HEALTHY SMILES! October 21st –
two times to choose from 9am and 6:30pm EST
Non-Toxic Dental Care— There is a huge relationship to our health and the health of our teeth and gums. Gum disease has been shown to relate to Heart disease. We know if we can’t chew properly we can’t break down our food and digestion is poor.
Other issues that will be discussed: What is the real cause of tooth decay? How do Fluoride and Mercury, (or Amalgam) fillings affect our health? What options do we have for cleaning our teeth and keeping our breath fresh? This class will be important for everyone at any age. It isn’t just about brushing and:flossing. Come learn some proactive ways you can protect your health and teeth!
Register for a session now by clicking a date below:
Wed, Oct 21, 2009 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
Wed, Oct 21, 2009 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Once registered you will receive an email confirming your registration with information you need to join the Webinar.
Breast Health—the Natural Way October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I think we are all aware of Breast Cancer. Screenings do not protect you from cancer—they only occasionally find it. What can you do to protect and care for your breasts? Preventing breast cancer is far more important than annual screenings which blast the breast tissue with 340 RAD (Radiation Absorbed Dose) each shot and generally women will be exposed twice each breast! One year of natural radiation exposure equals only 300. This is non-direct exposure. Direct exposure to sensitive breast tissue is much more harmful.
Viewing this class will give you tools to assist with healthy breasts. Take the fear out of breast cancer and focus on breast health! Understanding the role of the lymphatic system in breast health, the foods that can help and the supplements that have been proven to reduce the risk of breast cancer will all be discussed. Make informed decisions regarding your health!
Say No to Drugs—Say Yes to Herbs! One of the many things people ask me is how they can use natural supplements instead of drugs that cause side effects to accomplish better health. We hear lots of criticisms of herbal medicine. The most common is “it isn’t proven; their safety is unknown; you can’t depend of their quality—they’re unscientific! Well, let’s set the record straight!!
This class will take each one of those points and shoot them down! Herbal medicine has been around for centuries—that alone should be proof they work! The amount of deaths due to herbs is minimal—whereas even the American Medical Association contributes the use of properly prescribed medical treatment as one of the leading causes of death. Half of the drugs introduced in the last 20 years have been withdrawn from the marketplace due to dangerous side effects! What are your options? How do herbs work? Come learn how you can help your body not just cover up symptoms but address the underlying cause of conditions. Email me for the handouts for this class to make it easier to understand:
Recorded version:
Vaccines; Do we need them?
View recorded Webinar: |
Vaccination is one of the hottest and most debated of Medical “Sacred Cows”. We’ve all been told how vaccines wiped out certain contagious diseases, however at the same time there were more stringent sanitary conditions imposed. So why do we still faithfully line up to be injected with viruses in the hopes that we won’t get “the” disease?
Dispelling the myths: Do vaccines really make us immune? What happens when vaccines “backfire”? Why is it we have to have booster shots with vaccines whereas if we let ourselves get the actual disease we are immune for life?
This class answers some compelling questions a person needs to ask before they decide whether vaccines are right for them and their children! Tell your friends how easy it is to join a webinar.
Recorded session of: June 24th on Natural Anger Supports Anger can be a very motivating emotion, however sustained, repressed anger can lead to real health issues. Anger may be a sign of a toxic liver. This class will give you some very helpful tips on how to let anger work for you in a productive way. We will also discuss some ways to clean the liver and support better health.
What's in your medicine chest? Would you like to have safe alternatives to the drugs you now depend on for helping with pain? Speed up the healing process, reduce inflammation, help relieve pain.while working with natural remedies. Learn some things that you can do immediately to stop bleeding; fight infection; and avoid bruising.
Invite your friends to this Free Webinar on Emergency First aid care. You are the first responder in situations and what you do the first 20 minutes after an injury may determine how long you are in pain and how long it takes for your body to heal.
Looking for extra income? Love sharing natural health with others?
Check out this webinar! It is time sensitive. The quicker you find out and partner, the more money earning opportunity you have. Let's talk! You can download the Webinar that was presented on Feb. 28th at 10am and it will come up in Window’s Media Player. Play at your convenience. This opportunity to earn and learn will end July 31st. Those who join in March will earn the most. NSP the 500 Manager
Past classes available for download:
Pain Relief without Medication
What do you do when you have pain? Do you run to the medicine chest and take an analgesic such as aspirin or Ibuprofen? These medications have side effects and disrupt the intestinal system. Some cause perforation and bleeding while others damage the liver. Learn some very simple emergency techniques to deal with pain while assisting the body and facilitate healing. Some of these techniques are common sense once you learn the basic mechanisms that occur during trauma.
Download this webinar free:
Feeling Stressed--You Can Handle It: Everyone has stress in their life, but when we don’t have the tools we need to handle our stress it can make us physically ill. Chronic Stress is linked with high blood pressure and other heart problems, digestive and intestinal disorders, fatigue, insomnia and a reduced immune response. This class will give you the tools you need to get your life back into balance, learn some techniques that will help you de-stress and find out what nutrition is missing that will help your body reverse some of these stress related conditions. Download this class and watch from your computer or iPod!
Colon Health--Is once a day enough? The recorded version of this class is now available for download. Simply click on this link: and follow the instructions on downloading the file into your computer. Once it is downloaded you will be able to view at your leisure--stopping and starting the program wherever you like. The class will be viewed on Windows Media Player.
What I love about NSP This class is available on DVD: Why do I trust my health, the health of my family, friends and clients to Nature's Sunshine Products? In this discussion you will see why I chose NSP for this very important task. Take a tour through the NSP websites and learn about their testing procedures and the attention to quality now available to you from NSP. Did you know that you have experts waiting for your questions? Did you wonder about supplement and medication and how you can create health instead of dependency? We have medical doctors and pharmacists and other scientists available to you through your membership. They understand about medications and supplements. This lecture is important for you to understand the full benefit of your membership with Nature's Sunshine--Don't miss it!
This class will be repeated upon request.