every dentist follows to the ultimate what the ADA stands for but if they don’t, they might find their license in jeopardy. The ADA touts being based on scientifically sound principles and making judgments based on that science. Their position on Amalgam fillings: “Dental amalgam is considered a safe, affordable and durable material that has been used to restore the teeth of more than 100 million Americans. It contains a mixture of metals such as silver, copper and tin, in addition to mercury, which binds these components into a hard, stable and safe substance. Dental amalgam has been studied and reviewed extensively, and has established a record of safety and effectiveness.” However, the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology put out a video to demonstrate the effects of rubbing a pencil eraser on an extracted tooth filled with amalgam and the mercury vapors that are emitted during the presentation. They state that mercury is constantly being off-gassed into the mouth of a person who has these types of fillings. It is a compelling video to watch and I have shared it with you in the past. The tooth they use is one that is 25 years old. How many of you have fillings that have been in your mouth that long? Some of the people in my class on Saturday did. The tooth (in the video) had been dipped in water that is the same temperature of the human body. It was not dipped in acid. When this vapor is present it is 1000 times more toxic than what is allowed by the EPA in our air. How can the ADA make a statement that this material is safe? The IAOMT are toxicologists –professional people doing these tests. This is scientific evidence that these fillings are harmful and yet, the ADA still stands by their original statement that they are safe to use. What kind of testing have they done to prove this safety? The IAOMT state that when you have an amalgam filled tooth drilled, or even worse, have your morning coffee; and raise the temperature of the mouth to 110 degrees or more or even chew on it—Mercury vapors come off of the filling. These stimulations allow the mercury to leak out of the tooth continuously for an hour and half after. The IAOMT began their studies back in 1985! They showed that Mercury vapors were emitted at higher levels than before chewing for more than 60 minutes. What about people who grind their teeth at night? The scientists did a whole body scan of a sheep to study the effects of Mercury on the body. What they found is that Mercury accumulated in the jaw, stomach, liver and kidneys—substantial amounts in just 30 days and eventually to every organ of its body. They also ran some tests to determine kidney function and found that the effects of Mercury on the kidneys showed measurable decrease in their ability to function normally. They also did tissue sampling of monkeys and found exactly the same thing. Upon further testing they discovered that mercury released from Amalgam fillings increased antibiotic resistance to certain types of bacteria and interfered with good gut flora. What does that mean? The study also showed that the mercury leaked into the brain causing tissue damage there. In 1991 The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that the predominant source of exposure to Mercury in human beings are dental amalgam fillings. The motto of the IOAMT is “show me the science!” See my website for a petition to request that the FDA reclassify Amalgam in the light of these toxicology studies. The American Physiological Society claims, “There is no such thing as a safe mercury filling; all mercury fillings leak”. It is especially not safe for children as Mercury does not bond to tooth surface and therefore a small fissure can collect bacteria causing decay under the filling and continuing the need for drilling and filling until there is no more tooth to be filled and crowns or extraction and implants are the answer. It is not recommended for children under six; pregnant or lactating mothers; people with immune deficiency or sever renal dysfunction, and other considerations such as people allergic to amalgam. Mercury is toxic to everyone. As far as I’m concerned, Amalgam fillings are not safe for anyone if they continually leak as they have been proven to do. I am not advocating you run out and have all your mercury fillings removed. It would be extremely expensive and that much mercury floating around your mouth and blood stream could be worse than it being contained in the tooth. My purpose in bringing this up is that if you have a choice in filling material, you might want to consider composite filling or some of the newer choices. Again, as Americans, we think of dealing with the symptoms and not the cause. We are what we eat, assimilate and don’t eliminate. Prevention is the key. We need to learn how to prevent tooth decay. Who is teaching us about preventing tooth decay—you guessed it –The ADA. They do not teach about diet and its relationship to decay. The ADA wants you to get fluoride treatments; use fluoride toothpaste, and drink fluoridated water; (that’s a whole other email). The dental hygienist is the one taught nutrition in school. But, she/he too must follow the guidelines set by the ADA. I urge you to sign up for the webinar on October 21st on Healthy Smiles. The webinar will be recorded and you will be able to view it at your convenience. In this webinar I will address how you can have healthier teeth and gums; how to detox from Mercury; the relationship to whole body health and oral health and nutrition. It will be one of the most proactive seminars on dental health you will come across. Even the dental hygienist who attended my Saturday live class stated she learned more about dental health in my class than going to dental school taught her. Other opportunities for learning: NSP has a webinar this week on antioxidants and their powerful influence on our health on Wednesday October 14th . Kathy Peltier will be doing a Product/Business class on Tuesday night at 6:30 at the Southfield office. (Please call 248-559-6763 to register for this event –seating is limited). This is a great personal class where people can come together to ask an expert about health concerns and sharing health with others. On Saturday the 17th I will be speaking to the Unity Women’s group on Heart Health. For more information regarding location and time contact Mary Ann Catoni: (586) 260-9244. Keep your brain active and learn new things. Remember to register for the all day class coming to the Southfield area on October 24th. This class is so much fun—get immersed in herbal knowledge by tasting and experiencing them. Have Dr. Rallie McAllister treat you with her southern humor while teaching you about brain health and the relationship Candida has on our overall health. Call Nature’s Sunshine to register 800-223-8225. You will love this day—bring a friend. Class will be held at the Southfield Marriott (see my website for more info). This is the last time this presentation will be in Michigan—don’t miss it. Eat right—take care of your teeth so others can enjoy that healthy smile and you can enjoy good health! Have a Health-filled week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Arm Yourself!
Good Morning!
This is the new campaign slogan you will see if you go near the pharmacy area of drug stores. Pharmacies and grocery stores are giving out flu shots. You can have a flu shot party by calling a local nurse, according to my church bulletin. You can go to any college campus and get stabbed or misted. But, are you really sure you want to? Do you really know what is in that vaccine?
Most people are label checkers. Before a person buys a food these days you can see them reading over the list of ingredients in that food. I think this is a good thing. People have become more aware of what they are putting into their body and rejecting foods that may cause harm in some way.
The media is being told how to present the H1N1 flu shot by smart advertising companies that know how to use peer pressure in their tactics to make you buy into the idea that a flu shot will keep you from being sick. There are no guarantees that the flu shot will protect you! If you read the list of ingredients any sane person would object immediately, so they don’t give you a label to look at—they just smile and expect you to roll up your sleeve.
Have you seen the ads? “I did it for my daughter”; “It’s my responsibility not to spread disease”; etc. These peer pressure tactics are guilt driven, not sound scientific reasoning. The science is: your immune system is what will defend you against the flu. Before you leave the house each morning you take a dab of Silver gel and spread it on your face and into your nostrils. Make sure your hands are well coated so that they stay damp for 5-6 minutes. This coating will shield you from inhaling and touching bacteria and viruses that could be delivered into your body and set up the disease process. This protection will last up to 4 hours even if you wash your hands because it works with your immune system to fight pathogens.
Dr. Pederson gave an extremely informative webinar on keeping healthy using Silver and the new air and surface sanitizer, the Boomerang. During the recent webinar, Dr Pederson described how Silver Shield works through resonance, contact, and magnetic disruption to kill pathogens. So, forget the Purell—be triple sure with Silver gel! Have a tube in your briefcase or purse to use periodically throughout the day. Make sure your children have protected themselves and put some in their lunch box for continued protection.
The Boomerang air sanitizer uses ozone and silver to clean up air and surface contamination. Put it in a sick room to kill pathogens that would spread to the whole family. Give your home the petri dish test. Ask to be put on my week trial test (People who live locally only). You will be given two petri dishes. One you spread with the gel that traps pathogens –leave this out for one hour and then tape it shut. The other you will use in 72 hours. You turn on the loaner Boomerang and in 72 hours you spread the second petri dish with gel and tape it after an hour. Sit back and watch the difference as the two petri dishes culture what has been trapped. Some of the tests that are coming back are amazing in the difference the Boomerang can make in air quality. If you don’t live locally and can pick up the loaner Boomerang, you can order the petri dishes and Boomerang from Nature’s Sunshine.
Arm yourself with knowledge. Before you allow someone to inject something into your body, be sure it is something you want floating around your blood stream. There are many doctors who are against vaccines because of the ingredients included in them. Mercury is just one of the ingredients in the flu vaccine that is harmful. The levels of mercury in the vaccines may seem minor but remember, mercury is a heavy metal that accumulates in the body. Add that to the amalgam fillings you have and the tuna sandwiches you eat and the salmon you had for dinner and you have a toxic overload!
This was written by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: “According to a WHO advisory group, the global production of vaccine for the novel H1N1 influenza virus could be as much as 4.9 billion doses a year, far higher than previous estimates. The report states that vaccine makers are expected to produce 790 million doses of seasonal flu vaccine for the northern hemisphere’s 2009-10 flu season for the US (alone!). So, the push to get you vaccinated will be fast and furious. Think about the income from this –at (in general) $25.00 per shot! And the manufacturer doesn’t even have to worry about you getting sick from it because they’re exempt from lawsuits.
Nurses in New York are revolting because they are being forced to get these vaccines against their better judgment. “For the first time, hospitals, university health systems, and even the state of New York, are requiring that health care workers get the flu vaccine -- and not all employees are happy about it.” All health care workers who have contact with patients in New York are required to get both flu shots or face the possibility of losing their jobs.
As far as I see this is against our right to Freedom of Choice. It would be different if they could prove that getting a vaccination would actually inhibit the flu—but there has never been any study that proves this to be true! If a person is sick – they should just stay home. They have no business being at work, especially if they are tending people in a hospital setting. Put the blame where it belongs. Why were nurses at work tending sick when they were sick themselves? It is common sense we are overlooking. A shot isn’t going to change that.
The hospital directors are being pressured to force nurses and other employees to get both the seasonal flu vaccine and the novel H1N1 when in British Columbia they have already seen that injecting the seasonal flu vaccine actually makes you susceptible to catching H1N1! And this makes sense because when you get vaccinated your immune system is compromised making antigens for whatever you put in the blood stream. Your liver is also busy trying to detox from the fillers and preservatives used in the vaccine.
And since we’re discussing common sense—mammography does not equate to breast health. It has a lot to do with breast cancer. This month could be designated as “pink” month. I think it’s great that the American Cancer Society is spreading the word that something has to be done about breast cancer but the answer is not detection—the answer has always been prevention. Mammography has nothing to do with prevention. Mammograms are dangerous and you need to know about the dangers before you start subjecting yourself to annual exposure. Check out my archived webinar on Breast Health and get as much information as you can to make an informed decision. Do not be peer-pressured into doing something you’re not convinced is right.
I know I step on toes when I present this view but, health is a personal responsibility and sometimes we just don’t take care of ourselves as we should. It is very popular to blame it on the environment, the food etc. But, we need to be aware of what we are doing on a daily basis and ask, “is this really benefiting my health?” One cannot put toxins into the body and expect to have a healthy body. We have to feed and nurture our bodies on a daily basis to support health. It isn’t just genes—it is the expression of those genes that matter. Lifestyle is what determines whether we live up to our inherited tendencies.
This Saturday I will be giving a class on Healthy Smiles. Teeth and gums can tell a lot about a person’s health. What do you do about oral health? What do you do about full body health? Don’t ignore your body until you become sick—take steps now to make sure you are healthy. Drink pure water (half your body weight in ounces); get some exercise and do some deep breathing; eat healthy food; think healthy thoughts and take Super Trio to insure your body gets the nutrients it needs. This trio has Omega 3 for healthy cell structure; antioxidants (because even when we try, we can’t get these in our diet in the quantity necessary for good health) and a daily Multi vitamin and mineral supplement, because it has been shown that we don’t get these in our food.
Make informed choices—demand and exercise your right to choose!
Have a Health-filled week! Dr. Mary Yours, For The Health Of It! Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC For more info on other products, and how to get them at wholesale direct (member cost) click:; and then go to Products A-Z. If already a member, click on If you want to get member prices you need to be Sponsored with account 204150-1 If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763. If you do not wish to get this e-brief, let me know by clicking reply. If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
Terra Firma!
Good Morning!
I love to travel and see places I’ve never seen before. I thank Nature’s Sunshine for giving me the opportunity to travel and experience new places. Alaska is amazing! We started out our vacation in Seattle Washington. My husband and I have never been to Seattle so we decided we’d take a few extra days before going to Alaska to experience this great state.
We had heard that Seattle gets its fair share of rain, so we were prepared with the wonderful wet weather jacket shells NSP provided. One of the perks when you earn TAC (Top Achievers Club) trips is a jacket. We also had our umbrellas. However, Washington had one of the sunniest summers they’ve ever had and so we were lucky to see Mt. Rainier, Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens as we approached Seattle by air. What an amazing sight.
We’ve been to Utah and seen mountains before, but this snow-capped mountain Rainier was totally different. It pokes up out of the earth like a sugar coated tepee rather than a ridge like most mountain ranges. We learned from a professor of music who shared our row with us on the plane that it is a volcano and so is St. Helens—I remembered that because I also remember when she blew her top and side in 1980. Our fellow passenger said he was part of the clean up crew—in Seattle (163 miles away). We were excited about seeing the majestic Rainier and were hoping the weather stayed clear. We did get to see a glimpse of it, but unfortunately the day we were scheduled for our bus tour was rainy and overcast—pictures will be posted on my website by the end of the week.
Seattle hosted the World’s Fair in 1962 and so it still has remnants of that time including the very popular Space Needle (which of course we visited). The tour we took told all about the Beetles coming to visit it and the fabulous fountain that plays to Mozart and was part of the Science Pavilion during the fair. Another remnant of the 1962 World’s Fair is the Monorail. As you ride this “Back to the Future” structure you see another work of art known as the “Experience Music building”. The architect designed it to look like one of Jimmy Hendrix’s crashed guitars. This wasn’t there during the World’s Fair but now occupies some of the space that held exhibits during the early 60’s.
The Great Northwest wouldn’t be complete without a visit to British Columbia. So, we took a day trip and visited Victoria and the world famous Butchart Gardens. Our Alaska cruise includes a stop here but not until after 6:30 pm and the garden would have been closed by then. Anyone who knows me also knows how much I love flowers—and wow, did we see some gorgeous flowers. I could probably have a garden like that too; if I had 200 some people helping me maintain it. We also saw “Government House” and the world famous Empress Hotel. Both incredible places of beauty and certainly worthy of the pride Canadians show in their heritage.
A visit to that area wouldn’t be complete without having a late lunch of Fish and Chips. So, we went to a local restaurant and had some of the best Halibut and fries I’ve ever tasted. We split the lunch and were glad we did. It was delicious. Then we boarded the high-speed ferry back to Seattle –a three-hour ride. We left Seattle at 7am and returned at 9:45 pm. It was a great day. I absolutely love to travel. You can check out my website for more about our Alaska Cruise and where we visited there (pictures should be up by the end of the week). I could go on forever about our experiences during our vacation but let me suffice to say, I’m glad to be back on Terra Firma!
When I was a young girl my father’s idea of traveling was going from Detroit to St. Clair Shores! The first time I was out of the state of Michigan was when I was 19 and visited my cousin who lived in New York at the time. Flying has changed a great deal over the years and even though going through the airport procedures of security is not fun—I still do love to travel. I am grateful to Nature’s Sunshine for this advantage. If you would like to know more about the travel incentives and Nature’s Sunshine then check out this website:
Next on our agenda is taking the family to Orlando in February where I will attend Leader’s Conference first and then spend a week of Disney with my children and grandchildren. Later in the year we will set our sites for Paris France—come join me on these amazing trips and experience travel the NSP way. The one thing you can count on is having fun with some fun-loving people.
Be it ever so humble… When you’ve been away, you look forward to coming home and those little things that create your comfort zone. It’s lovely having people wait on you and not having to prepare meals etc., but it is always good to be home. It felt really weird not being able to check my email and find out who was asking for help. Alaska is still the US and we were able to stay in contact with our two sons when we were on land via phone, but not when we were sailing.
When we were aboard the high-speed ferry heading toward Victoria we befriended Gwen and Brian Wall from north of Sydney Australia. Brian and Gwen were traveling for six weeks and visiting places all across the globe. We were amazed at the two small suitcases they carried on the boat. We asked where the rest of their luggage was and they said that what they carried was it. They wash out clothes at each stop. Gwen even had room enough for the tee shirts she bought for the grandchildren.
I can’t imagine having so little luggage! Of course, they didn’t have to dress up for anything but still, what would I do without all my stuff? I love buying souvenirs. Where would they go? As it was I only had 4 pairs of shoes with me and I could have used a couple more. I guess it’s all about what is comfortable to you and what is important to you. I think my husband and I decided we like going first class as much as possible. As the old saying goes, “I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, and rich is better!” Of course the question begs, “What is rich”?
Money does not define rich as far as I can see. Money is too easily lost, or spent. Health is a better measure for being rich. Having good health is one of the richest experiences one can have. Why is it we don’t get the concept of Prevention? Our medical model of detection and identification for the prime purpose of suppression is so totally out of sync with Nature. We’ve learned to shut off our instinctual nature for whatever reason. Perhaps we think it is “unscientific” to listen to “common sense”. Most diseases are not natural occurrences.
Disease happens when we allow circumstances to happen that provides the right environment for that disease to occur; whether it is intentionally done or not. As another old saying goes, “if you plant corn—expect corn to grow”. You wouldn’t plant beans and expect corn. But, we do that with our health. We don’t eat the right foods, get rest, exercise, drink good water and breathe fresh air and yet we expect what those things reap. The health basics must be done to provide a healthy body.
There is a hanging moss that is only present in the rainforest areas that provide the correct percentage of oxygen. If you took that moss and tried to grow it in Seattle—it would wither and die. The oxygen ratio is not pure enough anywhere else but in the rainforest of the Tongess National Forest for this particular moss. Some species of plants and animals are not as adaptable as humans. Even some humans are not as adaptable as other humans. Some of us tend to ignore our inability to adapt; or we simply push it to the limit. The word we’ve coined for this is –stress.
As humans we constantly push our limits. We think of it as a challenge. We sometimes think of it even as enjoyment. What do you do that stresses your body? Sometimes stress is good. Life would be pretty boring without it. But, one has to know what is normal and strive to achieve that for most of the time. One must understand basic needs before we stress beyond them thinking that what we are doing is going to bring us optimal health. It’s called doing the 80/20!
If you do what is healthy 80 percent of the time, then when you do the 20 percent that isn’t healthy, it’s okay. Your body can adapt and spring back to health. But, if you are doing 80 percent not healthy and only 20 percent healthy—you can see how impossible it is for a healthy body to exist. This takes awareness of what it takes to be healthy. Health is a personal responsibility. Many of us weren’t given basic training. We weren’t even told to pay attention to when our body gives us signals. We are being programmed to ignore signals and take drugs that suppress the symptoms of a body calling out in distress.
Let’s get back on Terra Firma—back to the basics of health. When the sun shines—get out there and take a deep breath and absorb it. If you are experiencing good health right now—enjoy it. If you need to pay attention to some signals—be aware and pay attention to what your body is telling you. Get help in getting back to health. Listen to what is sensible and natural. The tribes in Alaska were very in touch with nature. They knew what herbs helped when they were ailing. Nature was their medicine and it is still giving us answers today.
Have a Health-filled week!
Dr. Mary
Yours, For The Health Of It!
Mary Born, ND CNHP CNC
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If you have any questions or comments, please email me, or for an appointment Call: 248-559-6763.
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If you find it valuable—send it on. This email is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose nor prescribe as that is the realm of a medical doctor. If you have specific symptoms, see an appropriate health professional. Please seek the advise of a health practitioner for specific ailments.
The opinions and statements listed below are not meant to medically advise, diagnose, prescribe or in any way eliminate the need for specific professional advice. For specific concerns see a recognized authority regarding your health. Mary Born, ND